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This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
Pay What You Want
Adventure Ahead! is a One-Page Tabletop RPG system that provides a super fast route to start fantasy adventures at the table for both players and GMs. The system prioritizes fast mechanics to keep immersion as the focus of your sessions with an easy "doing stuff" system and a lean and fast-paced combat structure. With a page and some six-sided die you'll be ready to adventure, explore dungeons, or... [click here for more] |
StankNasty |
Pay What You Want
 (This product is in Finnish, English description included below)
Kultakäden lahja on pienoiskampanja Astraterra-roolipeliin. Se on suunniteltu Astraterran maailmaan tutustuville ja roolipeliharrastustaan aloitteleville pelaajille, mutta sopii hyvin myös harjaantuneemmillekin löytöretkeilijöille. Se koostuu neljästä erillisestä pienemmästä seikkailusta,... [click here for more] |
Harri Savolainen Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Macy, our family dog, has passed. She was the best. May she live on in a thousand adventures and be loved by a thousand gamers. ... [click here for more] |
Publisher's Choice Stock Art |
Pay What You Want
Get a FREE preview of the Micro RPG system for FREE RPG DAY 2023
Micro RPG-R is a super simple and easy-to-learn/play tabletop roleplaying game system. (Hence the "micro" portion of the Micro RPG-R title of the system). This simplicity makes the game accessible to new gamers, gamers with less time on their hands, and even new Game Masters wanting to run a system that is easy to randomize and... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
Pay What You Want
“The Wild Goat Chase” is a variation of the widley known “Wild Sheep Chase,” a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for an introduction to the hobby at level 1. This three-act adventure begins in a familiar tavern setting but quickly spirals into a whimsical and perilous journey involving a polymorphed sheep, puzzling challenges, and an epic confrontation that ties... [click here for more] |
Digital Mythmaker |
Pay What You Want
*I will leave Kids, Castles, and Caves here for those who want to continue to use it.
Dad! Mom! Play that dragon with ME!"
How many gamers have heard this from their children? Your kids see all your gaming material and are fascinated. They want to play too! But what if they aren't old enough to... [click here for more] |
Brave Halfling Publishing |
The Paladin is a sacred warrior, bound by divine oaths to uphold justice and righteousness, wielding both holy power and martial prowess to protect the innocent and vanquish evil. ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
Pay What You Want
STOP...before buying this you should know, there is now a 2nd edition of this game. The new edition has an entirely different minimalist core game system, and contains a setting and 2 adventures. If you want a classic "old school" type system, this 1st edition might be right for you...if you want a quicker, easier, and simpler system for one shot games, take a look at the 2nd Edition preview.... [click here for more] |
Dave Bezio's Grey Area Games |
 Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 Signet is a card game of strategy, tactics and conquest.
It is simple to learn, hard to master, and with a singular goal: take more of your opponent's cards than they take of yours. It is an exceedingly simple goal, but that doesn't mean it will be easy. Signet is all about your skills as a player, so it will all come down to you. Both players use the same perfectly balanced deck... [click here for more] |
Stormforge Productions |
An open license rules-lite, d20 based tabletop roleplaying game for people who care more for storytelling than level grinding. These universal rules allow you to play in any genre including fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. ... [click here for more] |
roamitygames |
Pay What You Want
You are Cute. You are Cunning. You are Fierce. You are Magical Kitties, and it’s time to Save the Day!
Every Magical Kitty has a human. Every human has a Problem. In Magical Kitties & the Big Adventure, your little girl has lost her doll and you'll need to do everything you can to find it ... including journeying into a haunted house!
This interactive, choose-your-own-path... [click here for more] |
Atlas Games |
 Centuries ago, a lost deity entrusted the guardianship of the forest to a Unicorn. The deity merged the life force of the unicorn and the spirit of the forest. Since that time a family of unicorns have thrived in the forest. The adventure begins as a band of chaotic kobolds led by a savage sorcerer, Symax began slaughtering the unicorn herd. ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
Pay What You Want
Der Charakterbogen ist für Kinder gedacht, die nun bereits Lesen und Schreiben können und somit auf den nächsten Schritt ihrer TTRPG-Karriere steigen können.
Der Charakterbogen beinhaltet die Möglichkeit der Steigerung mit zum Beispiel den Steigerungskarten und ist für eine Charakter Neuerstellung gedacht.
So bildet dieser Charakterbogen den Zwischenschritt für Rollenspielbegeisterte Kinder,... [click here for more] |
Hero Forge Games |
Pay What You Want
Avast! A Handy and Handsome Referee sceen fer yer favorite rules light Pirate RPG! Ye can take it to a fancy printshoppe or do it yerself with t' kiddies.
Landscape format for easy visibility over the screen.
This product consists of three files:A booklet with instructions and some optional rules, the Screen itself in pdf format, the screen in pdf X/1a format. Both pdfs are identical.... [click here for more] |
BD Games |
Pay What You Want
Webs and Witches
It's 1:00 a.m. and a gentle breeze pushes greasy-looking clouds across the moon. It's a warm summer night, perfect weather for a sleepover beneath the stars. But tonight, none of you have any intention of going to bed.
It all sounded simple enough a few hours ago. Ride to the far edge of town where the old Warwick Mansion stands. Sneak... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
Embark on a Journey Like No Other!
In Sparks, a riveting role-playing game that immerses you in a fantastical world of extraordinary powers and daunting perils.
Within these pages, discover the secrets of being a Spark Keeper, an individual blessed with a powerful spirit known as a Spark.
Together, you and your Spark will navigate through a world teeming with corrupt organizations, mythical beasts,... [click here for more] |
Team No Capes |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the CHAOS System, a generic and simple system centered in a "chaotic" use of initiative and action resolution.
Grab a bunch of d6 (5 at most per player), create your character in a couple of easy steps and you are ready to go!
12 pages book.
3 pages of rules.
Using only a couple of d6s.
Fast and easy character creation.
A different take on the Experience... [click here for more] |
La Torre de Dimirag |
Pay What You Want
Once the product of "literally minutes of testing," Doc’s Simple RPG is a three-stat system you can play anytime, anywhere, with just 2d6. It was originally designed to help teach schoolchildren the basics of storytelling in game design, so everything you need to know about character creation and how to play is contained on one page. Plus, we’ve added two one-page scenarios to help get... [click here for more] |
Doc & Krueger Games |
Pay What You Want
A group of kids discovers a dark secret of the Community Center in Rembertów, where dangerous accidents keep happening to youthful actors appearing in the musical directed by Majka Jeżowska, a well-known Polish singer. Language: Polish Grupa utalentowanych Dzieciaków odkrywa mroczną tajemnicę Domu Kultury, w którym dochodzi do niebezpiecznych wypadków przydarzających się młodym aktorom... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Trail of Deceit is centered around the search and capture of goblin raiders responsible for attacking wagon trains along the Narrow March.
5E Compatible ... [click here for more] |
Paladin |
Pay What You Want
Over a year of downloads, with people all over the world playing as heroic ferrets performing feats of derring-do in the night, a single question has been asked time and again.
"Where are those character sheets you promised us?"
Finally, they have arrived.
This may not be the final version of the character sheets and play aides, any suggestions on how to improve them would be more than welcome.... [click here for more] |
Vulpinoid Studios |
Pay What You Want
 The lands of Wellarsch beckon new heroes to defend her lands against evil! The Old Gods, terrible beasts with cosmic powers over this realm, have broken free from their seals below the earth and threaten life as we know it!
You must take up arms to stand up against them, in a new war that will be sung about through all the ages! However, you must tread lighty, as heroes face dangers less obvious... [click here for more] |
Frank Prinner |
Pay What You Want
Race your friends to unleash the whims of YOUR capricious and unknowable god onto the world first! Play with 2-6 people, choose the god you want to follow, recruit cultists and sacrifice them to eldritch abominations!
This game is very easy to pick up and play, with most rounds taking about 30-45 minutes. It's great for bringing for an impromptu game night, or to wind down after a long stressful day.... [click here for more] |
Wisps Entertainment |
A new Challenger is here... I'd like to give a special 'thank you' to the 50,000+ gamers and readers who have downloaded and bought my books in the past 6 months. That's totally awesome guys!
The New Revision Features:
Overhauled skills chapter.
3 new classes.
Condensed races.
Vehicle combat rules.
Hundreds of new magic items and monsters.
Filled out character sheet.
Improved TOC.
A half... [click here for more] |
Superior Games Books |
Play as magical creatures helping the Keeper as the Cauldron needs taking care.
While the Keeper tends the Cauldron (hence the name) you'll be doing task on the outside world.
But work is not the only thing to do, having fun is important, and what better way than to make pranks on the persons around.
Use your abilities to do tasks.
Use your talents to help your abilities.
Make pranks to fuel your... [click here for more] |
La Torre de Dimirag |
Pay What You Want
Great reflexes and magical powers make the Faerie Princess a great hero for your FirstFable!
FirstFable character books are a combination character sheet, activity book and travel log designed to help young roleplayers identify quickly with their character. It also helps to have something to doodle in when the Grown-Up is busy helping other players!
It's highly recommended that each player have their... [click here for more] |
Roll20 |
 Welcome The S*H*L’s “Look-See” Edition. This will give you a little taste of how the "The S*H*L Basic Edition 1.0" is played. Included in this edition will be an FAQ, a brief card description, a sample of the card formula itself, and recorded stats from playing the game. ... [click here for more] |
mjhGames |
Pay What You Want
Небольшая загадка в рамках одной комнаты подземелья. Подойдет для любого вашего приключения. Героям предстоит разгадать тайну запертой двери с магическими рунами на ней. Сделать это довольно просто, но тем не менее детям... [click here for more] |
Hero Forge Games |
Pay What You Want
Survival wisdom and a loyal pet make the Animal Keeper a great hero for your FirstFable!
FirstFable character books are a combination character sheet, activity book and travel log designed to help young roleplayers identify quickly with their character. It also helps to have something to doodle in when the Grown-Up is busy helping other players!
It's highly recommended that each player have their... [click here for more] |
Roll20 |
 WOMBAT! Dice game, great for parties!
All you need to play are four six-sided dice and poker chips or something else to wager. ... [click here for more] |
BD Games |
Strength of arms and a noble heart make the Knight a great hero for your FirstFable!
FirstFable character books are a combination character sheet, activity book and travel log designed to help young roleplayers identify quickly with their character. It also helps to have something to doodle in when the Grown-Up is busy helping other players!
It's highly recommended that each player have their own... [click here for more] |
Roll20 |
Quick wit and swashbuckling derring-do make the Pirate a great hero for your FirstFable!
FirstFable character books are a combination character sheet, activity book and travel log designed to help young roleplayers identify quickly with their character. It also helps to have something to doodle in when the Grown-Up is busy helping other players!
It's highly recommended that each player have their... [click here for more] |
Roll20 |
Courage is a collaborative production game about using the Net to explore ideas and options. The game invites you to step outside the boundaries of social networks to find out what else is on offer. ... [click here for more] |
Dragonfly |
Pay What You Want
This pack contains 10 tokens depicting cartoon animals.
... [click here for more] |
Midnight Owl Games |
For the new 2D10 RPG, grab a download of this one page Hero Sheet to record, store, and modify your amazing hero.
Bonus features include:
Lots of space to write attributes, feats, and more!
A quick cheat sheet when you need to figure out an action!
A place to draw or doodle or paint a picture of your hero!
An old school blank to write down your name! YEAH!
A dice lounge for your dice to hang out... [click here for more] |
Mystic Ages Publishing |
![Abenteuer-Baukasten [Regelwerk] ab 6 Jahren](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/28354/490365-thumb140.png) Der Abenteuer-Baukasten ist ein einfaches und flexibles Pen-&-Paper Rollenspielsystem, das für Spielerinnen und Spieler ab 6 Jahren geeignet ist. Es ermöglicht den Teilnehmern, ihre eigene fantasievolle Welt zu erschaffen, einzigartige Charaktere zu entwickeln und gemeinsam Abenteuer zu erleben. Besonders gut eignet sich der Abenteuer-Baukasten für den Kindergarten, Familien und die Primarstufe.... [click here for more] |
rollenspiel.org |
 Enhance inclusivity in your Dungeons & Dragons fifth edition sessions with Accessible Character Sheets designed for players with print and reading disabilities. Created with input from the community, these character sheets prioritize ease of use and personalized engagement.
Key Features:
Emoji-based design: Simplify navigation with intuitive emoji symbols alongside text prompts.
Personalization... [click here for more] |
Wyrmworks |
Welcome to Adopt-A-Ghost Agency! Designed for kids ages 8–10, Adopt-A-Ghost Agency is a creative solo tabletop role-playing game where young players step into the role of ghost matchmakers. As special agents of the Agency, they’ll meet whimsical ghosts, discover their unique personalities, and help them find their perfect forever homes. With just a notebook, crayons, and a six-sided die, kids... [click here for more] |
Beautiful Thieves Gaming |
The Supplement You Didn't Know You Needed for the Game You Forgot You Owned!
The battle had been the stuff of legends. Man versus fish in the sort of epic struggle that had defined virility since the dawn of time. There had been moments when it seemed as if the fish would get away but Tommy Tanaka dug down deep, gave it a hundred and ten percent, and cheated by blowing his entire... [click here for more] |
R. Talsorian Games Inc. |
 APOCALIPSE RPG - Ambiente Estranho é uma aventura pronta para APOCALIPSE RPG. Ela pode ser uma aventura introdutória para conhecer o cenário, ou então, uma aventura continuativa ao que já acontece para o CAMPANHA COMPLETA.
Ela é uma aventura curta, que pode ser jogada em apenas uma única tarde. Mesmo simples, ela pode dar desdobramentos para que os Narradores comecem uma campanha a partir daqui,... [click here for more] |
thiagogomes |
APOCALYPSE RPG - Free Rules provides complete rules for you to start an APOCALYPSE RPG campaign, even without the core book. It introduces some basic Concepts, Characteristics, Virtues, and Flaws, as well as the entire Tension rule, which is the foundation of the APOCALYPSE RPG system.
It is the only RPG based on the Biblical Apocalypse, where Characters will find themselves within the Reign of the... [click here for more] |
thiagogomes |
APOCALYPSE RPG – Strange Environment is a ready-to-play adventure for APOCALYPSE RPG. It can serve as an introductory adventure to explore the setting or as a continuation of events in the Complete Campaign.
This is a short adventure that can be played in a single afternoon. Despite its simplicity, it can offer plot developments for Narrators to launch a campaign from here or continue with the Complete... [click here for more] |
thiagogomes |
Set off to explore the vibrant World of Arzium® in this narrative-forward roleplaying game
From the creator of Above and Below, Near and Far, and City of Iron, the Arzium Roleplaying Game opens up the World of Arzium®: a vast land filled with mysteries, magic, and forgotten technology.
Choose a character and set off with a group of friends... [click here for more] |
Red Raven Games |
Here's a sample from Limitless Heroics - Including Characters with Disabilities, Mental Illness, and Neurodivergence in Fifth Edition. It helps the Game Master and players explore the concept of disability in a fantasy setting, raise awareness of disabled people and communities, and normalize interactions with disabled people.
Hundreds of disability traits
Tropes to avoid
Tips and... [click here for more] |
Wyrmworks |
This is the free preview of some of the entries related to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Limitless Heroics - Including Characters with Disabilities, Mental Illness, and Neurodivergence in Fifth Edition.
About the full version:
When you play a tabletop role-playing game like 5e, you want to be the hero. The world is different for you having been there, better. What... [click here for more] |
Wyrmworks |
Bad Tidings is a supplement for ’TWAS – The Roleplaying Game Before Christmas. It introduces a new Player Character to the game, and a new Scene for use with the Krampusnacht campaign.
A copy of ’TWAS – The Roleplaying Game Before Christmas is required to use the contents of... [click here for more] |
ACE Gamebooks Roleplay |
In this solo TTRPG, you are the Ringmaster of a struggling circus, and the Grand Exhibition is your final chance to save the show. In one night, you must assemble the perfect lineup—acts strange, wondrous, and awe-inspiring. Every act you recruit, every choice you make, and every challenge you face will determine if your circus rises to fame or fades into obscurity.
Goal: Recruit at least 5 extraordinary... [click here for more] |
Beautiful Thieves Gaming |
You’re a robotic bellboy in a gigantic, chaotic, mega-hotel.
The hotel you serve is built upon (and in) a massive asteroid hurtling through space. You assist a diverse client of space-faring humans, time-traveling wayfarers, undiscovered alien entities, and unhappy tourists. You must serve them well. You were built for this job, and you are a piece of the hotel-brain. If you do not function... [click here for more] |
Mystic Ages Publishing |