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13 Lucky: Character Sheet

13 Lucky: Character Sheet

This is a character sheet template for 13 Lucky. The full game and additional files are also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

This is a pre-written one-shot for the game system 13 Lucky. The full guide to this game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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Coven & Crucible Addendum

Coven & Crucible Addendum

An addendum for the ttrpg Coven & Crucible. This includes updated rules and mechanics and is an addendum for the Corebook. Coven & Crucible is a 2d12 system, meaning the only dice required are two (2) 12-sided dice. The system itself is meant to be easy to learn and streamlined so we can get quickly back to the story when a roll is called for.  There are four attributes that define a character,...   [click here for more]
13th Moon Games   FREE 

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Dimday Red - Mini Moribus Cards

Dimday Red - Mini Moribus Cards

The full set of 49 Moribus Cards, so you can prin, cut out and use, to face the end of days! ...   [click here for more]
1sickPuppy   FREE 

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Dimday Red - Playbooks

Dimday Red - Playbooks

You can play as one of the following characters, setting upon an impossible task. Marble Eyes - Insight - Gifted with extraordinary sight, the Marble Eyes is esoteric and provident, considering different viewpoints and resolutions. Hardskin - Armor - Tough inside and out, the Hardskin is used to endure and overcome, pushing through every single day. Zealot - Berserker -...   [click here for more]
1sickPuppy   FREE 

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Dimday Red Quickstart

Dimday Red Quickstart

The Tabletop RPG Dimday Red, pits players right in the last days of human kind. Nowhere to run, no deus ex machina, just choosing how they will live their lives while the world ends. Depending on their choices and playing style, players gain Moribus cards which in time lead to the Seven Deadly Sin and Seven Heavenly Virtue cards. Their Sins and Virtues define their personalities and provide them...   [click here for more]
1sickPuppy   FREE 

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Savage Battlelords Character Sheets

Savage Battlelords Character Sheets

Free downloadable character sheets for Savage Worlds version of Battlelords of the 23rd Century (aka Savage Battlelords) Multiple versions of the character sheet are included: 1) Character Sheet 2) Character Sheet with form fields you can fill in using Adobe Acrobat ...   [click here for more]
23rd Century Productions, LLC   FREE 

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SCP The Tabletop RPG 2nd Edition (Full Book FREE!)

SCP The Tabletop RPG 2nd Edition (Full Book FREE!)

Welcome to SCP.2e, Where Reality Unravels and the Unimaginable Awaits! Prepare yourself for an unparalleled tabletop role-playing experience in the world of the SCP Foundation, based on the ever-growing internet phenomenon of science-fiction horror known simply as "S.C.P.".  In this ttrpg the boundaries between the known and the unknown begin to blur, and your next decision could...   [click here for more]
26 Letter Publishing   FREE 

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SCP.2e Character Sheet

SCP.2e Character Sheet

Character Sheet for use with SCP The Tabletop RPG 2nd edition. Includes both Print version and Virtual Tabletop PDF Get SCP.2e free HERE: Content relating to the SCP Foundation, including the SCP Foundation logo, is licensed under Creative Commons Sharealike 3.0 and all concepts originate...   [click here for more]
26 Letter Publishing   FREE 

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Blades in the Dark livrets VF

Blades in the Dark livrets VF

Les livrets de Personnages et de la Bande de la deuxième édition en VF ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Capes (Démo)

Capes (Démo)

Capes se veut un changement radical par rapport à la plupart des jeux de rôle.  Dans Capes il n'y a pas de Meneur de Jeu. Il y a des joueurs et chacun incarne plusieurs personnages, y compris les antagonistes. Tout le monde contribue à la narration.  Cela signifie que vous serez toujours impliqué, mais que vous n'aurez jamais le contrôle.  ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Carnage dans les étoiles

Carnage dans les étoiles

CARNAGE DANS LES ÉTOILES EST UN JEU DE RÔLE SE DÉROULANT DANS UN FUTUR LOINTAIN. Il s’agit d’un univers de science-fiction où tout les joueurs incarnent les membres de la Force Expéditionnaire d’élite du 3:16e. Cette force militaire a quitté Terra il y aplus de 10 000 ans de cela, en ayant une mission bien définie : Leur mission consiste à affronter et à vaincre tout ce l’univers...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Ce jeu traite des épreuves, des victoires et des dé- convenues d’individus en marge de la société. Ces aven- turiers ont refusé le quotidien monotone pour essayer de se bâtir un avenir, une situation, ou au moins une bonne nuit d’ivresse dans le prochain bouge crasseux. Leurs péripéties se déroulent dans le monde créé par l’écrivain Robert Ervin Howard pour son personnage le...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La laverie - L'agent d'intervention

La laverie - L'agent d'intervention

Il y a deux types d’agents à la Laverie. Les horribles gratte-papier qui utilisent leur connaissance de l’occulte pour mieux l’enterrer. Et ceux qui utilisent cette connaissance pour mieux enterrer les hor-reurs occultes qui menacent les gratte-papier. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - L'espion bureaucrate

La Laverie - L'espion bureaucrate

Le véritable espion ne pavoise pas dans des cock- tails au bras de créatures de rêve ou dans des voitures de luxe. C’est un travailleur besogneux et consciencieux qui accumule les faits et les évi- dences. À la Laverie, ils ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - L'officier

La Laverie - L'officier

Vous êtes une personne normale dans un monde normal, ou presque. Surtout, vous ne voulez pas savoir. Mais vous êtes prêt à tout pour repousser ces monstres. Parce que les interventions contre des humains, c’est pas trop votre trip. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - La Geek Démonologiste

La Laverie - La Geek Démonologiste

Tantra L’information, c’est le pouvoir. Le pouvoir, c’est la magie. L’information haut débit, c’est de la magie. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

Toutes les créatures extérieures, toutes les monstruosités terrestres ne sont pas mauvaises. Certaines peuvent même être convaincues de travailler pour nous. Sinon, on peut toujours les contraindre avec un geis idoine. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Le sorcier Acrédité

La Laverie - Le sorcier Acrédité

500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Livret vierge

La Laverie - Livret vierge

Un livret vierge pour créer votre propre archétype de personnage. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Quill est un jeu de rôle pour une personne – vous. Dans une partie typique de Quill, le but est d’impressionner le destinataire afin qu’il réponde favo- rablement à votre lettre. Vous accomplirez cela par un usage adroit du langage et l’excellence de votre présentation, lançant les dés pour déterminer si vous avez réussi ou non à utiliser les bons mots, les meilleures descriptions...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World - version alpha

Shonen World est un jeu de rôle basé sur le moteur de Apocalypse World émulant les mangas de baston paraissant dans le magazine Shonen Jump, et leurs adaptations anime, où un héros au grand cœur et ses compagnons vivent de nombreuses aventures riches en combats difficiles, et réussissent à surmonter l’adversité grâce à leur détermination, leurs efforts et leur amitié : Dragon Ball, Saint...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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The Nightmares Underneath

The Nightmares Underneath

Le Règne de la Loi Les Royaumes Oniriques sont nombreux et variés, mais tous ont un point commun : le triomphe de la Loi sur le Chaos. Dans chaque royaume, la Loi règne sans partage. La civilisation a repoussé les doutes et la violence associées au chaos et au désordre. Ces royaumes sont-ils vraiment des rêves ? Ou sont-ils de simples caprices, des royaumes féeriques sombres et étherés ?...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Titan World

Titan World

500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle   FREE 

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Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers - Redux

Troublemakers est un jeu inspiré par des films, des séries télé et des livres, avec notamment, entre autres Les Goonies, ET : l’Extra-Terrestre, The Monster Squad, etc... Le jeu est centré sur des enfants qui vivent des aventures incroyables, et réussissent à sauver la mise malgré les manigances des adultes autour d’eux, tout en découvrant des choses secrètes et merveilleuses,...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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World Wide Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling

Monter sur le ring et assurez le show dans ce jeu de rôle qui vous invite à vous glisser dans la peau d'un artiste de catch ! ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Level 1 2022

Level 1 2022

LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2022. Now you can get it digitally...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2023

Level 1 2023

Level 1 is an annual TTRPG anthology celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short TTRPGs created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on! Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2023. Now you can get it digitally too. This is a free product. Download the PDF and enjoy! Inside, you will find ready-to-play games about...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Level 1 2024

Level 1 2024

The indie RPG scene is a diverse, fascinating, and vibrant part of the TTRPG community. With Level 1: The Indie RPG Anthology, 9th Level Games brings together choice games from the world of indie RPGs in an annual collection published in time for Free RPG Day. The 2024 edition of Level 1 is themed around "Command Line." This year's designers take us to the internet, the future, and other worlds. We...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Mazes Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

Mazes Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

A no-prep quick-play version of the Fantasy Roleplaying Game called Mazes, originally published as a booklet for Free RPG Day. Experience Mazes for the first time in this 30-minute adventure designed for newcomers! All you need are d4, a d6, a d8, and a d10, plus some pencils. This free digital download comes with everything else you need! If you like this FREE guide, check out the full version of...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Mazes Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

Mazes Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

A no-prep quick-play version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, originally published as a booklet for Free RPG Day. Experience Mazes for the first time in this 30-minute adventure designed for newcomers! All you need are d4, a d6, a d8, and a d10, plus some pencils. If you like this FREE guide, check out the full version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, available here.  Return...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Return to Dark Tower Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

Return to Dark Tower Zero Prep Introduction to Fantasy Roleplaying

A no-prep quick-play version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, originally published as a booklet for Free RPG Day. Experience Mazes for the first time in this 30-minute adventure designed for newcomers! All you need are d4, a d6, a d8, and a d10, plus some pencils. Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying is an officially licensed, complete fantasy RPG based on the hit board game...   [click here for more]
9th Level Games   FREE 

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Downcrawl 2E Preview: Journey Rules

Downcrawl 2E Preview: Journey Rules

A new edition of Downcrawl is here! Enjoy this advanced preview of the Journey Rules in the new edition, and google "Downcrawl Backerkit" to find out how you can pre-order the full game (to be fulfilled by DriveThruRPG). Explore cursed mazes. Build stalactite cities. Get addicted to mushrooms. Welcome Down. Downcrawl is a tabletop roleplaying toolkit that...   [click here for more]
Aaron A. Reed   FREE 

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Draw Steel & Delve Preview

Draw Steel & Delve Preview

DRAW STEEL! FINISHED PLAYING THE BACKER PACKET, BUT WANT MORE DRAW STEEL? HERE IS THREE MORE MODULES THAT YOU CAN RUN WITH THE BACKER PACKET. This is the free preview and contains the Goblins' Gambit adventure along with VTT map. If you want the full version go here -   [click here for more]
Abol Tabol   FREE 

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Shadowdark Hex Crawl Rules (Preview)

Shadowdark Hex Crawl Rules (Preview)

FULL VERSION AVAILABLE HERE. What is a hex crawl? Hex crawl games are ones where the players, often begin with a largely empty or partial map that is only some of the map (the shoreline of an island, a frontier town etc.) is filled. The map is formatted on a grid of hexagons, most of which begin blank. The gamemaster (GM) tells the players which hex they are starting in, usually one of the filled in...   [click here for more]
Abol Tabol   FREE 

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Shadowdark: Monster Menagerie Free Preview

Shadowdark: Monster Menagerie Free Preview

This is a free preview of the Shadowdark: Monster Menagerie book which contains variant stat blocks for common enemies that Shadowdark delvers might face. Fighting the same stat block over and over again is boring. Hence, this is an attempt to give the gamemaster the tools to make fighting the same kind of monster interesting. Check out this preview which contains 6 new stat blocks-  Drow Arachnida...   [click here for more]
Abol Tabol   FREE 

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The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..." Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them. On the...   [click here for more]
Above Average Creations  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon 6 - Book of Kajila (ITA)

Dungeon 6 - Book of Kajila (ITA)

Una nuova Razza per Dungeon 6, il gioco di avventure fantasy ed esplorazione di Dungeon modulare! Si tratta dei Kajila, razza magica affine all'elemento acqua, generatasi tra le vertiginose altezze della Torre Esagonale!  Dungeon 6 è un Gioco da Tavolo fantasy di esplorazione di labirinti, epiche battaglie e meravigliosi tesori, dotato di un immediato...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni   FREE 

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The Box of Delights – The Roleplaying Game (Downloadable Materials)

The Box of Delights – The Roleplaying Game (Downloadable Materials)

This product contains copies of the Player Character Sheets, Encounter Boxes, and Player Handouts that appear in the Appendix of The Box of Delights – The Roleplaying Game. *             *             * “And now, Master Harker, of Seekings,” the old man said, “now that the Wolves are Running… perhaps you...   [click here for more]
ACE Gamebooks Roleplay   FREE 

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Inkforged RPG Quickstart

Inkforged RPG Quickstart

This quickstart guide contains a pared down version of the Inkforged RPG rules. Inkforged is a brand new campaign setting using the also new Defined by Dice game system. You play as an Ikon, a hero created when you read a mysterious book of fantastical stories that pulled you into its all-too-real Realm of wonder and danger. The Book is alive. It is an evolving,...   [click here for more]
ACE Games   FREE 

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Apocalisse - John's Guide to the Armageddon QUICKSTART

Apocalisse - John's Guide to the Armageddon QUICKSTART

THE END OF THE WORLD IS HERE… Apocalisse is the definitive 5E setting based on the Book of Revelation by St. John, and it will lead you into the final war between angels and demons. In the immense Armageddon battlefield, the ultimate fight between angels and demons, between those who fight for the Throne of the Lord and those who serve the Abyss, has started. But...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Apocalisse - John's Guide to the Armageddon QUICKSTART [ITA]

Apocalisse - John's Guide to the Armageddon QUICKSTART [ITA]

LA FINE DEL MONDO È ARRIVATA... Apocalisse è il gioco di ruolo definitivo per 5a Edizione basato sul Libro della Rivelazione di San Giovanni, che vi condurrà nella guerra finale fra angeli e demoni. Nell’immenso campo di battaglia dell’Armageddon, lo scontro finale tra angeli e demoni, tra le schiere che combattono per il Trono del Signore e quelle che servono...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Helluva Town - Quickstart

Helluva Town - Quickstart

THAT’S MAD, FOLKS! 1930s, New York City. Helluva Town is one of the city’s secret neighborhoods, wedged somewhere between Little Italy and the Bowery – and inhabited by living cartoons. An unsettling crowd of lunatics, hyper-colorful, liberally partaking of sex and gender, whose lives are potentially infinite and with one thing on their mind: fun, wacky zany fun! HELLUVA TOWN is intended to...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Helluva Town - Quickstart [ITA]

Helluva Town - Quickstart [ITA]

THAT’S MAD, FOLKS! NEW YORK City, anni Trenta. Helluva Town è un quartiere segreto della città, nascosto da qualche parte fra Little Italy e la Bowery – e popolato da cartoni animati viventi. UN’INQUIETANTE MOLTITUDINE di pazzi scriteriati, iper-colorata, dal sesso incerto e libero, dalla vita potenzialmente infinita e soprattutto ricca di matto divertimento! HELLUVA TOWN è un gioco di...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Marco Polo's Legacy 5E - Quickstart

Marco Polo's Legacy 5E - Quickstart

MARCO POLO’S LEGACY 5E ROAD TO THE CELESTIAL EMPIRE A brand-new historical-fantasy setting for 5E based on the Travels of Marco Polo and Chinese folklore and myths! Join the Guardian Merchants, a secret brotherhood of warriors and travelers dedicated to researching and trading arcane artifacts. Fight against evil supernatural forces, demons, and even would-be gods. ...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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Marco Polo's Legacy 5E - Quickstart [ITA]

Marco Polo's Legacy 5E - Quickstart [ITA]

Una nuovissima ambientazione fantasy storica per 5E basata sui viaggi di Marco Polo e sul folklore e miti cinesi! Unisciti ai Mercanti Guardiani, una confraternita segreta di guerrieri e viaggiatori dedita alla ricerca e al commercio di artefatti arcani. Combatti contro forze soprannaturali malvagie, demoni e persino aspiranti dei. Parti per la più grande avventura della storia attraverso la Via...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games   FREE 

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The Sacred and the Profane

The Sacred and the Profane

"You live in Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Your homes are threatened by war and plague. Feudal, religious, and traditional orders rule your lives. What will you choose?" Based on the "Lasers and Feelings" ruleset by John Harper, a game about the conflict between human desires and saintly morals. Will your characters seek what they wish or what is right? ...   [click here for more]
AcidicAmateur   FREE 

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Black Spider Dumplings Rock n Roll RPG

Black Spider Dumplings Rock n Roll RPG

You are in a Rock or Metal band, and you have all sold your soul to the Devil, in exchange for success, fame, fortune, and power. The demon demands four souls (!), one for each member of the band, in return for this boon. It is coming for yours, unless you can provide others. To this end it has assigned a Lesser Demon to possess your tour bus, to keep an eye on you and make sure you comply....   [click here for more]
ACME Rockets and TNT   FREE 

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Aberration Mind Sorcerer Subclass (ToV) conversion

Aberration Mind Sorcerer Subclass (ToV) conversion

Aberration Mind Sorcerer Subclass Have you ever wanted to have your Sorcerer to be tied to the great ones beyond the stars. To be influenced by those that forever sleep. Do you want to be able to reach out and touch others minds. Harness the powers of the ones beyond in this PDF. Included in this PDF is A simple conversion of the Aberrant Mind Sorcerer to the Tales of the Valiant rule system. A...   [click here for more]
ADeeHDee   FREE 

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  Instant Dungeon Crawl: Caves of Chaos