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 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
Alien Omen is a Forged in the Dark game about a pending alien invasion. Characters start off as City Slicks or Rural Rangers who will be introduced to the alien menace preparing it's assault. As players lean into learning about the unknown, they gain power but at the cost of their own corruption.
5 Playbooks
8 Pages of "how to play"
3 Factions
"Rural Rangers & City Slickers" Crews
Downtime... [click here for more] |
AshyFeetGames |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable hero base sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and VEHICLE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable vehicle sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want
By the early 21st century, the harmful impacts of climate change had become all too clear. The burning of fossil fuels was choking the atmosphere with greenhouse gases & toxic fumes, while the clearing of natural landscapes was wiping out ecosystems. This triggered a cascade of disastrous global consequences.
Weather systems broke down, crop harvests failed, coastal cities were flooded while inland... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.
*1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*
Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage!
Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,... [click here for more] |
Rachel Sands |
Pay What You Want
Camp Hollow Lake – A Modern Call of Cthulhu Scenario
Camp Hollow Lake is set in the modern day and is designed to recreate the feel of a typical slasher film, including all its clenches. Four pre-generated investigators are provided, each with a secret which can help the investigators piece together what is going on at Camp Hollow Lake.
Camp Hollow Lake is designed for up to 4... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
You're a scoundrel, a lowlife living day by day, three-card tricking and pickpocketing at subway stations. To think you used to be good, one of the best. What happened to you? Did jail break you? The passage of time? Or that snake you shouldn't have fallen for? To hell with the past. All there is now is this dump you call an apartment, the bottle and your bad habits...... [click here for more] |
Ruggero ZC |
Pay What You Want
Step into the smog-filled streets of Veltro, a bustling trade hub within the United Free Cities. This 1920s-30s noir-inspired setting is designed for the TTRPG Case Files.
Amidst political tensions and cultural clashes in the city, players take on the roles of detectives in the Special Crimes Unit (SCU). The SCU is an elite investigative force tasked with solving the city’s most high-profile and... [click here for more] |
Rat In A Suit Productions |
Pay What You Want
Feel free to just use this however. If you wanna help me pay my student loans feel free but I don't really care that much. I know how hard looking for free campaign stuff is and wanna help people with that. Plus this thing is definitly not professional level. You should be able to adapt this however you want to fit your specific needs
Inspired by Twin Peaks (kinda) and some YT video on a videogame... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
Pay What You Want
Contact is a modern scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition. It is designed to be played in a single session and is intended for small groups of investigators. Over the course of the scenario, the players will investigate a missing persons case and his mysterious disappearance. They will unravel the missing person’s connection to a group of alien conspiracy theorists and one man... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
This project is still in a playtesting and editing phase. If you would still like to download and give feedback in comments or in messages please feel! Everything helps.
“You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal.”
- Brian Johnson, The breakfast... [click here for more] |
Alpakagangsta |
Pay What You Want
 Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
 Detta utskriftsvänliga häfte innehåller allt du behöver för att göra en rollperson till De fördömda, inklusive en lista med tidsenliga namn att inspireras av.
Nyheter, nyttiga länkar och annat som rör De fördömda hittar du på spelets sida på Facebook:
www.facebook.com/defordomda ... [click here for more] |
Daniel Lehto AB |
Pay What You Want
Death of a Game Master is a short game about death, loss, and regret. It tells about the importance of not leaving things unsaid before it is too late. The player characters are roleplayers, whose longtime GM Dallas is dying. The old gaming group has come together to say goodbye to their friend. Unfortunately, the sickness impairs the GM’s cognitive functions. The only way... [click here for more] |
Nuclear Saints |
Pay What You Want
Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ... [click here for more] |
Yodachi Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Hallo Abenteurer,
Du bist Spielleiter und stehst kurz vor deinem ersten Pen-&-Paper-Abenteuer? Ob Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Das Schwarze Auge oder ein anderes System – der Start in ein Abenteuer kann sich immer etwas schwierig gestalten, obwohl man so viele Ideen für den späteren Spielverlauf hat. Dieser kleine Guide soll Anfängern helfen, ihre ersten Schritte als... [click here for more] |
Quest |
Pay What You Want
 Need a Dicey Tales Character sheet? Well, here ya go! ... [click here for more] |
Dicey Tales Productions |
Pay What You Want
 Der Charakterbogen für die deutsche Originalausgabe von Die dunklen Fälle des Harry Dresden – Turbo-Fate-Rollenspiel im A4 Format ... [click here for more] |
Bibliothek zu Melinoe |
Pay What You Want
Don't Let Them Take You Alive – action horror roleplaying in the Modern Cthulhu Mythos. It's like if Guy Ritchie wrote weird fiction; or Scooby-Doo with guns. “Oh, look, Randy's playing a scholarly milquetoast – again. How Lovecraftian of you.” Be a cop! Be a cultist! Be a Deep One! Be an occult librarian bookmobile monster hunter! BE THE HERO! BE THE VILLAIN! BE THE MONSTER! You want a... [click here for more] |
Dangerous Worlds |
Pay What You Want
This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
Pay What You Want
When Sophists, those that are paid to explore, question and witness the grandness of adventure have the opprotunity to seek out someone or something that can make their wildest dreams come true, it's to good of a story to pass up. Now comes the challenge of answering the calling and question of the Dreamweaver. Come to the Golden Jungle City and see if you can find a way to win or overcome the Dreamweaver's... [click here for more] |
Big B |
Pay What You Want
 EDIT: 3-7-2024
The Kickstarter for a new Dungeon Office is here!
If you want to support the project follow the links below to either Kickstarter or my patreon!
The Dungeon Office - Sinister Startups
The Dungeon Boss will see you... [click here for more] |
Lair of the Coffee Dragon |
Pay What You Want
 Alors que le changement de quart va bientôt se réaliser, la monotonie d’un immeuble de banlieue va être perturbée par la découverte d’un habitant décédé dans son appartement. Des personnages liés à lui par des raisons défiant l’ordre du Diktat devront récupérer les preuves de leur culpabilité avant que la Garde Noire n’arrive pour enquêter. L’homme, pourtant discret, va se... [click here for more] |
Neuralnoise |
Pay What You Want
 Just the map for Escape From Castle Calamity, a Level 1 5e adventure/quickstart for newcomers. You can use this map at your own table as a small location, to generate your own adventures, or simply for general inspiration. ... [click here for more] |
My Dpad Games |
Pay What You Want
 Character sheet for Fail Forward RPG system. ... [click here for more] |
Nuclear Saints |
Pay What You Want
From The Hip RPG (FTH) is designed so that it can be played with or without dice and for any genre QUICKLY. I have played Fantasy, Wild West, Modern Spy, Fantasy Pirate Traders, and Space Opra type generes with these guides. Modules are designed to be played in 2 to 4 hours. I've developed and used this guide off and on since 1982.
I plan a Fantasy GM Core guide, a Fantasy GM Character guide... [click here for more] |
From The Hip RPG |
Pay What You Want
 "You and your friends are stuck in a Fairy Tale being directed by an Eldritch being only known as, the Fairy Godmother. Why are you smiling, don't you know how much danger you're in? "
Fuck Fairy Godmothers is a Caltrop Core based system where you and a group of friends (designed for 4 players plus a godmother) get to break the bonds of societal norms and the fairy tale life by saying "Fuck... [click here for more] |
Lost Guide Games |
Pay What You Want
 Grants & Glory (G&G): Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts
Willkommen in Bürokratistan, wo Förderzusagen Illusionen sind, Zeitpläne „flexibel“ (lies: nie) und Verzweiflung in dreifacher Ausführung geliefert wird. In Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts kämpfst du dich durch das Bundesamt für Mühsal und Budget-Flickwerk, trickst schwerfällige Bürokraten aus und hoffst,... [click here for more] |
GrantWerk |
Pay What You Want

Grants & Glory (G&G): The Greenlight Mirage
Welcome to Bureaucristan, where funding approval is a myth, timelines are “flexible,” and despair comes in triplicate forms. In The Greenlight Mirage, you’ll navigate the Bureau of Muddled Budgetary Futility, outwit obtuse administrators, and pray your sanity survives. Will you get the grant or just more gray... [click here for more] |
GrantWerk |
Pay What You Want
A Boulder-first Valentine’s Mystery for Tales from the Loop.
February, 1986. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Boulder City teen hotspot Makeout Point is at the busiest it’ll be all year (or, at least until high-school graduation). But this year it’s not just love that’s in the air… it’s apparitions.
Ghosts of Makeout Point is... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is an addition to our main game Grim Hunters. It contains a variety of creatures you can interact with in the game.
Grim Hunters is our new TTRPG that uses a d10 as the main dice, which creates an exciting and unpredictable gameplay. In this game, you will be taking on the role of a hunter, tracking and battling mythical creatures in a modern setting. Instead... [click here for more] |
Digital Troll Studios |
Pay What You Want
HAYWIRE is a fast paced, class based, tactical skirmish scale game for both solo and coop play set in the modern days.
Deploy on the battlefield one of the 16 default units available or assemble your own by using one of the 30 available classes from a breacher to an undercover operator or a dog handler.
Choose where to deploy your team or pick one of the 30 random infil points like a covert van,... [click here for more] |
Martin Krasemann |
Pay What You Want
 Today is an exciting day for you—finally, after millennia of unspeakable torments (or maybe just a few minutes, time is kind of just a vibe in the afterlife) you have earned yourself a promotion to demonhood! Starting now, you work at Hell, Inc., the labyrinthine corporate bureaucracy that keeps the worst parts of the underworld running. It's a great job, if you don't mind having your will to exist... [click here for more] |
Rent-A-Thug Comics |
Pay What You Want
You are now a Recast...
... a transforming superweapon of terrifying design, created by shadowy forces that lurk in the darkness.
Somehow, you are now free. Perhaps you escaped, or maybe you were released as part of their dark schemes. You return to the world a changed person, one that it does not accept. Loved ones no longer recognize you, and dark forces hunt you down relentlessly.... [click here for more] |
miguelrey |
Pay What You Want
3 aides de jeu pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange :
- Loksyu
- Roue d'initiative
- Ng Hang ... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
Carte de Hong Kong pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
Livret du joueur pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ll inclut un résumé des règles, une introduction à l'univers et une feuille de personnage. ... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
 10 personnages prétirés pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
“Dites toute la verite, mais dites-la sous un certain angle. Le succes s'affirme par des voies detournees.”
—Emily Dickinson
L’ami de Daria, Sam, est mort il y a trois ans, mais maintenant, il est de retour. Elle espère que la cellule des Chasseurs va pouvoir l’aider à comprendre ce qui se passe. Est-ce qu’il s’agit juste d’un sosie ou est-ce que les... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
“Si un artiste veut essayer de mordre dans du fer chauffe au rouge, qu'il s'assure d'abord d'avoir de bonnes dents.”
Harry Houdini
Dans la ville de Rochefort, dans le Massachusetts, le célèbre prestidigitateur reconverti en « chercheur en quête de vérités paranormales », Aaron Phelps, disparaît. Il laisse derrière lui le seul mystère qu’il n’a pas pu résoudre : la... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Jamais Vu is an unofficial TTRPG inspired by the video game Disco Elysium. Play as an amnesiac investigator solving a case while discovering your own identity, while 24 aspects of your psyche (your skills!) fight for your attention.
Features include:
110+ pages game with solo, cooperative, and traditional modes (with a Game Master).
Zero-prep, sit-and-play ruleset with an extremely fast character... [click here for more] |
Mithrillica |
Pay What You Want
Vous êtes assis dans le métro. La nuit est bien avancée. La rame n’est même pas remplie à moitié. La lumière vacille. Vous êtes assis à proximité de trois hommes. Ils vous semblent tous vaguement familiers. Chacun d’entre vous dévisage les trois autres, comme pour se remémorer d’où provient cette impression de vous connaître. Vous vous figez ; un malaise vous gagne ; quelque chose... [click here for more] |
Arkhane Asylum Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Il y a deux types d’agents à la Laverie. Les horribles gratte-papier qui utilisent leur connaissance de l’occulte pour mieux l’enterrer. Et ceux qui utilisent cette connaissance pour mieux enterrer les hor-reurs occultes qui menacent les gratte-papier. ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 Le véritable espion ne pavoise pas dans des cock- tails au bras de créatures de rêve ou dans des voitures de luxe. C’est un travailleur besogneux et consciencieux qui accumule les faits et les évi- dences. À la Laverie, ils ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 Vous êtes une personne normale dans un monde normal, ou presque. Surtout, vous ne voulez pas savoir. Mais vous êtes prêt à tout pour repousser ces monstres. Parce que les interventions contre des humains, c’est pas trop votre trip. ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 Tantra L’information, c’est le pouvoir. Le pouvoir, c’est la magie. L’information haut débit, c’est de la magie. ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 Toutes les créatures extérieures, toutes les monstruosités terrestres ne sont pas mauvaises. Certaines peuvent même être convaincues de travailler pour nous. Sinon, on peut toujours les contraindre avec un geis idoine. ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want