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This book includes guidelines on how to run a BattleTech Alpha Strike campaign. You are the commander of a mercenary force with the goal of being hired to execute missions, collect loot, upgrade your units, and prove your skills. Navigate complex missions complete with air support, resupplies, reinforcements, secrecy, deception, and potentially big paydays.
These rules are intended for 2 players and... [click here for more] |
Sundered Epoch: Generations |
Pay What You Want
A heavily damaged alien derelict has been discovered 2 parsecs from the Khisuda system (Deneb 2918). The design and origin of the vessel are completely unknown, and the alien crew appears to be long dead. Your team has been dispatched to investigate this mysterious ship and recover any valuable technology or information.
However, time is not on your side. Another crew from the Knonen Shipping Consortium,... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
Return to the world where Apes rule over a dwindling human population.
In a world turned upside down, civilized apes sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder, ruling over a population of primal humans. But this dominion will not go unchallenged. Wayward astronauts arrive to lead an uprising, questioning this madness and the events that led to this topsy-turvy, backward future. Political... [click here for more] |
Magnetic Press Play |
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Far in mankind's future, ones soul can be bought and sold. Whether to a giant corporation, a corrupt government, or a rotting church, the people of the Galactic Federation know no other lifestyle. One's being is simply for sale.
At the edge of space, Knights and Crusaders fight petty amongst each other as they hold off the hordes of Demons threatening the Galactic Federation. With their... [click here for more] |
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer |
Pay What You Want
Return to the world where Apes rule over a dwindling human population.
In a world turned upside down, civilized apes sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder, ruling over a population of primal humans. But this dominion will not go unchallenged. Wayward astronauts arrive to lead an uprising, questioning this madness and the events that led to this topsy-turvy, backward future. Political intrigue,... [click here for more] |
Magnetic Press Play |
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The "Weird Uncharted Space" milieu is a setting within the Mongoose Traveller universe that pushes the boundaries of traditional space exploration. It introduces new, complex mechanics that make space travel more unpredictable and dangerous. The ruleset emphasizes the psychological and physical toll of extended space travel, with detailed systems for handling jumpspace anomalies, misjumps, and the... [click here for more] |
Mongoose |
Pay What You Want
This listing is for the PDF version of The Void Core.
POD also available!
The Stars Were Never Meant For Us
2159 AD. It is a good time to be alive. The nations of Earth still exist, but they have become more civilized, and humanity has expanded into the rest of our solar system. But, alas, it is not to be our time. Something... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
Get ready to explore the depths of the human mind. These mental wounds don't just leave marks on your body; they shape your psyche, affecting your decisions, relationships, and perception of reality. Don't let your players escape the psychological horror that awaits them!
This supplement is designed to seamlessly integrate into your Coriolis games, without weighing down the existing rules or wasting... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Knight est un jeu de rôle d’horreur épique où vous affronterez des créatures cauchemardesques grâce à votre courage et à votre puissance. Capable de déclencher la fureur d’armes dévastatrices, votre méta-armure vous dote aussi de capacités surhumaines telles qu’une force colossale ou une invisibilité totale.
Serez-vous un héros égoïste capable de déclencher votre fureur sur les... [click here for more] |
Antre Monde Éditions |
Pay What You Want
This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane.
Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.
The new magic schools included are:
The new professions are:
The new kin are:
The... [click here for more] |
Squadeth Games |
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Thanks for checking out the Free RPG Day 2019 release for Kids on Bikes!
5 Pre-Made Characters (All Teens)
4 Monsters
1 Powered Character
3 Part Scenario
Hebron, Indiana
Theo Easton has called together a meeting of the Investigations Club, like he might normally do on a weekend night. Tonight, he has decided it’s time to investigate the strange, abandoned... [click here for more] |
Hunters Entertainment |
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House Steiner
Combat commands are built on pride. A unit’s colors embody that pride. A Guide to Faction Paint Schemes provides full color photos of the distinctive patterns and colors, as well as a description of selected combat commands of House Steiner, and a tutorial on how to paint one of the faction’s prominent paint schemes. ... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
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Tales from The Klingon Empire
The explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis sent physical and philosophical shockwaves throughout the Klingon Empire and fractured ancient beliefs and eviscerated long-held traditions. Whereas the Khitomer Accords were heralded by many in the Empire as the greatest step to galactic peace, factitious sects emerged to oppose the treaty with the United Federation of Planets.... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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“In space, all warriors are cold warriors.” - General Chang
The later 23rd century was a dynamic period when bold Starfleet captains and crews waged a cold war with the Klingon Empire and other polities across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants while also conducting Federation business across the known Galaxy. Ships and crews were often pushed to their limits while attempting any number of missions,... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Pay What You Want
Are you looking to get started with Solo Roleplaying, but aren’t sure where to begin?
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complicated rules and countless systems?
Do you spend a lot of time prepping, but struggle to actually start playing?
This game is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to dive into solo roleplaying, and complete your first adventure. You will learn a straightforward,... [click here for more] |
lumen |
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Use this printable hexagon template to creat the fountain built in Black Magic Craft episode 152. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
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Préparez-vous à explorer les profondeurs de l'esprit humain. Ces blessures mentales ne se contentent pas de marquer votre corps, elles façonnent votre psyché, impactant vos décisions, vos relations et votre perception de la réalité. Ne laissez pas vos joueurs échapper à l'horreur psychologique qui les attend !
Ce supplément a été conçu pour s’intégrer facilement dans vos parties de... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
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Welcome to the Edge
In the Sector of the Lady of Tears, on the very edge of Transshura, stretches the Rimward Reach. For a long time, this was a forgotten place on the edge of the Kuan system. All that changed when one of the Foundation's long-range probes discovered something strange in depths of the Kandah Cloud. An expedition set off and found that the Rimward Reach had not always been deserted.... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
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Cyberpunk Top-Down Token Starter Pack
A free pack containing 58 top-down tokens ideal for your cyberpunk or science-fiction worlds.
Consists of several Civilians, Gangers, Corporate Agents and Public Services.
Each token is 1000x1000px with both PNG and WebP formats available.
These tokens were originally rendered in 3D before being given a stylised effect, meshing... [click here for more] |
SolutionMaps |
Pay What You Want
Space, being the final frontier, has an endless supply of new discoveries and adventures. It also, however, is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence. As a crew, it is just as important to investigate and analyze the dangers space presents for the safety and future of the many unique species across the Galaxy. These events, in particular, give science and engineering departments opportunities... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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This game aid is designed for the tabletop role-playing game (ttrpg) Coyote and Crow. Drawing inspiration from lifepath character creation systems and ttrpgs designed with a narrative focus, this game aid helps uses tables and prompts to help a player build a character. May your Character's Story Start here. ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
Pay What You Want
Götter. Menschen. Drohnen.
In einer nicht zu fernen Zukunft hat die ständige Bombardierung mit technologischen Reizen, dem sogenannten Rauschen, den menschlichen Verstand überlastet und abgestumpft, so dass einst versteckte okkulte Kräfte nun offener agieren.
Dämonen, Geister, Monster und Götter - dieselben mythischen Mächte, die die Menschheit seit jeher begleitet und heimgesucht haben - müssen... [click here for more] |
Storypunks Publishing |
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SENTIENCE: Quick Start
Sentience is an exciting, innovative new sci-fi RPG written by Al Spader and Alison Cybe. This 46-page quickstart guide allows players and GMs to quickly dive into the world of sentient robots. The book also includes six pre-generated characters which give players a chance to explore what the protagonists in the game look and feel like.
EXCITING... [click here for more] |
The Yellow Hand |
Pay What You Want
Fully fillable version of the 2022 Traveller Character Sheet. Also does calculations for charactaristic DMs, weapon ranges, Jack of All Trades, and autofills skill level 0 for skill groups. Works with Chrome, Firefox (with a few oddities), and Adobe Acrobat.
Also includes a version with all the fields, but none of the calculations.
This product was created under license. Traveller and its logo... [click here for more] |
John Fulmer |
Pay What You Want
It started with a few missing pets. Then things started turning up missing. Then people disappeared. In the small Martian Outback town called Presidia, things are much more than they seem. Find out for yourself.
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and this an adventure to take you there.
The Stygian Cycle I – Barsoom:
Is a turn-key adventure,... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
Venusian Sunset
Venus. A corporate world, steeped in propaganda. However, Founding Day approaches and people flood from all over the planet for the celebration. Then, people go missing. Some turn up in a ritualistic-style sacrifice, cooked from the inside out. What is going on in the Diamond Head colony? Find out for yourself.
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
The Mechanized Men of Mars is an adventure for Warriors of the Red Planet, a roleplaying game in the tradition of classic style RPG's, also known as original edition, OSR, or retro-clones. Warriors of the Red Planet captures the "Sword and Planet" genre of science fantasy romance, inspired by the works of Burroughs, Vance, Moorcock, Kline, and other novels, movies,... [click here for more] |
Night Owl Workshop |
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Tales of shipwrecks have fascinated mankind for ages, and it’s likely that tales of spacewrecks will fascinate those who explore the stars. At their heart, these tales are as much about the intrepid adventurers and lost souls who served aboard these ships and those who find them, as they are about the ships themselves.
This packet presents ten detailed mission briefs, each detailing a spacewreck.... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Pay What You Want
Bask in the wonders of the Sixth World dystopia! If you need something to pass the time, if you’re feeling a little isolated, this activity book is for you! It has tons of classic black-and-white art you can bring to glorious, colorful life, word searches, a crossword, and a bunch of other puzzles. Pay whatever you want for the PDF, then dive in and pass the time! ... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
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The blood of mutants is mixed into an ink which allows giant printing presses to teleport across the stars.
The vast distance between human outposts fundamentally changes what and how we communicate.
Humanity is slowly becoming aware that occult forces govern the mechanisms of the cosmos.
RETROGRADE is a retrofuturist sci-fi tabletop roleplaying game of investigation, exploration, and... [click here for more] |
Studio Zosimos LLC |
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There is no better institution than Starfleet Academy to prepare officers for space exploration. The lessons in this mission briefs pack revolve around the Academy’s San Francisco headquarters during The Next Generation era. Gamemasters can easily transport the action to any off-world Academy campus, any era of Starfleet’s existence, or perhaps even to the Klingon Defense Force’s military... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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Hello Explorers!
The Frontier Explorer presents
UPF Assault Scout Technical Manual
The UPF Assault Scout. Probably the most iconic ship in the Frontier, the assault scout can be seen in almost any SpaceFleet patrol and as part of every planetary militia. Small, fast, and versatile, the assault scout is a ship unmatched by anything in the Sathar fleets.
Despite its advantages,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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Above a futuristic Earth, players take on the role of Star Players in a gravity-defying sport called rocketball. This is a strange world: one where dryads compete in the Rocketball Cup to draw attention to the plight of their forest homes, while tech geniuses devise gadgets and gizmos to give their team an edge, and mummies awaken from ancient slumber to find that they're really, really invested... [click here for more] |
Sam Robson |
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Ah! Junior officers! Some people might look down on these upstart crewmembers who are so often given the grunt work to perform. But all jobs are essential on a starship and all crew members are valuable. While senior officers might get the spotlight, there is a universe of action for lower deckers. Prepare to get your hands dirty as you take on the menial and transform it into the memorable!... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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The Galaxy is ancient beyond easy comprehension - on the order of a million times older than Human civilization. Uncounted civilizations have risen and fallen before the dawn of recorded history of any Federation world. While most of their remains have long since vanished, many have left ruins or artifacts that endure to the present. Other ancient societies live on, wielding technologies or mental... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Pay What You Want
The House Always Wins
Ganymede, the Las Vegas of the Outer Planets. It’s time for a little rest and relaxation. Right. All hell breaks loose when someone airs confidential Warden information to an entire entertainment dome. Who would do such a thing? And what do they really want? Find out for yourself. The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
Pay What You Want
The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
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Space exploration is a treasure trove of mysteries for the curious; for those who love to dig deeply into a question to find the answer, or perhaps to reveal even more questions. There is no shortage of strange and wondrous things in the cosmos, and a spacefaring crew will regularly be faced with mysteries of all kinds, at varying difficulty and complexity. This packet presents ten detailed mission... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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This is a Cthulhu Dark Hack for the Mothership RPG from Isla Neal and Martin Leicht. It has been modified to fit an innovative & streamlined Stress system.
Thank you for leaving a review!
Thank you for supporting our work! ... [click here for more] |
Gavriel Quiroga |
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Une aventure pour TORG Eternity en quatre actes se déroulant dans la sainte Cyberpapauté quelques mois après le début de la guerre avant la campagne « Données saint-cibles », pour une équipe de quatre ou cinq chevaliers des tempêtes d’habilitation Bêta.
Vos chevaliers des tempêtes se trouve face à une menace d’un nouveau genre. Sont-ils en mesure de relever le défi... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
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After the events on Ganymede, it’s time for a real vacation. The Wardens have paid for a pleasure cruise through Saturnine space. However, the Children of the Void have other plans…
The Void is an original Lovecraftian hard sci-fi horror setting, and this is an adventure to take you there. The Stygian Cycle IV – Turbulence:
Is a turn-key adventure, ready-to-run,... [click here for more] |
WildFire |
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Character Background Tales is meant to provide meaningful prompts to help establish the feel of Coyote and Crow, during character creations, while providing enough variation to make this world feel alive. In creating this game aid, Native traditions from all over the country were respectfully considered, and the existing world presented in the Coyote and Crow core rulebook ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
Pay What You Want
Use this system to create cities on the fly. It's designed for use with the Cepheus Engine rules, but it's useful for any game. While the core Cepheus Engine rules give you the ability to create whole planets at once, this book makes it easy to generate portions of the planet. You can use it for medieval-style or futuristic cities for added flexibility. ... [click here for more] |
Thunderegg Productions |
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Few missions are more important to Starfleet officers than first contacts. Meeting new civilizations and discussing mutually beneficial alliances is critical to securing borders and contributing to the material needs of the Federation. Successful first contacts may result in the growth of the Federation, while a failed first contact could result in the creation of a new adversary.
This packet presents... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
Pay What You Want
As beings explore the Galaxy, they often build or create waypoints in the form of a starbase, space station, planetary outpost, or the like. These waypoints often act as gathering places for a wider variety of interstellar traveller, and are often magnets for adventure and intrigue. Starfleet officers and other explorers and travellers encounter a wide variety of situations – be they hazardous or... [click here for more] |
Modiphius |
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Hello Explorers!
Welcome to the 40th anniversary year of Star Frontiers and issue 35 of the Frontier Explorer. This issue starts with a throwback to the early days of the game with an article by Richard Rose about one of the first ships he designed even before he had the Knight Hawks rules. He also gives us a Knight Hawks adventure later in the issue.
Tom Verreault continues the starship theme... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
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No Guts, No Glory!
Your Excavators fight hard in the wastelands, ruins and emerging barter villages, why not let ‘em see some reward? Here then, in Wasteland Treasures One, you’ll find plenty to keep them challenged, well paid and keen for the next expedition.
Included are three d100 Loot tables: a General Ruin Treasure Table, an Old... [click here for more] |
Outland Arts |
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I Think I Feel a Song Coming On!
ComStar lied! (We know: Big shock!) They said they checked out this distant rimward nebula, which ancient charts called “California” for some reason. Perhaps because someone in IE’s corporate mishmash of a leadership didn’t trust them—or more likely because they forgot that there even was a report from the Explorer Corps—the... [click here for more] |
Catalyst Game Labs |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
Welcome to issue 27 of the Frontier Explorer. Our new author in this issue is Jerry Boucher, who also drew the absolutely amazing cover image for the issue. The cover is a callback, albeit from the sathar side, of the classic Elmore painting that graces the cover of the original rules. His article looks at the construction and use of the sathar weapons.
In addition to Jerry’s... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other... [click here for more] |
TailsPr |
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