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KIROTTU KIRJA on toinen virallinen lisäosa legendaariseen PRAEDOR-fantasiaroolipeliin. Se on rauniokaupunkien, kammottavien hirviöiden ja satumaisten aarteiden kirja, joka myös uudistaa roolipelin sääntöjä.
KIROTTU KIRJA tuo peliin niin paljon uusia hirviöitä ja olentoja, ettei niitä enää koskaan tarvita lisää. Kattavat aarteiden ja muinaisten salaisuuksien kuvaukset toimivat myös... [click here for more] |
Burger Games |
SALAISUUKSIEN KIRJA on ensimmäinen virallinen lisäosa legendaariseen PRAEDOR-fantasiaroolipeliin. Se sukeltaa Jaconian salatieteisiin, jumalten salattuihin riitteihin ja demonien kanssa harjoitettuun noituuteen. SALAISUUKSIEN KIRJA paljastaa myös monia Jaconian mestareiden salaisuuksia, outoja temppuja ja kykyjä, joiden oppimisesta voi olla seikkailijoille suurta apua maailman rajan kummallakin... [click here for more] |
Burger Games |
HUOM! Tämä on Dreamers of Bogland -seikkailun suomenkielinen versio. Kansikuvassa on eri värit, mutta itse seikkailu on aivan sama, ainoastaan kieli on suomeksi.
Leväluhdan nukkujat on nykyaikaiseen Suomeen sijoittuva Cthulhun kutsu -seikkailu, jossa muinainen hulluus ja vanhat kansanrunot tuntuvat kietoutuvan yhteen. Kalevalaan kätkeytyvät runot, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seuran synkät salaisuudet... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
VARJOJEN KIRJA on kolmas virallinen lisäosa kuuluisaan PRAEDOR-fantasiaroolipeliin. Se kertoo Jaconian muinaishistoriasta ja varjoista jotka kurottuvat sieltä aina tähän päivään. VARJOJEN KIRJA on tarkoitettu pelinjohtajille, jotka haluavat vetää seikkailuita Jaconian rajojen sisällä. Se on myös oiva tietoteos kaikille Jaconian synkästä menneisyydestä... [click here for more] |
Burger Games |
Kirjan ennakkotilaus. Ilmestyy Ropeconissa! PDF heti!
Kirjoitettu suomalaiselle roolipelille Seikkailuja! Seikkailuja!, mutta sääntökevyenä taipuu helposti sinun suosikkisysteemiisi.
6 uutta karmeaa hirviötä
36 erikoiskykyä otuksille
Ohjeet omien hirviöiden luontiin
Ensimmäisen osion kuvitti Joona 6v. ... [click here for more] |
D-oom Products |
Tässä, vuoteen 1899-sijoittuvassa Vaesen- mysteerissä hahmot matkustavat Venäjälle, Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan pääkaupunkiin, Helsinkiin selvittämään vaikeaa tapausta, johon liittyy traagisia tarinoita ja aviottomia lapsia... SV: Kurjat ihmiskohtalot, prostituutio, väkivalta, päihteet, mielenterveyden järkkyminen, viattomat uhrit ... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Roolipeli seikkailijoista seikkailijoille. Pelin säännöt keskittyvät näyttävään ja nopeaan toimintaan ja taipuvat moneen eri tilanteeseen. Tämä Seikkailuja! Seikkailuja! peruskirja esittelee pelivalmiina kaiken:
Nopean hahmonluonnin ja neljä valmishahmoa
Säännöt, mitkä taipuvat moneen eri tyyliin ja mitä on helppo soveltaa
Fantastisia varusteita, aseita ja loitsuja
Olentoja, mitkä... [click here for more] |
D-oom Products |
$16.06 $5.54
Haluaisitko liikkua enemmän? Voittaako roolipelisessio lenkille lähdön aina kun arkesi minuutteja jaetaan? Kuinka ulkoilun voisi yhdistää roolipelaamiseen ja näin tehdä liikkumisesta hauska ja tarinallinen kokemus? Nyt tähän on ratkaisu, ja se löytyy tämän pelin sivuilta! Kirjanen sisältää lisäksi useita generaattoreita eri tyylisiin peleihin, joten voit alkaa pelata kavereidesi... [click here for more] |
Storycraftsman |
Blind Sword Inn -hotellissa kuulet Emeline Fusedust, Cambion Magi, joka on aiheuttanut jännitystä läheisten sotien ja piilossa läheisessä Haunted Housessa. Ork Warrior, nimeltään Arthur Springcleaver, palkkaa sinut kirouksen nostamiseen. Näin palautat paikallisen elämäntavan. ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
:lang="fi">Ava-karhut ovat tunnetusti vaikea laji tutkia, koska ne viettävät suurimman osan elämästään laavapetojen sisällä tai sen ympärillä ja voivat olla erittäin pieniä täysikasvuisina. Tämän vuoksi on vaarallista tarkkailla niitä ilman asianmukaisia laitteita. Jokainen Creature Ecologies -lehden numero kattaa eri olennon, jossa on kuvia, opetustietoa ja käyttäytymistietoja.... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Hymyilevässä Drake-apteekissa kuulet Terrowin Forestblightista, ihmissotilasta, joka on väijyttänyt ohi kulkevia asuntovaunuja ja piiloutunut läheisiin kaivoksiin. Tonttu Magi nimeltä Borin Voidblight palkkaa sinut varastamaan pyhäinjäännöksen Terrowinilta. Tekemällä niin saat toivoa kaikille kaupungin asukkaille. ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |