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Crowdfunding is a lot of work. It is also how many creators who dream about bringing their projects to life get to do so. It is pretty cool when you think about it. However, for many folks, getting started can be daunting. The good news? It doesn’t have to be.
Crowdfund Your F#@king Life was written by a former traveling blender salesman with... [click here for more] |
Ham and Egg Publishing |
Pay What You Want
![Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/507612-thumb140.jpg) One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
Far in mankind's future, ones soul can be bought and sold. Whether to a giant corporation, a corrupt government, or a rotting church, the people of the Galactic Federation know no other lifestyle. One's being is simply for sale.
At the edge of space, Knights and Crusaders fight petty amongst each other as they hold off the hordes of Demons threatening the Galactic Federation. With their... [click here for more] |
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer |
Pay What You Want
GEMulator - Game Master Emulation for Solo Roleplaying Games
Within these pages is a ruleset that allows you to play traditional multiplayer RPGs on your own.
The complete freedom of solo play can be intimidating when it comes to actually playing through an entire campaign. Some sort of structure is needed to guide you along the path and prevent you from getting lost. The GEMulator is exactly that.... [click here for more] |
Solo Tabletop |
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Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ... [click here for more] |
Yodachi Publishing |
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This Game System Primer is a quick-start guide to help get you and your group into the game, with content for players to experience the first 5 Levels as a Super. It is designed to hold all of the information that you and your group need to get started playing Indominant. Whether it is your first time playing a table top role playing game or your thousandth, this will answer any... [click here for more] |
Odin's Key Gaming, Ltd. |
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Skies Above is a Tabletop Role Playing Game (TTRPG) that draws heavy inspiration from the enchanting world of Japanese Role Playing Games (JRPG). It channels the spirit of classic titles like those in the Final Fantasy series—especially the beloved entries from the Super Nintendo/Famicom era—as well as iconic games such as Dragon Quest, Secret of Mana, Grandia, and Lunar, with... [click here for more] |
LostHavenGames |
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This game aid is designed for the tabletop role-playing game (ttrpg) Coyote and Crow. Drawing inspiration from lifepath character creation systems and ttrpgs designed with a narrative focus, this game aid helps uses tables and prompts to help a player build a character. May your Character's Story Start here. ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
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The 2020 edition of The Microlite20 RPG Collection includes the basic Microlite20 RPG (only 2 pages of actual rules) and over 100 RPGs based on those rules.
New or updated games in the 2020 edition include:
Dark Heritage 2, Ad Astra, Microlite20 Fandom Version, M20 Modular, Cult of Undeath, Microluxe20, Fantasy Hack... [click here for more] |
RetroRoleplaying |
Pay What You Want
The FREE! Quick Start Guide is a cut down version of the rules that includes pre-generated characters and two small quests. We've done these for level 1 and level 5 to give Players / GMs the chance to see what it would be like to progress.
We wanted to be able to give backers an idea of what the system and quality will be like without spoilering to much of the system.
The... [click here for more] |
Awfully Queer Heroes |
Pay What You Want
The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
 Need a quirky sidekick for your Sleuth Squad adventures? Can't come up with a funny companion? Well, look no further! Clue Critters is a gallery of 20 cartoon Mascots, ready to join your team, give a helping paw and cause some chaos.
From talking dogs to snowmen and blobs of glitter, these characters offer humor and skills. Use them as-is, or let them inspire your own creations.... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
Character Background Tales is meant to provide meaningful prompts to help establish the feel of Coyote and Crow, during character creations, while providing enough variation to make this world feel alive. In creating this game aid, Native traditions from all over the country were respectfully considered, and the existing world presented in the Coyote and Crow core rulebook ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
Pay What You Want
Loremaster is a rules light RPG that allows for seamless play, leaving the level of realism to the group, rather than encumbering the game with multiple equations and charts. In essence, Loremaster allows you to play the world, not the rules.
In this booklet you will also find:
- Easy rules for solving complex and risky situations;
- Quick character creation for either class-based or skill-based... [click here for more] |
Alexandre Katz |
Pay What You Want
 This is StoryBake! A game about sugar, butter, flour, and friendship, all wrapped up in a tasty little package! This TTRPG is close to my heart, as I have been a professional baker for many years, I grew up in a restaurant, and truly found myself through my passion for baking. My goal with this game was to have the fun, cozy baking vibes that you get in other baking rpgs, while also bringing in elements... [click here for more] |
Dan Walter |
Pay What You Want
This is a FABULA ULTIMA MOD that changes and adds to the Travel Rules of the Core Rulebook, published under the Fabula Ultima Third-Party Licence. With these Alternative Travel Rules, the Players will experience slightly slower, more contemplative travels through the game world, focusing on expanding it's worldbuilding and the characters' relationships with each other... [click here for more] |
TailsPr |
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What Robot Will You Draw?
Perfect for families with children over the age of 10.
Bots 'n Pieces is a role-playing game where you'll join a screwball team of clapped-out robots on the junk-covered frontier planet of Tartaria. You're an Urfling, a Bot created for various purposes: gardening, opera, or WAR. The coolest thing about Urflings? You can COMBINE them into more powerful and weirder... [click here for more] |
Dark Jewel Games |
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 Crazy Fun Drop-in Locations for EZD6 Wasted World ... [click here for more] |
Quest Givers |
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 This book has 12 new subclasses for all of the classes of Dungeons & Dragons 5e.
This book contains the following:
Barbarian- Path of the Infernal
Bard- College of Disguise
Cleric- Harvest Domain
Druid- Circle of Rust
Fighter- Lore Chaser
Monk- Way of Patience
Paladin- Oath of a Loved One
Ranger- Arcane Hunter
Rogue- Plague Crafter
Sorcerer- The Hypnotist
Warlock- Pact of Blood
Wizard-... [click here for more] |
Madame Aloura |
Pay What You Want
They have a plan. What could possibly go wrong?
The loveless match of Lady Penelope to Baron Von Rupenstein will be the event of the season – and the crime of the century. Tonight, your cunning band of criminals must infiltrate the lavish wedding ball at the Stoneagles Estate, outwit Captain Waldorf and the Duke’s guard, and liberate the host’s gold, the guests’ jewellery, and the bride... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
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A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
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Rise of the Critical Failures
In fantasy roleplaying games of yore (consult your current licensing agreements) certain oddball character classes grew anecdotally famous for their sub-optimal utility in dungeons, as well as lapses in ethics, chastity and/or survivability. Now is their time to shine!
The Stone of Roc Rock is an old-school fantasy scenario for one to five players, and an affectionate... [click here for more] |
Gildor Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a collection of 12 pre-generated characters for use with the Coyote and Crow game. The character descriptions were generated using my other game aid the Character Background Tales. ... [click here for more] |
Coyote & Crow LLC |
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Grants & Glory (G&G): The Greenlight Mirage
Welcome to Bureaucristan, where funding approval is a myth, timelines are “flexible,” and despair comes in triplicate forms. In The Greenlight Mirage, you’ll navigate the Bureau of Muddled Budgetary Futility, outwit obtuse administrators, and pray your sanity survives. Will you get the grant or just more gray... [click here for more] |
GrantWerk |
Pay What You Want
S.M.A.S.H. is the latest game from the creative minds that brought you Etherscope. Bringing the concept of asymmetrical games design to the superhero genre, S.M.A.S.H. is a game where each character has its own unique rules and systems.
In Countdown to Destruction your heroes are thrust into the middle of a supervillain's revenge plot,... [click here for more] |
The Black Orifice |
Pay What You Want
Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.
The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written... [click here for more] |
Take5TTRPG |
Pay What You Want
 Need a Dicey Tales Character sheet? Well, here ya go! ... [click here for more] |
Dicey Tales Productions |
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"Solus city" is a cold, artificial metropolis, plagued by neon advertisements on every corner. Evil corporations reign supreme and the people are disconnected, lonely, and desperate for companionship.
A mysterious dating app has recently emerged, promising to help the lonely citizens find their perfect match... little do its users know, the app is but a nefarious... [click here for more] |
Universe Ball Anthology |
Pay What You Want
Welcome, adventurers! Improv Quest is a tabletop roleplaying game that combines the thrill of classic roleplay with the spontaneity of improvisational storytelling. In Improv Quest, each player becomes a storyteller, guiding their character’s journey while contributing to the creation of a shared world. The guiding rule is a simple one: “Yes, and …” This... [click here for more] |
TheGrouchCouch |
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 Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
 Have questions about Runehammer Games EZD6 Wasted World? Download this free PDF. ... [click here for more] |
Quest Givers |
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Explore a Strange New World
Overrun by the wild magic of 'Ren' the kin of the Living Lands fight to survive in a formiddable world filled with sentient waterfalls and mutated beasts. The destabilization of magic in the world has reached a breaking point and ancient beings long buried beneath the earth have begun to awaken.
In the Living Lands you play... [click here for more] |
Brainrit |
Pay What You Want
 Les livrets de Personnages et de la Bande de la deuxième édition en VF ... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
Want to add some bureaucratic flavor to the quests given to your players? Or maybe you just need a way for your players (or for your own notes) to track the terms and conditions of a side-quest? Here’s a quick printable asset that you can fill out to quickly outline the mission objectives.
For a handwritten look, the PDF uses the Caroni font, which is free to use from FontSquirrel.
There are parchment... [click here for more] |
Cpt. Scarlet Frost |
Pay What You Want
The OCP System
The fabulous "One Stat fits All" generic Ruleset for Role-playing Games
The OCP System is extremely flexible and can easily be used for any kind of setting.
The rules are easy to learn and remember. For the GM, it is very simple to create NPCs. Players can easily create all sorts of Characters.
The entire set of rules that you need to know for playing, fits... [click here for more] |
Futile Efforts |
Pay What You Want
 Princesses hold a cherished place in fantasy tales. For some, being a princess isn’t just a title or a backdrop; it’s the core of who they are, the very essence they embody. Princesses come in all shapes and sizes, yet a few qualities unite them: Charisma, Presence, and Majesty.
You might choose to play an enchanted princess, whose life is woven with wonders that inspire both awe and envy. Alternatively,... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
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An open license rules-lite, d20 based tabletop roleplaying game for people who care more for storytelling than level grinding. These universal rules allow you to play in any genre including fantasy, sci-fi, and horror. ... [click here for more] |
roamitygames |
Pay What You Want
Some Ship Combat Rules is an 6-page zine detailing a soft sci-fi, action heavy approach to ship to ship combat in the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG. The idea behind these rules is that each player will have an opportunity to do something to influence the combat situation. The rule set is intentionally loose to allow for player and warden creativity. There... [click here for more] |
Joshua Justice |
Pay What You Want
 What's Included:
An expansive collection of clever and creative house rules that inject excitement, realism, customization, and just plain fun into your Dungeons & Dragons 5e game, or other TTRPG.
Compiled by Jud Kossum of Short Rest Studios through his own experience as a D&D player and Dungeon Master, as well as online sources, this list provides over 50 house rules across various categories... [click here for more] |
Short Rest Studios |
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Dive into the world of Querent of the Seven with this quickstart set! Everything you need to play is included, from condensed rules and pregenerated characters to a sandbox adventure.
Querent of the Seven is a tarot card-based role-playing game of strange fantasy with a strong focus on individual characters and the bonds they build with each other. Fully immerse in the setting not only through in-depth... [click here for more] |
Querent of the Seven |
Pay What You Want
Death of a Game Master is a short game about death, loss, and regret. It tells about the importance of not leaving things unsaid before it is too late. The player characters are roleplayers, whose longtime GM Dallas is dying. The old gaming group has come together to say goodbye to their friend. Unfortunately, the sickness impairs the GM’s cognitive functions. The only way... [click here for more] |
Nuclear Saints |
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A pack of 10 quality maps -- these are different buildings within a fantasy / medievil environment. Usable in all kinds of roleplays. These already come with a grid for easy use and can either printed and used table-top or uploaded and used online.
Please check out our other products under Kiolas Gaming ... [click here for more] |
Kaiolas Gaming |
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EraVerse is a rules lite TTRPG system that uses D6's to tell stories. This core rulebook has no specific setting, rather it's designed to be dragged and dropped into any era or universe! ... [click here for more] |
EraVerse |
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 House rules have been a part of tabletop gaming since its inception, and it’s understood that even Gary had mixed feelings about them, as they made it less profitable for him if people came up with their own ideas for his game instead of buying books.
The rules and procedures provided here are based on what has worked well for us in our own gaming sessions. However, they might not always suit your... [click here for more] |
Nat Handsome Games |
Pay What You Want
The purpose of How to RPG is to explain in simple language what a tabletop role playing game is and how to start playing. This advice is written for people new to role playing games - for those who have heard of TTRPGs and might want to play them, but don’t really know what it’s all about. How to RPG applies to any role playing game: Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder or any of... [click here for more] |
Shadomain |
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This is a free introduction to the Shattered Worlds - Join us on our Reddit Page: https://www.reddit.com/r/Shattered_Worlds_RPG/
Based on the world’s most popular tabletop role-playing game, Shattered Worlds transports the players to a gritty post-apocalyptic setting where technology and magic exist side-by-side.
Events, now commonly referred to as... [click here for more] |
siegebreaker games |
Pay What You Want
Chef Alton Green presents: How to Cook Cave Troll
for the Dinner and Gaming Table
Welcome to Flavor Text Adventures!
Adventure comes in all shapes, sizes, and of course... flavors! Who am I? I'm the one and only, the exquisite, illustrious, daring, and let's not forget fabulous, Chef Alton Green - At your service. Flavor Text Adventures are... [click here for more] |
Flavor Text Adventures |
Pay What You Want
Jump off the map and embark on adventurous routes beyond the empire of Aksum, to the seas where east and west meet.
... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
About this Book
This book is an introduction to the revised version of GeARS, a tabletop role-playing game system designed to be generic and adaptable to any game genre or setting. What you can find in this book is the backbone of the system, with the most basic rules related to character creation and event handling. ... [click here for more] |
Ralph Talesman |
Pay What You Want
 Wejdź w emocjonalną i refleksyjną podróż z "Ostatni Dzień z Reszty Mojego Życia", wyjątkowym solo RPG zaprojektowanym do głębokiej, osobistej eksploracji. Gra zaprasza graczy do przeżywania ostatnich chwil życia ich postaci, podejmowania kluczowych decyzji, wspominania przeszłych wydarzeń i konfrontacji z nierozwiązanymi sprawami. Wybierz spośród różnych archetypów,... [click here for more] |
Tenebris Games |
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