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Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

Dragonbane Auxiliary 2023

This is a free supplement for Free League Publishing's Dragonbane. Featuring new schools of magic, professions, kin, and monsters, there is guaranteed to be something in this supplement to spice up your Dragonbane campaign.  The new magic schools included are: Telekinism Augmentism Spiritism The new professions are: Prizefighter Cultist Woodcutter The new kin are: Half-orcs Vinelings Demonborn The...   [click here for more]
Squadeth Games  Pay What You Want

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Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet  (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

Shadow of the Beanstalk Genesys Character Sheet (Form Fill, Dice Pools)

The Genesys Character sheet for the Android setting, Shadow of the Beanstalk, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Most graphics are vector, meaning it maintains image quality at high resolutions, keeping the quality high and the file size small. Only the Foundry logo and the dice pool images are raster. Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio  Pay What You Want

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The Raven's Mark

The Raven's Mark

They have a plan. What could possibly go wrong? The loveless match of Lady Penelope to Baron Von Rupenstein will be the event of the season – and the crime of the century. Tonight, your cunning band of criminals must infiltrate the lavish wedding ball at the Stoneagles Estate, outwit Captain Waldorf and the Duke’s guard, and liberate the host’s gold, the guests’ jewellery, and the bride...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Curse of the Moon

Curse of the Moon

Curse of the Moon is a d20 sourcebook about lycanthropes, with a particular focus on a simpler lycanthrope template (with a much smaller level adjustment) and ways of customizing a lycanthrope's abilities. Curse of the Moon provides options for lycanthropes and lycanthrope hunters, with new feats, spells, and magic items focused on the theme of lycanthropy. Rather than delving into specifics of lycanthrope...   [click here for more]
Sean K Reynolds Games   FREE 

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Naval Perils

Naval Perils

Legacy Product This product was created in the early publishig days and may no be of the quality many have expected us to produce.  One has not truly explored the Ninth World until they have steped upon a vessel and traveld its seas, its skies and beyond.  A companion to Naval Encounters, Naval Perils contains only Locations, Vessels and Creatures for you to use in your very own...   [click here for more]
Metal Weave Games  Pay What You Want

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Welcome to the Jungle Vietnam, 1966. You’re the last survivors of a long-range reconnaissance patrol sent to investigate Viet Cong activity near the Cambodian border. But now you’ve lost half the squad, the radio guy just stepped on a mine and you’re stranded in the bush. Between you and safety lie miles of death, disease, starvation; and something even worse. Can you make...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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She Lost Her Marbles

She Lost Her Marbles

Webs and Witches It's 1:00 a.m. and a gentle breeze pushes greasy-looking clouds across the moon. It's a warm summer night, perfect weather for a sleepover beneath the stars. But tonight, none of you have any intention of going to bed. It all sounded simple enough a few hours ago. Ride to the far edge of town where the old Warwick Mansion stands. Sneak...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games  Pay What You Want

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Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

Mage: The Awakening Character Sheet Pad

A Sheet for Everything The Awakened struggle to rebuild their societies and carve out their own kingdoms on Earth. Witch, technomancer, shaman - which one are you? A Play Aid for Mage: The Awakening * Preprinted character sheets, customized for every playable path and order. * No need to photocopy your rulebook. * Every player needs a sheet, making this a valuable play aid. ...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Indie+ Horror Anthology (2015)

Welcome to the second Indie+ Anthology, released just in time for Halloween weekend! Enjoy eleven differnet short horror pieces from the Indie+ staff, special guests, and friends of Indie+ to celebrate the creation of our Indie+ Community page on G+! Indie+ is a community of role-playing game fans, some tabletop, some LARP, too. What’s the indie part? From the very beginning of the...   [click here for more]
Indie+  Pay What You Want

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Hell, Inc. The RPG - Character Sheet Bundle

Hell, Inc. The RPG - Character Sheet Bundle

Today is an exciting day for you—finally, after millennia of unspeakable torments (or maybe just a few minutes, time is kind of just a vibe in the afterlife) you have earned yourself a promotion to demonhood! Starting now, you work at Hell, Inc., the labyrinthine corporate bureaucracy that keeps the worst parts of the underworld running. It's a great job, if you don't mind having your will to exist...   [click here for more]
Rent-A-Thug Comics  Pay What You Want

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Dime Adventures: Quick-Start

Dime Adventures: Quick-Start

The year is 1904, but in a world that never was! Dinosaurs still roam forgotten corners of the land. Alien influences operate from the skies. Mystics wield ancient powers, while strange new sciences promise to change the world. The dead rise from the grave. All the while, modern movements sweep the globe, and bold explorers venture deep into the unknown or delve into forgotten ruins. The world is...   [click here for more]
Tab Creations   FREE 

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Tooth and Claw Character Sheets

Tooth and Claw Character Sheets

Over a year of downloads, with people all over the world playing as heroic ferrets performing feats of derring-do in the night, a single question has been asked time and again. "Where are those character sheets you promised us?" Finally, they have arrived. This may not be the final version of the character sheets and play aides, any suggestions on how to improve them would be more than welcome....   [click here for more]
Vulpinoid Studios  Pay What You Want

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Expanded Archetypes

Expanded Archetypes

Version 2.0 of the Story Spanner Expanded Archetypes module. Three new archetypes (The Disciple, The Gymnast, The Rascal) to fill out the options for human only settings and designed together to complement the official archetypes in the Genesys Core Rulebook (Average Human, The Laborer, The Intellectual, The Aristocrat). Four new unique abilities---one for each official archetype---to add variety...   [click here for more]
EDGE Studio   FREE 

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Modern Dispatch (#119): Modern<sup>20</sup>: Supplement #1

Modern Dispatch (#119): Modern<sup>20</sup>: Supplement #1

Welcome to Modern20 Supplement #1. This is a selection of rules and options that, if I were writing Modern20 today, would be in the core rules. In time, the material in this supplement might actually be folded into the core rules, suitable for any modern campaign.   This is why the optional Psionics and Ki skills from The Hunters and Martial Arts20 are included...   [click here for more]
RPG Objects   FREE 

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Bloom Role-Playing Game Character Sheet Pack

Bloom Role-Playing Game Character Sheet Pack

Bloom A Collaborative Transmedia Storytelling Experience Available April 7th at DriveThruRPG! Thank you for checking out the Bloom Role-Playing Game Character Sheet Pack. This download contains character sheets for use with the upcoming Bloom Role-Playing Game available at DriveThruRPG on April 7th, 2015! Bloom...   [click here for more]
BloomFilm, LLC   FREE 

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Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Double Sided)

Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Double Sided)

This is the double sided version of the Apocalyptia 1st Edition Character Sheet. This is a compact sheet with both sides presented on one landscaping page for quick easy printing. ...   [click here for more]
Jordan Fannin  Pay What You Want

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Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Single Sided)

Apocalyptia Character Sheet (Single Sided)

This is the single sided version of the Apocalyptia 1st Edition Character Sheet. This is a compact sheet with both sides presented on one landscape page for quick easy printing. ...   [click here for more]
Jordan Fannin  Pay What You Want

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Rise of the Ilu Preview

Rise of the Ilu Preview

Rise of the Ilu is a system expansion for Contagion Second Edition The Gods Have Returned... The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them. Despite...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Four-Color to Fantasy Revised Preview

Four-Color to Fantasy Revised Preview

This free five-page PDF (plus one page for the OGL) brings you the needed changes to take your classic Four-Color to Fantasy to the modern age. This preview of Four-Color to Fantasy Revised includes both the revised Hero Class and the revised Super Powers list for use with the Modern d20 Rules set. Not a complete product in itself, it is both a preview of the new rules, and a supplement to those...   [click here for more]
EN Publishing   FREE 

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A Hand of Magicians (Moon Roads)

A Hand of Magicians (Moon Roads)

A set of 4 player characters for the Moon Roads rpg of modern magic. In the setting 'Hand' is a term for a group of magicians working together. These characters from different backgrounds are ready to use with your adventure ideas. Each character has a description and compact stat block on a single page, suitable for giving out at conventions or one-shot games. There's also an introduction,...   [click here for more]
Silver Branch Games   FREE 

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Argh! Character Sheets

Argh! Character Sheets

Character Sheets PDF Forms for Argh! character templates: Mundane, Badass, Magician, and Unique. ...   [click here for more]

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Basilisk - Niezbędnik mechanicznego wojownika

Basilisk - Niezbędnik mechanicznego wojownika

Niezbędnik mechanicznego wojownika to suplement do gry fabularnej Basilisk, w całości poświęcony tematowi zmiennokształtnych robotów. Jesteś graczem i chcesz stworzyć postać kosmicznego androida? Jesteś arbitrem i planujesz przygodę, w której mają się pojawić roboty albo związane z nimi miejsca i przedmioty? W obu przypadkach – to podręcznik właśnie dla ciebie! ...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Basilisk - Protokół Mściciele

Basilisk - Protokół Mściciele

Protokół Mściciele to suplement do gry fabularnej Basilisk poświęcony tytułowym Mścicielom – agentom Basilisk wyszkolonym i wyposażonym z myślą o starciach z superżołnierzami i nadludźmi. Jesteś graczem i chcesz stworzyć postać gotową stawić czoła superbohaterom? Jesteś arbitrem i planujesz przygodę, w której wystąpią osoby obdarzone supermocami? W obu przypadkach – to może...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Blasters + Intrigue: Adventure Sheets

Blasters + Intrigue: Adventure Sheets

These Adventure sheets are for use with Blasters + Intrigue sci-fi campaigns for the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPGallowing GMs to quickly design a short adventure scenario by prompting key information for the scenario as a whole as well as the beginning, middle, and end of the story. Because it only affords enough room to fit on a single sheet,...   [click here for more]
Basic Action Games   FREE 

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Blasters + Intrigue: Form Fillable Character Sheets

Blasters + Intrigue: Form Fillable Character Sheets

These character sheets are for use with the Blasters + Intrigue expansion to the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG adding a more sci-fi flair and more information to the sheet. They are form-fillable and available in color, greyscale, and simple black and white to suit your play and printing preference. These character sheets were made possible by the backers of...   [click here for more]
Basic Action Games   FREE 

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Blasters + Intrigue: NPC & Monster Sheets

Blasters + Intrigue: NPC & Monster Sheets

These NPC & Monster sheets are for use with Blasters + Intrigue sci-fi campaigns for the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPGallowing GMs to quickly design an array of NPCs and monsters for the Blasters + Intrigue adventures.  The following sheets are in this product: Major NPC Sheet (for NPC Heroes or Villains) with room...   [click here for more]
Basic Action Games   FREE 

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Blasters + Intrigue: Ship Manifests

Blasters + Intrigue: Ship Manifests

These Ship's Manifest sheets are for use with the Blasters + Intrigue expansion to the Honor + Intrigue Swashbuckling RPG allowing a crew to keep detailed record of their vessel, its personnel, and what it is carrying. They are form-fillable and available in color, greyscale, and simple black and white to suit your play and printing preference. These sheets were made...   [click here for more]
Basic Action Games   FREE 

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Blood and Spooks: ICECC

Blood and Spooks: ICECC

International Center for Ethereal Containment and Control (ICECC) has the first and only professional parapsychological investigation team of its kind, worldwide. The ICECC team is comprised of the world's most recognized experts in paranormal field research (including entities, ghosts, hauntings, poltergeist activities, and psychic abilities), combining both scientific, and psionic abilities. Individually...   [click here for more]
RPG Objects   FREE 

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BOO! Inc. Resume

BOO! Inc. Resume

BOO! Inc. is a praxis system RPG of horror and mystery, following groups of parnormal investigators. This is the charcter sheet to accompany the Employee Handbook. ...   [click here for more]
Praxis Studios   FREE 

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Brave Lil Roaster - Sentient Equipment and Weapon Flaws for Kill Sector

Brave Lil Roaster - Sentient Equipment and Weapon Flaws for Kill Sector

Gazzerk the Frightful stood atop the crimson mound of slain foes - those who dared to strip him of Clystra, the ancestral armor of Primordium Arena, so they may don the armor themself and thus assert their place as the new champion. Gazzerk's performance was mediocre at best - Clystra was the only one putting in the work. There were as many boos as cheers from the audience...   [click here for more]
Bahunga Worldwide   FREE 

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Cold Shadows: Character Sheets & Errata

Cold Shadows: Character Sheets & Errata

Free print-friendly Character Sheets for Gallant Knight Games espionage roleplaying game: Cold Shadows ...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games   FREE 

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Contagion Second Edition - Setting Sample

Contagion Second Edition - Setting Sample

The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them. Despite humanity’s vast ignorance, the horrors are there. Angels demons, gods and Hellspawn make war in the shadows. Clergy and Slayers rise from the human flock to protect their brethren...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Contagion Second Edition Bonus

Contagion Second Edition Bonus

The world of Contagion is a dark and terrifying place. On the surface it is no different than the world you and I live in. Most people go on about their lives never realizing the terrors that walk among them. Despite humanity’s vast ignorance, the horrors are there. Angels demons, gods and Hellspawn make war in the shadows. Clergy and Slayers rise from the human flock to protect their brethren...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Contagion Second Edition Character Sheet

Contagion Second Edition Character Sheet

The Contagion Second Edition character sheet is a free resource to utilize for your Contagion game. This .pdf provides a sleek and streamlined character sheet that allows you to record your character's Ability Scores, Derived Scores, Skills, Feats, Features, Gear and Spells on a single page. A digitally editable version of this character sheet is now available for...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Contagion Second Edition Editable Character Sheet

Contagion Second Edition Editable Character Sheet

The Contagion Second Edition Editiable Character Sheet is a free resource to utilize for your Contagion game. This .pdf provides a sleek and streamlined character sheet that allows you to record your character's Ability Scores, Derived Scores, Skills, Feats, Features, Gear and Spells on a single page. This sheet can be filled out on your computer,...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Contagion Second Edition Errata & NPC Folio

Contagion Second Edition Errata & NPC Folio

Contagion Second Edition Errata & NPC Folio is a free set of system enhancements for the Contagion Second Edition Role Playing Game: Everybody makes mistakes, and there were a few missteps, typos and omissions in Contagion Second Edition which has led us to compile this collection of...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Contagion: Revised Character Sheet

Contagion: Revised Character Sheet

The Contagion Revised Edition character sheet is a free resource to utilize for your Contagion game. This sheet includes: A Core Character page that allows you to record your character's Ability scores, combat attributes and basic biographical information, as well as class and racial features. A Skills sheet that lists all skills available in the Contagion:...   [click here for more]
Aegis Studios   FREE 

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Convention Book: N.W.O [Redacted] Preview

Convention Book: N.W.O [Redacted] Preview

Heroes of Reality The proud men and women who serve the New World Order are the paragons and saviors of humanity. These Enlightened minds have the thankless job of being our shepherd, leading us to ultimate Empowerment and protecting us from utter chaos: the misguided Traditionalists, corrupted Technocrats, vile creates, and ourselves. The Order oversees the Technocratic Union through...   [click here for more]
White Wolf   FREE 

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Corporia: Character Sheet (Form Fillable)

Corporia: Character Sheet (Form Fillable)

This is a free copy of the character sheet included in the Corporia RPG core rulebook. Print it out and then fill it in by hand, or use the fillable form first (with Adobe Reader or Acrobat)! This download also includes a one-sheet step-by-step guide to character creation, referring the player to specific page numbers in the Corporia RPG rulebook. ABOUT CORPORIA:...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press   FREE 

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Corporia: CSI Guide

Corporia: CSI Guide

This is a free copy of the Cryptid Scene Investigation (CSI) guide that appears in the latest Corporia RPG core rulebook appendix. Although it is designed specifically to give advice and suggestions for players of the Corporia RPG, you might find it helpful for other modern or urban fantasy games that utilize a crime scene and criminal investigations. ABOUT CORPORIA:...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press   FREE 

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Corporia: Mission Log Worksheet (Form Fillable)

Corporia: Mission Log Worksheet (Form Fillable)

This is a free copy of the Director's Mission Log and Scenario Worksheet included in the latest Corporia RPG core rulebook. Print it out and then fill it in by hand, or use the fillable form first (with Adobe Reader or Acrobat)! This worksheet was designed for Directors (GameMasters) who want to design their own player missions. It follows Corporia's G.R.A.I.L. mission format, providing...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press   FREE 

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Crazy 8s Editable Character Record Sheet

Crazy 8s Editable Character Record Sheet

            Crazy 8s is a rules-lite, universal game engine that is intended to provide a quick, easy to learn and fun RPG experience that anyone from the first time newbie to the seasoned veteran can use to create a simple, kick-ass role-playing experience.             The Crazy 8s Editable Character Record Sheet is a free resource...   [click here for more]
Composite Games Limited   FREE 

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Cthulhu Unleashed Character Sheet

Cthulhu Unleashed Character Sheet

This is the character sheet for "Cthulhu Unleashed". You can find the game here. Thank you for checking out Cthulhu Unleashed and have fun! ...   [click here for more]
Vindicta RPGs   FREE 

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Deathmatch Island Preview

Deathmatch Island Preview

Deathmatch Island is NOW AVAILABLE in PDF, Print, and Roll20 VTT! Congratulations. You have been selected to participate in Deathmatch Island. Winning will mean fame, freedom, and unlimited wealth. You may be experiencing some confusion and memory loss. This is normal following the Selection and Recruitment Process. It is important that you do not panic. Deathmatch Island is a...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions   FREE 

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Deniable Asset: Agent Dossier

Deniable Asset: Agent Dossier

Deniable Asset:Agent Dossier outlines nine Agents - Edward, Sarah, Hans, Antionette, Conrad, Nataliya, Dimitri, Imelda, and Ramone  - for use in your Deniable Asset RPG games. Also included is a sheet just for Perks, Flaws, and Nemesis as well as a blank Agent Dosier should you choose to recruit your own. There are two sets of dosiers, one with full color backgrounds and one more...   [click here for more]
Random Encounters   FREE 

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Die RPG Campaign Character Sheets

Die RPG Campaign Character Sheets

Die the RPG: Custom campaign character sheets with new and rebalanced abilities Hello fellow Die fans! Having played quite a lot of the beta version of Die the RPG, I found myself disappointed by the multi-session campaign maerial in the final release. The new advancements seemed lackluster, the progression tree too linear, and the character sheets themselves were...   [click here for more]
Nate Brauner   FREE 

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Dueling Wizard and the Highly Derivative Dungeon World Playbook

Dueling Wizard and the Highly Derivative Dungeon World Playbook

The Dueling Wizard and the Highly Derivative Dungeon World Playbook Come on, admit it.  You’ve always wanted to play as you-know-who from the you-know-which school of you-know-what. With this Highly Derivative Dungeon World Playbook, you can at least pretend you are that person... Or any other person that has nothing to do with that person. ‘Sall good. Anyway, because...   [click here for more]
Street Rat Games   FREE 

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Eclipse: The Codex Persona Shareware

Eclipse: The Codex Persona Shareware

   This unique d20 sourcebook includes: A single pay-as-you-go system that allows you to build exactly the game and characters you want, exactly the way you want them. With completely personalized classes you’ll never need to consult another book of prestige classes, feats, or special abilities again!Hundreds of new and expanded character abilities and feats to cover every special power...   [click here for more]
Distant Horizons Games company   FREE 

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ELEMENTAL Adventure Guide

ELEMENTAL Adventure Guide

Now Playing Welcome to the Adventure Guide, a stunning visual tour of all the official ELEMENTAL adventures published to date, showcasing the game’s one-of-a-kind collection of free and pay-what-you-want adventures by new and veteran game designers. Do you need help convincing your fellow gamers to give ELEMENTAL a try? Why not show them the Adventure Guide and offer to run one of...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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ELEMENTAL Discovery Guide

ELEMENTAL Discovery Guide

The Simple RPG for Everything ELEMENTAL is a fast-paced roleplaying game for any character, any setting, any story that delivers cinematic moments and is supported by an incredible range of free adventures and digital tools. "This system is tightly designed." -EN World. The game is designed for the characters and stories you want to play. It features a very approachable...   [click here for more]
Gildor Games   FREE 

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  Distress Calls for Space RPGs