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 Hottest Virtual Tabletops, Italiano
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Jungle Path Battle Map

Jungle Path Battle Map

A simple yet beatiful jungle path. In my game there were a band of orcs that had set up a trap in the path. Their home had been invaded and they set up traps through jungle routes to capture or kill interlopers.  You can use this to have enemies sneak attack from the heavy cover of trees, or the vines lash out and grab unwary travelers. There are plenty of options to be had! For your own custom...   [click here for more]
Nerd Dad Maps  $1.00 $0.99

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Vulcania The Role-Playing Game - FOUNDRY VTT ITA

Vulcania The Role-Playing Game - FOUNDRY VTT ITA

CORE RULEBOOK for FOUNDRY VTT (Italian Language) ...   [click here for more]
GearGames  $20.34

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B00 - Intro Tokens

B00 - Intro Tokens

To inaugurate the opening of the Dungeonism Lab here is an introductory set of 20 fantasy tokens for your role-playing sessions, completely free, the set includes: 4 PCs: a warrior, a wizard, a dwarf and an elf 4 undead: a zombie, a skeleton, a ghoul and a mimmy 2 goblins 2 orcs 2 spiders of different colors 1 giant worm 1...   [click here for more]
dungeonismlab   FREE 

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DUNGEONISM 3d00 - Basic Party

DUNGEONISM 3d00 - Basic Party

From the DungeonisM workshops here is the first release, completely free, of minimalistic 3D miniatures in .stl format: it is a complete party to start populating your collection of miniatures. The models, original and forged with LOVE, are in .stl format and are designed for printing with an average character height of 32 mm: however you can resize the print to your liking. This set contains 5 different...   [click here for more]
dungeonismlab  Pay What You Want

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Il Verme Monco, FOUNDRY VTT ed.

Il Verme Monco, FOUNDRY VTT ed.

Il Verme Monco è una fedele rievocazione delle atmosfere e delle imprese old-school. Un’avventura sapientemente ambientata in una regione esplorabile e ben caratterizzata e i cui sviluppi dipenderanno dalle scelte degli avventurieri. Affrontare una terribile prigionia, persuadere gli abitanti delle scogliere ad unirsi alla propria causa o affrontare a trionfalmente il terribile...   [click here for more]
dungeonismlab  $3.99

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  H.P. Lovecraft's At the Mountains of Madness for Beginning Readers