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네버 고잉 홈 룰을 편하게 풀어둔 지침서입니다. ... [click here for more] |
Whitedragonpublishing |
Pay What You Want
Express Frontier System (EFS) は、凝縮された簡潔なロールプレイ ゲーム システムであり、上級ゲームマスターまたはすでに Original Frontiers ゲームに精通している人向けに設計されています。これは、世界最大のゲーム コミュニティであるテーブルトップ RPG ゲームの世界に何かをお返しする私の方法でもあります。... [click here for more] |
Original Frontiers |
Pay What You Want
Божественный Юлий обратил свой гневный взор на северных варваров. Вы — избранные дети Вечного Города, сыны беломраморного Рима. Молодые воины, храбрые и верные императору бойцы, которых не остановят ни тёмные леса, ни белое... [click here for more] |
Studio 101 |
Pay What You Want
Базовий лист персонажа Lvl Up A5E тепер є українсько!
Це заповнювальний лист, тож ви можете використовувати в своїх онлайн сесіях. ... [click here for more] |
Fatrir |
Pay What You Want
Набор из шести готовых персонажей ранга закаленный в антураже мистического Четвертого крестового похода. С небольшими изменениями они также подойдут для приключений в средневековой Европе в целом и мирах низкого... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
1894 год.
Математически выверенный Город должен был стать новой Утопией рационального века, но катастрофа изменила все - Город провалился в Лимб, преддверие Ада. Научный прогресс столкнулся с древней магией. Город стал частью... [click here for more] |
Steam Sun Games |
Pay What You Want
На дворе двадцатые годы двадцатого века. Всемирное Сообщество Любопытных и Любознательных объединяет пытливые умы со всех концов света. Их парадигма — познаваемость Вселенной. Они верят в торжество и всесильность науки.... [click here for more] |
Studio 101 |
Pay What You Want
"Світанок Нового Часу! Відчуй свободу, яви світу свої амбіції!
Але май на увазі — на світанку тіні завжди найглибші..."
Славні 1800-ті. Початок століття – яскравий час, злам епох і смислів. Морські імперії,... [click here for more] |
The Imago Cult |
Pay What You Want
Панислав Адамські, ваш товариш та народний мер Білих Цаплин, раптово помирає у своєму кабінеті. Невдовзі у місто прибуває секретний офіцер Спеціальної Служби Сейму і пропонує вам, світській еліті Білих Цаплин, стати таємними... [click here for more] |
The Imago Cult |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Thursday, or as we call it at Silver Gryphon Games, Æthursday! It has been a standing tradition to release a randomly generated setting from the Æther Core Book and post it on Facebook and the official Silver Gryphon website for you to enjoy! However, due to the popularity of our Wellstone City Wednesday posts here at our favorite PDF sales website, we've decided to release them... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Thursday, or as we call it at Silver Gryphon Games, Æthursday! It has been a standing tradition to release a randomly generated setting from the Æther Core Book and post it on Facebook and the official Silver Gryphon website for you to enjoy! However, due to the popularity of our Æthusday Randomly Generated Settings, we've decided to release them through here as well! That means we're... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Thursday, or as we call it at Silver Gryphon Games, Æthursday! It has been a standing tradition to release a randomly generated setting from the Æther Core Book and post it on Facebook and the official Silver Gryphon website for you to enjoy! However, due to the popularity of our Æthusday Randomly Generated Settings, we've decided to release them through here as well! ... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to Thursday, or as we call it at Silver Gryphon Games, Æthursday! It has been a standing tradition to release a randomly generated setting from the Æther Core Book and post it on Facebook and the official Silver Gryphon website for you to enjoy! However, due to the popularity of our Æthersday Randomly Generated Settings, we've decided to release them through here as well! That means we're... [click here for more] |
Silver Gryphon Games |
Pay What You Want
Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This publication contains detailed biographies and illustrations for eight characters associated with the system-free Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! They are appear in many of the stories associated with it but can also be readily adapted by storytellers who need background for non-player characters in their own settings and scenarios.
The Swords of Kos... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This publication contains two of the 21 system-free encounter tables for general and specific areas, 14 nation-based and seven terrain-based, that appear in the popular and Platinum-bestselling Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting. All of these tables can be used either individually or in conjunction with each another, and within the context of the Kos campaign setting or... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is a skirmish-level game for novice and experienced tabletop players alike that emulates the desperate small-scale actions that might result during the unending winter that is the first stage of the Viking Apocalypse. This preview includes an overview of the game, a listing of everything it contains, and illustrations representative of what appears in... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
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Cry havoc and let slip the Hogs of War!
This free set of 30mm downloadable miniatures has been designed to support and start playing immediately Skirmisher Publishing's Quactica: Battles for the Soul of Middle Aesopia miniatures rules. They can also be used with other miniatures and role-playing games altogether (including Runequest games that... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Guldfeber - ett scenario till Call of Cthulhu Sverige
”En medfödd längtan drager
och sliter i vanans bojor,
och grymheten slutligen vaknar
ur långvarig vintersömn.”
- Jack London, Skriet från vildmarken (1903)
Guldfeber utspelar sig under sommaren 1927 när en ung banktjänsteman... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Låt mig måla en bild av ondska, desperation och förtvivlan. Scenariot Betraktaren utspelar sig sent 1920-tal och är skrivet till Call of Cthulhu Sverige. Scenariot spelplats är Halmstad och stadens omgivningar. Tidslinjen följer den utställning som gick av stapeln på Halmstad högre läroverk sommaren 1929. En målning av en för utredarna bekant figur har dragit till sig intresse från ockulta... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
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Cry of the Primeval
A ready-to-use setting for role-playing games and fiction, where a new tribe of farmers moves into a valley following a mammoth migration, only to find it full of predators and conquerors, and cultists.
“Cry of the Primeval” by Sword of Odin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows you to distribute, remix, tweak, and build... [click here for more] |
Sword of Odin |
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Bullets, Blood, & Beer
A ready-to-use setting for role-playing games and fiction of the chaos of the Wild West!
“Bullets, Blood, & Beer” by Sword of Odin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This license allows you to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work -- even commercially -- as long as you credit Sword of Odin for the original creation.... [click here for more] |
Sword of Odin |
Pay What You Want
Nie znam wszystkich korytarzy oraz sal mojej galerii bohaterów; niewiele w niej też kompletnych postaci. Jak w warsztacie lalkarskim, moi BN-i wymieniają się głowami, kończynami, różnymi przymiotami charakteru, zdolnościami i rekwizytami. Zgrozy oraz podcast Moje Cthulhu mają przyjemność przedstawić Świadków - zbiór Bohaterów Niezależnych do 7.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Badacze Zgróz to osiem archetypów, w które mogą się wcielić gracze na sesjach Zewu Cthulhu. Szczególnie dobrze pasują do klasycznych,"purystycznych" sesji oraz scenariuszy z serii Zgrozy. Osiem dostępnych archetypów to:
Bogata hobbystka
Detektyw policyjny
Dodatek zawiera też rady co do ich personalizacji... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Prezentujemy przed Wami dwanaście handoutów głosowych w dwóch wersjach (zwykłej i z nałożonym efektem starej płyty) opisujących rozmaite przedmioty i artefakty pochodzące z siedmiu różnych lokalizacji. Poniżej przedstawiamy szczegółową listę:
Anglia – nakrycie głowy złożone z oczu
Australia – urządzenie zbudowane z prętów, kół i luster
Chiny – Siedem Tajemnych Ksiąg... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Prezentujemy sześć handoutów, które doskonale wkomponują się w Waszą podróż Orient Expressem podczas emocjonujących sesji RPG. Są to krótkie reportaże z miast, które leżą na trasie tej legendarnej przygody, m.in. z Paryża, Mediolanu i Wenecji. Migawki z poszczególnych miast przygotowaliśmy zarówno w formie reportaży prasowych, jak i nagrywanych materiałów głosowych. Sześciostronicowy... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
British mythology is full of famous dragonslayers, from Beowulf to Saint George. Dragons usually appear in the larger folklore of England, Wales, and Scotland with stories which link them with fixed locations and legends throughout the UK. As such, a large portion of Britain’s dragons are part of local folktales that have been handed down over centuries.
This short product is a... [click here for more] |
Other Stuff Games |
Pay What You Want
도시에 괴담이 떠돕니다. 흡혈귀에 대한 것입니다. 그 괴담을 미신으로 치부하는 이도 있고, 목격담을 계기로 오컬트에 빠져든 이도 있는가 하면…… 탐사자의 친구가 웃으며 말합니다. “흡혈귀는 그런 게 아냐. 너도 곧 알게 될걸. 사흘 뒤에 붉은 달이 뜬다잖아.”
본래 얌전하고 차분한 성격이었던... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
무더위 식히려 금빛 은하수 흐르는 계절입니다. 뭇사람들 자주 볼 수 있는 것에는 큰 관심을 두지 않으므로, 매년 찾아오는 유성우 따위는 뉴스에서 다뤄지지 못합니다. 그러나 별의 잔해들은 언제고 지구 향해 떨어지고 있습니다. 대기의 마찰열에 불붙어 지면에 다다르지 못한 채 잿더미 되어 흩어지더라도.... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Durant une grève historique à la mine Noranda, un groupe de briseurs de grève se retrouve prisonnier sous terre suite à l’effondrement d’une galerie. Les investigateurs sont envoyés par la direction de la mine pour récupérer les mineurs et déterminer les causes de l’accident.
Un problème mineur est le premier module se déroulant dans l'univers Noiranda, une réinvention historico-horrifique... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
Qu'est-ce que Tricube Tales ?
Ce produit a commencé comme un simple ensemble de directives pour jouer de courtes parties avec des enfants de cinq ans. Cependant, les règles fonctionnaient très bien pour les adultes également, alors il a été décidé de les étendre en un jeu complet.
Polyvalent : Tricube Tales est un système de jeu de rôle léger, capable de gérer une grande... [click here for more] |
Nicolas Chauveau |
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Ten krotki podrecznik przedstawia eksperymentalna gre fabularna dla dwoch osob. Prosta mechanika i opisany model kampanii zapewniaja wszystko, co potrzebne, by wspolnymi silami stworzyc historie o jednym z najwybitniejszych bardow na swiecie. Swiat gry moze byc popularna kraina fantasy, ale tez historyczna czescia Europy czy inna, feudalna spolecznoscia. Odkryj, jak wiele potencjalu... [click here for more] |
Aureus |
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Have you purchased the ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit and need replacement profession folios? Download all twelve to get started! Includes:
Barber Surgeon
Bounty Hunter
... [click here for more] |
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Are you creating your own content for the Grim & Perilous Library and need a helping hand? The House Style Guide has you covered. It is inclusive of several Powered by ZWEIHANDER titles, including:
ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit
ZWEIHANDER RPG: Revised Core Rulebook
Flames of Freedom: Grim & Perilous RPG
To Be or Not To Be A Villain
Blackbirds: The Extinguishing
Eternal Night of... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Have you purchased the ZWEIHANDER Fantasy Horror RPG: Starter Kit and want to start making your own profession folios? Download this form-fillable 4-page character sheet to get started! ... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
What’s more fun than a barren wasteland full of the undead? One that has a jaunty sound track ! Zombie Apocalypse the Musical is a rules light tabel top role playing game that takes place in a world overrun by zombies. Add in a musical component and you have a night of fun with your friends. ... [click here for more] |
Orcs Unlimited |
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Zeppelin Falls is an exciting stand-alone adventure for Guild of Shadows.
Not featured in the Guild of Shadows campaign setting book, this versatile heist adventure takes our roguish party onboard Kurstwahl's first zeppelin airship. Surrounded by the city's wealthy elite and with a cargo of gems being delivered to the Imperial City, the opportunities for larceny literally have... [click here for more] |
SPQR Games |
Pay What You Want
You Can Be Trash Too!
Yes, you can! Live your seediest, most transgressive life possible!
Explore a trash-punk world of grimy underbellies, inspirational gutters, and transcendent indulgence!
Most people suppress their desires or hide them in shame. Others (who people like us call “Puritans”) try to maintain a façade of fake normality, an illusion of happiness. But... [click here for more] |
Thought Punks |
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Yokai - Feudal Japan TTRPG
Yokai is a micro RPG based on the Encore system created for a game jam within a 2 week deadline.
In Yokai you will traverse the lands of feudal Japan, hunting down evil spirits and honing your skills along the way. Enter the Yokai's domains and rid the land of their evil, but be careful as your GM will be taking on that very role.
Asymmetric Gameplay
Most RPG systems... [click here for more] |
Ink Blade Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Juhannustanssit on 1950-luvulle sijoittuva Yhteiset tarinat-tarinapohja, jonka on tarkoitus olla sekä tunnelmallinen ja muistoja herättävä kokemus, että jännittävä, yhdessä luotu tarina. Teemansa puolesta tämä tarinapohja toimii paremmin sellaisille, jotka ovat joskus kokeneet- tai haaveilleet kokevansa aidot lavatanssit. Tässä roolipelissä ei päihitetä luolastojen hirviöitä, vaan... [click here for more] |
Storycraftsman |
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Yhteiset tarinat-pelijärjestelmä on syntynyt voimakkaasta tarpeestani ulottaa roolipelaamisen upea ja kaunis sanataiteen muoto entistä useampien saataville luomalla matalan kynnyksen pelijärjestelmä joka sopii kaikenlaisiin yhdessä kerrottaviin tarinoihin. ... [click here for more] |
Storycraftsman |
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Yggdrassil: A Cosmic Cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth is based on an assignment for an English class the author had in college. Inside you will find a short essay on Norse poetry, 11 poems, and a list of kennings (Norse poetic metaphors). The material within can be used as inspiration for a Norse campaign or read simply for enjoyment. ... [click here for more] |
Point of Insanity Game Studio |
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Avast! Encounter Tables t' help yer Referee fill out or create an adventure on t' high seas, or the islands ye dig up treasure on, or anywhere else yer band o' pirates may go.
Degined for the YARR! Pirate RPG, and compatible with all or most OGL / OSR / d20 games. ... [click here for more] |
BD Games |
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Avast! A Handy and Handsome Referee sceen fer yer favorite rules light Pirate RPG! Ye can take it to a fancy printshoppe or do it yerself with t' kiddies.
Landscape format for easy visibility over the screen.
This product consists of three files:A booklet with instructions and some optional rules, the Screen itself in pdf format, the screen in pdf X/1a format. Both pdfs are identical.... [click here for more] |
BD Games |
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Yarnspinners is a collaborative story-telling game that acts as a frame that allows one or more players to craft a share story of western themed adventures in the format of a GM-less roleplaying game. Our game picks up as the players relax in the saloon or sit at a campfire at the end of the day of adventuring.
The players will work together to craft a scene which will be explored by a single player... [click here for more] |
Diceman Games |
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XPANDABLES is an RPG about violence and tough choices and about the peaceful lives of those around you who are not fighting. It's a game about the sound of battles and the silence among the stars.
It's a game about blood, stress and trauma, and how these affect the lives of the characters when they're back home. And it's a game fighting with remote controlled cyborgs, about apocalypse and technology,... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
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An Index Card Sword and Sandal RPG
In a time lost to the annals of antiquity, a realm in turmoil called out for champions. Forged in the crucible of war & suffering, you emerged as one such champion. Once an outcast for your gender, sexuality, & queerness, you are now endowed with the gifts of power, fervor, & valor from the... [click here for more] |
Micro RPG |
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As a big believer in psychological safety in games and simulation, I love the "X" Card.
No point causing traumatic experiences when a few easy actions can reduce the chance of them occurring!
A really great review of some of the tools and techniques can be found at Safety Tools for Tabletop RPGs from Thomas Weinbeger, of Dramadice.
I truly believe in tools such as the “X” card. Although it’s... [click here for more] |
Hounds and Jackals Games and Magic |
Pay What You Want
As a big believer in psychological safety in games and simulation, I love the "X" Card. This particular one was made for ASSIGNMENT: DANGER! in case you did not prefer the other X-Card with the fierce beast on it we also have on DriveThruRPG.
No point causing traumatic experiences when a few easy actions can reduce the chance of them occurring!
A really great review of some of... [click here for more] |
Hounds and Jackals Games and Magic |
Pay What You Want
Łowcy są potrzebni... Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z przygodą dedykowaną do Stowarzyszenia Łowców Yokai
20 maja 1889 roku, około godziny 9 w dzielnicy Hongō w Tōkyō służąca o imieniu Gin opuściła rezydencję swojego pana, aby skorzystać z latryny. Nagle poczuła upiorny chłód, a chwilę później jej włosy rozpadły się w nieładzie, kiedy jej długi kucyk został odcięty u nasady... [click here for more] |
Rzucaj Nie Gadaj |
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