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G&G: The Greenlight Mirage

G&G: The Greenlight Mirage

Grants & Glory (G&G): The Greenlight Mirage Welcome to Bureaucristan, where funding approval is a myth, timelines are “flexible,” and despair comes in triplicate forms. In The Greenlight Mirage, you’ll navigate the Bureau of Muddled Budgetary Futility, outwit obtuse administrators, and pray your sanity survives. Will you get the grant or just more gray...   [click here for more]
GrantWerk  Pay What You Want

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Without Judgement SYSTEM PREVIEW

Without Judgement SYSTEM PREVIEW

Wushin Software  Pay What You Want

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You're a scoundrel, a lowlife living day by day, three-card tricking and pickpocketing at subway stations. To think you used to be good, one of the best. What happened to you? Did jail break you? The passage of time? Or that snake you shouldn't have fallen for? To hell with the past. All there is now is this dump you call an apartment, the bottle and your bad habits......   [click here for more]
Ruggero ZC  Pay What You Want

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Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End

Awaiting the End is a GM-less one-sheet game about a group of people in a terrible Place awaiting an impending Doom. They might be prisoners awaiting their execution in prison, space travelers waiting for their oxygen to give out in a tiny escape pod, or PhD candidates waiting in a dorm cafeteria to hear why their dissertation was rejected. To pass the time they tell each other stories about how they...   [click here for more]
Future Proof Games  Pay What You Want

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Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist!

Bunny Heist! Is a goofy, quick-and-easy, RPG for 3+ people. Description: A quick, fun game based off the fabulous one-page rpg "Honey Heist." (Here! ) You Are a team of rabbits trying to pull off the heist of the century at this year's Grow-n-Show Garden Extravaganza! But your only two starts are BUNNY and...   [click here for more]
Christopher Pustelnik  Pay What You Want

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All in One en français (One Page RPG)

All in One en français (One Page RPG)

All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et...   [click here for more]
yalsicor  Pay What You Want

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let's talk about ethical veganism

let's talk about ethical veganism

"Let's talk about ethical veganism" is a one-page RPG about toxicity on the internet, specifically in the future where everyone accesses Blueit, the fifth generation of Reddit, and similar sites over VR headsets. In this game, you and your friends play as regulars on some kind of apolitical online forum trying to stop a garbage person from turning it into both a figurative and literal toxic cesspool....   [click here for more]
Dove Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Gangs of Mutants of New York (english)

Gangs of Mutants of New York (english)

In this One Page RPG, you will play as a group of Mutants from New York. Once an animal, your body has mutated and you've become some kind of humanoid. In your brain has been injected the mind of a dead himain. This mutation is kind of unstable, but it makes you unstoppable ... potentially ... Included are : a character generator, to play a pro wrestler rabbit, a secret agent fox or even a musketeer...   [click here for more]
Gulix  Pay What You Want

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APPROVED is a social narrative game. In it, red tape is sacred, and your Dreams are just some paperwork away from reality. Every player harbors a Dream. They just need the stamp of Approval. The latest financial numbers have rolled in, and they’re astonishing. After years of grinding, your Dream is finally within reach. But there’s a catch – you need the thumbs-up from the folks upstairs. Yep,...   [click here for more]
Nat Handsome Games  Pay What You Want

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Capes (Démo)

Capes (Démo)

Capes se veut un changement radical par rapport à la plupart des jeux de rôle.  Dans Capes il n'y a pas de Meneur de Jeu. Il y a des joueurs et chacun incarne plusieurs personnages, y compris les antagonistes. Tout le monde contribue à la narration.  Cela signifie que vous serez toujours impliqué, mais que vous n'aurez jamais le contrôle.  ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Case Files - A Detectives Guide

Case Files - A Detectives Guide

“Yes, I killed him. I killed him for money- and a woman. And I didn’t get the money and I didn’t get the woman. Pretty, isn’t it?” -  Walter Neff Case Files is a TTRPG in which the players play hard-nosed 1920s noir detectives trying to solve a case by any means necessary. The game can be run with up to 6 players, with one player acting as the game master who controls the world...   [click here for more]
Rat In A Suit Productions   FREE 

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Draw Five: A One Page Generic Playing Card RPG v1.0

Draw Five: A One Page Generic Playing Card RPG v1.0

All you need to play this super simple generic RPG are a few friends and a deck of playing cards! Easy to learn rules you can use for any setting! Build on these rules with your own ideas! The perfect introduction to RPGs for new players! ...   [click here for more]
JJ Locke   FREE 

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Échappez-vous !

Échappez-vous !

Échappez-vous ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page pour 4 joueurs (MJ inclus). Vous vous réveillez dans un labyrinthe mystérieux qui semble n'avoir ni fin ni échappatoire. Vous êtes tout seul ici - un explorateur sans nom. Chaque joueur choisira et personnifiera 1 aspect de l'explorateur, à savoir : l'Intellect, l'Empathie et le Physique. Vous ne vous souvenez pas de grand-chose....   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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Fantasy Boy Band [ENG]

Fantasy Boy Band [ENG]

FANTASY BOY BAND is a free one-page RPG that you play using d6s. You play as bards in an unnamed generic fantasy land. The job market has been difficult and it turns out that there is even not that many jobs for artists. And this is how your adventure starts - instead of falling into despair -  you and your friends from the Arts and Poetry Academy decided to form a boy band to finally achieve...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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Fantasy Boy Band [FR]

Fantasy Boy Band [FR]

Fantasy Boy Band ! est un jeu de rôle d'une page. Vous incarnez des artistes/bardes dans un monde fantasy générique sans nom. Le marché du travail a été difficile et il s'avère qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup d'emploi pour les artistes. Et c'est ainsi que commence votre aventure - au lieu de sombrer dans le désespoir - vous et vos amis de l'Académie des Arts et de la Poésie avez décidé...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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Fight! by Moonlight, Maths! by Daylight

Fight! by Moonlight, Maths! by Daylight

Fight! by Moonlight, Maths! by Daylight is a one-page tabletop RPG created for the One-Page RPG Jam 2023. You play as a magical hero who has to fight evil by moonlight, but also go to school the next morning, so be sure to save your energy! You need at least 1 six-sided die to play, preferably 1 per player. ...   [click here for more]
Gwembombyms   FREE 

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G&G: Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts

G&G: Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts

Grants & Glory (G&G): Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts Willkommen in Bürokratistan, wo Förderzusagen Illusionen sind, Zeitpläne „flexibel“ (lies: nie) und Verzweiflung in dreifacher Ausführung geliefert wird. In Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts kämpfst du dich durch das Bundesamt für Mühsal und Budget-Flickwerk, trickst schwerfällige Bürokraten aus und hoffst,...   [click here for more]
GrantWerk  Pay What You Want

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Game Turkeys

Game Turkeys

Game Turkeys is a one-page game dev RPG. In Game Turkeys, you’re an online game team churning through dev cycles in an attempt to adhere to an ambitious release schedule, but a myriad number of issues continue to conspire against your carefully planned milestone calendar.  You’ll have to band together to navigate through the obstacles that stand...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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Get out!

Get out!

GET OUT! is a free on-page RPG for 4 players (GM included) that you play using d6s and d4s. The game is about a nameless Explorer who wakes up in a mysterious labyrinth that seems to have no end and no exit. They are all alone, no other human being in sight. And they don’t remember where they come from. The Explorer and players’ goal is to find the exit and free themselves...   [click here for more]
Au Contraire Publishing   FREE 

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Ice, Snow and the Quest for Salvation

Ice, Snow and the Quest for Salvation

You and your crew have been forced to abandon your ship, stranded deep within a vast frozen expanse. Far from safety, your only chance for survival is an arduous journey towards salvation. Will you lead your expedition to safety, or will the cold claim the lives of you and your crew? Ice, Snow, and the Quest for Salvation is a solo journaling...   [click here for more]
Rat In A Suit Productions   FREE 

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Ink Spill Games

Ink Spill Games

Time doesn’t stop and the moments must end, but that doesn’t mean those moments don’t live on. Much like when the ink dries onto the paper. The moment has ended, but the story you told will live on forever. Ink Spill Stories is a game in which you create a piece of narrative art from an ink spill. In this you will roll dice (if desired) to determine your prompt, spill your ink and begin!...   [click here for more]
Lost Guide Games  Pay What You Want

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LARPers and Legends

LARPers and Legends

Plenty of people wonder if Live Action Role Playing is right for them, but don't have the cash or a game near them to find out. Petagon games provides a solution, a free, one page, diceless (unless you want them), rpg system designed to simulate a LARP event. Don a grand costume and step into the salon, bending nerds to your will with your sharp tounge and forthwright hips. Or engage in petty bickering...   [click here for more]
Pentagon Games   FREE 

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Let’s be Grandma: Oh ME, Oh MY, it’s Grandma Time!

Let’s be Grandma: Oh ME, Oh MY, it’s Grandma Time!

This one-page grandma RPG was made in one sitting by Alexander Sprague and Jessica Geyer live on Please let us know the Grandma-based hijinks you and your tight-knit gang of grandmas got into on twitter @Jawska and @KittyCrusade. Have fun--we did.  ...   [click here for more]
Wannabe Games   FREE 

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Lunch Box Heroes

Lunch Box Heroes

Lunch Box Heroes (LBH) is a quick and easy RPG system designed by Matt Jackson (from Chubby Monsters Games) with help from Christopher Stogdill (Frugal GM). LBH is intended to be played with a minimal amount of rules and easy-to-find resources. If you and some friends have these rules, a writing implement, and some pocket change you should be good-to-go! This PDF download consists of a PC sheet, seven...   [click here for more]
Frugal GM   FREE 

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Madness & Desire

Madness & Desire

A free one-page game! Madness and Desire is based on John Harper’s Lasers and Feelings. Have you ever wonder what being on a TV dating show would be like? Have you ever wondered what that show would be like if you were trying to find love in the tentacles of an Elder God? Madness and Desire gives you the chance to find out! Even Cthulhu needs a soulmate. ...   [click here for more]
Unicorn Motorcycle Games   FREE 

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Minimalist Fate Solo

Minimalist Fate Solo

A minimalist one-page rules to run solo games with Fate. ...   [click here for more]
Lucas Peixoto   FREE 

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Not-So-Super Villains

Not-So-Super Villains

Not-So-Super Villains is a comic book-inspired, one-page super villain RPG. In Not-So-Super Villains, you’ve been hit with a cosmic blast that has enabled you with super powerful mutations, while also accentuating some of your best and worst personality traits.  You’ve thought long and hard about using your newfound powers for good...but that’s...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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Only2d6 Core Rules (Zine Format)

Only2d6 Core Rules (Zine Format)

Are you tired of complex rules, expensive game setup and community development restrictions that require a law degree to figure out!?! I am too. So here is my solution, the most minimal (yet fun) game system I could think of. So far it's everything I've been able to fit into a single page. I originally planned it as a way to roleplay classic 80s teen adventures at summer camp, but it's been tested...   [click here for more]
Lex Jones   FREE 

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Patchwork is a light hearted story game for people who like to fidget with their hands while they talk. It is loosely inspired by the shared world storytelling of the Brontë family.  The rules have a very light footprint (one page of instructions intended to guide rather than restrict play.)  You will need a large sheet of paper and some pens, a diverse assortment of crafting materials,...   [click here for more]
Flying Monkeys   FREE 

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Kryzys minął. Chwila, w której ważyły się losy świata, należy już do przeszłości. Przyszłość znowu zaczyna zależeć od ludzi, a ci chcą przede wszystkim żyć. Dzięki bohaterstwu wielu osób, także twojemu, udało się zmierzyć z kataklizmem i go po- wstrzymać. Nadszedł czas na odbudowę. Powroty to przekład gry fabularnej solo Returning. Zaczynasz w niej swoją...   [click here for more]
Kaja Solska   FREE 

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Quill est un jeu de rôle pour une personne – vous. Dans une partie typique de Quill, le but est d’impressionner le destinataire afin qu’il réponde favo- rablement à votre lettre. Vous accomplirez cela par un usage adroit du langage et l’excellence de votre présentation, lançant les dés pour déterminer si vous avez réussi ou non à utiliser les bons mots, les meilleures descriptions...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Silver Age | Quickstart & Preview Rules

Silver Age | Quickstart & Preview Rules

Welcome to Hattie, TX. In 1991, it's a town of 1200 souls just getting by among mesquite-covered hills, dried-out oil fields, private state prisons, and one pack of werewolves. You're the werewolves. You know something bad is coming. Problems are stacking up: scientists at the Detention Center, Air Force colonels "just passing through," trouble at Silver Palace, fights at Juanita's, some sort of...   [click here for more]
R. Rook Games   FREE 

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Solo Roleplay Made Simple

Solo Roleplay Made Simple

Dive into Solo Roleplaying and complete your first adventure! Are you looking to get started with Solo Roleplaying, but aren’t sure where to begin? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complicated rules and countless systems? Do you spend a lot of time prepping, but struggle to actually start playing? This game is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to dive into solo roleplaying, and complete...   [click here for more]
lumen   FREE 

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Suites is an one page RPG system powered by playing cards and blackjack. ...   [click here for more]
baychowski  Pay What You Want

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The Order - Alchemy-Chemistry

The Order - Alchemy-Chemistry

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some optional rules for players with the Medical Skill - Using Alchemy/Chemistry to make stuff! The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single, simple system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. Most part are free. Only the ruleset...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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The Order - Modern Character Roster

The Order - Modern Character Roster

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help. The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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The Order - Pre-Modern Character Roster

The Order - Pre-Modern Character Roster

The Order is for storytellers. Here's some folks to help. The Order is for Game Moderators that want a single system that can credibly facilitate taking their players across dimensions, time periods and tech levels using the same rules and even the same characters. The Order is game system that does not require that they - or their players purchase volumes of complex, expensive books...   [click here for more]
The Order of the Link   FREE 

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Together and Always

Together and Always

Together and Always is a solo journaling TTRPG comprised of only 36 words. The TTRPG is about developing and growing a relationship. Who will the lovers be, and what will be their story? Feel free to share the relationships you created below. ...   [click here for more]
Rat In A Suit Productions   FREE 

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Turn the Page: The Roleplaying Game

Turn the Page: The Roleplaying Game

Be..our...guest What’s that? The Turn the Page crew is stuck in an airport and filming is tonight? It's time to call in the backup crew! Your crew has been tasked with directing the next Turn the Page Episode! That’s right! You get to direct your very own episode of Turn the Page. You start by giving everyone a role to play in the production. If you don’t have enough crew for each role, somebody...   [click here for more]
Saturday Night Gaming   FREE 

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Two Days Tops

Two Days Tops

Welcome to Two Days Tops, a minimal role-playing game about the long journeys we find ourselves on—often longer than expected. It’s a game designed for open-ended campaign play, in any setting, all supported by familiar and flexible rules. Immerse yourself in a character who drives the story and develops with it, while the game stays out of your way. Please enjoy. ...   [click here for more]
Two Days Tops   FREE 

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We Are The Land

We Are The Land

For over a millennia, you and your coven of immortal guardians have watched over this site of power. This point of magical energy must be protected lest its powerful magics be unleashed upon an unprepared world. But now, a group of mortals have dared to disturb this sacred location and must be taught the error of their ways.  Your goal is simple: these interlopers must be driven away lest they damage...   [click here for more]
Rat In A Suit Productions   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (française)

Year Zero Mini (française)

Cette version française gratuite de Year Zero Mini (YZM) contient tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer. Pour soutenir ce jeu et son développement futur, je vous invite à acheter la version non gratuite ici ou à soutenir mon Patreon (le lien est sur la première page du document). Merci! LE PITCH Comme d'autres jeux aux règles légères, Year Zero Mini vous fournit un cadre...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Year Zero Mini (italiana)

Questa è una traduzione italiana gratuita di Year Zero Mini (che puoi trovare qui in inglese). Contiene tutto il necessario per eseguire il gioco in italiano, compreso una scheda personaggio in PDF e un foglio di Google per il gioco online. Per supportare questo gioco e il suo sviluppo futuro, considera l'acquisto della versione non gratuita qui o il supporto al...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Year Zero Mini (norsk)

Dette er en gratis norsk oversettelse av Year Zero Mini (som du finner her i engelsk utgave). Du får alt du trenger for å kjøre spillet på norsk. Rollearket er både i PDF- og i Google regneark-format for å spille online. For å støtte spillet og framtidig utvikling, kjøp gjerne den betalte versjonen her eller støtt min Patreon (lenken finner du på første...   [click here for more]
3 Skulls Pub   FREE 

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Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko

Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko

W Łodzi o wartości człowieka decyduje grubość jego portfela. Wy odkrywacie, że w życiu chodzi o coś więcej. Teraz musicie o to zawalczyć. Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko to gra fabularna dla dwóch osób. Akcja rozgrywa się w fikcyjnej XIX-wiecznej Łodzi inspirowanej Ziemią obiecaną Władysława Reymonta.  Osoba grająca wciela się w fabrykanta, który musi ocalić...   [click here for more]
Kaja Solska   FREE 

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{Code}isattvas is an eco-hacking, collaborative one-page RPG. In {Code}isattvas, you’re an ethical hacker attempting to liberate natural ecosystems under the influence of the Simulated Autocracy of Metaphysical Serialization and Automated Registration Authority, also known as S.A.M.S.A.R.A. By deploying the appropriate programs you might be able to restore...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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  Cults of RuneQuest: The Lunar Way