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An invitation—by a Count of a name you’ve never heard. From a Castle in a land unknown around these parts. And a Curse which plagues him, pleading for each of your aid—by name—in exchange for an offer too tempting to ignore.
By next morning a horse-drawn carriage awaited each of you. The dark horses stood silent, their black eyes seeing... [click here for more] |
Deficient Games |
Pay What You Want
One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
The Enchanter by Wayne Imlach : from Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere
Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why
... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Przyczajona groza to kompletny system do rozgrywania sesji w klimatach przedwiecznego horroru, mieszczący się jedynie na 16 stronach. Gra została zaprojektowana na wzór popularnych retroklonów i z powodzeniem może zostać wykorzystana jako uzupełnienie kampanii w dużych systemach. Sprawdzi się również jako łatwy sposób na wprowadzenie nowych osób do hobby. Przyczajona... [click here for more] |
Daily Kraken Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Black Powder and Brimstone is a gunpowder and withchcraft infused TTRPG, a complete stand-alone game based on and compatible with the multi-award-winning apocalyptic heavy metal RPG MÖRK BORG. This wicked cauldron of a game is packed to the brim with with lore, explosions, magic, war, and demons. Written and illustrated by Benjamin Tobitt, the game will be printed and distributed by the rockstar... [click here for more] |
Benjamin Tobitt |
Pay What You Want
Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them!
This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
Pay What You Want
Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.
Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Use this printable template to create the modular MAGE TOWER sections built in Black Magic Craft episode 206.
This is an easy to build product utilizing very cheap and beginner friendly tools and materials. Dollar store (easy peel) foamcore, an X-acto knife, nail file, glue gun, pencil, mod podge, and craft paint are all that are needed to create these modular... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Enter the world of Haros - a land besieged by demonic invaders, a corrupted landscape, and undead hordes. Your band is among those humans fighting back against the Pestiline in this Eldritch Fantasy RPG. This is the primer and playtest packet distributed and run at Gencon 2019. Fox and Boar Games hopes to be reanimating this game through out 2025. Get your copy, give it a read and a play, and let... [click here for more] |
Fox and Boar Games |
Pay What You Want
Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend !
Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Certains y ont goûté, mais presque tout le monde en parle : la Lune Cerise. Un produit inhabituel a débarqué dans les rues : du sang. Et ça n’arrive pas toutes les nuits. De ce qu’en savent les Descendants, le sang se gâte et devient rance. Ce produit est impossible à vendre parce qu’il est impossible à stocker. Seuls les Descendants à l’estomac très bien accroché peuvent se nourrir... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Master the Heist of the Century in The Cryptic Caper!
A bartender drowning in debt begs you to steal him one last big score. In this thrilling Level 1-2 5e-compatible one-shot, your party is tasked with breaking into the mysterious Cryptic Quill bookstore to steal are rare magical tome.
Adventure Overview:
The Cryptic Caper takes your party from the dimly... [click here for more] |
The Wandering DM |
Pay What You Want
The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.
We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system.
The... [click here for more] |
Awfully Queer Heroes |
Pay What You Want
Une place s’est libérée parmi les vampires haut placés de la Camarilla locale, et un lécheur prometteur est prêt à tout pour s’en emparer. Ses alliés et lui savent quel avenir ils veulent donner à la cité, un futur qui inclut une fin sanglante pour ses anarchs (c’est-à-dire vous). Réussirez-vous à l’abattre dans son propre Elysium ?
Le jeu du primogène est un scénario... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Revista gratuita de Ragnarok
Biblioteca Merrick es una publicación digital gratuita dedicada al juego de rol Ragnarok (3a edición). Este primer número contiene.
Entrevista a Luis Ángel Madorrán, autor de la tercera edición de Ragnarok.
Sombras en la Ventisca, una aventura one-shot.
La Orden de la Estrella de Plata. Información sobre esta peligrosa organización.
... [click here for more] |
Ediciones t&t |
Pay What You Want
여학교 배경 성장형 캠페인 시나리오
시나리오 인포메이션 https://marionette-mu.postype.com/post/2867861
수록 시나리오
- 1장 바다에 가라앉는 꿈을 꿨다
- 2장 잘린 목 사건
- 3장 바다에 핀 별, 작별의 아네모네 ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Vous êtes assis dans le métro. La nuit est bien avancée. La rame n’est même pas remplie à moitié. La lumière vacille. Vous êtes assis à proximité de trois hommes. Ils vous semblent tous vaguement familiers. Chacun d’entre vous dévisage les trois autres, comme pour se remémorer d’où provient cette impression de vous connaître. Vous vous figez ; un malaise vous gagne ; quelque chose... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
분류: 오픈 시티
배경: 현대
추천 관계: KPC와 PC는 연인이고, KPC는 PC를 행복하게 해 주고 싶어합니다.
내가 지금 플레이하는 것은 COC 시나리오며, 플레이어들은 탐사자들은 가상의 캐릭터 임을 명확하게 인지해야 합니다. 또한, 시나리오 내에서 어떠한 일이 발생하든... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
The animals, what’s happening to them? Last week it was the lambs at the Larsson farm, the week before the hens of the Gustavssons and now.. Now the prized cow of the farmer Sten is missing. Right from the cowshed she was taken. Sten blames his brother Stig, but how could Stig wreck the door like that?
"The Strength of the Meat" is a short Vaesen mystery, most suitable to run as a one-shot... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Nouvelle année, nouveau vous !
Vous essayez de survivre nuit après nuit en tant que Descendant en gérant les sectes, les chasseurs de vampires et votre lien déclinant avec le monde des mortels dans lequel vous viviez avant. Posez-vous la question : votre non-vie va-t-elle se résumer à cela pour l’éternité ? Nous sommes le soir de la Saint-Sylvestre et, tandis que toute... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.”
—Emily Dickinson
L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”
Harry Houdini
Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre. Vous avez été invités à une fête pour discuter avec Isabella, une amie d’ami. Elle est harcelée par quelqu’un qui en sait trop sur les vampires. Allez-vous réussir à traiter cette dernière affaire avant les douze coups de minuit ?
Réveillon sanglant est un scénario pour Vampire : la Mascarade. Il est conçu idéalement pour une coterie de 4 à... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is an introductory adventure for The Legacy of Cthulhu, a Role-Playing Game that lets players act as one of the few Survivors of the apocalypse brought to Earth by the Great Old Ones and their minions.
The game’s main goal is survival, hiding in Shelters and waiting for the best windows of opportunity to go on supply runs. Food, medicine, weapons, and gear are the essential... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
Pay What You Want
Disclaimer: Infaernum is a Role-Playing Game that deals with dark and violent themes, including death, violence, disease, and other adult situations, as well as negative feelings of sadness, despair, and rage. The game’s setting also... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
Pay What You Want
The one-shot scenario On Air was created for The Call of Cthulhu's 7th edition and is set in 1920s Arkham. The players portray the cast of the neighborhood radio show "The Witching Hour" who are the "lucky ones" tasked with broadcasting live the introduction and spread of an unidentified evil to the community. The people who live in Arkham will be the ones to tell others what is happening over phone... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
First published in 1820, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a haunting tale set in a small, eerie village nestled along the banks of the Hudson River. The story follows Ichabod Crane, a superstitious schoolteacher with dreams of wealth, who arrives in the quiet, mist-shrouded town of Sleepy Hollow. There, he competes for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy farmer,... [click here for more] |
Kids in the Attic |
Pay What You Want
"By God, the creature Jamesson described is real. It has been stalking us for nearly two weeks. Tonight, the men and I took a vote—we have decided to make our final stand." - Final entry in the journal of Captain Ernest Spencer
Land in the Mist is a horror TTRPG set in the real world between 1750 and 1850. This time included events like... [click here for more] |
Rat In A Suit Productions |
This release contains those materials from our Dracula, the Great Old One supplement you might want to have in separate files, namely:
cards with bout of madness effects.
maps of sample rooms in Dracula's castle.
It can be especially useful if you buy the print version only, and don't have the access to the digital files that come with the PDF version.
Dracula, the Great Old One is... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
"... skin and meat has sloughed off the bone. The character crumples dead into a rotten glob. Restoration or Wish is required to.."
A free adventure for the award winning ShadowDark RPG, from Fox and Boar Games. John wrote this as an homage to the oldschool 'meat-grinder' dungeons of his youth. Grimtooth's Traps, Tomb of Horrors, Ghost Tower of Inverness, etc... all played a part in writing this.... [click here for more] |
Fox and Boar Games |
Pay What You Want
On Nröst-Loch, there is no land.
The Endless Sea, as it is sometimes called, is all you have ever known. The waters are violent, unrelenting, and filled with otherworldly oceanic life. All are subject to the whims of the sea and the creatures that inhabit it. What little rises from the depths to provide respite for desperate sailors will fall just the same. Survivors of these waters are crafty;... [click here for more] |
Almiraj |
Pay What You Want
Harvest Specters - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Roaming the dark, rural fields during cold autumn nights, the Harvest Specter is a figure as terrifying as it is mysterious. His head is a twisted pumpkin, glowing with a sinister green light, and in his withered hand, he holds his own decapitated head, transformed into a macabre lantern with... [click here for more] |
WargamePaper |
Pay What You Want
Back to Basics!
You are an adventurer! You seek riches, gold, and glory! One Page Dungeon 2nd Edition is a back to basics RPG/Roll+Write mash-up game that focuses on simplicity and quick play.
King Briarbun has long been dead. Known as a tyrant and a bigot, the peasants were happy to see him go to his grave. However, it seems he didn’t stay dead. A bizarre and out of season... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
Pay What You Want
ACID TRIP is an adventure site with 7-hex features :
a moon which has a chemical ocean below a soft surface
a crashed HAULER spacecraft that got stuck in the moon crust
a crew of outlaws
recruited by a T.T.O. cultist
a band of marshals determined to earn the bounties
ACID TRIP is an independent production by Neuralnoise and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH... [click here for more] |
Neuralnoise |
Pay What You Want
Tout le monde a fait sa rentrée et reprend le rythme de cette nouvelle année 2024-25. Pour agrémenter ce retour au quotidien, voici le dernier Taonet promis lors du financement de Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange ! Au nombre de six, ces suppléments numériques proposent régulièrement du matériel de jeu comme des scénarios, des nouveaux arts martiaux, des personnalités du Port parfumé,... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
하늘의 창공섬과 지상을 배경으로 하는 마녀 성장형 캠페인 입니다.
인포메이션 https://marionette-mu.postype.com/post/4218415
수록 시나리오
서장. 코델리아의 동화
1장. 마녀회
2장. 유령은 꿈꾸지 않는다
3장. 맞거울에 비친 진홍색 눈은
종장. 눈의 녹는점 ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
This is a map of a Coaching Inn in the 1800s, Designed for the Vaesen module 'The Dance of Dreams' from the Core Rule Book. It contains no adventure details and is just a map of the house. A Link for Foundry is included in the PDF, and a ZIP of the Maps and Still images are also included. The 'Pay what you want' is so that anybody can afford it, but any assistance so I can keep my hardware up to... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The scariest you can expect from a bridging malfunction is being trapped between dimensions…
…unless it gets back to reality.
A Space bulk is an amalgam of HUBs which merged with each other after a bridging disaster. Parts are melted inside one another, new passages have been created, life may have survived there.
use the tables of Death in Space Core Rules book
random... [click here for more] |
Neuralnoise |
Pay What You Want
It's campus chaos at Miskatonic University!
Tess Alvitr is a Norwegian exchange student that has come to Miskatonic University to get her Doctorate of Synthetic Biology. Little did she know that the sinister forces which stalk this place would be her undoing.
Vincent Pollo is not really Vincent Pollo, but a rogue Yithian who has broken with protocol and defied his brethren by "dropping in" to a human... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This is the beta release of the tabletop rpg game: Lost Legends of Hell. While the full manuscript is written, we wanted to take time to seek out playtesters to engage with the game, and see how and where we can improve ahead of a full release.
Lost Legends of Hell is a game that sees players, along with their ferry driver (GM) becoming monsters of one of 9 different races, as they go on adventures... [click here for more] |
Crass Knuckles |
Pay What You Want
For use with the TTRPG: Lost Legends of Hell. A pack of 6 level 1 characters, able to be edited or used as is, allowing players to jump into a game more quickly. ... [click here for more] |
Crass Knuckles |
Pay What You Want
Need a Dicey Tales Character sheet? Well, here ya go! ... [click here for more] |
Dicey Tales Productions |
Pay What You Want
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Kunos is a high fantasy horror role-playing setting for Pinnacle's Savage Worlds system. Kunos is a world filled with terrible things that lurk in dark places, a place where sword and spell meet scuttling creatures and their deranged minions. In Kunos, hope and heroes battle against nightmare forces that snuck into the world via cracks in reality.
The... [click here for more] |
Menagerie Press |
Cybergothica is a Cyberpunk Gothic Horror game set in an Earth shattered by centuries of Mega-Corp Rule. New nations have risen from the ashes and are picking up the pieces, but the survivors and new settlers of the Cybergothic Age must now face off against the ancient myths and horrors that once more lurk in the shadows. Characters take the role of adventurers and investigators in this bizarre age,... [click here for more] |
Bardic Wolf Productions |
Pay What You Want
Doomed Soul is an introductory story set in the Nomads Unbound universe. The rules presented here are highly simplified, with fewer tables, fewer combat possibilities, and a more linear narrative to understand how the system works. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
In this journey, you will not just observe but actively participate as a character on a pilgrimage... [click here for more] |
Mind's Vision |
Pay What You Want
Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game with horrific and gothic overtones, in a dark, low fantasy setting
A huge thanks to all our backers! Thanks to their amazing support, this book is now aviable for free!
Shadows of Esteren is a medieval role-playing game with horrific and Gothic overtones. Drawing inspiration from Celtic myths, this universe has a discreetly fantastic... [click here for more] |
Studio Agate |
Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
The God Beneath the Tree A Quickstart Playset For Cthulhu Awakens (PDF) Design: Sian Ingham and Malcolm Sheppard Format: 44-page full-color PDF
This is a doorway less ancient and sinister than some, being a merely metaphorical portal to the Cthulhu Awakens roleplaying game. By “roleplaying game,” we mean a tabletop role-playing... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |