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This special bundle product contains the following titles. GM's Maps #57: Radio Station Regular price: $3.00 Bundle price: $1.50 Format: Watermarked PDF Map making can be time-consuming and sometimes frustrating for GMs, especially GMs with limited time to begin with. In our new 'GM's Maps' range, we will be providing a range of pre-made maps for you to use in... [click here for more] |
Gethsemane Games |
$21.06 $12.50
“A.P.P.L.E.” (Quotemarks included) works like a loot in hindsight. Its purpose: prevent you from rolling 50 dice every time you kill a minor enemy -breaking the immersion looking at time-consuming tables and resources (for those like me, who have little time to play solo or GM-less games.) Download the image, or buy... [click here for more] |
Hogash |
Pay What You Want
 "Achtung! Cthulhu" - narzędzia mistrza gry - zestaw zawiera ekran i książeczkę mg.
Twórz niezapomniane historie, wprowadzaj diabolicznych przeciwników, zaserwuj im wyjątkowe kampanie w świecie pulpowych przygód! Przedstawiamy kompletny poradnik obłędnego mistrzowania. PRAWDZIWY ARSENAŁ TABEL, TAKTYK I SZTUCZEK DLA KAŻDEGO MISTRZA GRY Zestaw zawiera... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |
"Achtung! Cthulhu" - niezbędny poradnik, jak przezwyciężyć mityczne siły i bić zło po pysku! Weź udział w Tajnej Wojnie toczącej się w tej ekscytującej pulpowej grze fabularnej, w której groza i szaleństwo lovecraftowskiego kosmicznego horroru przeplata się chaosem i heroizmem II wojny światowej. Podręcznik gracza zawiera: - wszystkie zasady potrzebne do prowadzenia... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |
 "Achtung! Cthulhu" - podręcznik mistrza gry.
Czy odważysz się władać bluźnierczą potęgą mitów? Naucz się jak kierować okultystycznymi siłami nazistów, mitycznymi zagrożeniami ku chwale niezapomnianych przygód.
Ten podręcznik zawiera porady skierowane konkretnie dla mistrza gry, w tym wskazówki dotyczące zarządzania ekonomią gry i tworzenia... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |
 Pierwszy tom misji do Achtung! Cthulhu zawiera pierwszych pięć przygód wydanych po premierze gry: Na celowniku, Operację „Straż przednia”, Operację „Spadający Kryształ”, Rumuński imperatyw i Jatkę w siódmej rundzie, oraz zupełnie nową, nigdy wcześniej niepublikowaną Operację „Eastbourne”, napisaną specjalnie na potrzeby tego tomu.
Od Białych Klifów Dover, przez okupowane... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |
 "Achtung! Cthulhu" - zestaw startowy.
Witaj na froncie tajnej wojny!
Po lekturze zasad podstawowych zawartych w tej broszurze będziesz w stanie postawić swoje pierwsze kroki w sekretnym konflikcie rozgrywającym się za kulisami II wojny światowej. Batalii w której nieustraszeni alianccy bohaterowie ścierają się z okultystycznymi siłami nazistów oraz ze złowrogą... [click here for more] |
Alis.Games |
 Archaeologist in Need: A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers.
Will they defend... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
$1.00 $0.99
PDF-Only Version Archaeologist in Need: A simple escort gone terribly wrong. Upon inspecting the monolith, something goes wrong. The archeologist is the key and the only hope the party has of shutting down this dangerous construct. Perhaps the party will uncover the true nature of this monolith if they can succeed, or maybe they will uncover an optional final phase of the dangers.... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
$2.00 $0.99
Assault on Klagdon Keep: This 5e compatible adventure is great for groups of new players, veterans, or just overall murderhobos to fight and pass judgment. A level 5 adventure with a twist. "A state of emergency for the realms under the Council of Kings: one royal, bearing one of the Crowns of the One-Hundred Kings, has gone rogue. A unit of valued and reputable citizens in good favor... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
Chronica: Age of Exploration is a hybrid world of fantasy and real world history, the result of fantastic creatures and magic bleeding into our world. Age of Exploration, our first setting in the Chronica series, takes place in a world similar to our 16th and 17th centuries, with many other that period's discoveries.
This free preview of Chronica: Age of Exploration is designed to introduce players... [click here for more] |
Zac Angel |
 Ein erschöpfter Botenreiter, der die Gruppe um Hilfe bittet; ein abgelegenes Dorf, mitten im Nirgendwo, welches keinen Namen trägt.
Das sollte den Helden zu denken geben. Müssen sie vom schlimmsten ausgehen, oder gibt es vielleicht doch noch eine andere Erklärung?
Doch die Zeit läuft unerbittlich, und merkwürdige Geschehnisse ziehen die Helden tief in eine alte Geschichte hinein… ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Eine zwergische Wunderlampe ist schon etwas Besonderes, doch die Nachricht, welche darin verborgen ist, wirft Fragen auf. Der Hilferuf eines Zwerges, ein verborgenes Versteck, und eine Insel, auf der die Vergangenheit lebendig ist. In vielerlei Hinsicht. Die Helden kommen bald auf die Spur eines uralten Geheimnisses und eines Krieges, der schon seit tausenden von Jahren währt. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
!["England Expects..." Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. "England Expects..." CORE RULES Regular price: $3.92 Bundle price: $4.59 Format: Watermarked PDF This simple set of card- and dice-driven “Fast-Play” rules is designed for use in re-fighting naval battles in the ‘Age of Sail’ (early 1700s to early 1800s), involving small or large numbers of ships,... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
$15.08 $11.96
This simple set of card- and dice-driven “Fast-Play” rules is designed for use in re-fighting naval battles in the ‘Age of Sail’ (early 1700s to early 1800s), involving small or large numbers of ships, in a tabletop situation.
The game is meant to be played by two or more players, each having control of one or more three ship ‘Squadrons’. The whole ‘Fleet’ may comprise of a variable... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
This scenario is based upon the protracted hostilities between Britain and France in India over the course of two years during the time of the American War of Independence.
There were five battles of note during this period, fought between the French admiral Bailli de Suffren and the British admiral Sir Edward Hughes in the Indian Ocean between February 1782 and June 1783.
Each battle is designed... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
On the 21st October 1805 the combined fleets of France and Spain, under the command of Admiral Villeneuve, finally left Cadiz harbor to face the British fleet led by Admiral Lord Nelson.
This scenario is the First in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * * ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
The American War of Independence is well into its 5th year when the British supply fleet heading for Yorktown, Virginia, are halted by a French fleet in Chesapeake Bay.
The ensuing battle has ramifications for the future of the British and Continental Armies.
This scenario is the Second in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * *... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
Napoleon Bonaparte has taken an expeditionary force into Egypt, and Great Britain vehemently objects. Lord Nelson is dispatched to locate and sink the French Mediterranean fleet...
And... He did - on both counts!
This scenario is the Third in a series planned to compliment the “England Expects...” naval wargame rules by Studio7aUK.
* * * ... [click here for more] |
Studio7aUK |
Pay What You Want
 Three digital hand drawn images of a "Face" Man In Black
Inside the download you'll find the art (three 300 dpi png files: grayscale, color and black and white quarter page images) and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive license... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
 Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party.
A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
$2.00 $0.99
Grave-Robbing, A Primer: A 5e compatible desert fantasy adventure with options for either a level 3 or a level 6 party.
A collection of mercenaries, grave-robbers, and vagabonds are all gathered with the promise of gold upon delivery. The party must successfully navigate the dangerous Red Desert, locate a newly scouted monolith of immense size, and find a way inside in order to loot... [click here for more] |
Nicholas' Magical Mercantile |
Pay What You Want
In some genres, especially superhero, villains may be defeated, but this is rarely permanent and they will return again to trouble the heroes once more. This supplement lists 25 different ways in which a villain (or perhaps a hero) could have survived an experience that looked like it was surely fatal. Some may require a degree of retcon, as they reveal previously unknown abilities; others may change... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
It's the Wasted Steppes, Baby, and it's everyone for themselves...
This adventure series is set in the Wasted Steppes of Aeda, a western inspired area of a grim fantasy world. Resources are scarce and sometimes hard choices have to be made.
This adventure module contains three one-shot adventures as well as throughlines and side missions which can take one to three additional game sessions. These... [click here for more] |
Dynamic Games |
"Kytheria Calls!"
Travel & Adventure: See the world while getting paid. Caravan Guards needed to escort wagons from the southeastern fort of Kytheria to the lovely village of Apple Blossoms.
A mini-adventure that can be used whenever your party of adventurers are traveling from one town/area to another. It provides for a quick series of encounters to keep the journey... [click here for more] |
Storytellers Guild |
 In this carnival-themed case, the crew gets intertwined between two people fighting for control over the carnival. Delilah is a tough country girl with the power of nature who wants to keep things local and spread nature's influence, and Mr. Eric wants to take over the place for corporations and himself to devour and feed their endless hunger, (literally and figuratively.) The evidence along with some... [click here for more] |
Son of Oak Game Studio |
 I designed the boathouse and stairs using various textures collected from the puzzle. Style and layout is based on the 3rd film.
*unofficial add-on to the 3D puzzle. ... [click here for more] |
Swords & Sandals |
The Harvest Faire is closing in, and the players have a chance of winning hearts and prizes at the Faire's cooking competition if they can rustle up a special pan of good grub . . . but where will they find the ingredients that will charm the judges' palates?
"Of Mushrooms Meet & Marvelous" is a short, cozy adventure for Under Hill, By Water; it can easily be adapted into any... [click here for more] |
Deserted GM |
!["One Shot" - DM [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/17611/367353-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Battlemaps - Inns Regular price: $3.00 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: PDF
Battlemaps – Inns Battlemaps for tabletop RPG’s. With these five maps you would be able to play through your battles in your adventures, for any Tabletop Fantasy RPG. The names of the inns were created by my fantasy, however... [click here for more] |
Black Hand Guild |
$10.99 $7.50
 Wenn ein Zauberlehrling entführt wird, und das noch am Tage seiner Prüfung zum Magier, dann fängt die Woche schlecht an. Auch für die Helden, welche eigentlich auf diesen achten sollten. Doch zwischen den Räubern und dem entführten scheint es eine Verbindung zu geben. Hütet er vielleicht geheimes Wissen seines Meisters, des begnadeten Illusionisten Lumanis? Und was ist das für ein „Meisterstück“,... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
In this book, there are three one-page City Of Mist cases each one themed around Christmas. Designed to be short one-shots that can be easily put into a pre-existing campaign or which can be expanded. Along the way, a villain is trying his best to break a curse holding him in limbo for years. ... [click here for more] |
Son of Oak Game Studio |
Pay What You Want
 Bringing old school and new school together. A 5e setting handbook inspired by 1st edition . ... [click here for more] |
Elwesincallo |
 QOTC was featured in a club newsletter and later published in the student guild newspaper of the Queensland University of Technology. It was the first thing related to role-playing that I ever got paid for. After its appearance in the student paper it vanished into my archives and it was only recently that an old friend of mine, Wesley Kublick (whom I had not seen for over 30 years) visited Brisbane... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 In 1983 I was a bright and wide-eyed individual and was new to the work force and the curious hobby of role-playing games. I became a founding member of a Brisbane-based club called Queensland Role Players (QRP) and, when the club committee discovered I could draw, I was asked to create a mascot for QRP and came u with a young apprentice wizard called QuRP.
Many months after drawing QuRP I began... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 Part 2 of the Role-playing Comic, :Quest of the Claw: in which QuRP gets thrown out by his Master and goes in search of adventurers! ... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 In 1983 I was a bright and wide-eyed individual and was new to the work force and the curious hobby of role-playing games. I became a founding member of a Brisbane-based club called Queensland Role Players (QRP) and, when the club committee discovered I could draw, I was asked to create a mascot for QRP and came u with a young apprentice wizard called QuRP.
Many months after drawing QuRP I began... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 In 1983 I was a bright and wide-eyed individual and was new to the work force and the curious hobby of role-playing games. I became a founding member of a Brisbane-based club called Queensland Role Players (QRP) and, when the club committee discovered I could draw, I was asked to create a mascot for QRP and came u with a young apprentice wizard called QuRP.
Many months after drawing QuRP I began... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
QOTC was featured in a club newsletter and later published in the student guild newspaper of the Queensland University of Technology. It was the first thing related to role-playing that I ever got paid for. After its appearance in the student paper it vanished into my archives and it was only recently that an old friend of mine, Wesley Kublick (whom I had not seen for over 30 years) visited Brisbane... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 QOTC was featured in a club newsletter and later published in the student guild newspaper of the Queensland University of Technology. It was the first thing related to role-playing that I ever got paid for. After its appearance in the student paper it vanished into my archives and it was only recently that an old friend of mine, Wesley Kublick (whom I had not seen for over 30 years) visited Brisbane... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 QOTC was featured in a club newsletter and later published in the student guild newspaper of the Queensland University of Technology. It was the first thing related to role-playing that I ever got paid for. After its appearance in the student paper it vanished into my archives and it was only recently that an old friend of mine, Wesley Kublick (whom I had not seen for over 30 years) visited Brisbane... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
 QOTC was featured in a club newsletter and later published in the student guild newspaper of the Queensland University of Technology. It was the first thing related to role-playing that I ever got paid for. After its appearance in the student paper it vanished into my archives and it was only recently that an old friend of mine, Wesley Kublick (whom I had not seen for over 30 years) visited Brisbane... [click here for more] |
Friends of Eldoria |
Pay What You Want
You have heard the death knell of the world. The foundry was your escape, until you found “The” bells. The resonance has the power to change everything. You know it. Even you…
The Bellfounder is a class for the MÖRK BORG roleplaying game that wields powerful magical bells forged by their own hand. Hopefully, they can master them before they fall to the resonance. This class was... [click here for more] |
Wayward Polyhedral |
Pay What You Want
 Embark on a linguistic adventure with Voice of the Soirna: A Guide to Dolarian, your gateway to the enchanting world of Dolarian, an open-source fantasy constructed language (conlang). Designed for both novice and experienced language enthusiasts, this book provides all the essential tools you need to effortlessly master Dolarian.
Inside, you'll find:
User-Friendly Lessons:... [click here for more] |
Elven Foundry |
$15.50 $15.50
 Embark on a linguistic adventure with Voice of the Soirna: A Guide to Dolarian, your gateway to the enchanting world of Dolarian, an open-source fantasy constructed language (conlang). Designed for both novice and experienced language enthusiasts, this book provides all the essential tools you need to effortlessly master Dolarian.
Inside, you'll find:
User-Friendly Lessons:... [click here for more] |
Elven Foundry |
This is a short encounter "mission" that is systemless and scalable for about any level of PCs in any OSR-style game. The design is deliberately vague in several areas to make it easy to "tweak & toss" into your current campaign. Perfect for when the party goes "left" when you expected them to go "right", any GM/DM/Judge can easily drop this into the current campaign.
The idea behind this Tweak... [click here for more] |
Frugal GM |
Pay What You Want
A social game about curse words.
#&%!ing buy it already.
Note: This is just the rules. You need pen, paper, and friends to play it with. But that's not my problem. ... [click here for more] |
Gallant Knight Games |
Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a useful skill, you don’t always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn’t have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that’s needed are... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. Although solid world-building is a useful skill, you don’t always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn’t have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that’s needed are... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |
Sometimes rules supplements read like the world-setting bible of frustrated novelists. While solid world- building is a useful skill, you don’t always need four paragraphs of flavor text to tell you swords are cool, magic is power, shadows are scary, and orcs are savage. Sometimes a GM doesn’t have time to slog through a page of history for every magic weapon. Sometimes all that’s needed are... [click here for more] |
Rogue Genius Games |