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The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency

The Vault: Missions for Triangle Agency

12 Designers. 12 Missions.  1 Hilarious and Horrifying Career. This book is designed for use with Triangle Agency: The Tabletop Role-Playing Game, available here. New to General Management? Looking to spice up your team’s Field Work? Or simply too busy to prepare? This book contains 12 Anomaly Retrieval missions and enough characters, locations, rival corporations, and new abilities...   [click here for more]
Haunted Table  $15.00

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The Hedge

The Hedge

Once upon a time, you fled through the Thorns, wanting nothing more than to get away, to get home.    But the place you ran through along the way was more than just the brambles that catch and tear. The Hedge is home to hobgoblins and faerie creatures, a source of wonders and delights even as it’s home to snarling, snapping briarwolves.   You just had to...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $16.99

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Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition)

Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition)

When you have already experienced death, why have faith?    If you accept that you and everyone like you is cursed by God, why cling to His word?   When you return from the other side as a blood-drinking monster, what purpose serves belief?   Kindred build and are drawn to faiths for myriad reasons. The exertion of power over a flock. Satisfying...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $19.99

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Monster of the Week: Tome of Mysteries

Monster of the Week: Tome of Mysteries

Open the Tome--if you dare! In the Monster of the Week roleplaying game, hunters must solve all manner of mysteries before they can save the day. The Tome of Mysteries expands their options--and magnifies their peril--with a wide variety of GMing advice, essays, rules, and mysteries from the Monster of the Week "Roadhouse Regulars" online community. Tome of Mysteries...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $12.00

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The Call of CthulWho (A MythosPunk Adventure for TSRPG)

The Call of CthulWho (A MythosPunk Adventure for TSRPG)

Iä! Iä! CthulWho Fhtagn!  In a hidden base in the frozen northern borderlands, researchers from the ultra-secret Office for Research of Unusual Science (ORUS) poke, prod, and probe a handful of hapless Mythos monsters. These horrific creatures, imprisoned in the bowels of a repurposed military bunker, await an opportunity to escape their anthropoid captors.  Meanwhile,...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $7.99

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M20 Sorcerer

M20 Sorcerer

Magicians and Mentalists The shadows of the World of Darkness have always concealed supernatural secrets. Monsters exist and magic is real. Hedge wizards and psychics dwell on the edges of those shadows and of human society, straddling the liminal space between daylight and darkness. These sorcerers draw on inborn gifts or intense magical study to forward their agendas, protect their...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $15.99

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Salt & Chrome Cyber Preview Edition

Salt & Chrome Cyber Preview Edition

The Cyber Preview Edition presents the first adventure of the Salt & Chrome Plot Point Campaign, driven by Sprawlrunners Welcome to the preview edition of Salt & Chrome: A Sprawlrunners Driven Plot Point Campaign. Contained in this module you will find everything you need to run the first mission of the greater ten-mission long campaign: Some...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  $1.00

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Signs of Sorcery

Signs of Sorcery

Did they tell you magic is sealed away by the Abyss? That the Supernal Realm can’t affect the Fallen? That you’ll never see the Watchtower again? Nothing is ever that simple. The curse keeps Sleepers from seeing it, but we are Awakened. We see past the Lie with our Sight every day, grasp the Supernal with our spells and seek the Mysteries. And what Mysteries we find! Artifacts...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Kith and Kin

Kith and Kin

You can’t predict a changeling by their kith. We’re not so easily defined.   But we are connected to others who fashioned themselves the same way. You meet another Playmate’s eye and know you share something no one else can understand. In a way, you’re kin.   This is the Lost struggle. Did They take me apart so thoroughly that putting me back together...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $16.99

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Forbidden Religions (Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition)

Forbidden Religions (Vampire: the Masquerade 5th Edition)

How dreadful, how perverse, how malicious would a Kindred faith need to be, to be considered “forbidden”? Within this book you will learn of religions stricken from the records of vampire scholars. Within, you shall find a collection of beliefs, some pernicious enough to collapse domains, others so focused that they possess only a handful of coteries the world over. ...   [click here for more]
Renegade Game Studios  $14.99

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Trinity Continuum: Assassins

Trinity Continuum: Assassins

Enter the World of Shadow Trinity Continuum: Assassins transports players to the Contiuum’s underworld where well-dressed killers-for-hire use high-tech weapons and gear to eliminate their targets. Assassins join hidden Societies, each unified by their preferred method of doing violence. Their lives are brutal, blood-stained, and glamorous. The Trinity...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Delta Green: Need to Know for Foundry VTT

Delta Green: Need to Know for Foundry VTT

Gold Ennie Award winner for Best Free Game, 2016 WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE Born of the U.S. government’s 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Stripped of sanction after a disastrous 1969 operation in Cambodia, Delta...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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M20 How Do You DO That?

M20 How Do You DO That?

A Practical Guide Mage: The Ascension’s flexible and ambitious Sphere system has provided many questions and debates for over 20 years. Here, now, in this book, we answer the eternal question How Do You DO That? with hundreds of reality-altering feats – puppetry and possession, elemental command, martial arts prowess, illusions, and far, far more – all presented...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed

Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed

Awakening is a blessing. It's pure enlightenment, arcane knowledge, untold Mysteries, unimaginable power. Awakening is a curse. It's all-consuming addiction, existential despair, desperate loneliness, dangerous hubris. Awakening is knowing you can do whatever you want, and then doing it. Damn the consequences if you like, but your damnation doesn't erase them. Bending reality to your will intoxicates...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker

Chronicles of Darkness: Hurt Locker

"Of course it hurts. Everything hurts. If you're alive, you hurt. Don't think of yourself as bleeding out; think of yourself as more alive." Horror is all about the stakes. And most commonly, pain, injury, and death are those stakes. Hurt Locker is all about the stuff that hurts. We talk why it hurts, how it hurts, and how to deliver pain at your table beyond just rolling the dice and marking...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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M20 Technocracy Reloaded

M20 Technocracy Reloaded

Welcome to the Future As the third decade of the 21st century dawns, the Technocratic Union stands on the cutting edge of a future imperiled. As science and technology draw humanity closer than ever before, certain factions within the Masses display gross negligence, undermining the Union’s work and endangering the world for shortsighted gains. Despite global telecommunications,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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M20 The Book of Secrets

M20 The Book of Secrets

More Than Magick For mages who think they have everything, this trove of treasures expands upon the wealth of material presented throughout Mage: The Ascension’s 20th Anniversary Edition. New Traits, new rules, essays, answers, information… the Secrets are revealed within.  Enter the Annex Building upon the M20 core rulebook, this Book of Secrets...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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:Otherscape - Character Pack

:Otherscape - Character Pack

Ten (10) beautifully-illustrated pregen character folios. The :Otherscape Character Pack contains 10 character folios with a graphic summary of the game rules and dice roll outcomes, and suggestions for cool tag combos. The :Otherscape Character Pack features two crews of futuristic mystics, grizzled mercenaries, and transhuman entities. METRO...   [click here for more]
Son of Oak Game Studio  $14.95

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:Otherscape - Character Pack 2

:Otherscape - Character Pack 2

Fifteen (15) beautifully-illustrated pregen character folios. The :Otherscape Character Pack 2 contains 15 character folios with a graphic summary of the game rules and dice roll outcomes, and suggestions for cool tag combos. The :Otherscape Character Pack 2 features characters conceived by :Otherscape fans, including underworld hired...   [click here for more]
Son of Oak Game Studio  $14.95

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Monster of the Week: The Codex of Worlds

Monster of the Week: The Codex of Worlds

Your team gets stronger... the world gets weirder! Unite your party of hunters with new team playbooks and take your supernatural adventures into alternate genres and fresh settings with this huge expansion for the acclaimed Monster of the Week RPG! Hunters: Choose from 15 different team playbooks and give your...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $20.00

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Scion Second Edition: Dragon

Scion Second Edition: Dragon

You have been chosen by a Dragon, gifted with magic and the incredible ability to shape shift into one of their terrible and awesome forms. In a World of myth, yours has been rewritten time and again, and yet Dragons remember all truths. You are an agent in an ancient war, working behind the lines and preparing for a battle for the fate of The World. Discover the Truth. Find yourself. Make your...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Tending the Flame (The Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition Companion)

Tending the Flame (The Hunter: The Vigil Second Edition Companion)

The point about hope is that it is something that occurs in very dark moments. It is like a flame in the darkness; it isn’t like a confidence and a promise. — John Berger Keeping the Vigil is a choice. Nothing stops them from going home, locking the door, putting out the light, and pretending that all is right with the world. Billions of people do just that every day. But the hunter...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $7.99

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Delta Green: ARCHINT

Delta Green: ARCHINT

Archeological Intelligence Some analysts develop signals intelligence or SIGINT. Some develop human intelligence, HUMINT. Delta Green deals in older secrets. It needs archeological intelligence. ARCHINT: a study of appalling dangers left in hidden places. It needs agents to look into horrors so that others can turn away. Agents like yours. Featuring: The Amulet of the Ai-Apa Blood of the Feeder The...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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Delta Green: Music From a Darkened Room for Foundry VTT

Delta Green: Music From a Darkened Room for Foundry VTT

PLACES, LIKE PEOPLE, GO WRONG They turn off the path and head into the shadows, becoming something other than normal. Black places filled with blank rooms, closed doors, and empty hallways lined with dust. In these places your voice catches in your throat, the air seems to hum, and bad things happen. People get hurt. Objects vanish. Misery flows like the water from the loose faucet in the bathroom....   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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Shadowrun: Street Grimoire

Shadowrun: Street Grimoire

Paying with Your Soul Magic can burn your brain and sear your soul. It can inject power into every millimeter of your veins, or leave you a lump of ashes at the end of a dark alley. It’s dangerous, but to spellslingers in the Sixth World, it’s worth it. Because magic is power, and power in the Sixth World needs to be grabbed with both hands. Spells, rituals, alchemical preparations, adept powers,...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $24.99

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The Devoted Companion

The Devoted Companion

In the eyes of the Renegades, every conspiracy is a tightly managed organization comprised of faceless human monsters willing to commit any atrocity to advance its malevolent agenda. It is an oppressive structure bent on dominance through transgression. The Devoted are its brainwashed zealots and lab rats, its muscle and middle-managers, its magnum opuses and messiahs. Whether they do so blindly or...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Delta Green: Agent Dossiers

Delta Green: Agent Dossiers

WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSE This PDF package includes 41 pre-written character sheets, one for every profession described in the Agent's Handbook of Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game.  UPDATE (18 APR 2019): Agent Dossiers now also includes all new professions from The Complex. Each two-page sheet includes: Stats as recommended...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $3.99

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V20 The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra

V20 The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal’Mahe’Ra

We Deal in the Truth. Every interaction, every fight, every clandestine meeting, it’s all about the truth. The truth hurts. The truth kills. But in the end, the truth protects. The truth shapes the world. Shape the world with us. The Tal’Mahe’Ra, the Black Hand, plays the long game. They’re fighting a war of millennia, and the stakes could never be higher than they are tonight....   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $19.99

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Diamond Spheres: Invention and Ingenuity

Diamond Spheres: Invention and Ingenuity

The third installment in the Diamond Spheres series, Diamond Spheres: Invention and Ingenuity offers a significant expansion to the Spheres system which has been greatly informed by feedback gathered prior and during the playtest period. This installment focuses on providing class and player options based around the natural world and industry. Featuring 6 archetypes and over 40 new talents, Invention...   [click here for more]
Diamond Recreational Studios  $6.99

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Monster of the Week: Codex of Worlds: Apocrypha

Monster of the Week: Codex of Worlds: Apocrypha

The Codex of Worlds convulses like a thrashing beast between your hands and suddenly, amid a guttural howl and a puff of sulfur, a second tome appears: the fabled Apocrypha! More Team playbooks, new rules, and additional Mysteries expand your Monster of the Week game even further!  Multiply your Hunters’ firepower with the Army of One. Return from retirement with Back to...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $15.00

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M20 The Operative's Dossier

M20 The Operative's Dossier

A New Mission for a New World For five centuries the Ascension War has pitted the Enlightened against Reality Deviants. Bloodshed and horror from this conflict have nearly torn the world apart on a number of occasions. In the hopes of creating a safe environment and shepherding the Masses to Ascension, the Technocratic Union has used colonialism, conditioning, and violence to bring...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Delta Green: Operation FULMINATE for Foundry VTT

Delta Green: Operation FULMINATE for Foundry VTT

Operation FULMINATE: “The Sentinels of Twilight”  In which the Agents learn that not all those who are lost should be found. Since the inception of the national park system, over 1,100 people have been reported missing inside their confines, many of them children. Often, missing children are found far from where they vanished, with no shoes or other clothing. Some are found dead. Some...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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Wytchvale - GM's Guide

Wytchvale - GM's Guide

The world of Wytchvale has always been magical and now there is a GM's Guide to expand the world and help plan fantastic adventures in this alternate world of cosy magic and dreadful opponents.  Players in Wytchvale play young Wytches finding their way in society and working to understand how to control their powers. This guide provides setting information, new gear, advice on running a game that...   [click here for more]
Okumarts Games  $9.00 $8.00

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The Pack

The Pack

The wolf must hunt, but it cannot hunt alone. Your hunts need the talents and instincts of other werewolves to slaughter the most dangerous prey. Your hunting grounds and families need the watching eyes of those with the blood of the Wolf of the spirit of the Moon. Your pack needs grounding in the world, humans who provide their contacts, expertise, and support. A pack is not a pack without a totem,...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $9.99

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Living Danger

Living Danger

"No harm ever came from reading a book…" –Evelyn, The Mummy   The year is 1936. The world is on the brink of collapse, and the echoes of the past resonate through ancient ruins, hidden temples, and forbidden jungles. Political tensions are high as nations vie for power, secret societies pull strings from the shadows, and ancient relics...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  $4.99

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Twilight 2000: More Civilian Career Paths

Twilight 2000: More Civilian Career Paths

20 More Civilian Careers for the Life Path method of character generation. The game comes with great civilian careers but if you want to give your character a little more variety these civilian careers give you a few more options.  ...   [click here for more]
Free League Publishing  $0.99

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Delta Green: Convergence for Foundry VTT

Delta Green: Convergence for Foundry VTT

THE SKY WATCHES September, 1996. In a small Tennessee town, teenager Billy Ray Spivey vanishes for two days without explanation and comes back changed. When he uses unnatural powers to kill two people, conspiracy theorists blame UFOs. Delta Green has other suspicions. A team of agents heads to Groversville to find the truth, but they may become the next victims. Written by John Scott Tynes, Convergence...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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Into the Terrorium (A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario for TSRPG)

Into the Terrorium (A Post-Apocalyptic Scenario for TSRPG)

"Into the Terrorium" is a TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) adventure set in post-apocalyptic America, where a team of scavengers discovers a strange research facility and runs into more trouble than it was expecting. This fully-illustrated scenario includes:  ● A complete adventure that includes a compelling and mysterious research facility and a number of intriguing challenges;...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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Shadowrun: Data Trails

Shadowrun: Data Trails

THE INFINITE FRONTIER The last great undiscovered country is vast, wild, and weirder than you can possibly imagine. And it’s nearby, waiting, accessible by the press of a button, or a simple gesture, or even just a thought. The Matrix holds a whole lot more than selfies and cat videos—it has artificial intelligences, electronic ghosts of people formerly alive (or perhaps still living), and deep...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $24.99

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Grim-O-Ire presents four Arcane Backgrounds complete with Special Abilities and supplemented by Edges. Ghost Walker - A hero with the ability to separate his spirit from his body and travel in ethereal form. Pneumamancer - A caster harnessing spirit energy able to communicate with ghosts. Venator - A dedicated monster...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  $2.00

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W20 Changing Ways

W20 Changing Ways

The Garou Nature The Garou are warriors of Gaia. Part human, part wolf, and part spirit they look like what humans think of as werewolves but are so much more. Though most come into the world as humans or wolves, that state does not last. Wolf-born gain a spark of human intelligence after their Change, while those born to humans must cope with the instincts of a hunter, and the burning...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Shadowrun: Digital Tools Box

Shadowrun: Digital Tools Box

SHADOWRUN DIGITAL TOOLS BOX The Shadowrun Digital Tools Box is 2 box sets in 1! Whether you're just getting into Shadowrun or you're a runner that's been hitting the streets since the 2050s, you'll find useful material here for running any type of game. Here’s what you get! BEGINNER BOX The Shadowrun Beginner Box is the easiest way to dive into the intrigue, grit and...   [click here for more]
Catalyst Game Labs  $19.99

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A Violet Shade of Death (A Mythos Horror Scenario for TSRPG)

A Violet Shade of Death (A Mythos Horror Scenario for TSRPG)

"A Violet Shade of Death” is a TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG) Mythos Horror scenario inspired by the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. This adventure takes place in 1969 in upstate New York, is appropriate for from two to eight players, and should take between three and six hours to complete. Although the possibility of violence exists, it is primarily an investigative mystery. ...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $2.99

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Beast Player's Guide

Beast Player's Guide

"You know what’s out there? No, you don’t. Stop trying to list them off. Yeah, yeah, you’ve met the vampires and the werewolves and the ghosts and so forth, but you haven’t seen a hundredth of what’s really there. Look, I’m not shaming you. I’m trying to make a point. You don’t know. You never will. There’s no complete picture, no magic moment where you see the whole truth and...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $14.99

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Delta Green: Viscid for Foundry VTT

Delta Green: Viscid for Foundry VTT

EVEN DEATH HAS A HALF-LIFE Two days ago, a newspaper delivery driver found retired geneticist Tibalt Grieves dead outside his suburban home. Police found Grieves’ girlfriend dead in the house. A detective discovered a hidden lab, outfitted with bio-hazard scrubbers. A CDC specialist found unidentifiable samples—samples that indicated that something had gotten loose. When the sun...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $4.99

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Delta Green: The Complex

Delta Green: The Complex

FROM BIG DATA TO BELTWAY BANDITS Cosmic terror infects the U.S. government and the companies that profit from it.  Delta Green: The Complex offers 21 new dossiers for federal agencies and important contractors to enhance your Delta Green campaign. Each dossier describes the entity’s budget, operatives, organizational structure and history, mandate, areas of friction with...   [click here for more]
Arc Dream Publishing  $9.99

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Krampusnacht: Night of the Krampus! (An Orphanpunk Scenario for TSRPG)

Krampusnacht: Night of the Krampus! (An Orphanpunk Scenario for TSRPG)

It is Krampusnacht, the Night of the Krampus, and a malevolent power has risen from the depths of Hell to torment, dominate, and corrupt!  "Krampusnacht: Night of the Krampus" is a three-part urban fantasy superhero scenario. In this exciting and spirited holiday adventure, players assume the roles of the Forgotten Children, a group of orphans who have been granted incredible powers.  Can these...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $3.99

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The Agency

The Agency

The Agency introduces new playable options to the world of They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! From intelligence divisions, connections, and a host of new Origins — the hierarchy of the Agency itself — this sourcebook provides every agent in the field with the tools they need.  Be wary though, agent. This book also reveals the shadow conspiracy at the heart of the Agency: one that will...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $1.99

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W20 Kinfolk: A Breed Apart

W20 Kinfolk: A Breed Apart

Born to Run The Garou are born of two kinds: humans and wolves. These are their Kinfolk — those “of the blood.” These special people — whether of two legs or four — carry in them the hope of the Garou: the promise of future generations. Although Garou are born to Kinfolk, nobody knows they’re different until they undergo their First Change. Until such a blessed (or cursed)...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $12.99

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Apocalypse Keys: Doomsday Delights

Apocalypse Keys: Doomsday Delights

ATTENTION AGENTS: Tireless work by your colleagues at DIVISION has cracked an indecipherable vault of high value assets. Anyone with Perihelion level access or higher can now take advantage of Doomsday Delights: a massive supplement for Apocalypse Keys! Inside this fully-illustrated 107-page expansion, you will find: Three new DIVISION branches Two...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $10.00

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