Take to the skies in this Airship Battle Map! Fight off sky pirates or raid transports yourself! Two levels of ship allow you to have fights below deck and fire off cannons to soften up your foes. A crystal powered engine allow for high speeds and less susceptible to wind. Several canons on either side make for excellent anti-air weapons.
Pair with my airship combat rules for a truly exciting encounter!... [click here for more]
A decrepit warehouse sits. Sparsely used as oils stain the floor and an old forklift sits rusting in the corner. Disused parts and pieces resting on pallets laid throughout the interior. A distinct smell clogs the air as fluids of all types leak from rusty barrels. A perfect place for an ambush? Perhaps an OSHA violation waiting to happen.
In this sci-fi styled map you can show your players what a... [click here for more]
A simple yet beatiful jungle path. In my game there were a band of orcs that had set up a trap in the path. Their home had been invaded and they set up traps through jungle routes to capture or kill interlopers.
You can use this to have enemies sneak attack from the heavy cover of trees, or the vines lash out and grab unwary travelers. There are plenty of options to be had!
For your own custom... [click here for more]
L’enigma de la guerra freda va acabar amb la Cohort aconseguint defensar Victory City de l'aniquilació nuclear i van esbrinar que des del principi el malvat maníac tecnomàgic conegut com a Regnat era el seu principal enemic. Van tenir un tast d’en Regnat a La crisi del nèmesi, i ara, el repte que la nova Cohort es trobarà en aquesta aventura serà encara més alt, ja que les forces dels Metaguait... [click here for more]
Very basic island map. Four islands and a little bit of cloud cover. Easy enough to add your own locations or can be used for ship combat. Nice little reference piece.
For your own custom battle map you can contact me here: nerddadmaps@gmail.com.... [click here for more]
El món dels còmics té una història rica de números d’encreuaments d’herois o centrats en un esdeveniment. Com encreuaments encarnats pels èxits més grans i importants formant un equip o també còmics que reinicialitzen,
rellancen o recomencen una sèrie sencera de versions reinventades d’herois clàssics.
La crisi del nèmesi pot ser un esdeveniment d’aquesta mena pel vostre propi... [click here for more]
L'enigma de la Guerra Freda es pot jugar de forma independent, com a segon número de l’arc argumental de L'ascensió de la Cohort, o fins i tot com a primer.
Una amenaça, tancada i oblidada, emergeix de nou a Zyrkistan, una antiga república soviètica. L’entitat coneguda com a Arsenal, amb l’ajut d’antics herois soviètics i roïns mercenaris, roba uns caps nuclears que es volien desmantellar... [click here for more]
Gran poder analitza els poders d’Icones rol amb superpoders amb més profunditat. Com que més no és sempre millor, Gran poder prova d’expandir, refinar i organitzar el tractament dels poders en el joc, per donar als jugadors i directors d’Icones eines addicionals per crear i jugar els seus personatges i aventures. Ofereix més opcions, més exemples i més idees.
141 pàgines a... [click here for more]
A puff of fire and smoke billows out from the cannons launching another ballistic towards the shoreline. Smoke curls throughout the once peaceful and sunny beach as cries of pain can be heard rippling across the waves.
A single ship sits in the water as more parties of pirates or sailors sail towards the shoreline. Explosions rip through the air. Blasts of magic shred combatants to viscera. Several... [click here for more]
A swampy marsh surrounds a central hilltop. Logs and sandbars may not be the only things awaiting reckless adventurers!
For this battle map. There are islands that are considered regular terrain. Everything else is considered difficult terrain. There are some logs that can be walked on with a successful Dexterity check. In the center is a hilltop that could have a bandits camp, a ritual site, or even... [click here for more]