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Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy
by Need Games


It will guide you into ancient mysteries, breathtaking views, incredible magic, and powerful beings.

Like the heroes of legend and myth, your characters will start from humble origins and set off towards a glorious fate, eventually rising high enough

Fabula Ultima Atlas: High Fantasy
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 这是一个双人角色扮演游戏。当你掌管世界的时候,千万别忘了好好吃饭。当你激活启示门,将想法上传到互联网或与新的1,000,000个骷髅士兵握手时,你今天的工作压力可能会非常大。更应该好好照顾自己! This is a micro-RPG for two players. When you’re trying to take over the world, it’s important to take the time to eat...   [click here for more]
Sad Press  Pay What You Want

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祸不单行规则书(Fiasco Classic)

祸不单行规则书(Fiasco Classic)

关于《祸不单行》 《祸不单行》是一款优秀的3-5人游戏,无需主持人、无需准备,只需要数个六面骰,在短短几个小时内即可完成。你要在游戏中设计并演绎贪婪、恐惧与欲望交织而成的愚蠢之极、富有灾难性的局面,就像制作自己的科恩兄弟电影,其花费的时间也和观赏一部此类影片差不多。 事情很快变得一塌糊涂……...   [click here for more]
Labyrinth Culture  $12.00

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祸不单行游戏指南(Fiasco Companion)

祸不单行游戏指南(Fiasco Companion)

这是一本内容翔实的深度指导手册,能让你的《祸不单行》之旅更加精彩纷呈。 渴望自创游戏套组?想要调整规则?实施方法——辅以案例——就在这里。如果你是《祸不单行》的行家里手,期待不同的游戏体验,这里可以找到各种改变基本玩法的游戏技巧,还有全新的节外生枝与劫后余波列表,以及四个全新游戏套组。...   [click here for more]
Labyrinth Culture  $12.00

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エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - EFS Japanese Version

エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - エクスプレスフロンティアシステム - EFS Japanese Version

Express Frontier System (EFS) は、凝縮された簡潔なロールプレイ ゲーム システムであり、上級ゲームマスターまたはすでに Original Frontiers ゲームに精通している人向けに設計されています。これは、世界最大のゲーム コミュニティであるテーブルトップ RPG ゲームの世界に何かをお返しする私の方法でもあります。...   [click here for more]
Original Frontiers  Pay What You Want

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⁍⁍⁍⁍⁍TXN SOULS⁌⁌⁌⁌⁌

⁍⁍⁍⁍⁍TXN SOULS⁌⁌⁌⁌⁌

Ten souls that wander the Wastes, that interrupt what is with what could be, whether for better or worse... ⁍⁍⁍⁍⁍TXN SOULS⁌⁌⁌⁌⁌ is a supplement for Rathayibacter's post-apocalyptic anti-western game [BXLLET> that provides 10 NPCs to be plugged into your game with a roll table to help...   [click here for more]
ATypicalFaux  $3.00 $1.80

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Эфир и Шестерни. Быстрый Старт

Эфир и Шестерни. Быстрый Старт

Приветствую! Это - файл для Быстрого Старта в мою систему "Эфир и Шестерни" на ее оригинальном языке - на русском. Тут есть всё, чтобы начать игру. ...   [click here for more]
NikShevtsov  Pay What You Want

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Эфир и Шестерни

Эфир и Шестерни

Приветствую! Это - набор документов для игры по моей AW-системе "Эфир и Шестерни". Помимо основной книги, в него входит также дополнение "Тени и Маски", посвященное более эзотерической стороне системы, а также справочные материалы...   [click here for more]
NikShevtsov  Pay What You Want

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Всё может пойти наперекосяк. И очень быстро. Игра Фиаско призвана отражать дух коротких стремительно развивающихся сюжетов кино. Фильмы, послужившие источниками вдохновения, известны многим: «Просто кровь», «Фарго», «Путь...   [click here for more]
Studio 101  $6.72

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Тройка! - мистическое издание

Тройка! - мистическое издание

«Тройка!» - это сюрреалистичная настольная ролевая игра на стыке научной фантастики и фэнтези. В ней игроки путешествуют по бесконечным божественным городам, пролетают над мистическими пространствами, встречают огромное...   [click here for more]
Cubatory  $7.00

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Смолевые крысы

Смолевые крысы

Смолевые крысы Возможно ли играть в настольную ролевую игру вообще без кубиков? Кто-то утвердительно кивнёт, кто-то покачает головой. Должна ли такая игра отвечать только «да» и «нет» на вопрос, получилось ли у вашего персонажа...   [click here for more]
Ponygames  $4.50

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Не Перемикайтесь!

Не Перемикайтесь!

Односторінкова сатирична настільно-рольова гра про акторів реаліті-шоу. Чи говорять щось для тебе такі назви як «Битва Екстрасенсів», «Хата на Тата», «Пекельна Кухня», та інші неперевершені приклади шоу на українському...   [click here for more]
ІНРІУМ  Pay What You Want

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Г’номы варят кофе

Г’номы варят кофе

«Г’номы варят кофе» — это ироничная настольная ролевая игра от Чайного паладина, посвящённая борьбе с долгами и продаже кофе. Судьба начинающих предпринимателей в ваших руках. Только ваши действия решат,...   [click here for more]
Red Librarian  $4.00

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Æther Quick Start Guide

Æther Quick Start Guide

Absolutely the bare minimum of the Æther rules you need to run a game! A great way to introduce yourself to the system, it is stripped of much of the fluff of the system and still holds all of the crunch. This 37 page PDF contains a character sheet, rules for character creation, skills, equipment, combat and scene rules, as well as rules for character advancement and continuing the game after...   [click here for more]
Silver Gryphon Games  $4.00

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~Una Rosa para Erato (Un Escenario de Fantasía para TSRPG) ~

~Una Rosa para Erato (Un Escenario de Fantasía para TSRPG) ~

"Una Rosa para Erato" es una aventura de fantasía para TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto) inspirada en el mito y la leyenda griega antigua y la musa de la poesía romántica. Es adecuado para un narrador y de uno u ocho jugadores (con cuatro siendo óptimo), y normalmente tomará de dos a tres horas para jugar. Esta búsqueda divertida y atractiva para honrar a una diosa y preservar...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Невелика Рольова Гра для Подорожі)~

Якщо ви живете в Україні або є українцем, ми заохочуємо вас отримати це україномовне видання нашого бестселера TSRPG (Travel Sized RPG) безкоштовно як наш подарунок! Ми хотіли б попросити всіх інших підтримати наші зусилля від...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto) ~

~TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto) ~

Todas las reglas mínimas para TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Juego de Rol Compacto) caben en una página.  No se necesitan dados. Los personajes tienen solo dos estadísticas: Física y Mental, y cualquier contabilidad que pueda ser necesaria se puede hacer en una servilleta de cóctel con un bolígrafo prestado de un camarero. La acción se resuelve a través de Desafíos, y las consecuencias de estos,...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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~El Plan de Una Noche de Verano (Un Escenario de Fantasía para TSRPG) ~

~El Plan de Una Noche de Verano (Un Escenario de Fantasía para TSRPG) ~

"¡El Plan de Una Noche de Verano" es un escenario de fantasía autónomo para el Juego de Rol Compacto (TSRPG) que está inspirado por William Shakespeare y ambientado en el mundo de los mitos antiguos y leyendas griegas, y que incluye todo lo necesario para jugarlo!  Los personajes de esta aventura son sirvientes elementales de 30 centimetros de altura de la Reina de las Hadas, Titania,...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $2.99 $2.24

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~ TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ~

~ TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG/Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ~

TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG, oder Kompakt-Rollenspiel für Unterwegs) ist ein improvisiertes Erzählspiel für einen Erzähler und einen oder mehrere Spieler, das man leicht nahezu überall spielen kann, vom Wartebereich an einem Flughafen, an dem man gerade festsitzt, bis zu einem Hotelzimmer spät in der Nacht, wo es gerade nichts anderes zu unternehmen gibt (und natürlich auch bei dir zu Hause)....   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  $1.99

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~ 'Ragnarok: Age of Wolves' Preview ~

~ 'Ragnarok: Age of Wolves' Preview ~

Ragnarok: Age of Wolves is a skirmish-level game for novice and experienced tabletop players alike that emulates the desperate small-scale actions that might result during the unending winter that is the first stage of the Viking Apocalypse. This preview includes an overview of the game, a listing of everything it contains, and illustrations representative of what appears in...   [click here for more]
Skirmisher Publishing  Pay What You Want

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{Code}isattvas is an eco-hacking, collaborative one-page RPG. In {Code}isattvas, you’re an ethical hacker attempting to liberate natural ecosystems under the influence of the Simulated Autocracy of Metaphysical Serialization and Automated Registration Authority, also known as S.A.M.S.A.R.A. By deploying the appropriate programs you might be able to restore...   [click here for more]
Nightpath Publishing   FREE 

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Before a bullet is even aimed, the wealth hoarded behind the lead sets out to drain the lives of others... []CHXMBER] & ()BXRREL) is a supplement for Rathayibacter's [BXLLET> that lets the PCs build power and hold sway over a settlement. It was made as part of [BXLLET> JXM 2. Your purchase includes a fully...   [click here for more]
ATypicalFaux  $3.00

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[SPANISH] Carne Fresca

[SPANISH] Carne Fresca

Carne Fresca es un juego sencillo que os llevará a representar experiencias de supervivencia en una crisis zombi mundial. Incluye un sencillo sistema basado en dificultades y reglas completas de daño, tensión y persecuciones. Así que, agarra un puñado de dados de seis y reza lo que sepas porque ¡ya están aquí! Pesadilla en Midville es un escenario introductorio completo incluido...   [click here for more]
Three Fourteen Games  Pay What You Want

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[NM156], GMZero RPG 7

[NM156], GMZero RPG 7

We are Paragons, enforcers of justice, living in the utopia of the Grand Society. Terrorists seeking to spread fear and panic live among us. They threaten the Grand Society by sowing discontent and seeking to destroy everything we hold as good and right and true. If they had it their way there would be no reincarnation, they would force us all to face the final death; oblivion. As Paragons it is our...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $9.95

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[French] Tricube Tales

[French] Tricube Tales

Qu'est-ce que Tricube Tales ? Ce produit a commencé comme un simple ensemble de directives pour jouer de courtes parties avec des enfants de cinq ans. Cependant, les règles fonctionnaient très bien pour les adultes également, alors il a été décidé de les étendre en un jeu complet. Polyvalent : Tricube Tales est un système de jeu de rôle léger, capable de gérer une grande...   [click here for more]
Nicolas Chauveau  Pay What You Want

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[%] is a role-playing system designed to find a balance between narrative freedom, mechanical balance, and ease-of-use. With simple, intuitive core mechanics backed up with loads of options, this light-weight system puts story first while still allowing for balanced protagonists and legitimate threats and obstacles. Intuitive, percentage-based core mechanic that applies to all actions means you'll...   [click here for more]
Malachi Sharlow  Pay What You Want

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ZweiKopfDämon - Ein kreatives Rollenspiel über dämonische Kontrolle für zwei Personen

ZweiKopfDämon - Ein kreatives Rollenspiel über dämonische Kontrolle für zwei Personen

Hättet ihr den soeben auf dem Flohmarkt von einem äußerst suspekten Händler erstandenen, alten und skurrilen Gegenstand doch nicht öffnen sollen?… War die Idee, den düsteren Hexenmeister zu verärgern, doch nicht so glorreich, wie ihr anfänglich gedacht habt?… Aber vielleicht war es auch der kürzlich entdeckte Zauberspruch, den ihr besser nicht ausgesprochen hättet?… Eines wisst...   [click here for more]
vonallmenspiele  $7.77

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Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko

Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko

W Łodzi o wartości człowieka decyduje grubość jego portfela. Wy odkrywacie, że w życiu chodzi o coś więcej. Teraz musicie o to zawalczyć. Zuchwały zgarnia wszystko to gra fabularna dla dwóch osób. Akcja rozgrywa się w fikcyjnej XIX-wiecznej Łodzi inspirowanej Ziemią obiecaną Władysława Reymonta.  Osoba grająca wciela się w fabrykanta, który musi ocalić...   [click here for more]
Kaja Solska   FREE 

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Zombieskin, Protocol Game Series 19

Zombieskin, Protocol Game Series 19

Zombieskin is a story roleplaying game about mutants and zombies — Damned and Scabs — waging an epic battle at the end of the world. As society crumbles around them, the scab horde grows stronger each day. Characters are the Damned, not so average people with genetic mutations, using their gifts to fight the zombie hordes and keep the world from ending. But each use of their mutant power brings...   [click here for more]
Gallant Knight Games  $3.95

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ZOMBIES - Business Card Edition

ZOMBIES - Business Card Edition

Made for the itch pleasure card jam! Designed to create tense survivalist TTRPG gameplay in the zombie apocalypse, with a ruleset that just can't get any more readable, digestible and enjoyable, taking up less space than a bookmark on your gaming shelf! This game became the second most popular in the jam in under 24 hours Key Inspirations were: Alien...   [click here for more]
SR 16   FREE 

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Zombie WW2 OSR

Zombie WW2 OSR

Two great tastes that taste great together. I hope we all know that the good guys don’t wear black uniforms. Those Fascists jackboots got to die. We had them nearly defeated, when the Führer made his final pact with darkness and started conjuring zombie armies, enhanced by Volkssturm Hexe. Note: Certain symbols and words are expressly forbidden in modern Germany, so I refrain from some...   [click here for more]
Better Games  $4.99

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Zombie Apocalypse - The Way of War Campaign Book

Zombie Apocalypse - The Way of War Campaign Book

Zombie Apocalypse contains three campaigns based on the core rule book The Way of War, which is required in order to play this campaign. As there are no specific systems of measurement called for, this Campaign book will work for any type of figures that you use. The Campaigns contain ample amounts of zombies, making both of these campaigns very different from what has been presented...   [click here for more]
Tao Mori Games  $8.00 $6.99

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ZombHell: Quick Rules Edition

ZombHell: Quick Rules Edition

A MINIMALIST Zombie-Punk RPG by Tasha Patterson The DEMONIC INFESTATION HAS BEGUN! Hell’s gates have opened and the spirits of the damned have escaped, infecting the living and dead, turning them into flesh-eating ghouls! Can you and your friends survive at the twilight of humanity as we know it? All you need to join the apocalypse is this single page rpg, a fistful of dice, and your friends. ...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  Pay What You Want

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ZombHell: Minimalist Zombie-Punk RPG

ZombHell: Minimalist Zombie-Punk RPG

A MINIMALIST Zombie-Punk RPG by Tasha Patterson The DEMONIC INFESTATION HAS BEGUN! Hell’s gates have opened and the spirits of the damned have escaped, infecting the living and dead, turning them into flesh-eating ghouls! Can you and your friends survive at the twilight of humanity as we know it? This ultra-simple minimalist table-top role-playing game will allow you and your friends to jump into...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $2.99 $0.50

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ZombHell Setting Book: Turkey Night Terror

ZombHell Setting Book: Turkey Night Terror

A new setting for the world of ZombHell!!! Down past the South Side of Cypress Grove, is rural farmland at the outskirts of the city. Here you will find the idyllic Turkey Farms, the perfect place to pick the perfect bird for your favorite holiday meal!!! Now, however, Cypress Grove Turkey Farm is an eerily quiet expanse of land. An odd chill hangs in the air. Patches of snow dot the autumn landscape....   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $0.99 $0.50

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ZombHell Setting Book: Halloween at the Animal Hospital

ZombHell Setting Book: Halloween at the Animal Hospital

A new setting for the world of ZombHell!!! Down in the South Side of Cypress Grove, in some of the more forgotten and rundown areas of the city, sits Cypress Grove Animal Hospital. Built in what used to be an old manor house, the sprawling hospital was a place where pet owners could seek emergency care for their animals, board their animals overnight, or even bring their animals to be put to sleep...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $0.99 $0.50

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ZombHell Noir: Minimalist Zombie-Noir RPG

ZombHell Noir: Minimalist Zombie-Noir RPG

A MINIMALIST Zombie-Noir RPG by Tasha Patterson WWII may be over, but the war for humanity has JUST BEGUN! Unfortunately, it seems all the tests with atomic warfare have had a horrible side effect. The dead are rising from their graves and everywhere they go, the unnaturally cold weather seems to follow. Freezing rains, ice storms, and blizzards encompass the United States. Will you survive in the...   [click here for more]
Micro RPG  $0.99

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Zmuszeni to gra obyczajowa akcji o byciu muchą do wynajęcia na Mazurach. ...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol   FREE 

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Zine By Moonlight

Zine By Moonlight

Six issues of Zine by Moonlight, a collection of art, essays, fiction, and play advice inspired by Girl by Moonlight. From designer Andrew Gillis: “With this stretch goal I wanted to celebrate the magical girl genre, showing all the many ways that I and other creatives relate to it.” Zine by Moonlight is a handy little companion to the game,...   [click here for more]
Evil Hat Productions  $12.00 $10.00

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Dans ce contexte cyberpunk où évoluent des serfs qui essaient de survivre et de prospérer au sein d’une arcologie structurée comme un État féodal, les joueurs prennent le rôle de « fardeaux », des serfs condamnés au bannissement, à la privation ou à la mort. Pour survivre, ils se sont regroupés avec d’autres fardeaux qui refusent de céder à l’ordre brutal de l’arcologie. Leur...   [click here for more]
SYCKO  Pay What You Want

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Basic Universal Rpg, for expert and newbies. 1D6 sistem. Fits in your pocket EXTREMELY COMPACT by Qwein Games Made in Italy ...   [click here for more]
Qwein  $2.09 $1.92

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Un gdr universale su una pagina completo di tutto, regole semplificate per un gioco fluido, adatto a esperti e neofiti dei giochi di ruolo. Lo porti in tasca in UNA PAGINA, avrai tutte le informative davanti a te, per giocare da subito a qualsiasi ambientazione tu desideri. Presente, passato, Fantascienza... magari evita il Fantasy, arricchendo lo scenario di veicoli e scontri. Un combact rapidissimo....   [click here for more]
Qwein  $1.92

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Now Featuring PRODUCTION DEV - Spetember 17th, 2024 ATTENTION: This is a Production Development Document, not a completed product. It is FULLY playable, but is missing art, as well as minor rules and fluff that do not impact game play. It may contain typos, and other errors that will be added to the Errata and updated frequently to the downloadable document here....   [click here for more]
Zenith Entertainment Group  Pay What You Want

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Zeme Mundos Paralelos

Zeme Mundos Paralelos

Este documento es una guía rápida de cómo se juega al juego de rol de Zeme: Mundos Paralelos. Los sistemas y mecánicas que se incluyen en este documento no son las definitivas ni se explican con todo detalle, solo son una pequeña muestra del juego. El libro básico del juego de rol está dividido en dos secciones y en cada una de ellas se detallan todas las mecánicas y sistemas necesarios para...   [click here for more]
Hirukoa   FREE 

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Niewielka i szybka mechanika do prowadzenia gier fabularnych, inspirowana takimi tytułami jak: PbtA, FU, Fate i Clockwork. Zawiera zasady dla graczy, prowadzącego i przykład rozgrywki. Wystarczy ją wydrukować i położyć przed sobą, aby mieć wszystkie reguły zawsze pod ręką. ...   [click here for more]
Jagmin  Pay What You Want

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Zany Zoo (Core Game)

Zany Zoo (Core Game)

You are animals living in the Zany Zoo – the world’s premier metropolitan zoo! Life isn’t necessarily bad, but you long to escape captivity and roam the wild. The Zookeeper has been tasked with keeping you healthy, safe, and most importantly inside the zoo! Designed in collaboration with illustrator Will Parks, Zany Zoo is a simple tabletop roleplaying game about zoo animals attempting...   [click here for more]
Dundas West Games  $4.99

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Zam! Pow! Spork!

Zam! Pow! Spork!

Zam! Pow! Spork! is a tongue-in-cheek super sidekick game for fast, fun, one-shot scenarios.  Mechanically inspired by the Lasers & Feelings RPG (created by John Harper), the rules are easy to pick up but versatile enough to handle a wide range of superhero shenanigans. All you need are four 6-sided dice to play! (That's the normal ones...) Players create and control...   [click here for more]
Wicked Clever  $9.99

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Zaginięcie Alice

Zaginięcie Alice

ZAGINIĘCIE ALICE to cicha gra fabularna opowiadająca o zniknięciu Alice Briarwood, licealistki z sennego miasteczka Silent Falls, położonego w północnej Kalifornii. W trakcie sesji gracze używają wyłącznie telefonów komórkowych, aby wysyłać do siebie wiadomości tekstowe w miarę odkrywania nowych poszlak na temat losu Alice. Gra zajmuje jedną sesję trwającą od dwóch do trzech...   [click here for more]
Alis.Games  $11.99

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Guide to all things pizza and adventure! 209 full-color pages, containing all the rules, world-building and real life pizza lore needed to weave flavorful tales and flatbread foibles. Build a shop, build a character and pit your team against the tumultuous industry of pie-slinging experts. ...   [click here for more]
Jim Lampe  $14.99 $9.99

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Puedes crear energía y materia únicamente con desearlo, alterar al mundo con tu voluntad, tu propio cuerpo es superior al de los demás. ¿Que harás con este poder? ¿que logrará detenerte? tal vez ni la muerte lo logre. Juego participante del Rolero de Hierro del 2015 ...   [click here for more]
Plan B Games  Pay What You Want

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Your New Best Friends

Your New Best Friends

You are a Drunk Girl (or a femme, enby, genderqueer, or anyone else who wants to take advantage of this genderless bathroom to hide out for awhile). You just came out tonight to have a good time. And then something happened.    Maybe you ran into an ex who’s here kissing someone brand new after you’ve only been broken...   [click here for more]
Tiny Spooky RPGs  Pay What You Want

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  The Darkened Son Gamebook