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Односторінкова сатирична настільно-рольова гра про акторів реаліті-шоу.
Чи говорять щось для тебе такі назви як «Битва Екстрасенсів», «Хата на Тата», «Пекельна Кухня», та інші неперевершені приклади шоу на українському... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Clash! is a 'Free Kriegspiel' game that gives you a bare bones system that can cover all kinds of tasks, combat situations and magic. The rules are only 6 pages long. Based on the upcoming Clash of Steel sword & sorcery fantasy game by Zozer Games, Clash! can be played quickly and easily, with veterans, newbies or children. It is flexible enough to use with modern sci-fi and fantasy settings. ... [click here for more] |
Zozer Games |
Pay What You Want
Loner is a bare-bone freeform solo RPG designed to play with a solo character in “narrative” mode. You’ll guide your character through the story that will unravel during the game, asking closed questions to an oracle who will assume the role of Game Master. Every now and then the game will surprise you when an unexpected plot twist happens!
To play it, it is assumed that you are already familiar... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
Tonight your playgroup couldn't get together and you're dying to play?
Or you may not even have a group or maybe you don't even want to have one!
Good news: solo roleplaying is possible!
Loner is a minimalist solo game that will allow you to have amazing adventures in any genre and setting with two pairs of dice and only your imagination as the limit!... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
The world was broken, but it was never beyond repair.
In the centuries since the Catastrophe, humanity has learned to live not as masters of the Earth but as its stewards. Now, in an Awakened World, the call for renewal echoes louder than ever. As a Messenger, you walk the fragile balance between survival and hope, tasked with rebuilding the bonds... [click here for more] |
Zotiquest Games |
Pay What You Want
 The D1 System is a nonexclusive, comprehensive role-playing amusement in witch players assume the guises of Aspects in a fatuous setting. Players must except culpability for axing out these rolls within the narrative, either through liberal acting or through a process of structured decision-masking of aspect development. Actions taken within many games succeed or flail according to a formal... [click here for more] |
Zoid Enterprises |
Pay What You Want
Now available as Pay What You Want! You can get this game for any amount you like from $0 on up. If you like the game, you can "purchase" it again for an amount you think is fair.
This is not a game about ultraviolent imperialsm.
This is a game about being an ultraviolent imperialist.
Many games show the terrifying efficacy of genetically-engineered posthuman killing machines... [click here for more] |
Zero Point Information |
Pay What You Want
Now Featuring PRODUCTION DEV - Spetember 17th, 2024
ATTENTION: This is a Production Development Document, not a completed product. It is FULLY playable, but is missing art, as well as minor rules and fluff that do not impact game play. It may contain typos, and other errors that will be added to the Errata and updated frequently to the downloadable document here.... [click here for more] |
Zenith Entertainment Group |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
The Living Dead is a mondern-day zombie role playing game. This game has the story telling style of DnD as in the GM has to create a story for the player to play out. Create your character, build your sanctuary, slay hordes of the infected, and fend off looters. Will you thrive or die? ... [click here for more] |
Zechariah Winters |
Pay What You Want
Now as fillable pdf!
Elegant as an evening gown; the tactical depth of a submarine fleet deployment...
From the creator of Warpfleet...
It's white-knuckle enough trying to parse friend from foe -- who needs mountains of math on top of it all? In a world where everybody thinks they're the good guy, the only crunch should come from knees into cummerbunds.
When the chips are down,... [click here for more] |
Zardak the Dave |
Pay What You Want
Decidia is a tabletop roleplaying game which aims to fuse the core aspects of high fantasy together with the culture and technological advancements of the Machine Age and late Industrial era. It's meant to facilitate worlds where magic and machinery coexist, where dragons soar in the sky alongside airships, and where knights and magic go hand-in-hand with biplanes and landships. ... [click here for more] |
Yodachi Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 All in One (A1) est un JDR en une page, ce qui signifie que c'est un ensemble complet de règles pour jouer à un jeu de rôles tenant sur une seule feuille ! Il peut être joué avec n'importe quel univers ou scénario (il est générique) et il est fortement construit sur les principes de narration collaborative et de difficulté faible ou nulle pour le meneur, puisque toutes les difficultés et... [click here for more] |
yalsicor |
Pay What You Want
 Efecto desgaleguizador é un xogo de rol para tres xogadoras no que se observará como as diferentes fases do sistema educativo afectan á fala do galego. Composto por unha única páxina, céntrase nas diferentes etapas educativas de Hadri, que sempre escoitou unicamente galego na súa casa até os tres anos. Unha participante interpretará a Hadri, mentres que as outras encarnarán a varios... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
 Xogo de rol nunha única páxina pensado para que unha persoa leve as tarefas de dirección, namentres as outras interpretan cadansúes alieníxenes na procura de axuda para salvar o seu planeta a través do deporte. Trátase dun sistema pensado para ser xogado nunha única sesión dunhas tres horas.... [click here for more] |
Xogón |
Pay What You Want
 No dice? Left your rule book at home? No character sheets? Itching to play a free form game based on your favourite Intellectual Property as an RPG... but no one made a rule set for it yet?
Fear not, mighty heroes!!!
If you've got a few coins at hand, you can FLIP
FLIP is a rules light, coin based, character driven challenge resolution system. It's fast to learn, easy to use, and... [click here for more] |
Xipe Totec Press |
Pay What You Want
A darkly satirical game set in a weird near future post apocalypse in which pop culture is now religion...
A narrative focused, player facing game using the coin based FLIP system. Please download this product for free. If you enjoy it, I would personally greatly appreicate your donating any amount you can comfortablly afford to support Mandy's GoFundMe to assist with her legal fees as she is... [click here for more] |
Xipe Totec Press |
Pay What You Want
A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects.
GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically.
More... [click here for more] |
Xeitek |
Pay What You Want
 A one page TTRPG ruleset that is not just a simplification thereof, but an esoteric offshoot of the GIST system that shows off some of its more unique aspects.
GIST was made in response to heroic systems that I always felt like I was fighting against. GIST is a system built to handle what other systems find strange and difficult in a way that is satisfying both narratively and tactically.
Check... [click here for more] |
Xeitek |
Pay What You Want
(The contents of this book are included in the Core Rulebook.)
Core Rules
... [click here for more] |
Wushin Software |
Pay What You Want
Imagine you're walking along the street, shopping for new clothes. Suddenly, an angry sweeper bot approaches you! It's wielding a broom, ready to attack for absolutely no reason! It's time for a random battle!
The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game for short) is set in a science fiction universe with mundane skills, super powers, and magic. Oh, and don't forget the spaceships. They're half the... [click here for more] |
Writers of the Apocalypse |
Pay What You Want
You’re not young anymore. Now, young children buy baseball cards of you. You’ve come far; once a rookie, now you’re going to be in the hall of fame. One of the greatest still playing a game steeped in a history you’ve always loved. Getting paid to live out your dreams has always felt like a privilege, not a job.
For what has seemed like countless years you’ve given everything you had... [click here for more] |
Wrecking Ball Games |
Pay What You Want
All We Love We Leave Behind is a single-player roleplaying game consisting of writing letters to a person who has left you. Focusing on themes of isolation, abandonment, independence, and the passing of time, AWLWLB is a unique solitary emotional experience. The game uses a standard deck of playing card to randomize events in your writer's life and give you more things to write about to your absent... [click here for more] |
World Champ Game Co |
Pay What You Want
 This is the authorized Dutch translation of Mausritter, the sword and whiskers roleplaying game by Isaac Williams.
Pak het zwaard en zet de snorharen op van een dappere muisavonturier in Mausritter (Muisridders), een avontuurlijk fantasierollenspel.
Dankzij heerlijk snelle en kleurrijke personagecreatie speel je super snel je eigen muisavonturier.
Een... [click here for more] |
Wonderschouw |
Pay What You Want
Have you ever wanted to roleplay in a fantastical world, deep in space, or maybe the untamed wild west? Heads or Tales allows you and your friends to roleplay in any setting you’d like; the only limit is your imagination! The rules are simple: tell a story with a group of friends, and leave your fate to the flip of a coin.
Heads or Tales is for groups with any level of experience with roleplaying... [click here for more] |
WizBot Games |
Pay What You Want
Ever wondered what super villains do on their day off? Wonder no more! In No Rest For the Wicked, you will play as dasterdly villains trying to accomplish all of their errands before they get a chance to begin their world-dominating scheme. Try to navigate the world of the mundane civilians, keeping a low profile all while trying not to give in to your evil proclivities. So gather up your meanest friends,... [click here for more] |
WizBot Games |
Pay What You Want
Why We Hunt is a collaborative storytelling game where you and your friends retell the story of your latest hunt together! What did you hunt, what challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them? Players take turns telling the story as well creating complications for the other players to overcome in their retelling. Enjoy challenging each other and coming up with a hunt to remember!
Why We... [click here for more] |
WizBot Games |
Pay What You Want
Maximum Light is a Tabletop RPG set in the universe of The Green Horizon and Voiders. Intended for playing space-western campaigns, it outlines some of the key locations and principles for telling stories in the setting, as well as a set of rules for making characters and playing the game. It's a 4d12 system where success will cause you to build up Consequences, and... [click here for more] |
Witch Hat Productions |
Pay What You Want
An introduction to Goblonia, a game of madcap schemes and reckless rebellion in the ramshackle city of goblins. Play as goblin agents of G.I.T.S as you fight back against the evil, oppressive Faetriarchy. Plot your plots, scheme your schemes, bribe your friends, exploit your teammates, and frustrate your enemies. But know that nobody actually expects you to save the day. Instead, you strive... [click here for more] |
Wicked Clever |
Pay What You Want
In every gamer, there's a vampire story clawing to get out. Feed gives you focused, flexible rules to develop your story and translate it to the tabletop.
Define your unique Strain of vampirism in as much detail as any film or novel
Collaborate on a Story Profile to express your story's characters, setting, and style
Answer the 16 Questions... [click here for more] |
Whistlepunk Games |
Pay What You Want
In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that... [click here for more] |
what else |
Pay What You Want
A slow, solo, sensory, experiential pastime for spiritual seekers and storytellers. What's unfolding in the world around you? What wants to happen? How can you help? How can yours be the steady hands that uncover magical possibilities and serendipitous happenings? Play to find out. ... [click here for more] |
Wendy Fisher |
Pay What You Want
Tiny Details is a collaborative writing game for one to four players age twelve or older. Create a story by following a set of mechanical directions and watch as the story emerges. No outline, preparation, or forethought is required, so this game is great for a spontaneous one-off at a convention or party, or for those days when you're missing too many members of your group to play your regularly scheduled... [click here for more] |
Wendy Fisher |
Pay What You Want
A primer and sample mystery for Breakfast Cult.
In the Weird Age of the late 21st century, the newly-discovered occult sciences are changing the world. If you want to learn them, Occultar Academy is the place to go. In this secluded island school, talented students from all over the world can learn sorcery and occultech under the Foundation's watchful eye.
But the Academy hides dangerous secrets,... [click here for more] |
Weird Age Games |
Pay What You Want
 Food is a powerful thing. Beyond simple sustenance, the right dish might bring comfort, ease tensions, or win a heart. This is a single page ruleset, a mini-game, for RPG characters to judge and prepare food.
MOSAIC Strict is an RPG concept by Michael Prescott consisting of short, independent rules modules that would allow play groups to cherry pick mechanical bits to build their own game to fit... [click here for more] |
Wasteland of Enchantment Games |
Pay What You Want
 In real life, a fishing trip is a relaxing diversion. In an RPG, it's a treasured mini-game that allows characters to take a brief break from saving the world. This 2-page ruleset lets players enjoy casting out into cool waters to hook a trophy-worthy fish.
MOSAIC Strict is an RPG concept by Michael Prescott consisting of short, independent rules modules that would allow play groups to cherry pick... [click here for more] |
Wasteland of Enchantment Games |
Pay What You Want
Here's a magic system for RPGs that is both flexible and dangerous. Create clever effects as need and tempt fate by wielding forces beyond your control.
MOSAIC Strict is an RPG concept by Michael Prescott consisting of short, independent rules modules that would allow play groups to cherry pick mechanical bits to build their own game to fit their needs and preferences.
One great thing about MOSAIC... [click here for more] |
Wasteland of Enchantment Games |
Pay What You Want
 (Version 1.3 now available for download, with streamlined damage rules, reformatted tables and added melee weapon: the Symbiotic Venom Sword!)
A rules lite, action heavy pulp adventure style game that pits tenth century Norse heroes against the havoc caused by invading alien space pirates! What is it these strange beings are looking for? And how do you fight back against... [click here for more] |
Warden's Wreath |
Pay What You Want
Corrupt Next Christmas!
War in Christmas Vilage is a print & play tabletop, objective based, miniatures, skirmish game which uses your own Christmas Village as the tabletop terrrain. Defend Christmas Town from zombie hordes, subdue an angry Christmas Treent, and help Santa get his stolen sleigh back from a group of workshop elves gone rogue! War in Christmas Vilage is a print... [click here for more] |
War in Christmas Village -Jackalope Game |
Pay What You Want
The ultra-lite role-playing game of super-powers.
Character creation is simple, while the deceptively simple challenge system allows you to jump right into the action. A hero must protect their ideals to prove they have what it takes. Powers Don't Quit is a streamlined, fast game that focuses on decisions and improvisation rather than detailed mechanics.... [click here for more] |
Wandering Star LLC |
Pay What You Want
Part-Time Heroes is not about great warriors or the mighty wizards mentioned in the songs. So forget about the adventurers immortalized in legends and revered throughout the kingdom.
This role-playing game is about everyday people who, for lack of something better to do, seek part-time adventures. Some of them act inspired by the old songs, and wish the glory, fame and fortune of... [click here for more] |
Walter Fiuza |
Pay What You Want
READY NOW: The Second Edition of Deadball: Baseball With Dice!
Be Sure to Check out Deadball: 1909, Deadball: Year II, Deadball: Year III, and Deadball: Year IV Available Now!
Teach Your Kids to Love the Game With Deadball Junior!
Or Make... [click here for more] |
W.M. Akers |
Pay What You Want
Producers Club is a fast-paced game for 1-4 players that brings to life the glamor and drama of the Hollywood awards show circuit.
Inspired by the real-life Producers Club, a Hollywood fantasy league created by actor and playwright Dylan Lamb, this game starts with draft night, when players pick a slate of three imaginary motion pictures, and races through four awards shows. As the... [click here for more] |
W.M. Akers |
Pay What You Want
You are chickens living in the Coop, a mega complex for chicken-kind. As young revolutionaries, your goal is to topple the pecking order, and remove the rooster patriarch from the top.
Chicken Coup is a tabletop RPG by W.H. Arthur (@Aryl_Ether on Twitter), made for #ff2k19. It is a hack of Honey Heist by Grant Howitt.
For 2-6 players plus a GM.
Special thanks to Charlie Etheridge-Nunn for... [click here for more] |
W.H. Arthur |
Pay What You Want
For centuries, the Jewel Queen and her Jewel Guardians have protected earth against various threats. The Jewel Queen is gone, and the Jewel Guardians have been raising her half-human offspring. In this game, you play as the Jewel Guardians and the kid, going on adventures to capture jewel monsters, solve problems of the townsfolk, and face the evil Jewel Nemesis.
This is a tabletop... [click here for more] |
W.H. Arthur |
Pay What You Want
You've been screwed...
At least one person wants you dead...
The only people you almost trust, are people who don't necessarily trust you...
But you've got skills and talents that might just get you through...
...might just let you get some revenge
...and might let you achieve your destiny.
FUBAR is a low preparation roleplaying game focusing on a group of talented individuals who have been... [click here for more] |
Vulpinoid Studios |
Pay What You Want
'There's a dead body in the hall, my werewolf housemate has left fur everywhere and my boss is coming for dinner in an hour!'
(Having the) Time of Our Deaths is a rules-light tabletop role playing game inspired by horror movies, sitcoms, and the strange intersection of the two, (What We Do in the Shadows, The Addams Family, The Munsters, etc). ... [click here for more] |
Vullinius |
Pay What You Want
Callisto is a play-by-mail game based on the olden days back when we played by actual mail. Yes we actually sent pieces of paper with writing on them (hand writing, almost always) through the post with our orders on them and some poor sod collated them and sent back responses.
Now we have tools that simplify this greatly and it’s time to leverage them to do what couldn’t be easily done... [click here for more] |
VSCA Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Marre d’attendre toutes les joueuses ?
Duettists System est un jeu de rôles générique pour deux joueuses et une meneuse en 21 pages.
Adaptez facilement les duos célèbres de la télévision ou de la littérature tels que Starsky et Hutch, Fafrd et le Souricier gris ou encore Elric et Tristelune. .
Dans ce livre vous trouverez :
Une création de personnage orientée narration... [click here for more] |
Vortigen-jdr |
Pay What You Want