I've got a new Kickstarter for a guidebook to gonzo gaming, and it caps off with a Cha'alt adventure... and hopefully some version of Lavender Moons of Cha'alt digital comic. Find the KS campaign by googling "Primordial Chaos: Gonzo Like A Fucking Boss."
__________Cha'alt is the beast of... [click here for more]
You knew the legend of the killer in these woods, but you never thought it was true. You thought it would be safe to camp here. You thought wrong. Now find out if you have what it takes to survive in this game of strategy and terror.
Player beware! Killer is near.
Inside this player’s handbook lurks: • Rules for living out your own personal slasher film experience • Horrifying illustrations... [click here for more]
Empires of honor. Empires of beauty. Empires of intrigue. Empires of war.
Explore the land of Wa Xing, an aging empire trapped by its own isolation. Immerse yourself in the intrigues of the great civil war wracking Taiyo No Niwa, a land shattered by rebellious samurai and a proud emperor. Adventure in the flying cities of Balam Pipeul. All the while, the nations of Patriam seek to colonize... [click here for more]
Welcome to the JungleVietnam, 1966. You’re the last survivors of a long-range reconnaissance patrol sent to investigate Viet Cong activity near the Cambodian border. But now you’ve lost half the squad, the radio guy just stepped on a mine and you’re stranded in the bush. Between you and safety lie miles of death, disease, starvation; and something even worse. Can you make... [click here for more]
It is the year 1500. In the town of Salzburg, many routes meet. Every day, carts full of salt and steel, Bohemian glass and Italian wine cross the well-defended bridge. A duty is imposed on all wares, though few people benefit.High on the hill above the river, the pious and cruel archbishop Leonhard von Keutschach is building a new fortress to maintain control. In the streets below,... [click here for more]
Es klingelt ist ein experimentelles Erzählspiel für drei Personen. Im Lauf der Partie entsteht eine surreale Kurzgeschichte.
Es klingelt ist von den Texten des italienischen Autors Dino Buzzati inspiriert, insbesondere von der Erzählung »Die Bombe« (Originaltitel: »All’idrogeno«). Je nach Laune der Würfel kann die Geschichte auch Spuren von Kafka... [click here for more]
Es ist das blutige 17. Jahrhundert. Auf jedem Hügel steht eine Kanone, in jedem Tal hallt ihr Donner wider. Du bist ehrlos, auf der Flucht. Bist du desertiert? Aus Knechtschaft oder einer unglücklichen Ehe geflohen? Du lebst auf der Straße, vielleicht von deinem Witz oder dem Ertrag deiner flinken Finger.Und natürlich von deinen Liedern! Du singst über deine Erlebnisse.... [click here for more]