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Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Архетипы

Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Архетипы

Этот комплект содержит 23 буклета, в которых содержатся архетипы персонажей для 3-ей редакции: Авантюрист; Инженер; Киборг; Компаньонка (женская и мужская версии); Курьер; Наемник; Охотник за головами; Сверхновая; Сорвиголова; Странник; Аристократка; Броненосец; Дао...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной  Pay What You Want

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Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Быстрый старт

Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Быстрый старт

Привет! Ты держишь в руках бета-версию правил третьей редакции Грани Вселенной. И это очень радостная новость! Это значит, что подготовка этой самой третьей редакции пришла в стадию предфинального открытого тестирования....   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной  Pay What You Want

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Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Зарисовки

Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Зарисовки

Этот комплект содержит 4 буклета, в которых содержатся зарисовки приключений для 3-ей редакции. Это одностраничные зарисовки стартовых ситуаций для приключений: Миранда: зарисовка про девушку, что умирает...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной  Pay What You Want

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Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Материалы

Грань Вселенной (3-я редакция): Материалы

Этот комплект содержит 4 буклета, в которых содержатся материалы для 3-ей редакции. В буклете игрока (4 страницы) приведены: Базовые, драматические и космические ходы, доступные всем персонажам; Угрозы; Теги...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной  Pay What You Want

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Грань Вселенной: Буклет базовых ходов

Грань Вселенной: Буклет базовых ходов

В буклете приведены базовые ходы, доступные всем персонажам. Данное дополнение включает: Базовые ходы Опциональные ходы Космические ходы ...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Буклет космического корабля

Грань Вселенной: Буклет космического корабля

В буклете приведены правила и матриалы для создания собственного косимческого корабля. Данное дополнение включает: Шалоны для создания космического корабля ...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Дополнительные опции

Грань Вселенной: Дополнительные опции

В состав буклета входит в сжатое, емкое и лаконичное описание дополнительных игровых опций. Данное дополнение включает: Правила по длительным действиям Описание различных угроз и связанные с ними правила Список...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Дополнительный набор персонажей

Грань Вселенной: Дополнительный набор персонажей

В дополнении содержатся буклеты дополнительных персонажей, не описанных в книге правил. Данный буклет включает следующих персонажей: Охотник за головами Сверхновая (мужская и женская версии) Цензор Инженер Доктор Джаггернаут (мужская...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Звездная карта

Грань Вселенной: Звездная карта

Дополнение включает карту рукава Приора галактики Пегас. Данное дополнение включает: Карту в формате JPG ...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Основной набор персонажей

Грань Вселенной: Основной набор персонажей

В дополнении содержатся буклеты основных персонажей, описанных в книге правил. Данный буклет включает следующих персонажей: Аристократ (мужская и женская версии) Киборг (мужская и женская версии) Компаньонка Курьер...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Грань Вселенной: Подсказка по буклетам

Грань Вселенной: Подсказка по буклетам

Буклет содержит краткие описания всех игровых персонажей. Данное дополнение включает: Краткие описания 22 игровых персонажей Инструкцию по заполнению буклета персонажа ...   [click here for more]
Грань Вселенной   FREE 

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Краєходці: Аркуші гравців та ширма майстра

Краєходці: Аркуші гравців та ширма майстра

Набір містить: Аркуші Персонажів та Зорельоту для науково-фантастичної рольової гри OFFWORLDERS від Кріса П. Вульфа, на основі перекладу від darkmentat, розроблені для ваших пригод у космосі!   На додачу, роздруківки розроблені для...   [click here for more]

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Camp Cretaceous

Camp Cretaceous

Camp Cretaceous is a game using the Cepheus Engine rules that is designed to be played with children. It takes characters back into the Cretaceous period where they carry out perilous missions in their attempts to study dinosaurs in their natural environment. Players not only have to overcome natural obstacles, hungry dinosaurs, puzzles and problems, but must do so in an environment without...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Cepheus Universal: Academic Specialities

Cepheus Universal: Academic Specialities

Academic Specialities is a two-page free add-on for Cepheus Universal; using the Education characteristic to create levels in academic subjects.  Some sci-fi settings need acadmics and their areas of knowledge in order solve a problem, whether decoding an alien language with Linguistics or explaining an anomaly with Warp Theory. This add-on gives you the option of using academic specialities to...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Cepheus Universal: Fast-Play Rules

Cepheus Universal: Fast-Play Rules

A 3-page summary of the Cepheus Universal rules (distilled from the 456-page main book). All you need to play a fast, simple game using just the core rules of Cepheus Universal. Use for a pick-up game, or even solo.  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Horizon Survey Craft

Horizon Survey Craft

The stated mission of the developers was to create a 'light scientific and reconnaissance craft' and in this respect the Horizon proved perfectly suited, able to take a small crew anywhere within the solar system to take samples from asteroids, photograph possible colony landing sites, intercept comets and so on.   With so many available it seemed only natural that the sensors...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Forms & Charts

Hostile Forms & Charts

All of the printable forms and charts from the Hostile RPG  rulebooks, setting books and supplements. These forms are not fillable.  Also included are the two fillable PDF forms: Character Sheet and Ship Sheet (both created by Ian Stead).  See also: Cepheus Handouts, prop documents perfect for use as player handouts. Includes an Incident Report, a Criminal Record, an Autopsy Report, a Psych Evaluation...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 001 - Ghost Ship

HOSTILE Situation Report 001 - Ghost Ship

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. GHOST SHIP A mayday signal draws the PCs to a lonely gas giant, and a starship in an extremely low, atmosphere-grazing orbit. There's no response ... can the crew be saved? Are they even still alive?  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 002 - Snakehead

HOSTILE Situation Report 002 - Snakehead

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. SNAKEHEAD Meet Baosheng, a veteran Snakehead operating in the Off-World colonies. His syndicate specialises in techno-crime and the theft of shuttle craft. He has a job you might like ... it's just a pity you're a deniable asset and he is posing as a legit businessman....   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 003 - Repellant

HOSTILE Situation Report 003 - Repellant

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. It's been a long trip through hyperspace, but now the stasis pods pop open and you get dressed. To your horror, you see on the bridge, that you are still in sanity-shredding hyperspace! What's gone wrong? Why has the ship's mainframe awoken you? Can you fix whatever needs fixing before...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 004 - Psychosis

HOSTILE Situation Report 004 - Psychosis

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. The peace of a small colony is shattered and a team of residents is assembled to investigate.  Two seemingly unconnected deaths have ocurred simultaneously. Why? How? And is there a threat to the rest of the colony?  The answer is, of course, yes. But can the amateur investigators...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 005 - One Of Us

HOSTILE Situation Report 005 - One Of Us

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. ONE OF US A one-off scenario for a referee and three players. Three passengers come out of hypersleep, blurry, dazed and without their memory. They are in a lifeboat about to descend to a planet's surface. Why? Who are they? What's the emergency?  And then they simultaneously...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 006 - Hunted

HOSTILE Situation Report 006 - Hunted

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. HUNTED Pray you don't meet this intelligent  alien foe, born to hunt, equipped with high-tech weapons and able to move about unseen. You are being herded, picked off one-by one - purely for the sport of an Unseen Hunter...  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 007 - The Ark

HOSTILE Situation Report 007 - The Ark

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. You've detected an Ark ... a ship of sleeping thousands on their way to establish a new human colony. But it is dead, silent and locked in an orbit around a lifeless moon. You are ordered to investigate ... are the sleepers still alive?  OR, play as some of the crew, woken...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 008 - Life Cycle

HOSTILE Situation Report 008 - Life Cycle

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. The colonel wants your infantry team to drop into the depths of an alien jungle, avoid enemy patrols, meet up with commandos returning from a long range patrol, and escort them back the pick up zone. Just a routine mission, right? But the commandos aren't too happy about...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 009 - Extraction

HOSTILE Situation Report 009 - Extraction

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. The mining colony's a bust and the company has decided to pull out. The lawless colonists will be left to their own devices, but behind a screen of frightened soldiers, the last four corporate executives need to be extracted from the landing field. Oh, and don't forget the...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Situation Report 010 - Street Scum

Hostile Situation Report 010 - Street Scum

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. Earth 2225. The big city. The corporation has a job for you - you do all of its dirty, secret jobs. Well they've got another one for you. There's a gang called Vendetta on the streets, its hostile and violent, and just the kind of group this megacorporation could use for a...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 011 - Black Moon

HOSTILE Situation Report 011 - Black Moon

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. Another routine supply drop - this time to a remote moon, site of a terraforming project. Your ship suffers some unexpected damage during landing, but the terraformers seem happy to help. Then the terraforming experiments seem to go wrong, and your crew are prime suspects....   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 012 - The Mine

HOSTILE Situation Report 012 - The Mine

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. The wealthy owner of Thalon corporation is desperate to find his missing daughter, Miri. He calls you in for help; a Thalon rep on the mining colony of Telluride thinks he spotted a clone worker that closely resembles Miri. What's going on? Get out there incognito - and find...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 013 - Dust Devil

HOSTILE Situation Report 013 - Dust Devil

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. A tiny outpost on a desert world has dropped of the communications net. When you get there, all hell has broken loose - and a savage sandstorm has ripped the two habitation modules to shreds. And where is everyone? You do find a survivor sedated in the autodoc... what the hell...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 014 - Underground

HOSTILE Situation Report 014 - Underground

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. UNDERGROUND Part of the mine is being decommissioned, and the PCs must get that done in 24 hours. Then they hear rumours of something exotic, weird, rare and valuable remaining in the mine. Once the mine is flooded and sealed, it will be gone forever. With...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 015 - Hallow's Eve

HOSTILE Situation Report 015 - Hallow's Eve

HOSTILE Situation Reports - Free NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. A horror roleplaying seed. It's back again: the Hallow's Eve, that semi-mythical starship seen on the edge of systems at this time of year, before plunging back into hyperspace. Its sojourn amongst the stars has lasted 18 years. What happened to the crew? What about its cargo of...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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HOSTILE Situation Report 016 - Gray Man

HOSTILE Situation Report 016 - Gray Man

HOSTILE Situation Reports - A series of free one-page NPCs or adventure situations for the gritty HOSTILE setting. Another mysterious death has been attributed to 'John Gray', the anonymous assassin that has evaded both identification and capture across the American Sector of space. Who is he? How does he remain invisible? And who is behind his deadly operations?  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Technical Manual

Hostile Technical Manual

The HOSTILE Technical Manual digs deeper into the retro-technology of  this alternate future. It includes in-depth articles on hyperdrives, artificial gravity, androids, fusion power, hypersleep chambers, communications and computers. It also explains the existence of 'retrotech' - could a futuristic setting live this way?  How would it come about?  Essays by the experienced contributors Richard...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Timeline

Hostile Timeline

Hostile Timeline is a free listing of all dates and events compiled from the books of the Hostile RPG. Supplements, rules books and worldbooks have been checked for events and dates for this list. Use it for guidance, as a reference ... or simply for interest.  The intention is to update this list as necessary.  The Hostile RPG can be found H E R E.  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Tool-Kits

Hostile Tool-Kits

This book is an equipment list for Cepheus Engine (and the Hostile setting). The equipment listed in this book has been taken from all of the HOSTILE books published by Zozer Games so far, in particular: the HOSTILE rulebook, Marine Corps Handbook 2215, Dirtside and Zaibatsu. In addition there are various additional pieces of equipment, especially within the Mining Gear and Starship Locker...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Hostile Ultra-Lite Rules

Hostile Ultra-Lite Rules

Fast play rules for the Hostile science fiction RPG. In THREE PAGES!  Even better, the rules are written as a corporate training exercise, a roleplay exercise used to teach employees the dangers of 'unsafe work environments' ! Includes full colour PDF, print friendly PDF and fillable personnel forms.  ...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Introduction to HOSTILE

Introduction to HOSTILE

Introduction to HOSTILE is a short summary and taster of the popular gritty science-fiction roleplaying game called HOSTILE. Over 31 pages, find out what horrors and challenges your players will face, get a flavour of the types of harsh Off-World colonies that litter the setting and read about the task system and the kinds of characters it can create.  The booklet features fiction from...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games  Pay What You Want

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Kosmos 68

Kosmos 68

Chris Kubasik in his wonderful  blog called Classic Traveller: Out of the Box, has brought Traveller back to its beginnings, as a simple but flexible set of three ‘Little Black Books’ that can be used to create stories in the sci-fi setting of your own imagination. This is how Traveller was first meant to be played, and I’ve spent several days doing just that, creating my...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Outworld Authority

Outworld Authority

Chris Kubasik in his wonderful  blog called Classic Traveller: Out of the Box, has brought Traveller back to its beginnings, as a simple but flexible set of three ‘Little Black Books’ that can be used to create stories in the sci-fi setting of your own imagination.    OUTWORLD is a short and simple setting, inspired by the movies Alien, Aliens, Outland and...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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Playing Solo Classic Traveller

Playing Solo Classic Traveller

There are few roleplaying games that lend themselves so well to solitaire or ‘solo’ roleplaying as much as Traveller. Its emphasis on tool-kit style rule systems creates a game that can be enjoyed alone for hours and hours on end. These guidelines are aimed at the referee or player who either has a copy of The Traveller Book or the three Little Black Books (numbers one to three).  The aim is...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games  Pay What You Want

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Vacc Suit

Vacc Suit

For Traveller. A guide to TL8 and TL9 vacc suits, featuring soft suits, hard suits and a complete list of customizable options. Find out what the limits of a suit are, how much punishment they can take, what it's like to work in a space suit, and how on earth you tell one suit wearer from another!  Although a stand-alone product, Vacc Suit is designed to be used with Zozer Games' product Outpost...   [click here for more]
Zozer Games   FREE 

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CHOMP! A Survival Horror RPG Character Sheet

CHOMP! A Survival Horror RPG Character Sheet

Free character sheet to use with CHOMP! A Survival Horror Role Playing Game. ...   [click here for more]
Zombie Dog Games   FREE 

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Free Space

Free Space

It is my great pleasure to bring you FreeSpace – a free-to-use region spanning two full 8x10 hex sectors. These system-neutral sectors can be used in any spacefaring game with at least 1 FTL capable species. The civilizations and worlds included in this region include cosmic anomalies, space whales, hive-minds, worldbuilder races, militant corporatists, and everything in between. The excellent...   [click here for more]
Zoid Enterprises   FREE 

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The Tartarus Gambit

The Tartarus Gambit

When the ConFed has prisoners too valuable to execute and too dangerous to keep in the HighSec facilities coreward, they secure the criminals aboard the ships in the Maximum-Security Fleet. The longest serving in this capacity is the Tartarus, a hardened and upgraded version of the common heavy freight liner Niobe class. Exact specifications are closely guarded secrets and the location...   [click here for more]
Zoid Enterprises   FREE 

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Distant Stars - Starship Combat Form

Distant Stars - Starship Combat Form

Zephyr Table Games   FREE 

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Distant Stars - Starship Construction form

Distant Stars - Starship Construction form

Zephyr Table Games   FREE 

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Kinesis Intro Comic

Kinesis Intro Comic

Kinesis 0 introduces readers to Zephaniah and his friends. ...   [click here for more]
Zephaniah Comics   FREE 

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Squad 77 Intro

Squad 77 Intro

Inspired by the hit movie, "Squad 77," the comic examines the lives of the next generation of these Christian Mercenaries. ...   [click here for more]
Zephaniah Comics   FREE 

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Striker Core Rulebook

Striker Core Rulebook

Striker - A TTRPG Far Off in Space and Time Second Edition Core Rulebook is now Available PDF Title: see new listing (striker-core-rulebook-2nd-edition), Print-on-demand: (see publisher website). The mechanics of the game and organisation of the book have changed a good deal since the original publication, so look at it more for its flavour value. Definitely don't rely on the game's mechanics as presented...   [click here for more]
Zenith Games Foundry   FREE 

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