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Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane. Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.  The new magic schools included are: Telekinism Augmentism Spiritism The new professions are: Prizefighter Cultist Woodcutter The new kin are: Half-orcs Vinelings Demonborn The...   [click here for more]
Squadeth Games  Pay What You Want

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Delta Green: Briefing Documents

Delta Green: Briefing Documents

WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE UPDATED AND REVISED! This eight-page reference document adds resources to orient new Agents of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game: typical professions, tables to generate agent motivations, tables to generate the horrifying incursion that brought a new agent in, tradecraft tips, a summary of personal pursuits in home scenes, and a home scene...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Sleuth Squad: Clue Critters

Sleuth Squad: Clue Critters

Need a quirky sidekick for your Sleuth Squad adventures? Can't come up with a funny companion? Well, look no further! Clue Critters is a gallery of 20 cartoon Mascots, ready to join your team, give a helping paw and cause some chaos. From talking dogs to snowmen and blobs of glitter, these characters offer humor and skills. Use them as-is, or let them inspire your own creations....   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet  (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Android setting, Shadow of the Beanstalk, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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Unknown Armies: Breaking Through: The Strygomancer

Unknown Armies: Breaking Through: The Strygomancer

Breaking Through contains all the information necessary to introduce the new Strygomancy adept school to your Unknown Armies 3rd Edition campaign. Designed for players and GMs hoping to mix bodily and psychological horror, Strygomancers or 'Cronenbergs' use magick to transform mental traumas into hideous physical mutations. Cronenbergs subject themselves to ever-stranger acts of psychic mortification...   [click here for more]
Atlas Games  Pay What You Want

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Spaceships and Starwyrms: Character Sheets

Spaceships and Starwyrms: Character Sheets

The official character sheet of Spaceships and Starwyrms! Includes both fillable and non-fillable character and spaceship sheets, as well as art for the factions included in the Spaceships and Starwyrms: Core Sourcebook. The base character sheet is 3 pages, and includes a spell sheet. Both lined and unlined versions are included. The spaceship sheet is a single page sheet for tracking your spacecraft's...   [click here for more]
HopePunk Press  Pay What You Want

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The Raven's Mark

The Raven's Mark

They have a plan. What could possibly go wrong? The loveless match of Lady Penelope to Baron Von Rupenstein will be the event of the season – and the crime of the century. Tonight, your cunning band of criminals must infiltrate the lavish wedding ball at the Stoneagles Estate, outwit Captain Waldorf and the Duke’s guard, and liberate the host’s gold, the guests’ jewellery, and the bride...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Penumbra Files: Exhibit A [Urban Shadows Community Supplement]

Penumbra Files: Exhibit A [Urban Shadows Community Supplement]

A community supplement for Urban Shadows (2nd Edition). Introduces four five(?) new playbooks: The Jockey - Competitive and reckless, the Jockey is an addict, gambling with lives and wheels in the underground world of illegal street racing. The Cryptid - Paranoid and enigmatic, the Cryptid is an anomaly of magic and nature, keeping their home and true self closely...   [click here for more]
Penumbra Inc.  Pay What You Want

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Curse of the Moon

Curse of the Moon

Curse of the Moon is a d20 sourcebook about lycanthropes, with a particular focus on a simpler lycanthrope template (with a much smaller level adjustment) and ways of customizing a lycanthrope's abilities. Curse of the Moon provides options for lycanthropes and lycanthrope hunters, with new feats, spells, and magic items focused on the theme of lycanthropy. Rather than delving into specifics of lycanthrope...   [click here for more]
Sean K Reynolds Games   FREE 

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Antarctica: 2099

Antarctica: 2099

By the early 21st century, the harmful impacts of climate change had become all too clear. The burning of fossil fuels was choking the atmosphere with greenhouse gases & toxic fumes, while the clearing of natural landscapes was wiping out ecosystems. This triggered a cascade of disastrous global consequences. Weather systems broke down, crop harvests failed, coastal cities were flooded while inland...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Naval Perils

Naval Perils

Legacy Product This product was created in the early publishig days and may no be of the quality many have expected us to produce.  One has not truly explored the Ninth World until they have steped upon a vessel and traveld its seas, its skies and beyond.  A companion to Naval Encounters, Naval Perils contains only Locations, Vessels and Creatures for you to use in your very own...   [click here for more]
Metal Weave Games  Pay What You Want

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The loss of memory isn’t always the problem; sometimes – maybe even often – it’s the solution. Stephen King A man wakes up one morning remembering only his name: John Chambers. As he pieces together the details of his life and uncovers a trail of occult symbols, he must deal with the past and face the terrible circumstances that led him to the present.  ...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Welcome to the Jungle Vietnam, 1966. You’re the last survivors of a long-range reconnaissance patrol sent to investigate Viet Cong activity near the Cambodian border. But now you’ve lost half the squad, the radio guy just stepped on a mine and you’re stranded in the bush. Between you and safety lie miles of death, disease, starvation; and something even worse. Can you make...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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She Lost Her Marbles

She Lost Her Marbles

Webs and Witches It's 1:00 a.m. and a gentle breeze pushes greasy-looking clouds across the moon. It's a warm summer night, perfect weather for a sleepover beneath the stars. But tonight, none of you have any intention of going to bed. It all sounded simple enough a few hours ago. Ride to the far edge of town where the old Warwick Mansion stands. Sneak...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

A Sheet for Everything The Awakened struggle to rebuild their societies and carve out their own kingdoms on Earth. Witch, technomancer, shaman - which one are you? A Play Aid for Mage: The Awakening * Preprinted character sheets, customized for every playable path and order. * No need to photocopy your rulebook. * Every player needs a sheet, making this a valuable play aid. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Welcome to the second Indie+ Anthology, released just in time for Halloween weekend! Enjoy eleven differnet short horror pieces from the Indie+ staff, special guests, and friends of Indie+ to celebrate the creation of our Indie+ Community page on G+! Indie+ is a community of role-playing game fans, some tabletop, some LARP, too. What’s the indie part? From the very beginning of the...   [click here for more]
Indie+  Pay What You Want

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Dark States: Character Sheet

Dark States: Character Sheet

This is a character sheet for the Dark States Setting for Savage Worlds ...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Crawling Chaos

Crawling Chaos

Watch Your Back. Run. After finding a dead body, university students are hunted by a relentless supernatural entity that seems to know their deepest secrets and desires. As they run from certain death, the students must uncover the university’s occult past, find a crumbling church in the woods, deal with a dangerous artifact and confront an ancient evil. Can the players investigate the horror…while...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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State of Play - Twilight 2000 US State Lifepath Generation Aid

State of Play - Twilight 2000 US State Lifepath Generation Aid

“Where are you from son?” -        Every US Army Sergeant This Twilight 2000 lifepath generation aid is designed for players who wish to choose or roll randomly for their American character’s home state as part of the lifepath generation process. It can also be used by GMs to create interesting backgrounds for NPCs. ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  Pay What You Want

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Bloodlines & Black Magic Character Sheet

Bloodlines & Black Magic Character Sheet

Bloodlines & Black Magic is a dark, supernaturally-themed roleplaying game set in a world that mirrors the one we think we know... This newly designed character sheet focuses on improving readability while also easing usability, making it even easier to build a character for the Bloodlines & Black Magic Roleplaying Game. Bloodlines &...   [click here for more]
Storm Bunny Studios   FREE 

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Die Screaming: Plutonian Shores

Die Screaming: Plutonian Shores

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “There are approximately a hundred billion stars...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Making Science Fun

Die Screaming: Making Science Fun

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “His interest became a hellish and perverse addiction...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Pasión de las Pasiones - Characters' Playbooks / Libretti ITA - ENG - ESP

Pasión de las Pasiones - Characters' Playbooks / Libretti ITA - ENG - ESP

Characters' Playbooks / Libretti / Libretos de personajes Here are the our free characters' playbooks of Pasión de las Pasiones, with Humesteria's artworks and the slots for our optional mechanics: the Secrets and the Leverages. Here the list of our buyable episodes: Carnaval de la Pasión San Valentino...   [click here for more]
Uno Critico  Pay What You Want

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Culteurgy: Bodybuilding Magick

Culteurgy: Bodybuilding Magick

Build your body and build your Magick You live to prove yourself as the biggest and the best. You build your temple to be living ancient god among mere mortals. Your muscles give you mystical powers. Requires Unknown Armies (Third Edition) from Atlas Games. ...   [click here for more]
Atlas Games  Pay What You Want

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Torg Eternity - Session Zero

Torg Eternity - Session Zero

In Session Zero, you'll get plenty of advice from Greg Gordon himself, the creator of Torg, and other notable authors on how to improve the game experience for your whole group. The point here is to sit down together in advance of your own campaign and align your respective expectations. What do you like, what do you dislike, what do you want to see, what don't you want to see? Hints will be given...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Never Say Die The zombie apocalypse arrived this morning and the world is filled with the quick and the undead. The players are booking it out of town on a bus, but they soon find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. Night is falling, but maybe they can find refuge in that creepy old house in the woods? Outbreak is a gut-wrenching scenario inspired by the zombie films and shows we...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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Die Screaming: Eldritch Armies

Die Screaming: Eldritch Armies

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. The skies roared with thunder and the earth heaved,...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Hellscape

Die Screaming: Hellscape

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “There are no dangerous...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Livret du joueur

Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Livret du joueur

Livret du joueur pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ll inclut un résumé des règles, une introduction à l'univers et une feuille de personnage. ...   [click here for more]
Antre Monde Éditions  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Lords of Darkness

Die Screaming: Lords of Darkness

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “Oh my Father, Lord of...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Ritual Cuts Inktober 2023

Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page. ...   [click here for more]
RitualCuts  Pay What You Want

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Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Prétirés

Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Prétirés

10 personnages prétirés pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ...   [click here for more]
Antre Monde Éditions  Pay What You Want

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Gratuitous Anime Gimmick Character Sheet

Gratuitous Anime Gimmick Character Sheet

Character sheet for the anime flavored roleplaying game, Gratuitous Anime Gimmick. This includes the original version AND the new, updated version, which is listed as 1.01. ...   [click here for more]
Matthew V Morgan  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Titanomachy

Die Screaming: Titanomachy

“The year is 1992. To try to counter the threat posed to the planet's survival by Godzilla, Japan's Counter-G Bureau recruited the most brilliant scientific brains in the world to build a fighting machine.” -           Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II (1993) There comes a time in every person's life when they need to rocket punch a tyrannosaur with a giant robot. This is...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Carte de Hong Kong

Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Carte de Hong Kong

Carte de Hong Kong pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange. ...   [click here for more]
Antre Monde Éditions  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming Character Sheet

Die Screaming Character Sheet

Character sheet for Die Screaming. Die Screaming Product Catalogue ...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - L'officier

La Laverie - L'officier

Vous êtes une personne normale dans un monde normal, ou presque. Surtout, vous ne voulez pas savoir. Mais vous êtes prêt à tout pour repousser ces monstres. Parce que les interventions contre des humains, c’est pas trop votre trip. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

La Laverie - Le Monstre Apprivoisé

Toutes les créatures extérieures, toutes les monstruosités terrestres ne sont pas mauvaises. Certaines peuvent même être convaincues de travailler pour nous. Sinon, on peut toujours les contraindre avec un geis idoine. ...   [click here for more]
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Cosmic Crusaders

Die Screaming: Cosmic Crusaders

“They became farmers in the fields of stars; they sowed, and sometimes they reaped. And sometimes, dispassionately, they had to weed.” -           Arthur C. Clarke, 2010: Odyssey Two (1982) Through October, all Die Screaming core books are $1 each. Cosmic Crusaders is a player content expansion pack for Die Screaming....   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Hell, Inc. The RPG - Character Sheet Bundle

Hell, Inc. The RPG - Character Sheet Bundle

Today is an exciting day for you—finally, after millennia of unspeakable torments (or maybe just a few minutes, time is kind of just a vibe in the afterlife) you have earned yourself a promotion to demonhood! Starting now, you work at Hell, Inc., the labyrinthine corporate bureaucracy that keeps the worst parts of the underworld running. It's a great job, if you don't mind having your will to exist...   [click here for more]
Rent-A-Thug Comics  Pay What You Want

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Into The Jungle - Character sheet

Into The Jungle - Character sheet

Character sheet for Into the jungle. Print instruction: One A4, both sides. fold it to a "passport". ...   [click here for more]
Missing In Action   FREE 

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Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Aides de jeu

Hong Kong - Les Chroniques de l'Étrange - Aides de jeu

3 aides de jeu pour le jeu de rôle Hong Kong – Les Chroniques de l’Étrange : - Loksyu - Roue d'initiative - Ng Hang ...   [click here for more]
Antre Monde Éditions  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: From R'lyeh with Love

Die Screaming: From R'lyeh with Love

“Did you really think I was going to give you that list? Before you die, I want you to get this through that thick, primitive skull: I never worked for you. You worked for me.” -           Atomic Blonde (2017) From R’lyeh with Love is a content expansion pack for Die Screaming. Like previous expansions that have now been consolidated, its contents will...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Rumble in the Ruins

Die Screaming: Rumble in the Ruins

“In 17th century rural China during the Ching Dynasty, Zombies roamed the land feeding on human flesh, a nasty habit that turned them into Vampires. Only a handful of skilled warriors dared to challenge these mystical demons of the night. This is their story.” -        Tsui Hark’s Vampire Hunters (2003) “What do we study here? “The way of the fist!”...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Torg Eternity - Day One Characters

Torg Eternity - Day One Characters

Character sheets for every pre-generated character in the Day One book. ...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming: Tech Noir

Die Screaming: Tech Noir

Note: This is a legacy product that has been incorporated into the main Player's Guide/Director's Guide with error corrections, balance updates, etc. I've returned it to digital storefront availability to give people a better idea of what's been added to the game over time/a better taste of how it plays. “What was your life like before?” “Before?...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Die Screaming Form-Fillable Character Sheet

Die Screaming Form-Fillable Character Sheet

Form-fillable character sheet for Die Screaming. Also contains the original PowerPoint if you'd like to edit the sheet for your own use in any way. Die Screaming Product Catalogue ...   [click here for more]
Bryan Rantala  Pay What You Want

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Dime Adventures: Quick-Start

Dime Adventures: Quick-Start

The year is 1904, but in a world that never was! Dinosaurs still roam forgotten corners of the land. Alien influences operate from the skies. Mystics wield ancient powers, while strange new sciences promise to change the world. The dead rise from the grave. All the while, modern movements sweep the globe, and bold explorers venture deep into the unknown or delve into forgotten ruins. The world is...   [click here for more]
Tab Creations   FREE 

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Tooth and Claw Character Sheets

Tooth and Claw Character Sheets

Over a year of downloads, with people all over the world playing as heroic ferrets performing feats of derring-do in the night, a single question has been asked time and again. "Where are those character sheets you promised us?" Finally, they have arrived. This may not be the final version of the character sheets and play aides, any suggestions on how to improve them would be more than welcome....   [click here for more]
Vulpinoid Studios  Pay What You Want

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1000 Names for Pjs

1000 Names for Pjs

1000 names for your characters with its version for female and male Pj's. In the following document you will find: -Victorian and/or Streampunk names -Continenal names -Elvish names -Dwarf names -Orc names -Medium names (and their last names) -Names of demons or horrors of the underworld -Nordic names -Aliases and nicknames -Futuristic names -Names for contemporary and futuristic weapons...   [click here for more]
Rey Goblin  Pay What You Want

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