Title |
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This special bundle product contains the following titles. Oops, All Draculas! Regular price: $15.00 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: Watermarked PDF You've always wondered what was just beyond the doors of the spooky house at the end of the block. Turns out, it's full of Draculas. Now, those Draculas are you.
Oops, All Draculas! is a Buddy System game using either... [click here for more] |
Jessica Marcrum |
$11.25 $6.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Homebrew and Hacking: Crafting Heritages and Cultures Regular price: $11.00 Bundle price: $10.00 Format: PDF This book is designed to help narrator's, DM's and game designers who are happy with the lore of their games make suitable and fitting heritages and cultures to fit within their games.
You can... [click here for more] |
Homebrew and Hacking |
$44.99 $20.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
The Adoption Armoury Regular price: $4.95 Bundle price: $2.49 Format: PDF Drag and drop shops are here to help GMs out when the party inevitably asks if there’s anything interesting around. These will take the stress out of having to come up with somewhere on the fly and hopefully give your party a... [click here for more] |
The Homebakery |
$19.80 $9.95
![Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting + Digital Asset Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/24426/488347-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting Regular price: $34.99 Bundle price: $27.99 Format: PDF Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting
Like monster hunting? Love crafting? Then pack your grill of barbecuing, ‘cos this is the 5th edition supplement for you.
Hunt-master,... [click here for more] |
Loot Tavern Publishing |
$74.98 $59.99
This bundle contains both the primary setting guide for Somnus Domina and its companion book, Lyres Guide to Risk & Reward. These combined nearly 1000 pages of content include information on the JRPG-inspired Somus Domina setting, but also hundreds of new classes, subclasses, races, subraces, spells, NPCs, items, and more! It also contains rules for piloting mecha NPCs (prominently featured in... [click here for more] |
Logan Laidlaw |
$51.08 $35.00
![Monster of the Week: The Unholy Six Pack! [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/18022/497195-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Come As You Aren't - A Monster of The Week Mystery Regular price: $2.50 Bundle price: $1.91 Format: Watermarked PDF A simple investigation at a rich man's fancy costume party leads to a truly unique kind of chaos! Can your hunters survive this masquerade to end all masquerades or will they end up dying... [click here for more] |
Brazen Inky Diva Games |
$17.00 $13.00
![Pasión de las Pasiones Scenarios ITA- ENG - ESP [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/15888/491836-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Carnaval de la Pasión ITA - ENG - ESP Regular price: $2.07 Bundle price: $2.20 Format: Watermarked PDF Carnaval de la Pasión
Since a few years ago a great celebration takes place: El Carnaval de la Pasión. It’s a vivacious and lush costume party where the most influential families such as Garcia,... [click here for more] |
Uno Critico |
![Potion Pack [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/23889/435207-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Potion Pack - Bottle 1 Regular price: $6.00 Bundle price: $4.50 Format: ZIP File Stock art of a potion bottle, with a handful of color and content variants; perfect to fill out a shopkeeper's inventory or for use in an alchemy project!
This product contains thirteen 2000x2500 300 dpi PNGs, nine in full... [click here for more] |
Hyperion Skies Studios |
$36.00 $27.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
QUEERZ! TTRPG - Basic Set PDF Regular price: $14.95 Bundle price: $6.54 Format: Watermarked PDF Fight Ignorance with Empathy, Rainbow Blasts and fierce posing!
In QUEERZ! TTRPG, you and your friends play superhero characters that juggle everyday lives and drama with saving the world from Ignorance -... [click here for more] |
Son of Oak Game Studio |
$73.70 $29.95
![QUEERZ! Core Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://legacy.drivethrurpg.com/images/../themes/dtrpg/images/bundle-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. QUEERZ! TTRPG - Basic Set PDF Regular price: $14.95 Bundle price: $11.00 Format: Watermarked PDF Fight Ignorance with Empathy, Rainbow Blasts and fierce posing!
In QUEERZ! TTRPG, you and your friends play superhero characters that juggle everyday lives and drama with saving the world from Ignorance -... [click here for more] |
Son of Oak Game Studio |
$33.85 $24.95
![Sig: Cosmopolitan Planar Fantasy [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/5573/483650-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Sig: Manual of the Primes Regular price: $15.00 Bundle price: $12.00 Format: PDF THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE CITY
Sig is the nexus of the multiverse: a city connected to everywhere, a refuge for the oppressed, and a prize for tyrants. It’s a launching point, allowing fools and heroes to venture into the... [click here for more] |
Genesis of Legend Publishing |
$40.00 $32.00
![The Roseville Beach Zine Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/16001/451131-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Bracknell Horror: Roseville Beach Zine 3 Regular price: $8.00 Bundle price: $5.00 Format: PDF In 1956, sorcerer Simon Mathers disappeared from Roseville Beach, leaving his apprentice and five of his followers dead. That was 23 years ago this very night, and Simon Mathers is finally ready to come... [click here for more] |
R. Rook Games |
$19.00 $15.00
![Thirsty Sword Lesbians: Expanded Bundle | Roll20 + PDF [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/2152/442920-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Thirsty Sword Lesbians Regular price: $15.00 Bundle price: $12.00 Format: PDF Swords Cross and Hearts Race...
A sword duel can end in kissing, a witch can gain her power by helping others find love, and an entire campaign can be built around vagabond matchmakers piloting their sentient gay spaceship from... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
$44.99 $35.99