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Class, Magic and Item Thumbnails
This is a free content pack for creators to use for their Dungeons and Dragons adjacent content. If you need icons for your homebrew adventures, magic item PDFs or to elevate your individual games please feel free to use this content. If you publish your content I only require that I am informed and credited. I do not expect payment for the use of these assets, my... [click here for more] |
JB-Media |
Pay What You Want
This is a high-quality tavern map made with Dungeon Alchemist. Simply dowload and use in your Virtual games, or print out and use on your tabletop! ... [click here for more] |
Danger Wizard |
Pay What You Want
Need a dungeon....or six?
Download the Dungeon on Demand 6-Pack today
and set your dungeon-making worries aside for a spell.
Includes 12 high resolution maps of 6 dungeons!
6 with labels and 6 without
... [click here for more] |
5Realms Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 No fuss. No Muss.
No Frills.
Dungeon on Demand
When you need a dungeon, and you need it now!
Includes 2 High Resolution 1536 x 2048 PNG files
One map with labels and modifications, the other without. ... [click here for more] |
5Realms Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Fantasy/Rural Locations - Area Map - Jo’s Farm
For use as a wider location map around a specific encounter, or as a more freeform gaming experience, such as when the player characters must investigate a wider area with no specific order of events or encounters. It could even be used as the base for the players or a notable NPC.
This product includes the following, as full... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
Included are nine 8x8 tiles for building cave complexes. Each is black & white, and printer-friendly. Each also comes in pdf file for easy printing and a png file for virtual tabletops. Expect no frills here. These tiles were made to be simple and easy to incorporate into any game.
Terms of Use
These images were created by Josh Cornwell, and are intended to be a resource... [click here for more] |
Copper Dragon Games |
Pay What You Want
A set of 49 tiles and 12 objects hand drawn and painted. These tiles and objects will help you create any encounter the roads and trails of the world may throw at you. Sub packs will come later down the line, (eg: Cliffs and smaller foot trails, and wavier more chaotic wagon trails.). All of my modular maps can be used together. There will also be a few more object adittions to this product.
Specifications... [click here for more] |
Graticule |
Pay What You Want
 First and foremost this is a charity map.All proceeds will go right back into my map making to buy more assests and textures. So i can bring your maps to life.
Enjoy a spooky themed graveyard. perfect for horror based encounters
Purchasing the Graveyard battlemap will allow you to download a .ZIP folder containt the following.
4k gridded and ungridded Versions of the Graveyard Battlemap.set to... [click here for more] |
Richard's Vault of Battlemaps |
Pay What You Want
MapTool is a fully-featured, flexible virtual tabletop. Not only does MapTool come with powerful tools for creating detailed maps but also a chat function, an initiative tracker, and a detailed token management system to create characters, monsters, objects, and anything you can imagine. MapTool's user interface is highly configurable, and features not being used can be hidden out of sight.
Adapts... [click here for more] |
RPTools |
Pay What You Want
 Purchasing the Necromancers den battlemap will allow you to download a .ZIP folder containing the following.
a 4k JPG of the Necromancers den
2k gridded JPG of the Necromancers den Battlemap
This map is formatted to fit the size of 13x10 at 70 Pixels
... [click here for more] |
Richard's Vault of Battlemaps |
Pay What You Want
 Pelo, pico, anca ...y Maza es una aventura sencilla de una o dos sesiones pensada para un director de juego y tres jugadores que interpretarán el papel de ciertos... enanos, en lo que pretende ser una cómica misión de rescate que se puede completar en unas 2-4 horas de juego.
El módulo incluye un World para Foundry VTT (V11.315) Non-premium... [click here for more] |
GBK Ediciones |
Pay What You Want
A phoenix bound sorcerer is one that mixes fire to burn away the possible futures they do not wish to see flourish. The perfect balance of Evocation and Divination magics, a Phoenix Bound Sorcerer will rise from the ashes and return their enemies to dust. ... [click here for more] |
Statera Gaming |
Pay What You Want
The Red Dungeon is a stylized dungeon ideal as a hideout for bad guys or a quick adventure for a night of gaming. You will receive 3 jpeg images: 1 with a key for the GM, 1 with a grid and 1 with no grid. The last 2 images are 32x40 at 72 dpi and made for virtual tabletops. The images are in a 7zip file and will need to be extracted. ... [click here for more] |
mstephenjoy |
Pay What You Want
Resolution 6000x6000(for roll20 5000x5000) Size 21,4 MB (for roll20 9,11 MB) JPG
Resolution 6000x3800(for roll20 3000x1900) Size 24,4 MB (for roll20 7,09 MB) PNG
Resolution 6000x3800(for roll20 3000x1900) Size 22,3 MB (for roll20 6,42 MB) PNG... [click here for more] |
Impu |
Pay What You Want
This pdf includes a Roll20 ungrided map and a full size tabletop map for use with miniatures or tokens. I created this for the Gangbusters B/X game system (core rules can be found here on DTRPG) but can be used with any rpg. ... [click here for more] |
FEI Games inc. |
Pay What You Want
Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest
Agyll Prime is mostly water, with an abundance of aquatic life at the surface. Some of this life nestles within the expansive coral reefs, as it attempts to find somewhere to shelter from the planets considerable storms. What secrets lie within its watery depths, and the subterranean caverns in the deeper bedrock?
-------------------------... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest - Roll20 VTT Unlock
The image assets from this product are only available on the Roll20 platform, where they unlock after purchase of this DTRPG product. If you prefer the non-Roll20 version (which includes 300dpi assets), please click here [LINK]: Island Map - Agyll Southwest.
NOTE: PDFs and other... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
Take5 has been a TTRPG in the making for the past 5+ years, ambitiously made to rival other TTRPGs like D&D 5e, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk RED, Call of Cthulhu, etc, in a single-system format. As of version 3.44, Take5’s Base Rulebook has 187 pages.
The system is a setting-fluid, d100 percentage base game, built to enable creativity to its fullest by players and GMs alike. Abilities are written... [click here for more] |
Take5TTRPG |
Pay What You Want
 This 280x280 pixel token for VTTs is of a Giant Quoma, a tortured and enlarged fey insect from The Fully Adaptable Roleplay Adventure Design System (The FARAD® System for short), which is in its 4th Alpha. Feel free to use it within your own games as is, or await the completion of the 4th Alpha and crowdfunding campaign that will follow. Within The FARAD® System, Quoma are able to phase through... [click here for more] |
Deepwell Ink Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 This 280x280 pixel token for VTTs is of a Quoma Swarm, a fey insect from The Fully Adaptable Roleplay Adventure Design System (The FARAD® System for short), which is in its 4th Alpha. Feel free to use it within your own games as is, or await the completion of the 4th Alpha and crowdfunding campaign that will follow. Within The FARAD® System, Quoma are able to phase through most materials save glass,... [click here for more] |
Deepwell Ink Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
 We attended Supanova Melbourne for a panel! We set out to make the longest dungeon crawl we could based on audience responses in 45 minutes, and it turned out pretty fun! The map is available for you to download and play here! Included are the RWMAP and RWMETA files you will need to open the map in Arkenforge with all of the unique assets placed - so you can experiment with changing them and learn... [click here for more] |
Arkenforge |
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 VTT Elevation/Altitude Tokens (or Custom Token Markers) & Guide on how to use them in your games
A drawback of both real and virtual tabletops is that all the action usually takes place at the same level, in a flat plane denoted by the playing surface. For in-person gaming, scenery can help give things a better sense of height and depth. For virtual tabletops, all you have... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
 This is a sample of the second floor of the widow tower ... [click here for more] |
Alter3dimensya |
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