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 Hottest Micro-RPGs, Horror
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~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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MÖRK STAD One-Page Basic Rules

MÖRK STAD One-Page Basic Rules

MÖRK STAD: One-Page Rules (PWYW) These one-page basic rules are extracted from the MÖRK STAD full game into an easy-to-reference format. This file does not include character creation. Task Resolution: Clear and straightforward rules to determine success or failure in tense situations. Combat Rules: Fast and brutal mechanics for...   [click here for more]
Megaton Games  Pay What You Want

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VampHell: Quick Rules Edition

VampHell: Quick Rules Edition

A MINIMALIST Vampire-Punk RPG by Tasha Patterson The world of Forever Night HAS BEGUN! The Earth’s Sun is dying, fading into a shadow of what it once was! It is only a matter of time before it is blotted out forever, sending the planet into eternal death, decay, and darkness. UNFORTUNATELY, in the growing darkness, a new race has risen to power. The Vampires!!! Can you and your friends survive...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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ZombHell: Quick Rules Edition

ZombHell: Quick Rules Edition

A MINIMALIST Zombie-Punk RPG by Tasha Patterson The DEMONIC INFESTATION HAS BEGUN! Hell’s gates have opened and the spirits of the damned have escaped, infecting the living and dead, turning them into flesh-eating ghouls! Can you and your friends survive at the twilight of humanity as we know it? All you need to join the apocalypse is this single page rpg, a fistful of dice, and your friends. ...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza

Przyczajona groza to kompletny system do rozgrywania sesji w klimatach przedwiecznego horroru, mieszczący się jedynie na 16 stronach. Gra została zaprojektowana na wzór popularnych retroklonów i z powodzeniem może zostać wykorzystana jako uzupełnienie kampanii w dużych systemach. Sprawdzi się również jako łatwy sposób na wprowadzenie nowych osób do hobby. Przyczajona...   [click here for more]
Daily Kraken Publishing  Pay What You Want

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...At Sea

...At Sea

...At Sea is a marine horror themed rpg with pixel art inspired by classic horror films. Players take the role of a doomed steamboat crew in a world with no sun and no mainland to return to. ...   [click here for more]
Pixel Bestiary  Pay What You Want

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Abort Retry Fail

Abort Retry Fail

Los Angeles, 1984. A creature, neither fully man or machine, arrives from a war-torn future. It's mission: To change the present. Assassinate a future leader of the resistance. Destroy vital infastructure. Protect and safeguard our only hope. Steal motorcycles, trucks, and sunglasses. Tell people to chill out, dickwad. Go on a vacation. It cannot be bargined with, it cannot be stopped, and it cannot...   [click here for more]
Newstand Press  Pay What You Want

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Egregores: The Creepypasta Storytelling Game (one-page storygame)

Egregores: The Creepypasta Storytelling Game (one-page storygame)

Egregores: The Creepypasta Storytelling Game is a one-page storytelling and chat party game. Share your fragmented memories of shadowy figures, creepy places, and unnatural shows.  The forgotten, slumbering gods in the Void Beyond begin to stir and change the world. The past becomes strange and mutable. Memories define the reality of history, even changing evidence...   [click here for more]
Thought Punks  Pay What You Want

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Miskatonic Mysteries (Tricube Tales One-Page RPG)

Miskatonic Mysteries (Tricube Tales One-Page RPG)

You can download the full PDF for free by clicking on the Publisher Preview, but if you'd like to support my work by purchasing this product, you’ll also receive 6 more pages of props for the players and resources for the GM. The year is 1920, and the world is suffering the consequences of the "War to End All Wars." In the small town of Arkham, Massachusetts, a new era of jazz...   [click here for more]
Nicolas Chauveau  Pay What You Want

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The Black Lamp

The Black Lamp

HIGH ABOVE THE ACHING SEA, in a tower of ivory stone sits the great black lamp. Its light is the only hope for those lost to this dismal place. Inside, the lamp’s keepers sit around a heavy wooden table. Each of them are exiles. Broken souls, sentenced—often by themselves—to keep the lamp lit. To pass the time, they play cards, mend their many tools, and drink cheap whiskey from tin cups. Tonight...   [click here for more]
Lorelock  Pay What You Want

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In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that...   [click here for more]
what else  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon: Lair of the Skull

One Page Dungeon: Lair of the Skull

Back to Basics! You are an adventurer! You seek riches, gold, and glory! One Page Dungeon 2nd Edition is a back to basics RPG/Roll+Write mash-up game that focuses on simplicity and quick play. King Briarbun has long been dead. Known as a tyrant and a bigot, the peasants were happy to see him go to his grave. However, it seems he didn’t stay dead. A bizarre and out of season...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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TEETH: False Kingdom

TEETH: False Kingdom

The King is dead!  Long live the King!  No, not that one.  The other one!  FALSE KINGDOM is a grotesquely comic role-playing game for 3-5 players in which a group of conniving courtiers attempt to survive a bloody succession crisis in a cursed corner of 12th-century England. It's a short standalone campaign based on the Forged in the Dark ruleset and lasts just...   [click here for more]
TEETH RPG  Pay What You Want

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Dark Santa Holiday Special (One Page Holiday Horror Roleplaying)

Dark Santa Holiday Special (One Page Holiday Horror Roleplaying)

Ho! Ho! Ho! Behold the snow! The storm is on the way! Oh! No! No! Nowhere to go! Dark Santa come to play! Run and hide! Before you die! Krampus gets revenge! Hungry elves! Reindeer hell! Fear the nearing end! Dark Santa Holiday Special Sponsored by Thought Police Interactive You and your friends discovered Krampus was real last Christmas. It...   [click here for more]
Thought Punks  Pay What You Want

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One Ugly Motherfucker

One Ugly Motherfucker

You're ghostin' us, motherfucker. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I'll bleed ya, real quiet. Leave ya here. Got that? A team of highly trained special forces badasses enter a hostile situation. Success in their mission is beyond doubt; they have the gear, the skills, the muscle and the one-liners to put an army into the ground without...   [click here for more]
Newstand Press  Pay What You Want

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Abort Retry Fail 1000

Abort Retry Fail 1000

Los Angeles, 1991. A machine, formed from liquid metal capable of taking any shape, arrives from a war-torn future. Its mission: To destroy a malfunctioning killing machine gone rogue, undo the damage done to the timeline, and prevent it from changing the future, using any means nessesary. The new machine is sleek, powerful, and impossibly advanced. It can form its limbs into weapons, survive any amount...   [click here for more]
Newstand Press  Pay What You Want

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Book of Strangers - Quickstart

Book of Strangers - Quickstart

The Strangers are coming. Clawing at the windows, scratching in the attic, knocking on the door. YOUR door. They're here... Book of Strangers is a zero-prep, Psychological Horror tabletop roleplaying game set in your own home. Playable in one-shot sessions of 30-90 minutes by a Host and 2-6 players, it is intense, immersive and can be used as a terrifying...   [click here for more]
Bat Ears Games  Pay What You Want

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One Page Dungeon: The Fire Pits

One Page Dungeon: The Fire Pits

Back to Basics! You are a warrior! You seek riches, gold, and glory! One Page Dungeon 2nd Edition is a back-to-basics RPG/Roll+Write mash-up game that focuses on simplicity and quick play. This book is part of Season 2 of the game series--taking players to the land of the Red Sands. A barbaric and ruthless region of warring clans, wicked cults, and demonic monsters. Home to steaming...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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Vampire Couriers: Dusk Till Dawn Delivery

Vampire Couriers: Dusk Till Dawn Delivery

A One-Page RPG about moving a vampire lord across countries. It’s the 21st century and you are familiars of a powerful vampire! Your master needs to travel somewhere far and so you are tasked with safely transporting them to their destination, passing through borders and customs and overcoming any other obstacle on your way! Your reward for succeeding? Your master will finally fulfill your lifelong...   [click here for more]
Ilias Iovis  Pay What You Want

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Fall Creek Trick or Treat

Fall Creek Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween! For as long as the kids of Fall Creek can remember, they have gained incredible supernatural powers from the costumes they wear each All Hallows Eve. Though good luck convincing any fo the adults of that. This is useful, considering the improbable number of vampires, ghosts, zombies, werwwolves, mad scientists, sentient scarecrows, and other things that go bump in the night that...   [click here for more]
Praxis Studios  Pay What You Want

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Kurierzy Krwiopijcy: Dostawa od zmierzchu do świtu

Kurierzy Krwiopijcy: Dostawa od zmierzchu do świtu

Jesteście Sługusami potężnego wampira w XXI wieku! Jego Mroczność udaje się w daleką podróż, a waszym zadaniem jest przeprawić trumnę przez granice i odprawy. Staną wam na drodze zaskakujące przeciwności. Nagroda? Jego Mroczność w końcu spełni wasze życiowe marzenie, przemieniając was w wampiry! Porażka jednak przyniesie krwiste konsekwencje! Do gry w Kurierzy Krwiopijcy potrzebne...   [click here for more]
Rzucaj Nie Gadaj  Pay What You Want

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'Knock-knock' is a small solo horror TTRPG by Triad Studio. You know its setup for sure: a little kid stays at home while the grown-ups go about their business and tell not to let anyone in. But as luck would have it, all sorts of sketchy types keep knocking on the door! The day drags on, and you need to pass the time somehow. Play, draw, fantasize and fill in your time however...   [click here for more]
Red Librarian  Pay What You Want

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Killer Is Near

Killer Is Near

You knew the legend of the killer in these woods, but you never thought it was true. You thought it would be safe to camp here. You thought wrong. Now find out if you have what it takes to survive in this game of strategy and terror.  Player beware! Killer is near. Inside this player’s handbook lurks: • Rules for living out your own personal slasher film experience • Horrifying illustrations...   [click here for more]
Syrup Pirates  Pay What You Want

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Glamor Ghouls

Glamor Ghouls

The night is young and you are a sexy monster. Glamor Ghouls is a Honey-Heist-style minigame of playing a bored, sexy creature of the night out to raise a ruckus on the weekend. You're hot, you're probably already dead, and even if you do wind up in traffic or exploded, well, dust yourself off and have another go at it. Keep your Glamor and Ghoul stats in balance or check out of the...   [click here for more]
Jacob Navarro  Pay What You Want

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Mystery: Odrodzenie

Mystery: Odrodzenie

Mystery: Odrodzenie, to gra fabularna, której oprogramowanie wciela się w przypadku Tułaczy – istoty, które nie mogą w pełni umrzeć, ponieważ zostały zawrócone ze skutkiem przez Anioły w zaświatach, zwane Chórem. Celem gry oraz samodzielnie Tułaczy jest rozwikłanie tajemnicy: bohaterowie gracze trafiają do miejsc, które popadły w ruinę, opustoszało lub katastrofa...   [click here for more]
Wydawnictwo Hengal  Pay What You Want

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Fear XXVII (27)

Fear XXVII (27)

Fear XXVII (27) is a card-based suspenseful RPG-lite, often with a horror twist.   By utilizing a single standard deck of playing cards, Fear XXVII allows players to easily understand game mechanics and quickly create characters. Thus, gameplay can begin within minutes of players learning the game.  Fear XXVII can be played remotely or in person, and it is recommended that at least three players,...   [click here for more]
King of Hearts Club  Pay What You Want

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There is a noise. A sort of shrieking, squealing sound, echoing through the storm. And it is getting louder. “Hogmen!” screams the coachman, fumbling to load a flintlock pistol.  “The Hogmen are abroad!” TEETH: NIGHT OF THE HOGMEN is a grotesque, single-session table-top roleplaying game for 3-5 people. The players portray...   [click here for more]
TEETH RPG  Pay What You Want

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1994: Moonlit Carnival

1994: Moonlit Carnival

The Moonlit Carnival has made its annual journey to your small town and people from far and wide have come to take part in the festivities. There are many things for you to do, and the big show begins right at dusk. Every year, in the wake of the carnival the newspapers will report an increase in missing persons. A mere coincidence, we assure you. So grab your friends, play some...   [click here for more]
Cthonic Studios LLC  Pay What You Want

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Phantasmagoria is a theater-of-the-mind, d20 roll-at-or-under horror rpg. (Perfect for around the campfire). Choose from 7 classes: aberrant, cleric, detective, doctor, fighter, hunter, and mundane. Class abilities are open-ended. Rules of the game are clear and concise, allowing the GM to decide how abilities work or create new abilities if desired. Clear rules for monster creation. Fun sanity/adrenaline...   [click here for more]
Purple Lightning Games  Pay What You Want

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WHAT IS MUSE? Muse is a solo journaling horror game about an artist haunted by an eldritch muse to create works infused with dark powers. It is a tragic game that chronicles the slow process of your artist being consumed by their muse and the cursed art that they create along the way. Your artist can be of any discipline: a painter, writer, game...   [click here for more]
Utopia RPGs  Pay What You Want

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Aurum Tome: Starter Guide

Aurum Tome: Starter Guide

**THIS IS A ROUGH DRAFT** This system is currently a work in progress and is being updated as you're seeing this. This is merely the first draft version of the system but is playable from this draft. Playtesting is currently in progress and so far, has been going well from just the draft.  Aurum Tome is EXTREMELY versatile and can be used for any genre. My user is sohvren Message me on Discord...   [click here for more]
Sohvren Rose  Pay What You Want

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WELCOME TO BEYOND: THE STARS After the immersive depths of The Obsidian Veil, its cosmic counterpart, The Stars, invites you to explore a universe without boundaries in a classless, streamlined zine. The Stars simplifies the Multi-Aspect Dice (M.A.D.) System into a single-page, easy-to-master RPG format, drawing inspiration from Fallout 4, Astroprisma, Cyberpunk 2077, and Cowboy Bebop....   [click here for more]
M.A.D. Productions  Pay What You Want

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Tricks and Treats

Tricks and Treats

“…a brilliant little game that uses candy as a mechanic! I love the look and feel of this one…” – Games on Board “This was a fun game….I would recommend it to anyone.” – William Nabors, playtester You've always been the best of friends. You've done practically everything together. But this past summer, you all went to different camps and started getting interested...   [click here for more]
Brent P. Newhall's Musaeum  Pay What You Want

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The Haunted Spaceship

The Haunted Spaceship

THE HAUNTED SPACESHIP is a (very) short rules-light RPG game that you play using d6s. 2 pages. It provides you with an easy ruleset and random tables to generate your adventure and characters on the go with no or low prep. A game about an AI discovering its personality, purpose and facing the emptiness of space. You are a spaceship. More precisely...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing  Pay What You Want

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They laugh among us

They laugh among us

Hello!  I present to you a game prepared for the One Page RPG Game Jam. It's a mini-game that can be played before a session. Quick and brutal. It allows you to create shared stories that often have tragic endings. I hope you enjoy it. It is a dark night. You are sitting in a small bar in the middle of nowhere. Outside, an icy blizzard rages, killing anyone who dares to go out. Beside you—a...   [click here for more]
RPGuPolaka  Pay What You Want

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DeScriptors RPG: Anything Goes PWYW Version

DeScriptors RPG: Anything Goes PWYW Version

DeScriptors: A Word Game Micro RPG was first released to the public as part of 2015's Wayne Con, and it has been featured in several episodes of the popular writers' workshop podcast, the Worldbuilder's Anvil, hosted by Jefferey Ingram! Create characters in a minute. Come up with a handful of encounters, scenarios, or plot twists in five minutes...or even on the fly! Run...   [click here for more]
Tim Bannock  Pay What You Want

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Everyone in the occult underground is familiar with Trystero, the unassailable and secret mail service. Everyone knows the Trystero is secure and extremely fast. Less people know it achieves this alacrity by sending its certified Couriers through a dangerous anomalous liminal space, the so-called "Backrooms." As part of a Courier’s crew, that's where you come in. Transporting packages...   [click here for more]
Ivanhoe Unbound  Pay What You Want

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Sea Union lighthouses (drawing board game)

Sea Union lighthouses (drawing board game)

Discover a New World of Strategy and even Enlightement!:) Welcome to "Sea Union Lighthouses," the ultimate DIY euro board game that seamlessly blends the magic of fantasy, the innovation of sci-fi, and profound spiritual teachings. Created by Grandmaster Radan Chrobok, owner and leader of Dokonalá DMDU, this game is your gateway to an adventure unlike any other! #### Why "Sea Union Lighthouses" is...   [click here for more]
DMDU  Pay What You Want

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Hold your Own

Hold your Own

Hold your Own is a one-page no-prep role-playing game for 3-5 players. It's a time and place not unlike the one in which you, the players, grew up: a dark mirror of the decade of your youth. You play as a group of friends at the cusp of adolescence. Life is hard. You're unpopular and unwanted. All you've got is each other. But it gets worse:...   [click here for more]
Sharkbomb  Pay What You Want

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Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End is a GM-less one-sheet game about a group of people in a terrible Place awaiting an impending Doom. They might be prisoners awaiting their execution in prison, space travelers waiting for their oxygen to give out in a tiny escape pod, or PhD candidates waiting in a dorm cafeteria to hear why their dissertation was rejected. To pass the time they tell each other stories about how they...   [click here for more]
Future Proof Games  Pay What You Want

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Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist! Is a goofy, quick-and-easy, RPG for 3+ people. Description: A quick, fun game based off the fabulous one-page rpg "Honey Heist." (Here! ) You Are a team of rabbits trying to pull off the heist of the century at this year's Grow-n-Show Garden Extravaganza! But your only two starts are BUNNY and...   [click here for more]
Christopher Pustelnik  Pay What You Want

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This game is a message.

This game is a message.

This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.  This game is a message is a lyric game about mental health, Frankenstein, nuclear waste fallout, and writing really cool descriptions of monsters. A solo journalling game, read and play it when you're looking for a creative way to express something...   [click here for more]
Damsels & Dice  Pay What You Want

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[FR] Le Vaisseau Hanté

[FR] Le Vaisseau Hanté

Le Vaisseau Hanté est un jeu RPG (très) court aux règles légères. Vous y jouez avec des D6. Ici vous trouverez un ensemble de règles simples et des tables aléatoires pour générer votre aventure et vos personnages avec peu ou pas de préparation.   Quelques mots sur le jeu : C'est un jeu sur une IA qui découvre sa personnalité et son but dans la "vie",...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing  Pay What You Want

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The Bookworm Circle

The Bookworm Circle

Fellow birds, we are in danger! Humans are building something wicked. With whirring machines and strange hats. That's why you've been chosen from your flock. To stop their plans and save our beautiful rainforest. So join your comrades. Welcome to The Bookworm Circle! What is this? The Bookworm Circle is a one-page rules-lite game in which players play...   [click here for more]
Ultima Vela  Pay What You Want

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Lift The Veil

Lift The Veil

Lift the Veil is a one-page roleplaying game of investigation and horror. Player characters must solve a mystery that will reveal to them unfathomable secrets of the universe, perhaps things humankind was never meant to know… and survive the revelation.  Lift the Veil can be used to play many (but not all!) adventures designed for games based on the Cthulhu Mythos with minimal fuss and quick character...   [click here for more]
Ineffable Press  Pay What You Want

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Things Beyond and Below

Things Beyond and Below

A quick one page PBtA hack good for a one shot or short campaign.  Things Beyond and Below is a one page horror RPG. Players are a group, organization, coven, agency, or friends that all possess a Gift. These Gifts may be inherited, learned, or forced upon them. Whatever the source, the players are a force for good. Well, maybe not good but they don’t want what is in the shadows to come out into...   [click here for more]
Ninetalehobbies  Pay What You Want

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Soul & Survival

Soul & Survival

A hack of Lasers & Feelings by John Harper. Inspired by the vibes, if not the specifics, of Dark Souls and Bloodborne, Soul & Survival asks you to find hope in a dark fantasy world that offers little of it, and challenges you to find a balance between surviving its dangers and retaining your own humanity. As is standard for Lasers & Feelings hacks, this is a one-page...   [click here for more]
Magical Gurll  Pay What You Want

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Hush is a conversational micro-game where players will discuss how their characters' lives unraveled as a great silence fell upon them. They will strive to make connections by recognizing or fulfilling others' secret desires, their deep-seated needs in this increasingly empty and still world.  But they must be careful, as the source of their suffering lies hidden in their very language. Some of the...   [click here for more]
ATypicalFaux  Pay What You Want

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Stop the brutal sex cult from performing the ancient and evil ritual which will summonthe ancient demon of sex and murder, known only as HERZFUCK! You will find and enter the Rectal Temple of the cult, while racing to find and decypher their master's instructions to perform the ritual to banish HERZFUCK. For now. HERZFUCK is a one-page role-playing game that includes character creation, player and...   [click here for more]
Left Hand Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Air Boo & Boo by Splatbook

Air Boo & Boo by Splatbook

A one-page RPG created on the Oct 24, 2024 episode of the Splatbook podcast, "Game Design 101: Let's make a One Page RPG". You are a ghost, existing in the house you died in. To your horror, an enterprising Private Equity group bought the property and turned it into an AirBnB! You need to work with the other ghosts to haunt the house and spook the guests. The PE Group has, of course, paid to start...   [click here for more]
Antherwyck House Games  Pay What You Want

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