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この本、『グラマーの歩き方』は2021年のエニー賞の Best Organized Play 部門で金賞を受賞した『A Rough Guide to Glamour』の完全な日本語訳版です。(注意: 原書は英語版で、別にフランス語版もありますので、そちらと間違えないようにしてください。)
This book is... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
孤立した山間の氏族で成人を迎えた若者たち。彼らは、ルナー帝国の征服の後に生まれ育った最初の世代であり、彼らは“ケルドンの”カリルが反乱に失敗し、同胞が血を流して死ぬのを目の当たりにしていた。カリルは、それでもサーターを解放する運命にあるのは、自分だと信じる。運命は――あるいは幸運は――この若いサーター人たちを彼女の道へと導こうとしていた。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
シナリオは4~6人向けにデザインされているが、少ない人数でもプレイできるようアドバイスも含まれている(キーパー1人、プレイヤー1人まで対応)。このシナリオは通常1回のセッションで遊べるだろう。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
注: この本は成人向けのテーマを扱っています。キーパー(ゲームマスター)は、自身やグループの年齢や雰囲気に応じて、表現を調整することをお勧めします。性的な表現を含む成人向けの内容です。18歳未満閲覧禁止。 このシナリオは、ペルーとニューヨークの間で「ニャルラトホテプの仮面」キャンペーンをプレイしている人たちに素晴らしい追加要素を提供します。探索者たちはシュブ・ニグラスの勢力による破壊からニューヨークを救う競争に巻き込まれることになります。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
「灯火、永久に」(著者:Allan Carey)は、4~5人のプレイヤーで一晩の恐怖を体験できるシナリオです。本作は、ミスカトニック・リポジテリの人気シリーズ「シーズ・オブ・テラー」の第ニ作目です。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
本作は、Nick BrookeによるRQシナリオ「The Duel at Dangerford」(https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/307504/The-Duel-at-Dangerford?src=hottest_filtered)の日本語版になります。英雄戦争の開幕を告げる歴史大河を是非!
ドラゴン・パスの昇月の寺院を喰らい尽した「真竜の目覚め(Dragonrise)」は、ルナー帝国のドラゴン・パス正面の軍事基盤も同時に壊滅させた。“聡明なる”タティウス等、ルナー帝国の属領地首脳陣や軍の中核戦力が昇月の寺院の月の欠片と共に竜の胃袋に消えた。ケルドン部族の女王にしてルナー支配に対する最大の抵抗者であったカリル・スターブロウは、この好機を逃すことなくサーターの諸部族を帝国への叛乱へと駆り立てた。彼女は、速やかにサーターの王都ボルドホームを手中に収め、サーター王国の再興を成し遂げたのだ。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
サーター王国のありふれた小村の一つ、グリーンブラス村。しかし、この村には、一つ、不可思議な伝統がある。数年に一度、大地の女神の力を受けた魔法の木(マネーツリー)が魔力に満ちた実をつける。その実を村に持ち帰らねばならないのだ。ところが、神託が収獲のときを告げた時、村の(少々の危険をものともせずに旅できる)男たちは、みんな出払ってしまっていた。困り果てた村長のヘネレは、村の外の人間の力を借りることを決意する。... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
ヨーザリアンのダック盗賊団はゴロツキ集団だ。誇り高いが小柄なドゥルルズ族にとってはさらに過酷な世界を放浪している。今、彼らは一攫千金を狙うか、物語のヒーローになるかのチャンスを目前にしている。プレイヤーたちはどんな道を選ぶのだろうか? それとも、彼らのパッションに導かれるのだろうか? このシナリオを友人たちと遊んで確かめてみよう!... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
リミナルホラーは非クラス制のルール軽量型TRPGであり、ストーリー 性とデッドリーさを引き立てる為にレベル制を避けています。
プレイヤーは探索者となり、恐ろしいものや正体不明の存在が潜む現代 世界を探索する中で、その日常と怪異の交叉路を探し出します。
本作はYochai Gal氏による『Cairn』(Into... [click here for more] |
Goblin Archives |
In the ethereal realm between wakefulness and slumber, the Dreamwalker emerges as a master of the subconscious, navigating the intricate tapestry of dreams with unparalleled prowess. With an inherent connection to the dreamscape, a Dreamwalker possesses a unique set of abilities that transcends the boundaries of the waking world. They can shape the very fabric of dreams, molding landscapes to their... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
$10.00 $4.95
にブラインドソードインでは、近くの戦う派閥と近くのホーンテッドハウスに隠れているカンビオンマギであるエメリンフューズダストについて耳にします。アーサースプリングクリーバーという名前のオークの戦士があなたを雇って呪いを解きます。そうすることによって、あなたは地元の生活様式を回復するでしょう。... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
Oftentimes we find ourselves sitting around the table, with a set adventure path before our players, and the inevitable happens. One player is unprepared for the session or is in need of a new character.
No problem.
Within this collection are 100 different characters. Each Character has an origin, a reason for leaving, family members and their disposition towards... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
:lang="ja">溶岩クマは、ほとんどの人生を溶岩床の中や周りに住んでおり、完全に成長すると非常に小さくなる可能性があるため、研究が難しいことで有名です。これにより、適切な機器なしでそれらを観察することは危険です。 Creature Ecologiesの各号は、写真、教育情報、行動の事実を含むさまざまな生き物をカバーしています
... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
SmilingDrake Apothecaryで、通りすがりのキャラバンを待ち伏せして近くの鉱山に隠れている人間の戦士、TerrowinForestblightについて耳にします。 BorinVoidblightという名前のエルフマギがあなたを雇ってTerrowinから遺物を盗みます。そうすることで、町のみんなに希望をもたらすでしょう。 ... [click here for more] |
McNabb Games |
15x20 Battle Map - Banshee Island
Famous Riding Animal from Avatar Movie
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Fantasy Adventure Flying Vehicles... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
15x20 Battle Map - Double Lodge Hotel
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100 any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Ambush Fruit Farm
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid, No Grid)
4098x3072px,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Beach Front Ship Battle Field Ambush
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Saloon or Drinking Bar, Meeting point
... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Deep Forest Warehouse Finding Treasure
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Forest Junction
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100 any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Meeting Room
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100 any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - New Market Dark Ambush
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid, No Grid)... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Old Forest Roads
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Plant House Laboratory
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Saloon or Drinking Bar, Meeting point
Product... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Prisoners Restroom
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Saloon or Drinking Bar, Meeting point, Underground Room
... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Royal Bank Lobby
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100 any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Sahara Ambush Desert
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid, No Grid)
4098x3072px,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Tavern Street Night Day Market
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Tomb of the Ancient
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid+No Grid)
Night Version (Grid+No Grid)
4098x3072px, 20x15
Total 4 JPGs No Watermark
Warning: for personal use only, commercial usage or printing for re-sale is... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x15 Battle Map - Village Ambush
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid, No Grid)
4098x3072px, 20x15
Total 4 JPGs No Watermark
Warning:... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x20 Battle Map - Chests on the Wood
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk,
Rivers of London, D100 any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Forest Ambush
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x20 Battle Map - Deceased Tree for Blade Runner RPG Adventures
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, DND Map, D100 Systems and any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version (Grid,... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x20 Battle Map - Endless Tower Entrance Wizard Adventure
(Murder Scene, Horror Crime, Halloween Ghost Story Map)
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder, any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign
Product Contains:
Day Version (Grid, No Grid)
Night Version... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24
20x20 Battle Map - House of Chests
All maps from RubyRPG are compatible with many game systems.
Such as Dungon and Dragons, Pathfinder,RoleMaster, Bladerunner, Cyberpunk, Rivers of London, D100
any Fantasy Home Brew Campaign that contains Saloon or Drinking Bar, Meeting point
Product... [click here for more] |
RubyRPG |
$2.99 $2.24