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(DIY GM Tools) Presented here is a blank top down oval shaped starship deck plan map with set of 7 image variations. The set includes images with and without grids at 300 DPI all over 2000 pixels in size. The suggested grid scale is 10'x10' but the blank maps can easily be scaled to whatever size you need. The maps can be oriented either in portrait layout or landscape layout. The example given in... [click here for more] |
Luminous Design |
Pay What You Want
Hey, I decided to give some samples of my Magical Object Maker results based off of a mad lib.
And since I want it to fit into your campaign I have left the choice of the ecaxt object it is up to you.
This item is a Holy Ancient Weapon that summons a object and the wielder can only turn on and off the effect which can be used 11 times a week. ... [click here for more] |
Christy Embry |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever found yourself stuck mid-game, searching for a random number between 1 and 100 but unable to come up with one?
Be stuck no more!
The Most Mathematically Correct Lists Presents:
100 numbers between 1 and 100!
Never be at a loss for numbers between 1 and 100 again. This handy reference will undoubtably be useful to both players and game masters as they strive to introduce... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
Got 99 problems? Make sure that coming up with a number for tonight's game isn't one!
100 Truly Random Numbers is a finely crafted list of mostly historically accurate and verisimilitudinous numbers collected by our semi-professional mathmagicians. Perfect for randomly generating a random number, and not just some list of numbers organized numerically!
A... [click here for more] |
Lee's Lists |
Pay What You Want
321RPG is a d10 roll under system high on cinematic fun and low on crunchy rules. ... [click here for more] |
Ham and Egg Publishing |
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 What's Included:
An expansive collection of clever and creative house rules that inject excitement, realism, customization, and just plain fun into your Dungeons & Dragons 5e game, or other TTRPG.
Compiled by Jud Kossum of Short Rest Studios through his own experience as a D&D player and Dungeon Master, as well as online sources, this list provides over 50 house rules across various categories... [click here for more] |
Short Rest Studios |
Pay What You Want
A local jester (Gat) is looking for an ancient tome detailing long forgotten dances, it is called the “Grimoire Of Collected Dance” written by Halin Dwarivsh. He hopes to take his stage show to the next level. He hires the PCs to track it down after finding the possible location of the tome. In return for the tome, the PCs will receive a treasure map and some gold. The jester is part of... [click here for more] |
3 Toadstools |
Pay What You Want
A Lonely Knave è un supplemento per KNAVE, il gioco di ruolo creato da Ben Milton, che permette di giocare in modalità solitaria.
Alta compatibilità con i giochi OSR. Se possiedi già dei bestiari, avventure o liste di incantesimi di altri giochi OSR, bastano delle piccole modifiche per poterli utilizzare con Knave.
Veloce da imparare, facile da gestire. Le regole... [click here for more] |
Big Red Dice |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
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In the world of Victorious, The Broadmoor Asylum treats and contains the mentally ill and criminally deranged members of the superhuman race. Sent in on a secret mission, the players must determine who is more insane: the patients, or the Doctors! Patients of the asylum claim the doctors are stealing their powers; meanwhile a series of murders plagues the asylum. The bodies seemingly appear with no... [click here for more] |
GagMen Productions |
Pay What You Want
The world didn’t end. It was close. Some things fell apart, others took their place. This is the post- without the apocalypse. We should be celebrating, but we are too busy orienting ourselves in this new world, finding a place to live in, or even an identity, we can live with. Not just surviving. We hit the road, or stayed nearby. We sought out solitude, or community. We connected,... [click here for more] |
Martin Ackerfors |
Pay What You Want
Abide Asteria
Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment.... [click here for more] |
Abide Asteria |
Pay What You Want
 The Tower Absconding beckons to all those lost, regardless of space and defiant to time.
Absconding is an independent zine with material for the fifth edition of the world's most popular roleplaying game.
The fifolet are a race of small fey with subraces and enhancements. Martial, intellectual and cunning, this small-sized player race is a different take on natural... [click here for more] |
Absconder Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Want to add some bureaucratic flavor to the quests given to your players? Or maybe you just need a way for your players (or for your own notes) to track the terms and conditions of a side-quest? Here’s a quick printable asset that you can fill out to quickly outline the mission objectives.
For a handwritten look, the PDF uses the Caroni font, which is free to use from FontSquirrel.
There are parchment... [click here for more] |
Cpt. Scarlet Frost |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different buildings within a fantasy / medievil environment. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.
Please check out our other products under Kiolas Gaming ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different paths in a variety of environments. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online. ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
Pay What You Want
Included in this set of 3d printable terrain you will find 19 .STL models for creating dwarven dungeons. This tile set features walls, doors, corners, and corner pillars needed to make rooms of any size that connect to each other with Dragonbite clips.
This set has 3 styles of terrain:
Resized Legacy tiles match our original sculpts, but as the name suggests they are all slightly resized to match... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
his set of 3D-printable terrain and miniatures, Pharaoh 6, was made by all of the Aether Studios artists together. Everyone contributed to this set, with Tia making the first textures, Jake making the animals, Colin with the Ram, Jeromy with scatter, Will and Nasos with the rest. Pharaoh has long been a collaborative experience and this set is the paragon of our progress so far. We hope you enjoy these... [click here for more] |
Aether Studios |
Pay What You Want
So you've been playing Æther, you have some things that you want to try, but the attribute tables just don't exceed the realm of possibility to your liking? Have your own home-brew Superhero setting and you need to know what happens when a character has a Muscle of 448 instead of 20? Have been you been looking for that information?
Well look no further! Inside this short PDF is an update... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
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 This is the character sheet for Age of the Tempest - Sword of the High King. Print at least one for each player.
To play, you also need the Player's Handbook, Game Master's Handbook, a map, and a set of dice. ... [click here for more] |
Tornado |
Pay What You Want
 This is the map for Age of the Tempest - Sword of the High King.
To play, you also need the Player's Handbook, Game Master's Handbook, character sheets, and a set of dice. ... [click here for more] |
Tornado |
Pay What You Want
 This was a joke between friends, mostly about how AI has so much trouble with fingers.
Then I decided to have AI write a game about it.
It's pretty silly. I don't think you can actually play it, but I made some cards. It's worth a laugh. ... [click here for more] |
MediaStream Press |
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 All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et... [click here for more] |
yalsicor |
Pay What You Want
Over the years Paradigm City has been plagued by the worst of the worst--mad scientists, alien invaders, super-powered thugs, killer robots, gorilla gangsters, and more. As diverse as these villains are, they all have one thing in common: they are cooler than the Vice Squad. Led by Johnny Cigarette, the Vice Squad includes such D-list super-criminals as Timmy Too-Much-Bacon, Penny Slots, and Intra-Venus... [click here for more] |
Hex Games |
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Travel to the Mythic Alps ranging from eastern France to western Slowenia.
Includes 23 Vaesen (and counting) from all around the Alps, presented in a fashion similar to the Vaesen Core books with Flavor Text and sample Conflicts.
4 new archetypes complete with 17 additional talents befitting the Region.
A small framework to set your campaign in.
... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
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![Alternate Form Character Sheet [Open Legend]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/13074/246183-thumb140.jpg) A sheet to keep track of your characters' alternate forms in Open Legend. ... [click here for more] |
1 to 20 Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other... [click here for more] |
TailsPr |
Pay What You Want
What would you do if you were offered the power of the gods?
Would you fight for Justice?
Would you avenge a lost soul?
Would you change the world?
Go ahead, take a drink…
Ambrosia : The Nectar of the Gods is a Tabletop Role Playing Game like no other.
Using a simple dice system, an innovative character sheet, and a trump system involving drinks, this... [click here for more] |
Monster Chest Productions |
Pay What You Want
You are the first super-powered beings in the world. What will you do with your power? There are no Heroes. There are no Villains. Only hard choices await in this amazing supers RPG.
The AMP: Year One QuickStart includes the following: -Setting and Rules Summary -Intro Adventure: Team Player -8 Pregenerated Characters ... [click here for more] |
Third Eye Games |
Pay What You Want
Seu tempo já passou. São novos e confusos tempos. Tempos onde os jovens não respeitam mais ninguém. Tempos onde a música é mais barulhenta e idiota do que costumava ser. Muitas das coisas e pessoas que você conhecia e até amava já se foram. Você envelheceu. Mas o espírito continua jovem. A chama continua acesa. Você ainda... [click here for more] |
D+1 Design & Games |
Pay What You Want
El Pack del Jugador es un suplemento para el Juego de Rol Aníma en el que se incluyen:
• 40 Hojas de Jugador especializadas, con cuatro modelos diferentes de habilidades especiales ideales para personajes dotados de capacidades mágicas, disciplinas psíquicas o Dominios del Ki. • Una guía con las tablas de referencia más útiles para un jugador. ... [click here for more] |
Anima Project |
Pay What You Want
This is a printable copy of character sheet that is in the back of Anime Action! This includes a spot for your character's name, FIAT, Traits, and Special. It also provides a quick hand reference for your derived stats- resources, connections, and your max energy. ... [click here for more] |
Three Sages Games |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable character sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the VEHICLE SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable hero base sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and VEHICLE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
Pay What You Want
 This is a fillable vehicle sheet for the superhero system ANSWER THE CALL!
You can additionally get the CHARACTER SHEET and HERO BASE sheets as well. ... [click here for more] |
Conor Gleeson |
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The Anthro-Adventures Coloring book provides you with dozens of print-ready images of creatures set in the Anthropomorphic world of Layna. Here the Seven Realms clash in a never ending struggle for dominance, freedom, and survival.
The characters presented here have appeared in either the Anthro-Adventures RPG modules or the novel series. ... [click here for more] |
Happy Gnome Publishing |
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Anyworld is a roleplaying system that works in any genre. The core mechanics are incredibly flexible and yet simple enough for newcomers to grasp very quickly. All you need to play is the Anyworld rulebook and a handful of six-sided dice.
The Quckstart includes most of the basic rules along with 4 premade characters.
There is also a Kickstarter live right now for Heartless - a horror adventure supplement... [click here for more] |
Netherborn |
Pay What You Want
APPROVED is a social narrative game. In it, red tape is sacred, and your Dreams are just some paperwork away from reality. Every player harbors a Dream. They just need the stamp of Approval.
The latest financial numbers have rolled in, and they’re astonishing. After years of grinding, your Dream is finally within reach. But there’s a catch – you need the thumbs-up from the folks upstairs. Yep,... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
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This document provides a full explanation of all aptitudes & proficiencies listed within the Critical 10 core rules. It is intended as supplementary material and will (likely) not appear in the final rules.
If you are reading this document it is probable that you are seeking clarity on one of the listings. We would very much appreciate your feedback with regards to what was not clear and whether... [click here for more] |
Strike Amount Studio |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of Roleplay Examples/Suggestions and House Rules that you may or may not want to check out!
It's completely free!
... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Aren't you tired of asking your players their ACs with each monster attack, over and over again? I sure am. With these ARMOR CARDS your game will flow!
In the PDF, there are two sets of ARMOR CARDS from AC 7 to AC 30 in two different designs as you can see in the cover image. One design has fields to write character and... [click here for more] |
Khanist Games |
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This is the Basic edition of the ruless, stripped down and available for free. For the full book complete with art, see: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/379152/Armour-Astir-Advent
Armour Astir: Advent is a high-fantasy roleplaying game about striking back against an authority that seeks to control you.
It is a game of rival pilots clashing... [click here for more] |
Briar Sovereign |
Pay What You Want
Aspect is an ultra-light freeform RPG that facilitates a narrative style of play.
Choose four aspects that represent your game. Play any setting you want.
Intuitive freeform mechanics using tokens and D6 dice pools.
Battle-tested in epic campaigns and badass one-shot adventures.
Check out Tutorial Tumble for in-game character creation in your first session.
The... [click here for more] |
Aspect RPG |
Pay What You Want
Jump off the map and embark on adventurous routes beyond the empire of Aksum, to the seas where east and west meet.
... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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Awaiting the End is a GM-less one-sheet game about a group of people in a terrible Place awaiting an impending Doom. They might be prisoners awaiting their execution in prison, space travelers waiting for their oxygen to give out in a tiny escape pod, or PhD candidates waiting in a dorm cafeteria to hear why their dissertation was rejected. To pass the time they tell each other stories about how they... [click here for more] |
Future Proof Games |
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In this episode, we talk about the Best/Worst of 2014 in comics. And we announce the winners of the Bamfsies awards for the best in Superhero RPGs from the last year (or so).
Chuck Rice, Steve Kenson, Jason Tondro, Chris McGlothlin and Ade Smith join us.
At the very end of the podcast, Steve and Chris give us some details about what 2015 holds for ICONS and Mutants and Masterminds.
You can... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
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 AP Klosky, the author of Cold Steel Wardens, stops by the podcast to run a quick demo for Jon Gibbons (artist on Extreme Earth), Ade Smith and myself. Much grim-n-gritty, Iron Agey fun is had ... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
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 Chris Birch of Modiphius Press tells us about their upcoming plans for Achtung Cthulu, Thunderbirds and other projects.
Also - congrats to Modiphius for getting the rights to produce Conan RPG
Jon Gibbons of Fainting Goat Games is on hand to talk about Extreme Earth
Ben Counter of Death Spiral tells us about the Sleeper RPG Kickstarter ... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
Pay What You Want
We gather a robust round table (Green Ronin's Christopher McGlothlin and Ade Smith as well as Walt Robillard, Jason "Dr. Comics" Tondro and Andrew Collas) to talk up what we like, what we think is weird, and get all curmudgeony on some of the stuff we don't. It's all weird all the time on the BAMF Podcast!
BTW - We are now on Patreon! If you like the podcast - please consider tossing... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
Pay What You Want
 On this episode of BAMF, Steve Kenson, Chris McGlothlin, Ade Smith and Jason Tondro join us to talk about the bumper crop of superhero TV offerings. As will happen, some RPG talk breaks out. ... [click here for more] |
Fainting Goat Games |
Pay What You Want