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PDF-Only Version Archaeologist in Need: A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers.... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
 This map pack. It presents 1 map for Forest, each with different times, for a total of 8 maps. Download all of them as one. PDF, You can save all the maps at once an easy clicks.
The versions include:
Day & Night
Gridded and Gridless
Rain & no rain
For printing
License... [click here for more] |
Play1up |
Pay What You Want
Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party.
A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
 This is a character sheet template for 13 Lucky.
The full game and additional files are also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
This is a pre-written one-shot for the game system 13 Lucky. The full guide to this game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 We're excited for the 2024 release. Inspired by the latest images of the new character sheet, we've created our own version for anyone eager to use it in their current games.
We've attempted to be accurate, though a few discrepancies may linger. Currently, this is in Letter size, but if there's enough demand, we'll also create an A4 version. Update: @germanso on itch.io has... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
Pay What You Want
 20x30 Horror Street v.1 (Free) ... [click here for more] |
Pygmaps |
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 This Pathfinder 2e compatible character sheet consists of six front and back printable/foldable pages which come together to create a compact booklet equipped to take any character from first to 20th level!
Page 1: Cover page with space for character, player, campaign, and party names.
Page 2: Space for general character information and stats
Page 3: Space for HP, AC, and skills
Page 4: Space for... [click here for more] |
dogwalkoclock |
Pay What You Want
 Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles
A peine reveillé de cryo, les PJs sont envoyés sur une mission de routine : survie en milieu hostile et prise de contact avec des indigènes. Et forcement, quand on va négocier à coup de rangers, ça fini par déraper.
Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale provient... [click here for more] |
Calandil |
Pay What You Want
 Scénario pour 3:16 Carnage dans les Etoiles
Quand les senseurs sont incapables de cartographier une planète indigère, c'est les PJs qu'on envoie. Au programme, un mode low gravité et des araignées, beaucoup d'araignée. Ensuite, le debrief et un repos bien merité sauf que...
Il s'agit d'une mise à disposition d'un scénario maison. Les images sont générées par AI (midjourney), l'idée initiale... [click here for more] |
Calandil |
Pay What You Want
 What's Included:
An expansive collection of clever and creative house rules that inject excitement, realism, customization, and just plain fun into your Dungeons & Dragons 5e game, or other TTRPG.
Compiled by Jud Kossum of Short Rest Studios through his own experience as a D&D player and Dungeon Master, as well as online sources, this list provides over 50 house rules across various categories... [click here for more] |
Short Rest Studios |
Pay What You Want
5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is a sourcebook and conversion guide for playing in a setting inspired by an RPG from the early 90s about the adventures of a man transported to the future world of the 25th century using the White Star RPG rules
5120 AD: Overlords of Solaria is not a full RPG. It is a sourcebook for playing White... [click here for more] |
Geek Rampage |
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5E 6 Subclass Bundle!
This 5E subclass bundle features a glorious collection of 6 subclasses designed by Nano! A big thank you for checking out our work. I hope you enjoy the free 5E content as much as we enjoyed creating it.
Included Subclasses
Artificer: Weaver
A Weaver is adept at utilizing the abstract and conceptual to weave a tie between others and themselves. They use the ethereal plane... [click here for more] |
Gamingbrew |
Pay What You Want
Götter. Menschen. Drohnen.
In einer nicht zu fernen Zukunft hat die ständige Bombardierung mit technologischen Reizen, dem sogenannten Rauschen, den menschlichen Verstand überlastet und abgestumpft, so dass einst versteckte okkulte Kräfte nun offener agieren.
Dämonen, Geister, Monster und Götter - dieselben mythischen Mächte, die die Menschheit seit jeher begleitet und heimgesucht haben - müssen... [click here for more] |
Storypunks Publishing |
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Not all who have been buried are dead.
A storm forces the party into an abandoned old watchtower which once served as the final resting place for fallen nobles. It has since fallen to the dark creatures of the world, and as it turns out, they have honored dead of their own. ... [click here for more] |
Ember Studio |
Pay What You Want
A short introductory adventure for Land of the Blind's vagabond, but is meant to be system and setting agnostic. Inspired the TV series Penny Dreadful. ... [click here for more] |
Immersive Diversions |
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This is not a module. It is the narration of an adventure already played, during playtesting, and I am publishing it to illustrate the mechanics and flow of the second edition, which is coming out in late January 2025. While the new edition is somewhat different, it retains the feature that the book almost never has to be consulted during play, which means every player does not have to have a book,... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
 "Un petit bestiaire des bois" est né autour d'une table de jeu, à la fin d'une session, où nous nous remémorions les monstres que nous avions affrontés lors de nos toutes premières aventures il y a bien longtemps. Si les gobelins et les squelettes revenaient souvent, nous nous souvenions tous d'avoir été attaqués par des loups et d'autres animaux. Ces derniers étaient des ennemis redoutables... [click here for more] |
Black Lodrac RPG |
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A necromancer grows in power each day within their lair. Undead minions harass travelers and lurk at the edge of the village. Thanks to a magical artifact, the necromancer’s plans are expanding beyond raising the dead, and the forest will never be the same.
This module slots into an existing sandbox or is a short one-shot adventure. It is written to be compatible with the Worlds... [click here for more] |
Lindsey Bonnette |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
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 "Sappery engineers are scholars and pioneers of combat technology, strategy, and technique. By understanding the physical mechanisms of weapons and the soldiers that wield them sappers are able to educate and improve upon their designs and the ways that they are utilized, even inventing new weapons and techniques for their use in battle. Through the studies of sappers and the practice of expert warriors... [click here for more] |
Delcuze Dungeoneering |
Pay What You Want
"A Taste of F.O.H.G." is a standalone adventure game contained within a book. The gameplay combines elements of a "choose your own" style book and a classic dungeon crawling board game. In this game, players will explore a world presented on grid-based maps that are contained within the book itself. By using the provided print-and-play tokens on the maps, players will solve puzzles, evade traps, and... [click here for more] |
Red Flag Games |
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Trail of Deceit is centered around the search and capture of goblin raiders responsible for attacking wagon trains along the Narrow March.
5E Compatible ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
Pay What You Want
Embark on an unparalleled journey through the mystical lands of Ondaris with the essential "Traveler's Guide to Ondaris." This invaluable companion is your key to unlocking the medieval fantasy world that adventurers have long been searching for. Whether you're a seasoned player seeking new terrains or a gamemaster crafting epic narratives, this guide lays the foundation for unforgettable quests in... [click here for more] |
Ondaris Publishing |
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* Black Friday Digital Stocking Stuffer! *
"A Wizards Lazy Apprentice" is a visual writing prompt meant to stimulate the Game Master (GM) positively to become better at including background characters or to include some exciting activity while the characters are about.
This FREE ePub is being given to you in the hopes that it will stimulate your... [click here for more] |
By Jason D. Essex |
Pay What You Want
Abducted is a solo or co-op story-telling tabletop role-playing game that places players in the shoes of a human character who has been abruptly abducted by an alien race.
Players create both their human character and their alien character, determining their characteristics and motivations, and then utilize a deck of playing cards, with corresponding in-game tables, as prompts to progress the story... [click here for more] |
Games Franco |
Pay What You Want
![ACQUILE IN AFRICA [PIEGHEVOLE ITA]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/14126/491946-thumb140.png) Mini gioco di guerra da 2 a 8 o più giocatori, con pedine 2D da fare sulla tavola che riproducono gli scontri in territori africano tra l'aviazione italiana e quella inglese.
E un piccolo print and ply, pieghevole, su un A4 fronte retro orizzontale che piegato forma un volantino di un grazioso gioco portatile.
Come sempre Qwein Giochi Artigiano della Fantasia dal 1986 prodotto in italia
https://giochidiqwein.altervista.org... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
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RPGers rejoice!
Too long have you suffered with too much text and too little time. You now have a complete rules set to run sessions in the A8B (Advanced 8-Bit RPG) game system.
Herein you will find:
Zero Combat Matrices It’s all done with one simple roll!
No Complicated Movement Rules Just move to the next foe!
No Ranges to Measure Out If you can see it, shoot it!
It’s... [click here for more] |
Infinite Black |
Pay What You Want
Adventure Ahead! is a One-Page Tabletop RPG system that provides a super fast route to start fantasy adventures at the table for both players and GMs. The system prioritizes fast mechanics to keep immersion as the focus of your sessions with an easy "doing stuff" system and a lean and fast-paced combat structure. With a page and some six-sided die you'll be ready to adventure, explore dungeons, or... [click here for more] |
StankNasty |
Pay What You Want
Want to add some bureaucratic flavor to the quests given to your players? Or maybe you just need a way for your players (or for your own notes) to track the terms and conditions of a side-quest? Here’s a quick printable asset that you can fill out to quickly outline the mission objectives.
For a handwritten look, the PDF uses the Caroni font, which is free to use from FontSquirrel.
There are parchment... [click here for more] |
Cpt. Scarlet Frost |
Pay What You Want
 Eine dreiseitige Übersicht um euch die Charaktererschaffung schnell und einfach zu ermöglichen. Besonders auch für die Erschaffung von Nichtspielercharakteren eine Hilfe. Kostenfrei. ... [click here for more] |
Textfabrik Janßen |
Pay What You Want
 Schluss mit Schmierzetteln. Mit dieser tollen, selbstrechnenden Excel-Übersicht habt ihr eine schnelle Übersicht über die Abenteuerpunkte, die ihr für die Charaktererschaffung bei Adventure Islands einsetzen könnt. Inklusive Dropdown-Auswahl für die Erfahrungsgrade und Spezies.
Auch ausgedruckt nutzbar als ordentliche Abenteuerpunkte-Übersicht. ... [click here for more] |
Textfabrik Janßen |
Pay What You Want
 Mit dem Reflexbogen bieten wir euch eine visuelle Darstellung der Reflexphase an. Mit Tabletopfiguren, Mannschaftstoken oder anderen Markern könnt ihr hier übersichtlich die Reflexwerte der Charaktere darstellen.
Die Originaldatei ist in schwarz, aber auch eine druckfreundliche weiße Variante ist als Download verfügbar.
Natürlich kostenlos für euch, aber Unterstützungen werden gerne angenommen.... [click here for more] |
Textfabrik Janßen |
Pay What You Want
 Mit dem 27-seitigen Schnellstartheft, könnt ihr euch schnell in das Regelwerk von Adventure Islands einlesen und erhaltet viele weitere Infos aus dem Abenteuerkodex.
In gekürzter Form findet ihr hier:
Regeln von Adventure Islands
Infos zu Parish Island
Tipps für Spieler und Spielleiter
... [click here for more] |
Textfabrik Janßen |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different buildings within a fantasy / medievil environment. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.
Please check out our other products under Kiolas Gaming ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different paths in a variety of environments. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online. ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
 Enjoy three unique characters for use in your next game!
This free 3 pack of characters include a dogged treasure hunter, a lonesome mystic, and a skilled thief for use in your next TTRPG. These characters are perfect for a game master in need of unique NPCs or a player looking for character inspiration. Perfect for adding depth to your next game.
Each NPC includes a backstory, distinct personality... [click here for more] |
AdventureGoods |
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Smog pours through the air, the constant sounds of clanking gears and ticking clocks fills the air of the city you stand on. As you walk you see all sorts of creatures and people. Small chimera, mutated and mutilated bastardizations of animals scurry, more common than rats nowadays. You continue walking until you find what you are looking for in these god forsaken slums, a certain dive you were told... [click here for more] |
Team Savage Genesis |
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An introduction to the Akashic Magic system!
Akasha Retold — Intro to Akasha provides everything you need to try out the Akashic Magic system! Included within this book is a preview of the Retold Vizier, the first 10 levels of the class, as well as akashic feats and veils to play a Retold Vizier up to 10th level! Also included are the full rules for veilweaving, providing you everything... [click here for more] |
Studio M— |
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Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption.
5 Playbooks
8 Pages of "how to play"
3 Factions
"Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews
Downtime... [click here for more] |
AshyFeetGames |
Pay What You Want
 This was a joke between friends, mostly about how AI has so much trouble with fingers.
Then I decided to have AI write a game about it.
It's pretty silly. I don't think you can actually play it, but I made some cards. It's worth a laugh. ... [click here for more] |
MediaStream Press |
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An alternate Character sheet for Level Up based on the three pillars social,exploration, and combat. ... [click here for more] |
Arms |
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This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other... [click here for more] |
TailsPr |
Pay What You Want

„Am Schneepass“ ist als kleines Einführungsabenteuer konzipiert und findet seine Fortsetzung im zweiten Teil „Die Kristallstadt“.
Es kann jedoch auch ohne Probleme als Einzelabenteuer gespielt werden.
Nach einer Wirtshausschlägerei in Groendal, der Hauptstadt des Kgr. Noerdtven, werden die Abenteurer verhaftet und in das Gefängnis geworfen. Von ihren Wärtern erfahren sie schließlich,... [click here for more] |
SRC - SilverRingsCrest |
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In the second outing of Flint's Detective Agency, get involved in the murky world of organised crime in the Prohibition era! The team are hired to clear the name of a young rich kid who ran amok in a restaurant. Are illegal substances to blame, or is there a more sinister conspiracy at play? ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable character sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the VEHICLE SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable hero base sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and VEHICLE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want