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This is a micro-RPG for two players. When you’re trying to take over the world, it’s important to take the time to eat... [click here for more] |
Sad Press |
Pay What You Want
 Преложение, это минималистичная игра, чье действие происходит в мрачной России будущего, раздираемой новой гражданской войной и чудовищами извне. Фокус игры в исследовании Города и попытках сделать его вновь безопасным. ... [click here for more] |
Red Hedgehog |
{Code}isattvas is an eco-hacking, collaborative one-page RPG.
In {Code}isattvas, you’re an ethical hacker attempting to liberate natural ecosystems under the influence of the Simulated Autocracy of Metaphysical Serialization and Automated Registration Authority, also known as S.A.M.S.A.R.A. By deploying the appropriate programs you might be able to restore... [click here for more] |
Nightpath Publishing |
This is a free 12-page preview of the full 200-page book.
Download the first 12 pages of N.O.W. for free. This introduction section introduces the game, provides a short play example, a brief glossary, and a discussion of action genres. Rather than including a setting itself, N.O.W. is very much pitched as a toolkit full of rules and guidelines which help you create... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Carne Fresca es un juego sencillo que os llevará a representar experiencias de supervivencia en una crisis zombi mundial. Incluye un sencillo sistema basado en dificultades y reglas completas de daño, tensión y persecuciones. Así que, agarra un puñado de dados de seis y reza lo que sepas porque ¡ya están aquí! Pesadilla en Midville es un escenario introductorio completo incluido... [click here for more] |
Three Fourteen Games |
Pay What You Want
Zone 28 is a rules light roleplaying game inspired by Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker. The game has an emphasis on exploration, mystery, survival, character introspection, and a slow but inevitable creeping doom that corrupts and erodes until nothing remains. Players should not expect a happy ending for their characters. They are not heroes and danger lurks around every corner in the Zone.
Character creation... [click here for more] |
Shrike Studio |
What separates us from the zombies?
Something stronger than a heavy steel door.
It is what’s in our hearts that elevates us above them.
But when our hearts race, chests tighten, and breaths come hard, our humanity becomes a liability. Exhaustion and the ravages of time wear us down, while leaving them untouched, narrowing the gap between us and them. Ultimately we will fall within their grasp,... [click here for more] |
Hour Games |
Pay What You Want
 Zmuszeni to gra obyczajowa akcji o byciu muchą do wynajęcia na Mazurach. ... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
Este documento es una guía rápida de cómo se juega al juego de rol de Zeme: Mundos Paralelos.
Los sistemas y mecánicas que se incluyen en este documento no son las definitivas ni se explican con todo detalle, solo son una pequeña muestra del juego.
El libro básico del juego de rol está dividido en dos secciones y en cada una de ellas se detallan todas las mecánicas y sistemas necesarios para... [click here for more] |
Hirukoa |
 Unlock the powers of your mind. Save your home.
The City is hurting, you can feel it. Bad people are getting worse, and good people are getting too scared to help. Most people think evil is just a presence, something that can't be faced head on. You know better.
Zeitgeist is a rules-light game about gifted psychics fighting the forces of mental anguish that tear our world apart. Build your character... [click here for more] |
Pentagon Games |
 O Manual rápido é uma versão demonstração de Yoshiro RPG, cenário baseado nos quadrinhos de mesmo nome, cujo disponibiliza vários materiais gratuitos do cenário em seu site oficial. ... [click here for more] |
Rodrigo Jeferson |
Welcome to X's In Their Eyes! The greatest talent show on Earth!
The judges are all thoroughly awful people with many enemies.
You are one such enemy - with a plan to get close enough to the judge to kill them in a tragic performance accident.
This GMless one-page one-shot will have you embody horrible judges, combine outrageous acts and improvise when someone steals your crucial props.
Can you... [click here for more] |
Vocal Demand |
Pay What You Want
This is a worldbuilding game about exploring the multiverse and creating weird ideas and worlds that defy our expectations (the style of “Rick and Morty” and “Gravity Falls”).
You and your friends will explore the multiverse, hop between zany dimensions, discover strange worlds, and improvise absurd, epic, or dramatic scenes that take place in these worlds.
This game is:
A great way... [click here for more] |
lumen |
 Character sheet for ... [click here for more] |
Wry Wyvern Editions |
 Character sheet for WARPS - Core Rules ... [click here for more] |
Wry Wyvern Editions |
Welcome to the World of AEIOUS!
If you love anime, fantasy, and action then you will enjoy this. Whatever your favorite hero can do, you can emulate here to a close degree. All it needs is your imagination and daring adventurous passion. But it doesn't stop there, AEIOUS is a whole new world where you can create your own stories and carve your own legend in the wide, wild world. ... [click here for more] |
RAdV Creatives |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the World of AEIOUS!
If you love anime, fantasy, and action then you will enjoy this. Whatever your favorite hero can do, you can emulate here to a close degree. All it needs is your imagination and daring adventurous passion. But it doesn't stop there, AEIOUS is a whole new world where you can create your own stories and carve your own legend in the wide, wild world. ... [click here for more] |
RAdV Creatives |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the World of AEIOUS!
If you love anime, fantasy, and action then you will enjoy this. Whatever your favorite hero can do, you can emulate here to a close degree. All it needs is your imagination and daring adventurous passion. But it doesn't stop there, AEIOUS is a whole new world where you can create your own stories and carve your own legend in the wide, wild world. ... [click here for more] |
RAdV Creatives |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the World of AEIOUS!
If you love anime, fantasy, and action then you will enjoy this. Whatever your favorite hero can do, you can emulate here to a close degree. All it needs is your imagination and daring adventurous passion. But it doesn't stop there, AEIOUS is a whole new world where you can create your own stories and carve your own legend in the wide, wild world. ... [click here for more] |
RAdV Creatives |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the World of AEIOUS!
If you love anime, fantasy, and action then you will enjoy this. Whatever your favorite hero can do, you can emulate here to a close degree. All it needs is your imagination and daring adventurous passion. But it doesn't stop there, AEIOUS is a whole new world where you can create your own stories and carve your own legend in the wide, wild world. ... [click here for more] |
RAdV Creatives |
Pay What You Want
 Wciel się we włamywaczy w zoo, walczące z duchami koty, harcujące w sklepie myszy lub rodzinkę polującą na komary.... [click here for more] |
Erpegowy Matecznik |
The wheels of justice have turned. Starting on the eve of the execution, we explore the events that brought us to this point, and determine collectively whether the Governor will grant clemency. Witness to the Execution is a Storygame for 3-5 players. ... [click here for more] |
Narratio Press |
Created for the 2023 DrivethruRPG - PocketQuest Design Jam Based onthe author's "Straight to Video" system, "With spell and Blaster" is a Space Opera RPG, set when the technological Stellar League is coming up against the agressive Nornahir Empire, who travel the stars witht he aid of magic and dragons. This is a simple and fast RPG, designed to emulate action movies. Characters find themselves... [click here for more] |
Salient Hurcheon |
Witches of Midnight Quickstart is a gender inclusive "hopeful horror" urban fantasy Forged in the Dark table-top game.
Players take the roles of Wyld Witches and their Familiars who form a Coven for mutual support in a dark and harsh modern world.
It's the not-too-distant future and your magical powers aren't registered. You can't rely on the electronic infrastructure of the world economy or... [click here for more] |
Balsamic Moon Games Collective |
Pay What You Want
WITCH DOCTORS is a tabletop roleplaying game about the supernatural forces that vie for control of our minds, lives, and modern world, and the unique few capable of defying them for the sake of those who can’t.
This small subset of people are called Witch Doctors. Born different. Uniquely aware of those forces – some routine, some not – that fight for dominion and obedience.... [click here for more] |
Curious Monk |
This is the free demo for Wild World Wrestling, the #1 wrestling RPG from Timeout Diversions. Now you can take your first step into the ring and try out your very own mini-show!
This "quickstart" features six characters not available anywhere else: Jindal Mehul, Derrick Young, Ares Austin, Coby Roads, Matthew "The Archetype" Morrigan, Cade Barrick. Grab a wrestler, duke it out in a standard or gimmick... [click here for more] |
Timeout Diversions |
In the movies, the hero doesn't run around unscathed until that final blow that takes him out of commission. He's getting beat up. Winded. Exhausted. Limping. Remember the first Die Hard movie? What made him heroic was doing what he did despite his inujuries and pain. This light supplement is free for you White Lies players - a nifty drop table to add that little something extra to your fight scenes.... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG now folds a slightly modified version of these rules into the core book.
This is an outfitting supplement for the White Lies RPG. And it's free!
Spies need gadgets. In the Equipment chapter of the White Lies core rulebook there are general guidelines for gadgets, and there are specific lists of gadget-like upgrades... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG now folds a slightly modified version of these rules into the core book.
In the White Lies RPG, players can armor their agents with three grades of protective gear. While this is functional in game mechanics terms, it's not very interesting to imagine. Admins should encourage their players to describe their armor in... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG now folds a slightly modified version of these rules into the core book.
In the White Lies RPG, players can equip their agents with three various upgradeable gear. Spies like gadgets. In the equipment chapter of the core rulebook there are specific upgrades available to weapons and vehicles to add spy features to them,... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG now folds a slightly modified version of these rules into the core book.
Some agents do more than take orders. They give them. A good team of spies should be organized to work as a team. Often, this means developing a plan and taking control of a tactical situation. Some agents excel in this, others do not. The agency... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG now folds a slightly modified version of these rules into the core book.
All agents are sufficiently capable when it comes to fighting unarmed. They cause enough damage to potentially take down a thug with a punch or two. But some agents should excel in hand-to-hand combat, and it doesn't have to just be the Eliminator.... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
NOTE: This product is obsolete. The 2nd Edition White Lies RPG invalidates this version of these rules. We may release an edited version in the future, but until then, please enjoy the seven Agent Divisions provided in the 2nd Edition!
During development of White Lies, we tended to overthink things. Game balance... difficult and elusive. Especially in a world when a bullet can... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
There is a war going on every day, a war of ideologies. Its soldiers don’t march in lines or report to a large pentagonal building. It is a shadow war where information and bullets hold equal weight, cutting-edge technology changes the nature of crime and espionage, and enemies don’t always wear uniforms.
This game is about clandestine Special Forces parachuting... [click here for more] |
DwD Studios |
Pay What You Want
Cuss World Books and Games |
Cuss World Books and Games |
Print it out, blow it up, use it with minis or just for keeping track of where you are. This is where it all goes down. Well, most of it. Some of it. ... [click here for more] |
Cuss World Books and Games |
Roleplay tomorrow’s family today! Think in the future everyone will still be living in traditional husband and wife and two kid families? Think again. A revolution in family models is taking place, so get with the curve. Remember, today’s weird is tomorrow’s normal.
The player group will play out all the usual family dramas - attending PTA meetings, having arguments over TV watching, computer... [click here for more] |
indyhippo |
This is a beta playtest ruleset, version 2.0, for When We Die! You’ll find here all you need to test the game’s core mechanics, as well as a raft of expanded rules and an overview of the When We Die world. Right now this document is aimed at experienced gamers, so you won’t find all the “introduction to roleplaying” information... [click here for more] |
Typhon Games |
Welcome Employee Number 1587
Have you ever wanted to climb a corporate ladder but find yourself struggling through toxic work environments and the sheer redundancy of the entire structure that just seems to be there to perpetuate greed and misery? Well welcome to WEAREALLONE!
This Solo TTRPG puts you in the newly polished shoes of the brand-new employee of ServeCorp, you must... [click here for more] |
Innocentgoblin |
Pay What You Want
For over a millennia, you and your coven of immortal guardians have watched over this site of power. This point of magical energy must be protected lest its powerful magics be unleashed upon an unprepared world. But now, a group of mortals have dared to disturb this sacred location and must be taught the error of their ways.
Your goal is simple: these interlopers must be driven away lest they damage... [click here for more] |
Rat In A Suit Productions |
Welcome to the Wasted Earth Starter Rules. This quickstart guide will get you up to speed with a band of misfits living in a struggling post-apocalyptic community. Both at the community level and at the survivor scale, the game is played with an easy to learn 3d6 system, where bonuses and penalties are counted by adding dice to the roll and resolved by taking the lowest 3, or highest... [click here for more] |
Pigeon Hat Games Ltd. |
Warmer in the Winter is a roleplaying game where the players recreate the general tone of heartwarming Christmas and Holiday romance movies such as those often seen on the Hallmark or Lifetime networks. It also works well for light hearted dramadeys such as The Good Witch or Gilmore Girls.
Huge thanks go out to Vincent and Meguey Baker for Apocalypse World and the Powered by the Apocalypse game system.... [click here for more] |
Gamenomicon |
What Is Wanderer?
WANDERER is a tabletop roleplaying game set in a multiverse with locales and worlds connected by what is commonly known as shimmers.
Shimmers offer a (relatively) safe way to travel between worlds and different locales. This has created a unique political and economic situation, bringing forth the Commonality, a collection of worlds and locales with like-minded... [click here for more] |
Free Radicals Press |
Pay What You Want
Anything Is Possible! The cosmos is but an infinitesimal mote floating in an endless sea of alternate spheres of existence where improbabilities do not exist. It is the Infinite Continua.
Vortex is a customizable miniature skirmish game that can be used with any miniature in any setting, using the miniatures and terrain you already own! The Vortex: Core Rulebook contains rules... [click here for more] |
Unified Theory Games |
Yhteys on esiosa Vihan lapset -roolipelille. Kyseessä on kertaseikkailuna pelattava seikkailu, jossa hahmot ovat sääaseman työntekijöitä Suomen Lapissa, jotka joutuvat outojen tapahtumien keskelle. ... [click here for more] |
Myrrysmiehet |
Vihan lapset on roolipeli dystooppisesta Suomesta aikana, kun avaruusoliot ovat vallaanneet koko maailman. Pelaajien hahmot ovat vastarinta aistelijoita, jotka taistelevat avaruusolioiden hirmuhallintoa vastaan.
Nämä ovat Flow-sääntöjen päälle päivittyvät noppasäännöt ... [click here for more] |
Myrrysmiehet |
Vengeance Hollywoodienne
“Je suis un gars de la campagne, qui gagne sa vie à la sueur de son front. J'ai construit ma baraque à l'écart de la ville, en pleine cambrousse. J'aime le calme et la vie simple des petites villes. Une bonne bidoche et une bonne bière. Mon nom est Anthony Porter. Je cherche à venger la mort prématurée de mon fils, qui avait fait de mauvais choix et avait rompu... [click here for more] |
Gulix |
Pay What You Want
The City Hungers. Will You Feed It?
The streets bleed shadows as the supernatural politics of the city threaten to swallow you whole. Will you die a hero—a savior for those who have never had enough—or live long enough to become the villain? Will you fight the darkness...or give in for power?
The choice is yours.
Urban Shadows: Second Edition is an urban fantasy tabletop roleplaying... [click here for more] |
Magpie Games |
Pay What You Want
 UNROPLEN is an ultra-simple set of role-playing game rules and encourages imagination and creativity over a heavy amount of rules, keeping everyone bogged down. UNROPLEN is open to any setting, from traditional fantasy, to science fiction or anything else.
The rules allow for quick hacking, to enable the game to be played as the GM and players wish, serving as a foundation, with future releases to... [click here for more] |
Crushpop Productions |