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The Spell Writing Guide is an in depth exploration and explanation of an algorithmic way to write spells in any magic system with set spell features. Included is the stylised Spell Writing Guide, the plain text version, and a dictionary contataining some of 5e's Creative Commons spells. The SWG contatins an in depth mathematical exploration of how we created the system and the maths behind some of... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
Pay What You Want
The Science spellbook is a bold attempt to remind everyone that science is just as, if not more, fascinating than the magic in our ttrpg games. In this book we have taken real scientific concepts such as General Relativity, Quantum Mechanincs, and Classical Mechanics and turned them into over 100 spells usable in your game of 5e. The book also contains the top 3 winners of our Spell Creation Competition... [click here for more] |
The Gorilla Of Destiny |
Pay What You Want
Ironsworn Lodestar is your quick reference guide for the Ironsworn tabletop roleplaying game. It includes the essential rules, moves, and oracles. It's everything you need to keep your story moving.
Character creation walkthrough
New stat options to fine-tune the tone of your game
The essential rules and mechanics, summarized
All... [click here for more] |
Shawn Tomkin |
Pay What You Want
Zagalhta’s Exolunar Collection is a larger project we’re currently working on, which will be going live on Kickstarter in March 2025; it features strong science-fantasy elements that blend inspirations from media like Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, and Nier. The book takes place in our setting, Somnus Domina, 100 years after the previous guide’s timeline, and deals with space travel, cosmic threads,... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
Pay What You Want
 PDF version - Softcover book version available at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/500142/dragonburn-professions-collection-print
A 120 page book with 51 professions for Dragonbane!
Whether you're crafting a daring Swashbuckler, a mysterious Alchemist, or a steadfast Gravedigger, the Professions Collection offers a wealth of choices, heroic abilities, quirks... [click here for more] |
Dragonburn Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the terrain featured in the video below.
Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Roll to Cast is an alternative spellcasting system for OSR games, replacing Vancian magic with a roll-based mechanic. Spells succeed, delay, or fail based on a casting roll, adding risk and unpredictability. Critical miscasts can cause dire consequences. Designed for Barrows & Borderlands but compatible with most OSR systems. ... [click here for more] |
Matthew Tapp |
Pay What You Want
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2023 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
The simplest rendition of modern fantasy D20 roleplaying!!!
Jump into fantasy roleplaying quickly and easily with this minimized and streamlined version of D20 fantasy roleplaying! Heroes are summed up in a single Archetype. Spells are as basic as possible. Monsters are scaled back to Attack, AC, and HP.
Try out the game now for free! Come back and leave a donation to see One Page Adventure... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
Pay What You Want
Science Fantasy Roleplaying in an Uncolonized Future
More than 700 years ago, a massive disaster changed the course of history. The world was plunged into centuries of darkness, but the event also introduced the Adanadi — the Gift — a strange mark that appeared on all life. This mark would have an enduring impact on humanity. Centuries later, the Earth is healing. New, advanced nations have risen.... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
Pay What You Want
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2024 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
This Guide to Arthurian Britain serves as a primer of the background for Pendragon in the years 508-510. A map along with a one-page player handout aids newcomers to Britain, followed by several pages of hooks, inspirations, upcoming events, and local color for the Gamemaster. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
An invitation—by a Count of a name you’ve never heard. From a Castle in a land unknown around these parts. And a Curse which plagues him, pleading for each of your aid—by name—in exchange for an offer too tempting to ignore.
By next morning a horse-drawn carriage awaited each of you. The dark horses stood silent, their black eyes seeing... [click here for more] |
Deficient Games |
Pay What You Want
[English and Italian version included /// Include sia la versione italiana che quella inglese]
Adventures in the Household is a 5E supplement about Littlings, little folks living grand-tiny adventures in a big abandoned House. Set in a regency-like era, 100 years after the disappearance of the Master, Adventures in the Household features an immersive lore that takes players into a unique... [click here for more] |
Two Little Mice |
Pay What You Want
[English and Italian version included /// Include sia la versione italiana che quella inglese]
Household is a Role-Playing Game filled with adventure, intrigues, and social interactions set in a large abandoned House.
It takes place in a world that resembles the first years of our XIX century, in which each room constitutes a proper nation you can explore. Players of Household take on the... [click here for more] |
Two Little Mice |
Pay What You Want
Merry Kringlefest!!!
The Darkest Night is a holiday-themed adventure where players battle an ancient evil to save Kringlefest. This adventure can be used as an outline for any game system, but the specific details are for four 1st-level adventurers using the rules of the 5th edition rules of the world’s greatest roleplaying game.
This adventure is designed to provide a short one-shot adventure... [click here for more] |
Angryfish Games |
Pay What You Want
Take up the sword and don the whiskers of a brave mouse adventurer in Mausritter, a rules-light fantasy adventure roleplaying game.
Brutally fast, equally flavourful character creation gets you playing your mouse adventurer as quickly as possible.
Physical card-based inventory system minimises bookkeeping and maximises hard choices.
Dangerous... [click here for more] |
Losing Games |
Pay What You Want
To whom it may concern,
Quill is a solo roleplaying game with a twist. Instead of hacking goblins and looting caves, you are writing letters. Rather than having attributes like strength or dexterity, characters in Quill use Penmanship, Language and Heart.
In a game of Quill you will write real letters, with the aim to craft the best, most beautiful missive possible... [click here for more] |
Trollish Delver Games |
Pay What You Want
The simplest rendition of fantasy D20 roleplaying!!!
Jump into fantasy roleplaying quickly and easily with this minimized and streamlined version of D20 fantasy roleplaying! Heroes are summed up in a single Archetype. Spells are as basic as possible with a single roll to cast. Monsters are scaled back to 3 simple stats: Attack, AC, and HP.
One Page D20 is a slightly tweaked and updated version of... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
Pay What You Want
 The Eidolist is a complex eldritch like class, similar to the Warlock or Ranger. If you've ever had an animal companion, but still wanted more. Then this is the class for you, with 35 Accessories, 14 Templates, and 57 Evolutions to customize your new companion. Along with 4 sub-classes and a myriad of different class abilities and combos.
So whether, it’s a swarm of bees devouring your foes from... [click here for more] |
TheHatedCTAT |
Pay What You Want
All of Ironsmith Consolidated!
All of the Ironsmith supplements have been consolidated into a single book that is the same 6 x 9 size of the original Ironsworn books. Both the PDF and POD are Pay What You Want. If you already donated through the previous Ironsmith releases, please don't pay me again! Take the PDF for free and at cost for the POD. The production cost should be around $11 for the POD,... [click here for more] |
Eric Bright |
Pay What You Want
There we go, young lady – I think we’re done. If you’ll allow me to summarize: Reinforced lamellar breastplate with gold-plated dragon reliefs, a mastercrafted great helm with visor and jeweled inlays, and finally, a pair of spiked chainmail leggings. Was that all of it? Good, then it’s just the small matter... [click here for more] |
Kerbango |
Pay What You Want
This expansion for Toby Lancaster's 2D6 Dungeon RPG provides you with well over 100 handcrafted narrative prompts that let you quickly and easily flesh out your character and their fantasy world. Playing with it adds to the immersion and allows for deeper roleplaying.
A simple set of rules integrate the expansion's short creative exercises, ensuring that your dungeon delves remain exciting and as... [click here for more] |
gamesbyfelix.com |
Pay What You Want
 The Temple Beneath the Sands
A Desert-Themed Adventure for Levels 1-4
Unseal the lost waters. Face the guardian of stone. Escape before the temple becomes your tomb.
Product Overview
Beneath a drought-stricken village lies an ancient temple, once a conduit to the Plane of Water, now sealed by a powerful Crystal-Bound Warden.... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This pdf file contains all the (paper) textures you'll need to make the huts featured in the video below.
Note that it's a PWYW download - so feel free to pay as much (or as little) as you like! ... [click here for more] |
Crooked Staff Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Unravel the haunting mystery of the Wail of the Weeping Stones, a fully fleshed-out one-shot adventure designed for parties of Levels 1–4. Perfect for both new and seasoned Game Masters, this module plunges players into a ghostly forest corrupted by spectral echoes, torn planar energies, and an eerie rift threatening the fabric of reality.
What’s Inside:
A Richly... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Against the Cult of the Crimson Hand is a 1st level, one-shot adventure for Shadowdark RPG:
Designed to be accessible for new players, especially those coming from 5e, (hopefully) without sacrificing what makes Shadowdark such a wonderful game.
Can be used with just the free Shadowdark Quickstart Rules.
Can be finished in a single 3-5 hour session.
Adventure is 'Pay-What-You-Want',... [click here for more] |
Runeforged Tabletop Gaming |
Pay What You Want
 If you have ever wanted to play an undead gunfighter, a cowboy on horseback, or a snake oil salesperson, this is the supplement for you. With the resources in this book, you can build a Deathworn explorer who carries a big iron, and other options. Also included in these pages is the “big iron” artifact and an NPC named Mr. Sable, and a character sheet for the same entity.
This product is an independent... [click here for more] |
Crazy Weasel Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Included in this PDF are 3 FREE Preview Encounters for our upcoming Kickstarter Project: The Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters!
This project will be fulfilled through DriveThruRPG and is set to launch on February 18th, 2025. The links to the Kickstarter Page are inside the PDF.
Please help us achieve our funding goals for the full book!... [click here for more] |
Wally DM |
Pay What You Want
 Hunter Sprites: The Spire’s Relentless Sentinels
An Adventure Module for Levels 1-4
Summary: Step into the shadow of an ancient spire, where relentless magical constructs guard its secrets. Hunter Sprites: The Spire’s Relentless Sentinels is a dynamic adventure designed for levels 1-4, combining strategic combat, environmental hazards, and a... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Several seasons have passed since the adventurers began building their legend in Dragon Pass. Little do they know that a skittering corruption lies beneath the surface.
They want revenge for Mernyr’s Landing and will go to any lengths to get it.
This scenario occurs after A Rough Landing chapter in the Runequest Starter Set in Book 4 Adventures- which... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
A sculpted tower's blank eyes stare down from the lonely in dry hills beyond the last withered turnip fields, the doorway in its eternally screaming mouth beckoning daredevils and foolish fortune hunters. Haunted, shunned and anathema -- spending a night in The Prison of the Hated Pretender will certainly give you bragging rights in the coast's dusty hamlets, and if the rumors of ancient gold... [click here for more] |
Hydra Cooperative |
Pay What You Want
¡Nuevos linajes jugables!
Estos nuevos linajes jugables no provienen del mundo de Tolkien, pero a los veteranos de Rolemaster les recordarán a viejos conocidos. Por si te cuentas entre ellos, aquí van un par de aclaraciones: El garco es una nueva versión del gark y el yseno lo es del urloc. El duende está basado libremente en el dwelf,... [click here for more] |
Other Selves |
Pay What You Want
 Uncover the mysteries of an ancient, forgotten shrine hidden deep within a haunted forest in The Abandoned Shrine. This standalone adventure module for levels 1–4 challenges players to solve a spectral puzzle, survive escalating waves of restless spirits, and decide the fate of a sanctuary for lost souls.
Long ago, this shrine protected wandering spirits unable to cross to the afterlife.... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Disclaimer: These files contain every spell available in the D&D 5th Edition SRD, and are published under the Open Gaming License. The SRD only allows spells from the Players Handbook. If you want spell cards for non-SRD spells or custom content, use the form-fillable Custom document.
1. A single PDF contains every spell
2.... [click here for more] |
Matthew Perkins |
Pay What You Want
This is the second Toolkit I have created to help out Game Masters new and old for 5E. Similar to the first, you will find fully detailed dungeons and one-shot adventures, most of which can be dropped in any traditional fantasy world with minimal effort. This Toolkit also comes with 100 new monsters as part of Nerzugal’s Extended Bestiary with numerous unique creatures as well as expansions upon... [click here for more] |
Nerzugal Role-Playing |
Pay What You Want
 PDF version. The Softcover Comic Book version is available at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/501401/dragonburn-zine-horror-softcover-book
Enjoy this 42 page zine filled with spooky and scary content for you to surprise players with!
A zine created for the love of Dragonbane and to support even more creative work and challenges on the Dragonbane Community Discord!
Featuring... [click here for more] |
Dragonburn Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Encyclopedia is a 360-page lore book for your 5th Edition campaign, including multitudes of ready-to-use cities, locations, NPCs, plot hooks, and magic items for your next game session.
Across this book, you will find 15 cities and many locations ready to serve as the settings of your next adventures. Each of these places has its own identity, featuring many... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
The Six Paths is a sourcebook on gender among the Heortlings.
Contents include:
Descriptions of the six main Heortling genders
The cults of Heler, Nandan and Vinga
Six example characters exploring the gender identities.
Note: This sourcebook is PWYW, as an alternative, please consider donating whatever amount you would have paid for this to your local LGBT+ charity.
The author's... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
NoteQuest is a solo dungeon crawl game. The rules are extremely simple and fast, giving you more time for the best part: Exploration! You will play with a weak adventurer after money and fame. Good luck! (You’re gonna need it). ... [click here for more] |
Green Little Thing |
Pay What You Want
A 4th level dungeon crawl designed for Shadowdark rpg.
The Stonefell clan was strange, even by dwarf standards. Rumors of necromancy and demonic pacts tarnished the family name. In defiance of the dwarf clans that ostracized him, Durkan Stonefell constructed a small, but sturdy keep overlooking an ancient fey forest. He and his clan dwelled there for centuries, growing more isolated and depraved... [click here for more] |
eeRomero |
Pay What You Want
Creatures is a collection of more than 200 monsters, animals, and characters compatible with the 5th edition of the most famous role-playing game. Half of its contents will surprise your players, putting a twist on fantasy classics; the other will bring them face to face with brand new creatures, both friends and foes. It presents encounters and dangers typical... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Pay What You Want
The OG version. Now PWYW. ... [click here for more] |
False Machine Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 The Hollow Tree: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4
Enter a haunted tree shrouded in illusions, where reality itself twists and turns.
Villagers in the nearby settlement of Timberhold are growing increasingly desperate. A noxious mist seeps from the depths of the forest, spreading hallucinations and madness to those who venture too close. At the heart of the forest stands an... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
 Witching Hour Wolves: A Mini Adventure for Levels 1-4
Unravel the spectral curse of ghostly wolves in a race against the Witching Hour.
Product Description
Enter the haunted farming community of Greyspring, where eerie howls fill the night and ghostly wolves tear through fields under the pale light of the full moon. In "Witching Hour Wolves," adventurers... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
In the aftermath of the cataclysmic event known as the Blacklight, where superpowered A.I.s clashed in a battle for humanity's fate, a group of courageous cybernetic nuns emerged as the champions of one. The Daughters of L.A.M heeded the call of the fallen A.I. known as L.A.M, whose shattered body plummeted to Earth during the chaos. Step into a world where cyber... [click here for more] |
Dead Tree Studios |
Pay What You Want
Introducing Hundred Dungeons, a sword-and-sorcery hack of 5E with a focus on bringing exploration and social interaction back to the fore. It's a little bit old school, a little bit new school, and all about supporting the creativity of the humans at the table. Grab it for free and leave some feedback to help me tune and develop it further. All updates to the game will be included in this product for... [click here for more] |
Darkplane |
Pay What You Want
A compilation of Playbooks and tools for characters in games of Beyond the Wall and Other Adventures.
Champions rise and fall by the company they keep…
There are dangers throughout the land, but your home is not unguarded. A hero might spring from any number of origins: the children of the nobility, unlikely champions within the village, or wanderers from the land of... [click here for more] |
Flatland Games |
Pay What You Want
An Exploration + Ecology RPG inspired by medieval maps and travel chronicles, set in a fragile world teeming with life.
Gather your team of Chroniclers and step out into a setting on the edge of an extinction event. Travel the wilds, observe and document monsters, creatures, and cultures, and help Ecumene regain its voice.
Stories will save the world, and... [click here for more] |
Three Sails Studios |
Pay What You Want