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HAYWIRE is a fast paced, class based, tactical skirmish scale game for both solo and coop play set in the modern days.
Deploy on the battlefield one of the 16 default units available or assemble your own by using one of the 30 available classes from a breacher to an undercover operator or a dog handler.
Choose where to deploy your team or pick one of the 30 random infil points like a covert van,... [click here for more] |
Martin Krasemann |
Pay What You Want
Jamais Vu is an unofficial TTRPG inspired by the video game Disco Elysium. Play as an amnesiac investigator solving a case while discovering your own identity, while 24 aspects of your psyche (your skills!) fight for your attention.
Features include:
110+ pages game with solo, cooperative, and traditional modes (with a Game Master).
Zero-prep, sit-and-play ruleset with an extremely fast character... [click here for more] |
Mithrillica |
Pay What You Want
They have a plan. What could possibly go wrong?
The loveless match of Lady Penelope to Baron Von Rupenstein will be the event of the season – and the crime of the century. Tonight, your cunning band of criminals must infiltrate the lavish wedding ball at the Stoneagles Estate, outwit Captain Waldorf and the Duke’s guard, and liberate the host’s gold, the guests’ jewellery, and the bride... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
Feel free to just use this however. If you wanna help me pay my student loans feel free but I don't really care that much. I know how hard looking for free campaign stuff is and wanna help people with that. Plus this thing is definitly not professional level. You should be able to adapt this however you want to fit your specific needs
Inspired by Twin Peaks (kinda) and some YT video on a videogame... [click here for more] |
Monte Cook Games |
Pay What You Want
A Boulder-first Valentine’s Mystery for Tales from the Loop.
February, 1986. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Boulder City teen hotspot Makeout Point is at the busiest it’ll be all year (or, at least until high-school graduation). But this year it’s not just love that’s in the air… it’s apparitions.
Ghosts of Makeout Point is... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Webs and Witches
It's 1:00 a.m. and a gentle breeze pushes greasy-looking clouds across the moon. It's a warm summer night, perfect weather for a sleepover beneath the stars. But tonight, none of you have any intention of going to bed.
It all sounded simple enough a few hours ago. Ride to the far edge of town where the old Warwick Mansion stands. Sneak... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
Zone 28 is a rules light roleplaying game inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker. The game has an emphasis on exploration, mystery, survival, character introspection, and a slow but inevitable creeping doom that corrupts and erodes until nothing remains. Players should not expect a happy ending for their characters. They are not heroes and danger lurks around every corner in the Zone.
Character creation... [click here for more] |
Shrike Studio |
Do you enjoy planning adventures on paper, but get scared of the structurelessness of blank sheets? Use these campaign planner sheets, print them out, and design thrilling sci-fi adventures that will expand your players' horizons. This package includes 5 printable aids (check the pro version for more), and more are planned. Each of them also has a more contrasting version, in case your printer struggles... [click here for more] |
Lazarus |
Pay What You Want
This FREE Starter Set features a condensed set of rules needed to play the 3 FREE one-shots (check bundle below), and a small discount code for the full Core Rules (you can find it in the thank you message when you download the title).
EDGE RPG is a table top roleplaying game that can be described in one word: freedom. Your character can be whoever they... [click here for more] |
Sebastian Baar |
“...with children, promises are pinky sworn solemn, and unbreakable. They mean something.”
― Cyn Balog
Welcome back to Camp Iron, the toughest summer camp in the tri-state area.
Due to some renewed interest in Pinkysworn, we are offering a set of 18 oracles - tables of answers to direct the story when randomness or outside inspiration is required. These... [click here for more] |
Random Wyvern Publishing |
Embark on a thrilling tabletop adventure with Detective Time, a concise and easy-to-play RPG that transforms you and your friends into a team of detectives ready to crack cases by any means necessary.
Detective Time is a simple 3-page tabletop RPG that is designed to be played with a game master and up to 6 players. This system has been designed to be simple to understand with rules straightforward... [click here for more] |
Rat In A Suit Productions |
Race your friends to unleash the whims of YOUR capricious and unknowable god onto the world first! Play with 2-6 people, choose the god you want to follow, recruit cultists and sacrifice them to eldritch abominations!
This game is very easy to pick up and play, with most rounds taking about 30-45 minutes. It's great for bringing for an impromptu game night, or to wind down after a long stressful day.... [click here for more] |
Wisps Entertainment |
Despite being a land-locked country, Hungary once had a dreadnought battleship - SMS Szent István. This article describes the ship and its short wartime career. ... [click here for more] |
Shilka Publishing |
Pay What You Want
In the 1970's, the US Army decided that it needed a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun, similar to the West German Gepard or Soviet ZSU-23-4. The result was the M247 Sergeant York.
This article describes the M247 itself, the procurement process, and all the problems that led to Caspar Weinberger describing it as "basically an ineffective system" when it was cancelled in 1985. ... [click here for more] |
Shilka Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Want to sample the delights of virtual tabletop Tokens and adventure Maps created by Studio WyldFurr before committing to buying one of our token or map packs? Then this is the pack for you. This pack contains one character set of a jumpsuit clad, manga style, modern-day adventurer character - plus a small map of a cobblestone path through an area of gravel and dirt.
This pack is... [click here for more] |
WyldFurr |
Pay What You Want
Der Abenteuer-Baukasten ist ein einfaches und flexibles Pen-&-Paper Rollenspielsystem, das für Spielerinnen und Spieler ab 6 Jahren geeignet ist. Es ermöglicht den Teilnehmern, ihre eigene fantasievolle Welt zu erschaffen, einzigartige Charaktere zu entwickeln und gemeinsam Abenteuer zu erleben. Besonders gut eignet sich der Abenteuer-Baukasten für den Kindergarten, Familien und die Primarstufe.... [click here for more] |
rollenspiel.org |
APOCALYPSE RPG - Free Rules provides complete rules for you to start an APOCALYPSE RPG campaign, even without the core book. It introduces some basic Concepts, Characteristics, Virtues, and Flaws, as well as the entire Tension rule, which is the foundation of the APOCALYPSE RPG system.
It is the only RPG based on the Biblical Apocalypse, where Characters will find themselves within the Reign of the... [click here for more] |
thiagogomes |
The collected artworks from Trinity Continuum: Assassins.
Inside you'll find full page illustrations, character templates, and half page scenes (locations, Gifts, equipment, etc).
Note: This artwork is for exclusive use with the Storypath Nexus community content program only.
For more information on creating your own Trinity Continuum supplements and publishing them on DriveThruRPG... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
All the materials you need to get started creating your own Trinity Continuum: Assassins supplements.
Includes all textures, fonts, and InDesign templates.
Note: This template is for use with the Storypath Nexus community content program only.
For more information on creating your own Trinity Continuum supplements and publishing them on DriveThruRPG please review the Content... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
On the night of May 9, 2011, the Agents are urgently summoned by their liaison superior for a briefing in Lincoln, Nebraska. As soon as they arrive at the place of the briefing, an anonymous house in the suburban suburbs, they are assigned a new mission: to find Azzurrina, Senator Wilson's daughter, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
"Azzurrina Is Missing" is a fanmade... [click here for more] |
Born2BPlayer |
Mini-scénarios gratuits pour B.I.A. ou Project Pelican.
Incarnez des agents spéciaux du Bureau of Indian Affairs : au cours de vos aventures, parcourez les réserves indiennes, menez l'enquêtes sur des évènements étranges, dans un monde de chamans, de glyphes et de wendigos…
1-Moustiques Les joueurs sont à la recherche de la mère disparue d'un enfant... [click here for more] |
Les XII Singes |
Niezbędnik mechanicznego wojownika to suplement do gry fabularnej Basilisk, w całości poświęcony tematowi zmiennokształtnych robotów. Jesteś graczem i chcesz stworzyć postać kosmicznego androida? Jesteś arbitrem i planujesz przygodę, w której mają się pojawić roboty albo związane z nimi miejsca i przedmioty? W obu przypadkach – to podręcznik właśnie dla ciebie! ... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Niezbędnik wojownika cieni to suplement do gry fabularnej Basilisk, w całości poświęcony tematowi ninja. Jesteś graczem i chcesz stworzyć postać ninja? Jesteś arbitrem i planujesz przygodę, w której mają się pojawić ninja lub związane z nimi miejsca i przedmioty? W obu przypadkach – to podręcznik właśnie dla ciebie! ... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Tajne misje to suplement do gry fabularnej Basilisk: A Real American Villain! Zostało w nim zaprezentowanych sześć pomysłów na misje dla postaci graczy. Każde zadanie ma inny motyw przewodni: włamanie, zamach, ucieczkę, pościg, sabotaż albo ochronę pozycji. Jeśli potrzebujesz zwięzłych, przejrzystych pomysłów na jednostrzały bez specjalnego przygotowania, jesteś we właściwym miejscu!... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Basilisk: A Real American Villain! to gra fabularna o członkach potężnej, zakonspirowanej organizacji terrorystycznej, destabilizującej sytuację na arenie międzynarodowej w imię zysków. Całość jest inspirowana estetyką oraz atmosferą filmów i kreskówek z lat osiemdziesiątych, a szczególnie występującymi w nich organizacjami przestępczymi. Jeśli masz ochotę... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
A printable character sheet for the BEACH PATROL roleplaying game! ... [click here for more] |
Gallant Knight Games |
Hit the sand as fast as possibe!
GALLANT KNIGHT GAMES is happy to present a new supporting product for our slow-motion minimalist roleplaying game about surf, sun, and safety: Beach Patrol. These file contains six character options that you can pick and play from, using a new quickstart character generation method! Simply check the boxes to select Traits, Masteries, and fill... [click here for more] |
Gallant Knight Games |
What is 5e's worst problem? Boomerangs are crap items. You know it, I know it, the almighty demon Graz'zt knows it. Why even role play if ya can't slap a bloody bogan with a 'rang, eh mate?
Behold! I have fixed 5e!!!
Disclaimer: This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at https://dnd.wizards.com/resources/systems-reference-document.... [click here for more] |
Josh King |
System: Monster of the Week
Mood: old horror movies, a mad scientist, mutated insects
Time: 3-4 hours
A herd of cows was found dead on a farm near a small town. They had gone out to pasture less than an hour earlier, but their carcasses were horribly swollen, and there were no tracks on the ground nearby. A menacing buzzing sound is coming from... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Chwile to gra solo, w której chodzi o to, żeby zanurzyć się w momencie z życia innej osoby. By to zrobić, musisz zadać sobie kilka pytań, a następnie dzięki odpowiedziom pozwolić swojej wyobraźni zbudować wspomnienie i poczuć je tak, jakby było twoje.
Życie to seria wyjątkowych momentów porozrzucanych między dniami rutyny i monotonii. To w nich czujemy, że żyjemy. To do nich... [click here for more] |
Skavenloft |
Free print-friendly Character Sheets for Gallant Knight Games espionage roleplaying game: Cold Shadows ... [click here for more] |
Gallant Knight Games |
A whole bunch of Zombie creatures! Some are inspired by popular IP's, others are generic fantasy. I made them fit with my standard design, so I might go back and add weapons and rags/clothes to "flesh" out the pack.
The ZIP file contains creature 13 PNG tokens, each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 39 assets.
All tokens are made... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
Some aquatic monsters with very sharp teeth, sharks! :D
Someone on my Discord was asking about aquatic creatures and I realized the problem is most tokens "float" above the water. I decided to do some cool blurring effects and have the fins sticking out! This makes the rest of the token detail fade away unfortunately, but if you like me and love that immersive feel on the battlemap.. hopefully... [click here for more] |
Caeora |
This is the character sheet for "Cthulhu Unleashed". You can find the game here.
Thank you for checking out Cthulhu Unleashed and have fun! ... [click here for more] |
Vindicta RPGs |
Cyberpunk & Corporate
This is a single page (US Letter) containing six 1d12 random tables. Taken together they should create the outline encounters within cyberpunk corporate office.
These tables were created for my Patreon and inspired by the Lone Wolf Solo Jam, Feb 2022.
... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
Call me Braun, the sharp-dressed sleuth of Jersey's backstreets. I'm 37, easy on the eyes, and slick with the talk. I can swing a billy club like it's second nature, juggle lingo in a dozen tongues, and I've got the skinny on every crook in the five boroughs.
You'll spot me by the shine of my two-toned Oxfords, the tilt of my latest fedora, and the silk tie that says I mean... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
Ya see, the name's John Joseph Broderick. I'm 36, a real bruiser type, ya know? Born and bred in the Bronx, muscles ain't just for show — I used to throw punches in the ring as a pro. Life's been no peach; my bro got iced in an alley by some mob hotshot, Ma passed from typhoid, and the old man? A lush, through and through.
But hey, I ain't one to dwell on the past. I put... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
The air hung thick with the scent of tobacco and the distant rumble of jazz drifted through the streets of New York City. It was the 1920s, and I, Detective Harrison, found myself in the heart of this bustling metropolis. Born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, I had adapted well to the ways of this city, blending my Southern charm with the quick wit and sharp tongue of a Brooklyn native.
They called... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
Well, see here, it's been a wild ride since I stepped into this world of investigations with Marlowe. Detective Jackson, they call me, though back in Harlem they knew me as something different altogether. Born and raised in the heart of Harlem, NYC, I've seen my share of brawls, both in the ring and out.
At twenty, I was a young boxing champ, knocking heads and making a name for myself.... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
Name’s Shawn Reed Johnson. Born and raised in the heart of Virginia, but I’ve been pounding the pavement in the Big Apple since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. You see, I ain’t your run-of-the-mill gumshoe. Nah, I’m an inspector for the NYPD, and I’ve got a nose for trouble sharper than a switchblade.
Detective Marlowe? Yeah, he’s my partner. We’re like two... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
The name’s Jones, Detective Sergeant Jones. Standin' tall at 6 feet 1, I'm the fella you'll spot in a leather trench and a fedora that's as sharp as my wits. I got a knack for the shadowy corners of this world, the occult and cults — that's where I shine.
Before I pounded the pavement, I was a doughboy, see? Close combat's my jam; it's like dancin', only the music's the... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
I'm Detective Meadows, born and bred in Brooklyn. Started out as a captain in the 1st Infantry Division, seen my share of action overseas. Came back home, figured I could put my skills to use keepin' the streets safe. Joined up with the Brooklyn precinct, worked my way up quick. Wasn't long before I partnered up with Marlowe, another sharp cookie. We set up our own private eye agency, takin'... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
I'm Detective Miller, born and bred in Cincinnati, Ohio, but moved to NYC as a kid when my dad took interest in the stock exchange. I started off as a supplier at the precinct, worked my way up to full-fledged officer. Then I got into fixing engines, became the precinct's mechanic. But it was gunsmithin' that really caught my eye.
Detective Marlowe, he saw my knack for solvin' things and... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
The name's Morris, retired inspector, age 61, and a real connoisseur of the city's heartbeat. Born in the cradle of bohemia, Greenwich Village, I've seen Manhattan through its highs and lows. Now, I'm the big cheese at my own detective agency, runnin' the show with my partner, Marlowe.
I ain't much for gab, but when it comes to sniffin' out crime, I'm sharper than a tack.... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
The name is Chief Inspector Selleck and I was born and bred in the City of Brotherly Love—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. But let me tell ya, this ain’t no brotherly business we’re in. Nah, it’s a jungle out there, and I’m the king of the concrete jungle.
See, I run the detective bureau, and my partner? Detective Marlowe. Kid’s got fire in his belly, but he’s wet... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
In the rain-soaked streets of 1920s New York City, I concealed my true expertise beneath the guise of a seasoned professor of criminology. However, my dusty book labeled "Criminology" held secrets far beyond criminal justice—evidence of encounters with aliens and the occult that I'd compiled over the years.
Drawn to New York from London by an unusual case, I partnered with Detective Marlowe,... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Demons & Detectives! Character Sheet (Detective Campbell) Regular price: $0.00 Bundle price: $0.00 Format: PDF On a chilling night in NYC, I found myself standing over the lifeless body of a young man, his face tinged with an eerie blue hue and adorned with a peculiar mask. By day, I am a judge, but... [click here for more] |
Demons & Dungeoneers Gamebooks |
Get ready to have a tactical battle inside and around ruins by a desert oasis!
There's cover! There's water! There's difficult terrain! There's high ground!
The battlemap is 24 x 24 and provided at 300 dpi. Foundry json file included!
Battlemap comes in four flavors: Dawn, Dusk, Midnight, and Noon.
... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
Die the RPG: Custom campaign character sheets with new and rebalanced abilities Hello fellow Die fans! Having played quite a lot of the beta version of Die the RPG, I found myself disappointed by the multi-session campaign maerial in the final release. The new advancements seemed lackluster, the progression tree too linear, and the character sheets themselves were... [click here for more] |
Nate Brauner |