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13 Lucky: Character Sheet

13 Lucky: Character Sheet

This is a character sheet template for 13 Lucky. The full game and additional files are also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

13 Lucky: Dealer’s Guide

This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

13 Lucky: The Dynasty Diamond

This is a pre-written one-shot for the game system 13 Lucky. The full guide to this game is also available. ...   [click here for more]
13 Lucky  Pay What You Want

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The Dragon's Bank Heist

The Dragon's Bank Heist

A 5e Heist Adventure for characters of 10th level or higher Dive into the steamy depth of the Platinum Bank as you discover a wealth of treasure and the secrets of the mythic dragon’s Abra and Yutpa. Try to sneak past the impenetrable security and don’t push the guard’s alert level too much! Test your skills against hoards of kobold guards and seemingly indestructible gold golems....   [click here for more]
1pageadventures  Pay What You Want

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FOMOR - Ekran MG

FOMOR - Ekran MG

Jest to ekran do samodzielnego wydruku do gry FOMOR. Posiada wszystkie istotne tabelki i zasady tak, żeby zawsze były pod ręką. Ekran składa się z 3 akruszy A4.  Ilustracje: ...   [click here for more]
5 Okrawkow  Pay What You Want

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FOMOR - Karty zaklęć

FOMOR - Karty zaklęć

Jeżeli grając w FOMOR brakuję ci fizycznych kart z opisem zaklęć, żeby nie musieć wertować podręcznika, to jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Plik zawiera karty WSZYSTKICH zaklęć z gry FOMOR plus 3 dodatkowe zaklęcia, mojego autorstwa. Jeżeli chcesz, żeby nowe zaklęcia były w tabelach losowych umieść je pod wynikiem 1 i rzucaj k12 zamiast 2k6 w celu losowania zaklęcia.  Karty drukujemy...   [click here for more]
5 Okrawkow  Pay What You Want

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Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Chroniques d'Hyperborée

Ce jeu traite des épreuves, des victoires et des dé- convenues d’individus en marge de la société. Ces aven- turiers ont refusé le quotidien monotone pour essayer de se bâtir un avenir, une situation, ou au moins une bonne nuit d’ivresse dans le prochain bouge crasseux. Leurs péripéties se déroulent dans le monde créé par l’écrivain Robert Ervin Howard pour son personnage le...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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The Nightmares Underneath

The Nightmares Underneath

Le Règne de la Loi Les Royaumes Oniriques sont nombreux et variés, mais tous ont un point commun : le triomphe de la Loi sur le Chaos. Dans chaque royaume, la Loi règne sans partage. La civilisation a repoussé les doutes et la violence associées au chaos et au désordre. Ces royaumes sont-ils vraiment des rêves ? Ou sont-ils de simples caprices, des royaumes féeriques sombres et étherés ?...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

His Majesty the Worm: Adventurer Generation Guide Booklet

Designed to help new players get it right, and experienced players generate characters quickly, this officially sanctioned guide booklet will have you up and playing Joshua McCrowell's His Majesty the Worm in minutes. Taking a spread for each step, with each table and list you need for that specific step, and visually demonstrating what section of the Character Sheet to fill out in...   [click here for more]
5tephe RPGs  Pay What You Want

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RPG Mystery Generator

RPG Mystery Generator

A gumshoe in the 1940s is hired by a client to investigate a disappearance; as they gather clues and interview witnesses, their leads suggest a disturbing and impossible truth. A classic whodunit, on a remote island where ten strangers discover there’s a murderer in their midst. In the land of Eldoria, the Orb of Dreams is stolen. Who, or what, has taken it and why? This Mystery Generator...   [click here for more]
A Simple Tale  Pay What You Want

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Dwellers of the Waste

Dwellers of the Waste

A supplement for Vaults of Vaarn. Six new monsters with beautiful, full-page illustrations drawn by Eric M. Smith. Statblock compilation (fits on a single page) included for GM ease-of-use. Two new ancestries, the Monger and Ley-liner, complete with generation tables. Bonus table for generating Vaarnish rulers. Available in colour and monochrome. ...   [click here for more]
A.M. Jackson  Pay What You Want

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GREAT METAL SERPENT is an adventure location made for Vaults of Vaarn. Explore a giant space elevator fallen to earth. Encounter outlandish NPCs and creatures. Uncover the secret path to Luna. Levels: 4-6 Dynamic factions: cacklemaw, mystics, trashers, repair synths Old-school style:...   [click here for more]
A.M. Jackson  Pay What You Want

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Four Peaceful Options: Lotus Style and Merciful Bombs

Four Peaceful Options: Lotus Style and Merciful Bombs

Sometimes in campaigns, especially in urban environments, people need to be careful about what they do. PCs and some NPCs may need to defeat others without killing them, which could save difficult entanglements. Hence, the merciful bomb discovery allows alchemists to deal nonlethal damage with their bombs, and the lotus style of martial arts, which allows practitioners to enhance their mastery of the...   [click here for more]
Aardvark Press  Pay What You Want

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The Fixer: An Investigator Archetype

The Fixer: An Investigator Archetype

A fixer is a person who arranges things. Typically, these are shady things, but not necessarily. While many fixers are firmly on the wrong side of the law, some work for legal authorities, and some straddle the line in relation to such matters. To use an expression, some fixers are even former poachers turned game keepers. In any case, all fixers have underworld connections, and all have highly developed...   [click here for more]
Aardvark Press  Pay What You Want

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The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

The Mad Mage's Marvelous Menagerie (Puzzle)

"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..." Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them. On the...   [click here for more]
Above Average Creations  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon 6 - l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte

Dungeon 6 - l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte

l'Ombra sul Bosco di Mezzanotte è la prima avventura ufficiale in forma di librogame per Dungeon 6! Questa avventura estende le normali modalità di gioco affiancando questo breve librogame al normale gioco da tavolo e vi permette di addentrarvi in uno dei piani della torre un tempo popolato da pacifici Zenthian, una razza di umanoidi fatti per...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni  Pay What You Want

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Dungeon 6 - Lo Specchio di Mya

Dungeon 6 - Lo Specchio di Mya

“Lo specchio di Mya” è un’avventura per Dungeon 6 di Difficoltà pari a 3 e giocabile da 1 a 6 personaggi di qualsiasi livello, che vi catapulterà in un mondo fatto di illusioni, misteri, anime tormentate. La vostra mente sarà abbastanza salda? Riuscirete a non perdervi nel dedalo più folle, cangiante e misterioso mai visto in Dungeon 6? Dungeon...   [click here for more]
Acchiappasogni  Pay What You Want

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Side Quest Adventures #4: Risen from the Depths

Side Quest Adventures #4: Risen from the Depths

Risen from the Depths is a mid-level adventure for four 8-10th level characters and is written to be compatible with both the Pathfinder 1st Edition and Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition systems. ...   [click here for more]
Adam Bell  Pay What You Want

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The Red Maple Tree

The Red Maple Tree

There was a time, before the rule of the dragon empire, when the Iron Forest was way bigger than it is now, full of life and peace, protected by the elves and dryads and every other kin friendly to nature. But then the humans came, and an Empire was born, and the elves and dryads left, and when the Empire fell the orcs ravaged the land and the forests of the Vale. The Iron Forest is now a shadow...   [click here for more]
Adrian Daine  Pay What You Want

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Age of Adventure RPG: Game Master Compendium (v3.3)

Age of Adventure RPG: Game Master Compendium (v3.3)

Game Master Compendium (v3.3) is a seventeen page supplement for the Age of Adventure RPG - a heroic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by John Harper's Lasers and Feelings. INCLUDES: Blank Adventure Template for One-Shots Sample Adventure 'Portrait of a Warlock' Game Tracker sheet  List of Magical Enchantments Personality...   [click here for more]
adrian young games  Pay What You Want

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Age of Adventure RPG: Player Compendium (v2.3)

Age of Adventure RPG: Player Compendium (v2.3)

Player Compendium (v2.2) is a forty-six page supplement for the Age of Adventure RPG - a heroic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game inspired by John Harper's Lasers and Feelings. INCLUDES: a Player Reference sheet 2 Character Sheet templates 6 page summary of the available Communities and Roles 36 pre-generated Player Characters a...   [click here for more]
adrian young games  Pay What You Want

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Gravestone of Decay

Gravestone of Decay

In the arid expanse of a relentless sand-dune desert, recent sandstorms revealed the entrance to an age-old tomb. Adventurers, cultists, and archaeologists flock to the nearest outpost to prepare and make the journey north to find the tomb, exploit its secrets, and loot its treasures. Gravestone of Decay is written for OSE for characters level 4-6. It is challenging but also extremely rewarding. When...   [click here for more]
Adventure Bundles  Pay What You Want

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Agencja Detektywistyczna

Agencja Detektywistyczna

Pakiet 6 postaci (wygląd, historia, okoliczności poznania drużyny, animozje i przyjaźnie) ...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  Pay What You Want

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Przygodowy Archipelag

Przygodowy Archipelag

Przygodowy Archipelag to seria przygód w świecie Fantasy, którą można rozegrać na zasadach dowolnego systemu RPG. Scenariusz "Kryształ Przyszłości" nie ogranicza wielkości drużyny (byle MG podołał prowadzeniu tej ilości osób), klas postaci czy poziomu. Jest w pełni adaptowalny.  Jeśli spodoba Ci się ta przygoda, rozważ wsparcie autora, by kolejne części mogły ujrzeć światło...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios  Pay What You Want

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Magic Items - Volume I

Magic Items - Volume I

Magic Items - Volume I This small compendium is a list of ten magical items taken directly from our publications on social networks, which you can find in the "Credits" paragraph on this page.   ...   [click here for more]
Aenarion's Coven  Pay What You Want

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Arterial: Campaign of Blood

Arterial: Campaign of Blood

This is a set of pdf and png companions for Arterial: Campaign of Blood, a free digital boardgame available now on the Tabletop Simulator Workshop. Arterial is a cooperative 1-4 player campaign game, where the players take the role of the Vanguard as they fight against an obsidian castle of experiments, mutants, and shapeshifters, all run by a vile vampire lord that wants nothing more to suck out all...   [click here for more]
Aeon Roleplay  Pay What You Want

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Character Booklet of The Series

Character Booklet of The Series

This download includes the 25 characters with their sheets in PDF and JPG, their images and some extras, plus the booklet of sheets included in the Appendices of the Special Agency: The Series campaign. 54 pages of booklet and a zip file - watch out for spoilers! ...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Mapas 101

Mapas 101

Este libro contiene doscientas cincuenta semillas de aventuras con sus mapas para jugar a rol.  Estas semillas se complementan con sus mapas para conseguir una inmersión definitiva en vuestras mesas, y pueden usarse con cualquier sistema de juego. 250 mapas incluidos en la descarga. ...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Harrowings 3: Muspelhell

Harrowings 3: Muspelhell

Harrowings is a collaboration-based RPG Zine with Old School gaming content. It strives to help you create storytelling experiences blending the tried-and-true Fantasy and Horror genres. Most of the game content is system-neutral, and all of it is easily hackable. For this 3rd issue, instead of the usual format, the creators made a 112-page Old School Essentials-compatible dungeon...   [click here for more]

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5th Edition Witch Class

5th Edition Witch Class

One of the most iconic characters in folklore, myth, and history. Yet, shockingly, under represented in the worlds most popular role-playing game. Here is my home brew take. What you will get: An A5, or digest size, .pdf booklet detailing the witch character class Charisma based magic Three Covens to choose from. Coven of the Moon Coven of the Primordial Coven...   [click here for more]
Agranak Studios  Pay What You Want

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Dance of the Leprechaun: A One-Shot Scenario

Dance of the Leprechaun: A One-Shot Scenario

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! Here is a one-shot adventure for use with Old-School Essentials, Basic/Expert Dungeons & Dragons, and most other similarly ruled OSR systems. A buffed up leprechaun like you've never seen before! Well maybe you have, but it's not like the one in the OSE Referee's Tome that's for sure. This isn't your typical gold hoarding fairy in...   [click here for more]
Agranak Studios  Pay What You Want

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Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty

Mushroom Realty is a simple cozy GM-less TTRPG to play alone or with friends where you (a mushroom real estate agent) can buy mushroom houses with colorful randomized descriptions. Match up the color coded key words in the mushroom descriptions with mushroom buyer preferences to make a sale (hopefully at a profit) to buy bigger and better mushroom houses or perhaps rare real estate artifacts...   [click here for more]
Aiphos the Dragon  Pay What You Want

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Daurpali - Roleplaying in Ralva

Daurpali - Roleplaying in Ralva

My first fantasy ttrpg, created over a year of hard work. It's not great, but it's free. If you wanna read it and tell me your opinion on the mechanics i would love it. ...   [click here for more]
Alana MJ  Pay What You Want

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Crypts & Tunnels

Crypts & Tunnels

Within these pages you will find rules to create heroic characters and advance them in power: Seven different races Twelve point-buy character classes Revised non-weapon and weapon skill system Feats All the equipment heroes need Rivised combat system Improved magic system More then 200 monsters Traps, magical items and all a Game Master needs For players and game masters alike, Crypts & Tunnels...   [click here for more]
Alberto Piotti  Pay What You Want

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The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin

The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin

The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin is a clone of the original rules for medieval miniatures, which looks forward to the 3LBB for rules clarifications and overall compatibility, and can be utilized in "medieval fantasy" TTRPG campaigns of any edition. The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin pairs notably well with Wight-Box, a 3LBB clone which itself looks back to Chainmail for inspiration. This work has over...   [click here for more]
Alchemic Raker  Pay What You Want

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Wax Knight - Fighter Martial Archetype

Wax Knight - Fighter Martial Archetype

A Fighter Subclass able to use magic wax as weapons and armor. the Wax Knight is a sort of mystical knight, but without spells. This subclass is an extract from a complete manual, coming out soon, follow us if you liked this subclass and want to stay updated! ...   [click here for more]
Alessia & Andrea Teruzzi  Pay What You Want

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Daemonar d20

Daemonar d20

Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo! Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting. Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system! The...   [click here for more]
Alessia Lonardi  Pay What You Want

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Foci Reference Sheet

Foci Reference Sheet

Players can quickly become overwhelmed with all the foci choices in Worlds Without Number. Such players are likely to just choose one from the first page and remain unaware of the many interesting choices throughout the section. Show them a world beyond Armsmaster with this handy reference chart! Contains all non-racial foci from the WWN core book and The Atlas of the Latter...   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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Foundry VTT Monsters for Those Outside the Walls (Free Preview)

Foundry VTT Monsters for Those Outside the Walls (Free Preview)

This product contains the monsters and rules from Those Outside the Walls - Free Preview, useable in FoundryVTT!. Each monster entry is complete with its abilities (including new images for magical attacks and monster non-attack actions) and a token, featuring some "exquisite" AI art! The product files consist of a zipped module and an installation guide. ...   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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Into the Forest of Night

Into the Forest of Night

A short introductory one-shot. It is useable in any system , but the monster statblocks areformatted for Worlds Without Number. It is loose an requires improv. It used to reside on Google Drive, but I am cleaning my drive out. Also included is a second PDF in case the players do not finish in one session. It should provide enough content for a second session. ...   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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Special Movement Rules - Compatible with Worlds Without Number

Special Movement Rules - Compatible with Worlds Without Number

The core Worlds Without Number rulebook lacks rules for special types of movement like climbing, jumping and swimming. Fill that gap with this concise two-page ruleset! ...   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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Word Template for Those Outside the Walls

Word Template for Those Outside the Walls

This word template approximates the formatting of Those Outside the Walls. Word does not like one of the fonts used (Sofia Pro) very much, so it is not a 1:1 representation. Feel free to modify as you see fit. If I ever solve this font issue I will update this file. Fonts used: Cala, Sofia Pro This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. To view a copy of this license, visit   [click here for more]
Alex Dworman  Pay What You Want

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L'odeur de l'aventure

L'odeur de l'aventure

Ne vous êtes-vous jamais attaché à un objet en vous persuadant qu’il vous apportait la chance ? Mais avez-vous déjà eu en votre possession un porte-bonheur enchanté pour remplir cette fonction ? Et si cet objet était en plus agréable à avoir sur soi ? C’est en tout cas la description que font les habitants de Luné à propos de la Chaussette de Saint Lebon. Mais, alors que les joueurs...   [click here for more]
Alex Fouache  Pay What You Want

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The Smell of Adventure

The Smell of Adventure

Have you ever grown attached to an object, believing it brought you good luck? But have you ever possessed a charm that was truly enchanted to serve that purpose? And what if this object was also pleasant to carry? That’s how the people of Moony describe the Sock of Saint Thegood. But as the players are tasked with retrieving it, they discover that it is, in fact, the source of many misfortunes…...   [click here for more]
Alex Fouache  Pay What You Want

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Stormwild Islands - Player's Guide

Stormwild Islands - Player's Guide

Welcome to [Stormwild Islands], a tabletop role-playing game. Set in the Stormwild Islands, a cluster of islands in the middle of a perpetual, continent-sized storm, this game explores the aftermath of a generations-long war and the magical damage done to the world as a result. In terms of genre, [Stormwild Islands] fits most closely with “gaslamp fantasy”,...   [click here for more]
Alexander Kirk  Pay What You Want

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Embark on a quest in that liminal place between waking and sleeping. Diedream is a one-page (front and back) solo TTRPG that you play in your head.  Within two sides of A5 is an elegant game system that allows a player to go on adventures in the comfort of their bed with nothing more than their brain and their fingers. "Alfred's work pokes at the edges of human consciousness" — Will Jobst, Good...   [click here for more]
Alfred Valley  Pay What You Want

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Hexmap Templates

Hexmap Templates

Here’s 21 hexmap templates of various sizes and configurations for your use. (Currently all in a single PDF, but in the future I'll do individual PDFs and PNGs for each.) Feel free to use them as the basis for a derivative work (if you draw a hexmap on one of these templates, you can use it commercially without restriction), but don't redistribute the unedited hexmap templates themselves. If you...   [click here for more]
Alienist Press  Pay What You Want

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In Search of Treasure

In Search of Treasure

In Search of Treasure is a 5e Conversion By Gordon Pytlik of the clasic Dungeon Module B1 (In Search of the Unknown) originally created by Mike Carr It is designed to present some challenge for a party of 4-5 level 1 characters or 2-3 level 2 characters with a new or inexperienced Dungeon Master. Characters can expect to gain 2-3 levels durring the course of exploring the dungeon. The original B1...   [click here for more]
Alienskies  Pay What You Want

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Into The Odd- Referee Screen

Into The Odd- Referee Screen

4 Page DM screen for Into The Odd, including useful tables and rules. Print it out and stick it to an existing DM screen or make one with cardboard! Credit to Chris McDowall for creating this incredible game. ...   [click here for more]
Aloe Vera  Pay What You Want

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Runescape Kingdoms RPG Character Sheet

Runescape Kingdoms RPG Character Sheet

I found the official character sheet to be a bit dull, and I thought it would be a fun idea to build one to resemble the game. This is a 4-page character sheet for Runescape Kingdoms RPG in the stylings of the Old School Runescape UI. Included in the 4-page spread are the primary character page, the inventory, a page to track spells and prayers, and a page for frequently used summons. Feel free...   [click here for more]
Aloe Vera  Pay What You Want

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