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This is a quick-reference guide for the GM of a game in the system 13 Lucky. The full guide for the game is also available. ... [click here for more] |
13 Lucky |
Pay What You Want
 Galaventia è la prima ambientazione pubblicata per il sistema Creative Commons Roleplay Rules (2C2R).
Si tratta di un'ambientazione high-fantasy, e all'interno del file zip troverete tutto il necessario per giocare. A una prima occhiata potrebbe sembrare che ci siano troppi manuali, ma in realtà è più semplice di quanto sembri: assicuratevi solo di iniziare la lettura dal manuale chiamato Galaventia... [click here for more] |
2C2R |
This is the Basic Rules for the Evolution System detailing the mechanics needed to play. This product does not detail character creation or game master materials, just the mechanics of the rules.
Abilities, Character Creation, Game Master info, Gear, and other rules will will vary with each campaign setting and will be fully detailed in those future source materials when released. ... [click here for more] |
4 Hour Games |
 Ce jeu traite des épreuves, des victoires et des dé-
convenues d’individus en marge de la société. Ces aven-
turiers ont refusé le quotidien monotone pour essayer
de se bâtir un avenir, une situation, ou au moins une
bonne nuit d’ivresse dans le prochain bouge crasseux.
Leurs péripéties se déroulent dans le monde créé par
l’écrivain Robert Ervin Howard pour son personnage le... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 Le Règne de la Loi Les Royaumes Oniriques sont nombreux et variés, mais tous ont un point commun : le triomphe de la Loi sur le Chaos. Dans chaque royaume, la Loi règne sans partage. La civilisation a repoussé les doutes et la violence associées au chaos et au désordre. Ces royaumes sont-ils vraiment des rêves ? Ou sont-ils de simples caprices, des royaumes féeriques sombres et étherés ?... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
Pay What You Want
 The Metal, Magic and Lore Errata Booklet PDF addresses errors and omissions in the Basic Player's Rulebook version 1.0. Included herein are items covering sections 1 through 6 of the rulebook plus the appendicies. Two Mannish and three Dwarven updated Starting Armor Packages and a brand new index are also included. The errata material has been revised and updated, and supersedes the earlier version... [click here for more] |
5th Epoch Publishing |
Las tablas y cuadros del Cuaderno del Director de Juego se han obtenido tanto del libro básico de Mythras como de Fantasía Clásica. Se han agrupado temáticamente y aprovechando el espacio lo máximo posible, con el objeto de que sean una ayuda para el Director de Juego durante la partida. De este modo, la mayoría de las tablas que no se usarán más que una vez (durante la creación... [click here for more] |
77Mundos |
Mythras Imperativo es una introducción de 34 páginas al sistema Mythras, diseñado tanto para recién llegados como para veteranos. Proporciona una versión simplificada de Mythras, pero con suficientes opciones y profundidad como para ser completamente jugable. Las reglas incluyen creación de personajes, habilidades, mecánicas básicas del juego, mecánicas específicas... [click here for more] |
77Mundos |
High quality PDF download of the KOBOLDS REFERENCE SHEET for Kobolds Ate My Baby! ... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology
This is a brand new type of offering for Free RPG Day 2020!
Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on!
Level 1 was available... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology
Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on!
Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2021. Now you can get it digitally... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
LEVEL 1 – The Free RPG Day Official Anthology
Level 1 is an annual RPG anthology series of Independent Role Playing games celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short RPGs, created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on!
Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2022. Now you can get it digitally... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
Level 1 is an annual TTRPG anthology celebrating FREE RPG DAY! It's a book full of unique, short TTRPGs created with passion by independent writers, designers, and game companies. Play on!
Level 1 was available through retailers for free on FREE RPG DAY 2023. Now you can get it digitally too. This is a free product. Download the PDF and enjoy!
Inside, you will find ready-to-play games about... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
The indie RPG scene is a diverse, fascinating, and vibrant part of the TTRPG community. With Level 1: The Indie RPG Anthology, 9th Level Games brings together choice games from the world of indie RPGs in an annual collection published in time for Free RPG Day.
The 2024 edition of Level 1 is themed around "Command Line." This year's designers take us to the internet, the future, and other worlds. We... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
A no-prep quick-play version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, originally published as a booklet for Free RPG Day. Experience Mazes for the first time in this 30-minute adventure designed for newcomers! All you need are d4, a d6, a d8, and a d10, plus some pencils.
If you like this FREE guide, check out the full version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, available here.
Return... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
A no-prep quick-play version of Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying, originally published as a booklet for Free RPG Day. Experience Mazes for the first time in this 30-minute adventure designed for newcomers! All you need are d4, a d6, a d8, and a d10, plus some pencils. Return to Dark Tower Fantasy Roleplaying is an officially licensed, complete fantasy RPG based on the hit board game... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
Ashes & Empires is a comprehensive fantasy role-playing game designed with an eye towards keeping detail, accuracy, and ease of use in fine balance at all times. It is a generic rules system but confined to the Fantasy genre so as to make no compromise in breadth or scope. These rules were developed and refined over twenty years of actual play and more than a dozen individual... [click here for more] |
A.J. Stoner |
Pay What You Want
A new edition of Downcrawl is here! Enjoy this advanced preview of the Journey Rules in the new edition, and google "Downcrawl Backerkit" to find out how you can pre-order the full game (to be fulfilled by DriveThruRPG).
Explore cursed mazes. Build stalactite cities. Get addicted to mushrooms.
Welcome Down.
Downcrawl is a tabletop roleplaying toolkit that... [click here for more] |
Aaron A. Reed |
Abide Asteria
Is a Sci-Fi RPG with Fantasy elements such as Elves, Dragons and magic. Fly through space with a crew of various races and use technology, charisma and magic to gain wealth, grow skills and upgrade ships or equipment for your crew. Take on bigger jobs and learn to Abide Asteria's rules or move to the outer planets for a more lawless environment.... [click here for more] |
Abide Asteria |
Pay What You Want
The History of Mankind isn’t just a mere sequence of inevitable events, and no outcome is written in the stars, or already foreordained by the mind of some mystic, universal entity.
Even though nowadays past events can appear to our eyes as the normal and gradual concatenation of causes and effects, such mechanistic certainty is the very first casualty on the battlefields, were victories are won... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
This is an introductory document, useful to have a taste of how Darkmoor RPG will look like and which will its features be when the game will be released. Please, support us on Kickstarter now to unlock more Stretch Goals! The project is already funded, so it's a sure win!
In this PDF you'll find lots of informations about Darkmoor's setting and rules system. Sample... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Le Notti di Nibiru è un GDR in cui vestirai i panni di un Tonalista, ti trasformerai nella tua forma animale durante le Notti, esplorerai le terre selvagge, rigogliose, meravigliose e misteriose della Distesa, forte dei tuoi Bagliori dell'anima e delle tue Capacità Tonali... ma viverai anche intrighi, misteri e avventure d'ogni genere.
Questo PDF è la Guida Rapida de Le... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
This is a free Quickstart Guide for Musha Shugyo RPG! Download it in English and Italian. This Guide will introduce you to Musha Shugyo's unique combat and symbols system. It contains all the basic rules that allow you to play to MS basic game, with no specific Game Mode.
But Musha Shugyo is so much more. In the complete product, you'll find ten ready characters, but you'll also... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
This is an introductory document to the upcoming Sancta Sanctorum RPG! Download it now in Italian and English for free. If you already own Musha Shugyo RPG and some of its expansions, you'll also be able to enjoy this document as a playable Demo. Team Acchiappasogni, who already brought you the Darkmoor RPG, now offers you a new role-playing game... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
This quickstart guide contains a pared down version of the Inkforged RPG rules. Inkforged is a brand new campaign setting using the also new Defined by Dice game system. You play as an Ikon, a hero created when you read a mysterious book of fantastical stories that pulled you into its all-too-real Realm of wonder and danger.
The Book is alive. It is an evolving,... [click here for more] |
ACE Games |
Apocalisse is the definitive 5E setting based on the Book of Revelation by St. John, and it will lead you into the final war between angels and demons.
In the immense Armageddon battlefield, the ultimate fight between angels and demons, between those who fight for the Throne of the Lord and those who serve the Abyss, has started.
But... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Apocalisse è il gioco di ruolo definitivo per 5a Edizione basato sul Libro della Rivelazione di San Giovanni, che vi condurrà nella guerra finale fra angeli e demoni.
Nell’immenso campo di battaglia dell’Armageddon, lo scontro finale tra angeli e demoni, tra le schiere che combattono per il Trono del Signore e quelle che servono... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
1930s, New York City. Helluva Town is one of the city’s secret neighborhoods, wedged somewhere between Little Italy and the Bowery – and inhabited by living cartoons.
An unsettling crowd of lunatics, hyper-colorful, liberally partaking of sex and gender, whose lives are potentially infinite and with one thing on their mind: fun, wacky zany fun!
HELLUVA TOWN is intended to... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
NEW YORK City, anni Trenta. Helluva Town è un quartiere segreto della città, nascosto da qualche parte fra Little Italy e la Bowery – e popolato da cartoni animati viventi. UN’INQUIETANTE MOLTITUDINE di pazzi scriteriati, iper-colorata, dal sesso incerto e libero, dalla vita potenzialmente infinita e soprattutto ricca di matto divertimento!
HELLUVA TOWN è un gioco di... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
"Then Romulus shall receive the sceptre of his race, and found the walls of Mars, and call the people Romans. I have given no limits or duration to their possessions: I've given them empire without end." Virgil, Aeneid
Historical-Fantasy Roleplaying in a Roman Empire That Never Fell
In Lex Arcana, you are a Custos (warden) of the Cohors Auxiliaria... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Pay What You Want
A brand-new historical-fantasy setting for 5E based on the Travels of Marco Polo and Chinese folklore and myths! Join the Guardian Merchants, a secret brotherhood of warriors and travelers dedicated to researching and trading arcane artifacts. Fight against evil supernatural forces, demons, and even would-be gods. ... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
Una nuovissima ambientazione fantasy storica per 5E basata sui viaggi di Marco Polo e sul folklore e miti cinesi! Unisciti ai Mercanti Guardiani, una confraternita segreta di guerrieri e viaggiatori dedita alla ricerca e al commercio di artefatti arcani. Combatti contro forze soprannaturali malvagie, demoni e persino aspiranti dei.
Parti per la più grande avventura della storia attraverso la Via... [click here for more] |
Acheron Games |
After more than a year of play testing and months of hard work, Flint&Steel RPG Starter Edition is ready to see the light of day.
Flint&Steel Starter Edition contains all you need to try out our game and get the impression of what we aim to achieve. Our goal was to create a balanced and classless character creation and development without levels. We bring fast and thrilling combat encounters... [click here for more] |
Adventurer's Inn |
Pay What You Want
A Gritty OSR Fantasy Setting by Travis Legge
The mortal lands are divided. A dozen kingdoms lie scattered across the world, separated by dangerous wilds filled with bandits and monsters. The bravest mortals act as adventurers, guiding travelers between the kingdoms, killing monsters to thin their numbers, and plundering ruins in search of the lost treasures of the golden age. This is the world of Odysseys... [click here for more] |
Aegis Studios |
 Get the Aether and Steamworks 8.5 x 11 US standard Character Sheets here. ... [click here for more] |
Aether and Steamworks |
 Get the Aether and Steamworks 8.5 x 11 US standard NPC Sheets here ... [click here for more] |
Aether and Steamworks |
 The Character Sheet for LND! ... [click here for more] |
Aether and Steamworks |
81 pages of pre-illustrated portraits sourced from Nights of the Crusades supplements, and 1 sheet with space to create your own portrait. ... [click here for more] |
Aetheric Dreams |
“I’m in awe of this game. Really, the best comparison is Pendragon: it matches it in scholarship on the target subject, it matches it on a subtle, evocative blending of history and myth, it matches it in making what you feel matter as much as your abilities, and it matches it in opening up the classic idea of the long-term D&D campaign into a life-long story of time and tide, money gained... [click here for more] |
Aetheric Dreams |
Pay What You Want
It is 1845. One hundred years before the end of the world. Central Asia has become a chessboard for the British and Russian empires – the dominant powers of the globe. Afghanistan is where this cold war heats to boiling point.
A first invasion by the British has been repulsed, however warriors drawn from every corner of their empire gather on the southern borders of Afghanistan, awaiting the call... [click here for more] |
Aetheric Dreams |
My first fantasy ttrpg, created over a year of hard work. It's not great, but it's free. If you wanna read it and tell me your opinion on the mechanics i would love it. ... [click here for more] |
Alana MJ |
Pay What You Want
Cachorros Samurais é um jogo sobre a natureza canina e filosofia oriental dos honrosos e disciplinados combatentes samurais. Neste mundo mágico onde geralmente cães são samurais e gatos são ninjas, as pessoas assumem o papel dos discípulos samurais, que colocam sua honra, disciplina, técnica e lealdade a serviço da conduta samurai em jogo. Tudo deve ser feito para ajudar a recriar o esquecido... [click here for more] |
alanrodrigosilva |
Within these pages you will find rules to create heroic characters and advance them in power: Seven different races Twelve point-buy character classes Revised non-weapon and weapon skill system Feats All the equipment heroes need Rivised combat system Improved magic system More then 200 monsters Traps, magical items and all a Game Master needs For players and game masters alike, Crypts & Tunnels... [click here for more] |
Alberto Piotti |
Pay What You Want
What if all we have been told is a lie? What if the religion that dominates our lives & governs our whole world is fraudulent? What if the apparently corrupt sinners that are persecuted & executed daily are innocent? What if the Godds aren’t gods at all but flawed mortals with their own agendas? What if these supposed Godds are actually responsible for the widespread corruption they are now... [click here for more] |
Alces Alces |
 Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
Esta guía rápida recoge a modo de resumen las reglas básicas para el desarrollo del juego y sus combates. Está pensada para que junto a Las Aventuras gratuitas, sirva como muestrario e iniciación al juego de rol: DragonCry.
DragonCry, el nuevo juego de rol de fantasía medieval que te hará vivir las aventuras de antaño con nuevas reglas. DragonCry te ofrece:
Un elaborado sistema de combate... [click here for more] |
alfonso |
 Esta edición abreviada del juego de rol Sagittarius contiene las reglas imprescindibles para jugar: creación de personajes, sistema de juego y escaramuzas.
Con el sistema de combate de escaramuzas se pueden representar desde duelos personales hasta enfrentamientos con decenas de contendientes. ... [click here for more] |
Alvaro Prada |
There is a grassland – not quite a prairie, nor quite a savanna, where shaggy beasts graze under a wide sky. There was a river across the land once; now there is only a stream in a wide bed. There was a smooth highway of pale stone; now if you skip, you can travel by jumping long jumps from one gently slanted stone to another. Where the river met the highway on this grassland, there was a great city... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Pay What You Want
Once Upon A Time In Shamblington is a medium-light set of rules, a set of six fully-realized characters, and a fairly hefty set of useful material for the Guide (GM). The rules are a standalone variant of those used in the Quest RPG, focused on table conversations and perfomances and low on maths.
This is the player's kit only - the rulebook and the characters.
The full... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
With Amazing Tales you can take your children on amazing adventures without leaving the sofa. Explore deep dark woods, adventure in magical kingdoms long ago, sail the pirate seas and travel beyond the stars. In amazing tales the hero, and the adventure, can be anything your children can imagine. From robot dinosaurs, to talking foxes, to heroic doctors and firefighters.
Amazing Tales is a role-playing... [click here for more] |
Amazing Tales |