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 Diese wunderschönen Landkarten des Fantasy-Künstlers Bob Greyvenstein zeigen einen verlockenden Ausschnitt eines verzauberten Waldes, mit Merkmalen, zu denen Klippen, Wanderwege, ein kleiner Felshügel, der Eingang zu einer Schlucht, ein Teil eines Teiches, ein Bach, über den eine Brücke führt, ein Feenring aus Pilzen, eine kolossale Statue aus Stein, eine gewaltige uralte Eiche und mehr gehören.... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
 Estos mapas del artista de fantasía Bob Greyvenstein representan una sección atractiva del Bosque Encantado, con características que incluyen acantilados, senderos, una colina rocosa pequeña, la entrada a un barranco, parte de un estanque, un arroyo con un puente sobre él, un círculo de hadas de hongos, una estatua de piedra colosal, un gran roble antiguo y más. Este título incluye dos versiones... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
 Esses mapas do artista de fantasia Bob Greyvenstein retratam uma seção atraente da Floresta Encantada (Enchanted Forest), com características que incluem penhascos, trilhas, uma pequena colina rochosa, a entrada de uma ravina, parte de um açudo, um riacho com uma ponte sobre ele, um anel-de-fadas, uma estátua de pedra colossal, um grande carvalho antigo e muito mais.
Este título inclui duas... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
2024 ENNIE Nominee for Best Community Content A Call of Cthulhu Modern one shot adventure for 3-6 players. Estimated playing time 3-4 hours. Five friends, united by grief, face torments driven by a dark threat thought hidden for over a century. A threat driven by a dark thirst for passion soaked in blood. "The Last Dance of Lola Montez" is a Call of Cthulhu Modern... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Exploring the depths of an urban city battle map
A post-apoc map that drops you into an old deserted street in a ruined city. Despite the fact that many vehicles are rusting away, there are still places to scavenge for sure. But time may be running out before others arrive..
Fits perfectly for all tabletop rpg and virtual tabletop like Mutant Year Zero, Vermin 2047, Metro 2033, Infected, Fallout,... [click here for more] |
Amatsu |
$3.99 $0.99
NOTE: These files are early access and will be updated on a regular basis until reaching a full release. Thank you for your support.
The original Ultramodern5 was the most successful non-fantasy ruleset for 5th Edition. This revised sourcebook... [click here for more] |
Dias Ex Machina Games |
These tokens are designed to allow you to bring The Contagion Chronicle to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
Inside you’ll find:
Player character tokens drawn from the art of The Contagion Chronicle
Character tokens to represent both Storyteller Characters and Antagonists
A quick reference pdf containing all the token art for ease of view
Also available now... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
 Play Titan Effect RPG: Declassified Edition on Foundry Virtual Tabletop now!
The world is not what it seems. Psychics and bio-augmented humans work as spies and soldiers on behalf of criminal organizations, private military companies, and secret societies in a covert war that has been raging for decades. Some are fighting for control and power, while others seek to shape... [click here for more] |
Knight Errant Media |
$24.99 $19.99
* * *
Well now, chummers and chooms, seems ol' Tripwire's been at it again. I hear there's this strange cyberspace node where folks like to gather and do 'roleplaying' and the like. And I'm talking about games such as Blockades and Bugbears. You know, for those who have far more imagination thank... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
These tokens are designed to allow you to bring Trinity Continuum: A Quantum Leap to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
Inside you’ll find:
Player character tokens drawn from Trinity Continuum: A Quantum Leap
Character tokens to represent Antagonists
A quick reference pdf containing all the token art for ease of view
Available seperately from Onyx Path Publishing:
Trinity... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
This download includes a selection of electronic wallpaper files for your computer or mobile device featuring a collage of the art from the Scion: Masks of the Mythos sourcebook.
Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing:
Scion: Masks of the Mythos
The Mythos is older than humanity, Gods, and Titans, with an unknowable otherness that can shatter them all. This slumbering horror... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Sirens echo in the distance. Above, the sky is clear and offers a respite to the last few weeks of rain. The aromas from the streets mingle in the air. Glass monoliths that reach the heavens are always omnipresent, casting their powerful message in all their neon glory. Tonight is as good as any to make a score or take down a corporate. Use all your cybernetic tools of war and rip out a piece of... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$29.05 $16.26

Ringmaster is a Descended from the Queen (DftQ) GM-less narrative role-playing game for 2-6 players that you can play in 1-2 hours. Recommended for ages 13 and up.
Explore through prompt cards why you joined a dark & supernatural circus, your relation to the Ringmaster, and the secrets of your troupe.
You are bound to the circus. When... [click here for more] |
Spotless Dice Games |
The Secrets of the Council of Nine Mystick Traditions Revealed!
Lore of the Traditions VTT Assets contains 50 character tokens drawn from Lore of the Traditions.
Upload them to your favorite virtual tabletop platform to tell your Mage stories.
Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing:
Lore of the Traditions
The Secrets of the Council of Nine Mystick Traditions Revealed!
In... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
![Technomancers, A Sprawlrunners Supplement - FoundryVTT Module [OLD VERSION]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/27/384282-thumb140.jpg) INCOMING PAYDATA
You have downloaded the VTT module for Technomancers, a Sprawlrunner's supplement. This download containts the full rulebook for adding technomancers to your Sprawlrunners campaigns. This module functions best with and relies on both the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and Sprawlrunners VTT Modules; if you do not own either module, you may experience broken links.
This edition is... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
These tokens are designed to allow you to bring Scion: Origin to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
Inside you’ll find:
Nine signature character tokens drawn from Scion: Origin and Heroes for the World
Nine character tokens to represent allied Storyguide characters
Nine character tokens to represent Antagonists
A quick reference pdf containing all the token... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Roleplaying in the '80s that Never Was
As the robot thundered across the rye field towards the police van I realized a line had been crossed, and that it had been crossed many hours earlier that day. Maybe it happened when we broke into the warehouse... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
 What’s Cooking is an incident for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting,
published by Rusted Portal Games.
This Print & Play Scavenge Map is designed for the warehouse encounter of What's Cooking, an AtR Incident. This map prints on Four (4) 8.5"x11" (letter)
This Incident is a 5E compatible one-shot adventure set in AtR, the Apocalypse the Risen Campaign... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
 This collection of png files with transparencies is drawn from the art of Scion Second Edition.
These overlays are designed to help bring your Scion: Origin and Scion: Hero game to life on streaming platforms. These files are designed to accommodate everything from a single performer creating characters with a document window, to up to six performers on screen... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
$4.99 $1.99
 Perilous Hunt 1: Acid Trip is a 1st Level hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting. Hunts are singl encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
published by Rusted Portal Games.
This Perilous Hunt is a 5E compatible one-shot encounter set in AtR, the Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting. Encounter Difficulty,... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This collection of png files with transparencies is drawn from the art of Lore of the Traditions.
These overlays are designed to help bring your Mage: The Ascension Twentieth Anniversary Edition game to life on streaming platforms. These files are designed to accommodate everything from a single performer creating characters with a document window, to up to six performers... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
In 1954, the Swedish government ordered the construction of the world’s largest particle accelerator. The facility was complete in 1969, located deep below the pastoral countryside of Mälaröarna. The local population called this marvel of technology... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
 NeuralNet Labs Inc. stands as the pinnacle of technological innovation, a beacon of cutting-edge cybernetic research and development. Operating under a shroud of secrecy, this enigmatic corporation offers an unparalleled playground for players daring to delve into the heart of the digital frontier. From clandestine experiments in augmentation to shadowy interrogations conducted amidst humming servers... [click here for more] |
Dread Maps |
These tokens are designed to allow you to bring Scion: Hero to the virtual tabletop platform of your choice.
Inside you’ll find:
Five signature character tokens drawn from Scion: Hero
Variants for each signature character to represent each pantheon presented in Scion: Hero
A quick reference pdf containing all the token art for ease of view
... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 10: WrathOwl, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your players.... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 11: Little Slice of Hell, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 13: Come Into My Parlor, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for the Slide Zone & Bunker featured in Perilous Hunt 2: Toxic Mommy, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 3: Murder of Craven, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 4: Rad Hungry, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your players.... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 6: Octo Cenote, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your players.... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 7: Temple of G'Or, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 8: Dredge Maze, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to your players.... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
 This Print & Play Map is designed for Perilous Hunt 9: Belk and the Hound, a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are single encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print & Play Scavenge Maps include a horizontal hex grid where 1" = 5'.
Print this map, put it on the table, and play. Good luck to... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
This Print & Play Map is designed for the Cabin encounter featured in Perilous Hunt 1: Acid Trip is a hunt for the 5E + SPINE Powered Apocalypse the Risen Campaign Setting.
Hunts are singl encounters with adventure hooks to add to your campaign. Perilous Hunts are deadly encounters.
Print this map at actual size for standard 1" = 5' squares. And good luck to your players.
published by Rusted... [click here for more] |
Rusted Portal Games |
Pay What You Want
Find your destiny. Live the myth. Embrace your Fate.
Scion is a game about Gods and humanity, and everything in between. It’s a game about mythic Deeds and the reasons people talk about those mythic Deeds. Scion: Origin details the Scions when they’re... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |

Azrael's Guide to the Apocalypse is a high-level, apocalyptic adventure for characters of levels 10-20. Join Azrael, the Angel of Death, and an eclectic band of heroes as you embark on an adventure inspired by the events in the biblical book of Revelation. This journey is not for the faint of heart, and defeating evil will come at a cost. This campaign will challenge the conventions of space and... [click here for more] |
Red Panda Publishing |
 This map can represent a corporate or hospital lobby, a hotel reception, or the entrance to a ruined building. Whether you are fighting zombies or corporate agents, or you are trying to get in or out of the building this battle map can function as a great gauntlet with plenty of cover for firefights or stealth.
This map comes with a total of 20 variants divided into two themes and simplified... [click here for more] |
Miska's Maps |
This download includes a selection of electronic wallpaper files for your computer or mobile device featuring a collage of the art from the Scion: Dragon sourcebook.
Also available now from Onyx Path Publishing:
Scion Second Edition: Dragon
You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
This is FoundryVTT module. You need to own a valid FoundryVTT license to use the following assets.
This module is compatible with FoundryVTT v12.
Included you will find 15 different vehicles to use on your maps. All cars include a top & a side view.
The vehicles are included in several different colors.
Alfa Romeo 6C1750 Grand Sport Zagato (1929)
Alvis TT (1928)
Austin... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Architect Modern Maps |
 This is FoundryVTT module. You need to own a valid FoundryVTT license to use the following assets.
This module is compatible with FoundryVTT v12.
Included you will find 15 different vehicles to use on your maps. All cars include a top & a side view.
The vehicles are included in several different colors.
Alvis Standard (1925)
AMO F-15 (1924)... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Architect Modern Maps |
Someone has killed Bai Amari, the Luminary, a well-respected and beloved Scion of Ra. Who would want such a thing? Who could muster enough power to end the immortal life of a demigod? Is this a declaration of war? Who is behind... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
An underground parking hall or garage with a small office for the staff or security personnel. The hall is divided into two levels and there are multiple points of entry and exit to make things more interesting and give more tactical options for different scenarios.
The different variants allow this map to be used in various genres from heroic space opera to post-apocalyptic survival horror.
This... [click here for more] |
Miska's Maps |
 This version is a Roll20 VTT game addon with dynamic lighting and layered maps. If you are interested in genral use downloadable maps visit Hindenburg Map Pack.
Hindenburg - German Zeppelin Airship includes 33 full-size maps detailing the famous Hindenburg airship.
The maps are historically accurate and offer an exciting game environment as well as a history lesson. Great... [click here for more] |
MmpApps |
 This is a FoundryVTT module. You need to own a valid FoundryVTT license to use the following assets.
This module is compatible with FoundryVTT v12.
It's time to sail to the open sea! Grab this pack of modern boats and set sail to unknown lands.
Included in this pack you will find 19 unique boats and many fishing & boat accessories.
2 Catamarans
2 Dinghies
2... [click here for more] |
Cthulhu Architect Modern Maps |
 This version is a Roll20 VTT game addon with dynamic lighting and layered maps. If you are interested in general use downloadable maps visit Modern Train Map Pack.
Modern Train is part of our Modern Maps Collection and includes full-size maps of a modern train. It includes 19 kinds of train cars (passenger and freight), four roof maps,... [click here for more] |
MmpApps |
 This map features a small parking hall with two different variants, both with and without parked cars.
This map comes with eight different lighting and prop variants.
Variants include:
Concrete walls
Concrete walls, no cars
Stone walls
Stone walls, no cars
Version of all above with neutral lights
Resolution & Scale
Resolution: 140 pixels per square
Grid... [click here for more] |
Miska's Maps |
 This version is a Roll20 VTT game addon with dynamic lighting. If you are interested in general use downloadable maps visit Lonely Church Map Pack.
Lonely Church is part of our Churches Collection. A lonely church sits in the middle of the desert. Perfect location for that wedding you have been planning, at least until your former colleagues show up with their guns and... [click here for more] |
MmpApps |

Yakuza Streets is our latest product specially crafted for this campaign – 32 Cyberpunk-themed battlemaps inspired by Asian Metropolis. Explore vibrant neon-lit streets, commercial districts, shadowy alleys, high-tech corporate labs, horrific augmentation clinics, and other settings.
Designed for FoundryVTT with dynamic lighting and walls.
WELCOME... [click here for more] |
Lion Banner Games |
$25.00 $14.99
Scion Second Edition - Book One: Origin
You are the child of a God, born to the magic of yesterday and the promise of tomorrow. You live in a World of myth, where every ancient story is true. Your ancient enemies, the Titans, stir in their prison beneath... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |