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Тихі Спогади

Тихі Спогади

Перекладено з оригіналу за ліцензією CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 / Translated from the original under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 licence Тихі Спогади Рольова гра про пошук себе перед смертю Володарка Срібла Енні 2013 року за найкращу безкоштовну гру Ви прокидаєтеся...   [click here for more]

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Преложение, это минималистичная игра, чье действие происходит в мрачной России будущего, раздираемой новой гражданской войной и чудовищами извне. Фокус игры в исследовании Города и попытках сделать его вновь безопасным. ...   [click here for more]
Red Hedgehog   FREE 

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Перекладено з дозволу автора / Translated with the author's permission Ласкаво просимо до Маєтку. Що ти за прокляття? Яким чином ти лякаєш найкраще? Де ти любиш проводити час? Як ти відреагуєш на те, що у твоєму домі...   [click here for more]

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[SPANISH] Carne Fresca

[SPANISH] Carne Fresca

Carne Fresca es un juego sencillo que os llevará a representar experiencias de supervivencia en una crisis zombi mundial. Incluye un sencillo sistema basado en dificultades y reglas completas de daño, tensión y persecuciones. Así que, agarra un puñado de dados de seis y reza lo que sepas porque ¡ya están aquí! Pesadilla en Midville es un escenario introductorio completo incluido...   [click here for more]
Three Fourteen Games  Pay What You Want

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[Korean] 지금, 죽이러 갑니다. - B급 호러 TRPG 카드 게임

[Korean] 지금, 죽이러 갑니다. - B급 호러 TRPG 카드 게임

B급 호러 TRPG 카드 게임 [지금, 죽이러 갑니다.]는 피, 살인마 그리고 죽음에 관한 게임입니다.  플레이어들은 각자 캐릭터의 주관적 시점에서 기여하여, 서로 협력해서 B급 호러 영화 같은 이야기를 만듭니다.  플레이어 캐릭터들은 살인마와 복잡한 과거사를 갖고 있고, 이 생존 여행은 이들이 서로의...   [click here for more]
ba5909   FREE 

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ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero

ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero

Begin your gothic fantasy horror adventures with ZWEIHANDER RPG Reforged Edition: Session Zero! This includes all the rules to play and create your first survivor. This 83-page free download includes: Chapter 1: Welcome to ZWEIHANDER Chapter 2: Learn to Play Chapter 3: Your Lifepath (abbreviated from the full release) Survivor Sheet (form-fillable) CHANGELOG We have instituted a new taxonomy for...   [click here for more]

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Zone 28

Zone 28

Zone 28 is a rules light roleplaying game inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker. The game has an emphasis on exploration, mystery, survival, character introspection, and a slow but inevitable creeping doom that corrupts and erodes until nothing remains. Players should not expect a happy ending for their characters. They are not heroes and danger lurks around every corner in the Zone. Character creation...   [click here for more]
Shrike Studio   FREE 

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ZOMBIES - Business Card Edition

ZOMBIES - Business Card Edition

Made for the itch pleasure card jam! Designed to create tense survivalist TTRPG gameplay in the zombie apocalypse, with a ruleset that just can't get any more readable, digestible and enjoyable, taking up less space than a bookmark on your gaming shelf! This game became the second most popular in the jam in under 24 hours Key Inspirations were: Alien...   [click here for more]
SR 16   FREE 

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Zombie Hour

Zombie Hour

What separates us from the zombies? Something stronger than a heavy steel door. It is what’s in our hearts that elevates us above them. But when our hearts race, chests tighten, and breaths come hard, our humanity becomes a liability. Exhaustion and the ravages of time wear us down, while leaving them untouched, narrowing the gap between us and them. Ultimately we will fall within their grasp,...   [click here for more]
Hour Games  Pay What You Want

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Zombie Death Town Multi-player rules

Zombie Death Town Multi-player rules

This is a very basic break-down of the rules for quick and easy night of multi-player zombie bashing. The rules were meant to emphasize role-playing and fun and not get too bogged down with details, so take 'em with a grain of salt. Aim for the head, and have fun! ...   [click here for more]
Rarr! I'm A Monster Publishing   FREE 

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Zombicide: Chronicles - Quickstart

Zombicide: Chronicles - Quickstart

This booklet is a Quickstart for the Zombicide: Chronicles roleplaying game. These are not the complete rules, but instead a primer that allows you and your friends to jump directly into the action of the post-apocalyptic world where the dead rule the streets and humans fight every day for survival! Zombicide: Chronicles is a roleplaying game about a Zombie apocalypse (surprise!), but...   [click here for more]

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Zombiaki w Centrum Handlowym!

Zombiaki w Centrum Handlowym!

Zombie-Dwupak! Zombiaki w Centrum Handlowym! to prosta gra fabularna o ludziach, których apokalipsa zombie zastała w Centrum Handlowym. Przed głównym wejściem czeka wojsko, nadzieja ocalałych, ale najpierw trzeba się tam dostać! Te Inne Zombiaki w Centrum Handlowym! to trochę inna gra o innych ludziach, których apokalipsa zombie zastała w innym Centrum...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Dans ce contexte cyberpunk où évoluent des serfs qui essaient de survivre et de prospérer au sein d’une arcologie structurée comme un État féodal, les joueurs prennent le rôle de « fardeaux », des serfs condamnés au bannissement, à la privation ou à la mort. Pour survivre, ils se sont regroupés avec d’autres fardeaux qui refusent de céder à l’ordre brutal de l’arcologie. Leur...   [click here for more]
SYCKO  Pay What You Want

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - World War Cthulhu - Noc Zagłady

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - World War Cthulhu - Noc Zagłady

Trwa II wojna światowa. Położone pośród pól i lasów spokojne miasteczko Zamościce nie zostało szczególnie boleśnie doświadczone przez niemiecką okupację. Wszystko zmienia się jednak pewnej tragicznej nocy, gdy Niemcy podejmują próbę rozbicia lokalnej komórki ruchu oporu. Strzelanina i odgłosy rzezi nie pozwalają mieszkańcom zmrużyć oka. Pierwsze promienie porannego...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter Maski Nyarlathotepa

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter Maski Nyarlathotepa

NAJLEPSZY SERIAL, JAKI PRZEŻYJESZ! Strażniku Tajemnic, trzymasz w rękach Starter do największej i prawdopodobnie najbardziej epickiej kampanii w historii gier fabularnych: Zew Cthulhu - Maski Nyarlathotepa. Zawiera on zbiór podstawowych zasad potrzebnych do rozpoczęcia przygody oraz scenariusz pt. Tajemnica czarnego sarkofagu, który został napisany specjalnie dla polskiej edycji i jest preludium...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter

Zew Cthulhu 7ed. - Starter

FABULARNA GRA GROZY W UNIWERSUM H.P. LOVECRAFTA  Wielcy Przedwieczni rządzili eony przed pojawieniem się człowieka. Przybyli z kosmosu i zostali wyparci przez potężniejsze istoty. Pozostałości ich miast i zakazanej wiedzy można odnaleźć na wyspach Pacyfiku, pośród ruchomych piasków pustyń oraz na biegunach. Wielcy Przedwieczni śpią – jedni pod powierzchnią ziemi,...   [click here for more]
Black Monk Games   FREE 

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You're Next ♡ : Horror TTRPG - Print & Play Edition

You're Next ♡ : Horror TTRPG - Print & Play Edition

『You’re Next ♡』 is a game about blood, killers, and death. Players will contribute to the fiction from their characters’ subjective perspectives, and work together to create a story resembling a horror B movie. Player characters have a complicated past with the murderer of the story, and this journey for survival will be a chance for them to contemplate and develop their relationships with...   [click here for more]
ba5909   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - Schede PG pregenerati

XENOSCAPE - Schede PG pregenerati

EvadamKt’ KtMasvindaNamaarPlasmotarr e Servo sono solo esseri senzienti su un pianeta terribile e spietato come Materia, forme di vita differenti che hanno imparato a convivere come una tribù e che potete usare per entrare da subito nel mondo di XENOSCAPE. ...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - Scheda PG Editabile - ITA

XENOSCAPE - Scheda PG Editabile - ITA

La scheda personaggio editabile di XENOSCAPE è un file .PDF a due facciate, a colori, editabile direttamente da PC. La scheda è stata realizzata con la collaborazione di Racconti da GDR. ...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - Quickstart - ITA

XENOSCAPE - Quickstart - ITA

Esseri Senzienti, la vostra lotta per la sopravvivenza inizia qui! State per essere proiettati su Materia, un mondo dove la memoria della civiltà umana è ormai sbiadita, un regno vegetale segnato da deserti radioattivi e foreste di cristallo, popolato da creature letali e bizzarre. La civiltà è regredita al baratto, la scrittura è proibita e l'unica cosa che conta è restare in vita. La Quickstart...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - Quickstart - ENG

XENOSCAPE - Quickstart - ENG

Sentient beings! Your struggle for survival begins here! You are about to get thrown upon the surface of Materia, a world where human civilization memories has definitely faded, a vegetal reign marked by radioactive deserts and crystal forests, populated by lethal and bizarre creatures. Civilization went back to bartering, writing is forbidden, and surviving is the only thing that matters. The...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - Pregen Character Sheets

XENOSCAPE - Pregen Character Sheets

EvadamKt’ KtMasvindaNamaarPlasmotarr and Servo they’re just sentient beings on the ruthless Materia, different life forms that have learned to coexist as a tribe and that you can use to immediately enter the world of XENOSCAPE. ...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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Sentient Beings, welcome to Materia, this NPC sheet will help the Narrator track every NPC. Join the community: XENOSCAPE ...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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XENOSCAPE - character sheet - ENG

XENOSCAPE - character sheet - ENG

Sentient Beings, to start surviving Materia you need first of all a card for your character, here it is, free and editable! Join the community: XENOSCAPE ...   [click here for more]
Tin Hat Games   FREE 

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Xas Irkalla Demo

Xas Irkalla Demo

You have wandered the wastes of dust and ash, destitute and starving, a refugee from a destroyed world. You have seen reality torn apart and twisted into horrific visions born from your subconscious. You were once a psychic, but that part of you is dead. Now, you are captive to those who have known no other existence, the warriors of the grey lands. This is their world, and you are at their mercy....   [click here for more]
Atramentis Games   FREE 

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Xas Irkalla Addendum

Xas Irkalla Addendum

This addendum only serves as a document to further explain Xas Irkalla and provide additional options for groups that prefer more explicit rules. It is formatted to be printed on a single sheet of paper and folded in half to fit inside the physical book. ...   [click here for more]
Atramentis Games   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 26

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 26

Check out the next installment, Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 26! How to Lose at Malifaux: Advice on the most common mistakes beginners make. Together: A Malifaux love story. Painting Asami: Learn to Freehand and blend using the Two Brush Technique. Opposing Goals: See who will prevail in this life and death struggle. House on Haunted Hill: Build your own Halloween inspired...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 25

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 25

Check out the next installment, Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 25! Designing New Masters: A look at coming up with the new Masters. Puppet Strings: Watch the Bunraku take to the stage! Praise the Oyabun: Painting the Shadow Emissary. Chain Gang: A day in the life of convict labor. Creation of New Gremlin Families: A glimpse of Into the...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 24

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 24

Check out the next installment, Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 24! It's All About the Fundamentals: Learn how knowing fundamentals of Malifaux will help you improve as a player. Initiation: The first night on the job is always rough. Stupid Rookie: A new Malifaux scenario. That Sinking Feeling: Painting Jaakuna Ubume. Allegro:...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 23

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 23

Check out the newly released Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 23! Deployment: Take a strategic look at the first phase of a Malifaux game. Might is Right: Fearsome Genbu teaches a lesson. Carrion My Wayward Son: Painting the Carrion Emissary. The Gambling Den: A new option for a Shifting Loyalties campaign. Getting an Advantage...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 22

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 22

Hey Wyrdos. Check out the newly released Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 22! Plotting and Scheming: Get an in-depth look at the 2016 Schemes Heart of Stone: A serial killer is loose in Malifaux Be My Valentine: A Valentine-themed Malifaux scenario Building A Display Piece: Some great tips for building terrain Owner of a Lonely Heart:...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 21

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 21

Hey Wyrdos. Check out the newly released Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 21! ·         Forged in Darkness: Aionus visits Plague ·         Creating a TTB Adventure: A helpful guide for Fatemasters ·         Fun with Scheme Markers: Win more games by (1) Interacting with this article! ·         The Fickle Whims of Time: An Aionus-themed Malifaux scenario ·         My...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 20

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 20

Hey Wyrdos. Check out the newly released Wyrd Chronicles Vol. 20! In this issue: A Bad Penny: A story about bad things happening... Meat Market: A Through the Breach setting Age Before Beauty: Yan Lo versus Colette! The Blood Moon: A Halloween themed Malifaux scenario Dancing Queen: Painting up the ever lovely Lola from the Dark Carnival Good Faith: A quick Through the Breach one shot By Yan Lo's...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 19

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 19

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. In this issue: Why Won't You Die?!: Learn how to deal with Malifaux's toughest models. High Stakes: A skilled gambler is about to play the most dangerous game of his life. Scenario - Off the Rails: They say the railroad's coming through here soon... Playing with Fire: Omnicarbivore takes on the queen...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 18

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 18

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. In this issue: The Great Debate: Our two tactics authors go head to head! The Dark Carnival: Guess what's coming to town. Scenario - Cosplay Deathmatch: Who will emerge victorious? A Night At the Star: A TTB Adventure - there's been a murder at the Star Theater! The Errand: Sebastian's on a mission. All...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 17

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 17

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 16

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 16

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 15

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 15

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 14

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 14

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 13

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 13

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 12

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 12

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 11

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 11

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 10

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 10

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 09

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 09

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 08

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 08

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 07

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 07

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 06

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 06

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 05

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 05

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 04

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 04

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 03

Wyrd Chronicles - Ezine - Issue 03

Online E-Zine from Wyrd Miniatures with content on all things Wyrd! Bi-Monthly. ...   [click here for more]
Wyrd Miniatures   FREE 

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