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 Hottest Game Master Rule Guides
 Hottest Community Game Master Rule Guides
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Devolver: GM Guide

Devolver: GM Guide

This guide is to help GMs create these senarios and give an idea of how most cases work from their end. This also covers creating serial killers.  ...   [click here for more]
Zechariah Winters  Pay What You Want

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The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game)

The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game)

Imagine you're walking along the street, shopping for new clothes. Suddenly, an angry sweeper bot approaches you! It's wielding a broom, ready to attack for absolutely no reason! It's time for a random battle! The Random Battle Tabletop Game (RBT Game for short) is set in a science fiction universe with mundane skills, super powers, and magic. Oh, and don't forget the spaceships. They're half the...   [click here for more]
Writers of the Apocalypse  Pay What You Want

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Mausritter (Nederlands)

Mausritter (Nederlands)

This is the authorized Dutch translation of Mausritter, the sword and whiskers roleplaying game by Isaac Williams. Pak het zwaard en zet de snorharen op van een dappere muisavonturier in Mausritter (Muisridders), een avontuurlijk fantasierollenspel. Dankzij heerlijk snelle en kleurrijke personagecreatie speel je super snel je eigen muisavonturier. Een...   [click here for more]
Wonderschouw  Pay What You Want

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Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

Modernity (Fate Edition) Coordinator's Toolkit

This pay-what-you-want product is an interactive PDF designed for use by coordinators with the Modernity (Fate Edition) RPG. The PDF has two modes: a printable version and an electronic game tracking version that you can use in realtime at the game table.   The Coordinator's Toolkit contains: Game Briefing Sheet (front & back) Hero Briefing Sheet (front & back) Session Briefing...   [click here for more]
Wistful Tiger  Pay What You Want

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Fields of Fray

Fields of Fray

Fields of Fray is a tactical tabletop game with an emphasis on character creation and player versus player combat. Stripped down of the roleplaying and dungeon crawling elements that many games have, players will have the chance to sit down and enjoy a tabletop experience with a lower entry point and a clear end. While I do love a traditional tabletop experience I would like to offer you something...   [click here for more]
WarTable Gaming  Pay What You Want

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MYRA - D20-Liste Begegnungen im Wald

MYRA - D20-Liste Begegnungen im Wald

Diese MYRA Rollenspielhilfe ist für all diejenigen gedacht, die sich für die Rollenspiel-Kampagnenwelt MYRA interessieren und mit 1W20 Optionen neue Personen, Magische Gegenstände, Völker und mehr in ihr Spiel einführen wollen. Hier: 1d20 Begegnungen im Wald, geschrieben für Karcanon aber auch auf Mythgart oder Golarion verwendbar. Unsere D20-Rollenspielhilfen: D20-Liste Händler...   [click here for more]
Verein der Freunde Myras VFM e.V.  Pay What You Want

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Noire: Elle Est, Elles Sont

Noire: Elle Est, Elles Sont

Noire: Elle Est, Elles Sont is a mini RPG where you play as a group of Femmes Fatales, trying to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of an alcoholic detective. ...   [click here for more]
Ursidice  Pay What You Want

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Hey, kid—is combat taking too long? Tired of the same ol’ crit/fumble effects? Then you need /hack. All attacks hit—no more rolling to miss! Weapon/armor dice crit/fumble on max/1! Crit/fumble effects determined by opposing weapon/armor roll! A5 size! Official GM screen–compatible! Print it on your favorite eyeball-scorchingly yellow paper! /hack is an independent production...   [click here for more]
Urizenic  Pay What You Want

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Fading Suns - Company of the Phoenix - Art and layout pack

Fading Suns - Company of the Phoenix - Art and layout pack

Art and Layout kit according to the guidelines for the Company of the Phoenix Use of layout elements from this set is only permitted for works published in the Company of the Phoenix. This publication must also include a copyright page with the following legal note. The following text must be included in your publication (and has to be added next to all other legal and copyright notes): This...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Fading Suns 4 - Fakers & Freebooters

Fading Suns 4 - Fakers & Freebooters

Space piracy — a plague on interstellar society! A scourge nearly impossible to eradicate!   The line between pirates, privateers, opportunistic adventurers, and space captains confiscating resources for themselves is blurry. Common to them all, however, is their preying upon freight, infrastructure, and commerce, and their willful looting of space depots, scientific installations,...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Fading Suns 4 - Streamlined Rules Booklet

Fading Suns 4 - Streamlined Rules Booklet

The Fading Suns 4th edition rules presented in the Character Book provide a robust way to resolve all sorts of actions your characters might take, while giving players a lot of freedom for how they spend their resources (mainly, victory points). But all those resources can prove a bit difficult to handle when you’re playing away from the table. Hence, this streamlined version of the rules! The goal...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Werkzeuge des Meisters (Let's Play-Edition) (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werkzeuge des Meisters (Let's Play-Edition) (PDF) als Download kaufen

Werkzeuge des Meisters - Let's Play-Edition  ...   [click here for more]
Ulisses Spiele  Pay What You Want

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Alique: an Anything RPG

Alique: an Anything RPG

I don't want you to buy a game you're not interested in, so here's the design decisions and concepts. This game is heavily narrativist. That means the system is very simple without any real tactical complexity. It’s more focused on telling a cool story than on careful resource management. There's lots of ways for players to manipulate the dice rolls, and players almost always succeed. There are resources...   [click here for more]
Twisted Die Productions  Pay What You Want

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Master's Combined Guide to the 3rd Edition System Reference Document + Arcana

Master's Combined Guide to the 3rd Edition System Reference Document + Arcana

MSRDIIIS MASTER’S COMBINED GUIDE TO THE 3RD EDITION SYSTEM REFERENCE DOCUMENT + ARCANA   ALL THE POWER OF FANTASY, AT YOUR FINGERTIPS! This tome combines all the information and tools and variant options needed to fuel your imagination to create never-ending stories; adventures beyond counting, worlds without ends, fantasies unlimited by anything save your imagination and bravery, using the...   [click here for more]
Twin Seraphim Studios  Pay What You Want

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ParanoïHack - Pour MJ

ParanoïHack - Pour MJ

Le jeu de rôle ParanoïHack vous propose des parties dans une France futuriste qui ressemble beaucoup à la France contemporaine, à quelques détails près.  Créez rapidement des citoyens qui devront suivre les ordres de l'État et résoudre toutes les missions imposées, tout en maintenant votre score de citoyenneté élevé, quitte à dénoncer vos collègues. Le livre "ParanoïHack pour MJ"...   [click here for more]
total-gamer  Pay What You Want

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Fairyforest First book of adventures

Fairyforest First book of adventures

Первая книга приключений для Fairyforest Перед вами первая книга приключений для Fairyforest полностью составленная из приключений, написанных игровым сообществом. Книга состоит из пяти приключений разных авторов. Плюс...   [click here for more]
Tony's gamecraft  Pay What You Want

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Fairyforest starter set rus

Fairyforest starter set rus

Fairyforest это бесплатная авторская фэнтези RPG для детей и их родителей. Игра о невероятных фэнтези приключениях маленьких ведьмочек и ведьмаков в краю Фейрифорест.        "Добрый день, маленькие ведьмочки и ведьмаки....   [click here for more]
Tony's gamecraft  Pay What You Want

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Sweetest dungeon

Sweetest dungeon

САМОЕ СЛАДКОЕ ПОДЗЕМЕЛЬЕ Победа ещё никогда не была такой сладкой! Шуточный детский данжкроул по зачистке подземелий от сладостей с элементами наследия, который поможет вам весело провести время вместе....   [click here for more]
Tony's gamecraft  Pay What You Want

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Treasures Just Beyond O5R GM Hack

Treasures Just Beyond O5R GM Hack

Powered by the OGL, inspired by the OSR Ever run a 5th Edition game and wonder where an important GM-facing rule is? Ever design a dungeon-crawl and grimace when all the PCs can see in the dark unaided What are torches for in this edition, anyway? Throw out your game master guide* and use this instead! Treasures Just Beyond - O5R GM Hack is here for you! Treasures Just Beyond - O5R...   [click here for more]
Tim Bannock  Pay What You Want

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Bring a rules-lite system for hacking to your Death in Space games. Ties into existing game mechanics for ease of use. Product includes: Rules for hacking List of hacks Roll tables for hack finds, deck upgrades, and an automaton generator HACK DECK is an independent production by Charles Ross and is not affiliated with Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the DEATH IN SPACE Third Party License....   [click here for more]
Tiamat_TPK  Pay What You Want

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Motif SRD Quick Start

Motif SRD Quick Start

The Motif SRD Quickstart is a simple plug & play roleplaying game system build. It also includes a customizable but ready to use story oracle to use as a GM assistant or enable solo play! It is a companion to the Motif Toolkit SRD, which describes the broad framework of Motif. This title focuses on enabling fast pickup play with custom concepts and rapid game...   [click here for more]
Thought Punks  Pay What You Want

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Tunnels Perfect

Tunnels Perfect

Grab your D6's!   A Public Domain work-a-like framework for everyone's favorite 1975 RPG. Can be used as alternate rules for your favorite tunnel delving game. Creators can use as a base for new games.  Free use of "Tunnels Perfect" in your published material - no hassle - no fees. ...   [click here for more]
Thomas W. Simpson  Pay What You Want

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Sinister Six-Pack - A Fully-Illustrated Miniature Bestiary

Sinister Six-Pack - A Fully-Illustrated Miniature Bestiary

Surprise even the most veteran players with these fully-realized new monsters. Each has unique powers and exclusive illustrations. Built in strict adherence to the D&D 3.5e and Pathfinder rules set. Each monster entry has its own art and is structured just as it would be in the Monster Manual. Any of these critters will leave your players with something new to talk about for years to come....   [click here for more]
ThinkTank Games  Pay What You Want

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The Door with 1000 Keys: Condensed Advanced & Basic Rules

The Door with 1000 Keys: Condensed Advanced & Basic Rules

Open a door to new opportunities! The Door with 1000 Keys is an RPG rules framework that allows for tremendous customization & options for both players & GM's to build a unique world and forge their own story. This is a 2 part offering. The Basic Rules present all the necessary rules & materials to create a race, a world & a character, as well as the full rules needed to play the...   [click here for more]
The Hive  Pay What You Want

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The Door with 1000 Keys: Condensed Advanced Rules

The Door with 1000 Keys: Condensed Advanced Rules

Open a door to new opportunities! The Door with 1000 Keys is an RPG rules framework that allows for tremendous customization & options for both players & GM's to build a unique world and forge their own story. The Advanced Rules is a 44 page guide tailored for Game Master's as a supplement to the Basic rules. Featuring more advanced options within the Door with 1000 keys system, including...   [click here for more]
The Hive  Pay What You Want

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RAGING HEARTS: Passion on the Battlefield

RAGING HEARTS: Passion on the Battlefield

RAGING HEARTS is a system-agnostic PVP minigame meant to be incorporated into a ongoing campaign in other systems. Sometimes two of the player characters just can’t get along and the only solution is to battle it out! This game will require a commitment to roleplaying on the part of both fighters - it’s intended to replace crunchy, numbers-driven battles with a more structured...   [click here for more]
tanoreth  Pay What You Want

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Figushakki - Moduuli shakkilaudan käyttöön taktisissa roolipelitaisteluissa

Figushakki - Moduuli shakkilaudan käyttöön taktisissa roolipelitaisteluissa

Oletko koskaan huomannut olevasi tilanteessa, jossa pitäisi pelata roolipelillinen fantasiataistelu, mutta käsillä on ainoastaan shakkilauta ja perinteisiä kuusitahkoisia noppia? Minä olen. Huomasin nimittäin, että tarvitsen ulkona sijaitsevalla puistoshakkilaudalla toteutettavalle roolipelitaistelulle ensi kesäksi säännöstön,  ja ajattelin kirjoittaa sellaisen itse.  Näin syntyi Figushakki,...   [click here for more]
Storycraftsman  Pay What You Want

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Komentosiltasimulaatio avaruuslaivaroolipeleihin

Komentosiltasimulaatio avaruuslaivaroolipeleihin

Tässä on avaruuslaivaroolipelien komentosiltasimulaatio jonka loin omaan tarpeeseeni Ropeconiin 2019. Vedin siellä Kalevalasta löytyvää "sammon ryöstön" tarinaa avaruuslaivaversiona. Tarvitsin järjestelmän joka simuloisi avaruuslaivojen komentosiltojen voimakkaan verbaalista kommunikaatiota ja hierarkiaa olematta liian monimutkainen ja vaikea ensikertalaiselle. Tutkittuani useita vaihtoehtoja,...   [click here for more]
Storycraftsman  Pay What You Want

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Tervetuloa pelaamaan Mölkkyroolipeliä! Kyseessä on roolipelijärjestelmä, joka soveltuu monenlaisissa ympäristöissä pelaamiseen ja kaikenlaisten tarinoiden kertomiseen. Näin voitte viettää ulkona aikaa tarinoiden parissa. Mölkkypamfletti ei sijoitu mihinkään tiettyyn maailmaan tai genreen, vaan tarinat voivat olla ihan mitä tahansa Kummelista Kaurismäkeen tai fantasiasta avaruusoopperaan. ...   [click here for more]
Storycraftsman  Pay What You Want

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Game Master's Guide

Game Master's Guide

THIS PRODUCT IS AN EARLY ACCESS This is the Bonfire Game Master's Guide: all you need to start running games using this system. ...   [click here for more]
Stone Fish Games  Pay What You Want

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GM's Companion (for Adventure Ahead!)

GM's Companion (for Adventure Ahead!)

The GM's Companion is supplement for Adventure Ahead! If you don't that system yet, it;s free right here: The GM's companion is here to expand on the GMs' toolkit for Adventure Ahead! with the following: Rules for player's at higher levels. Dungeon diving rules for survival and old-schoo delving! Encounter Difficulty Guide. A BESTIARY!!!! Additional...   [click here for more]
StankNasty  Pay What You Want

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At World's Edge RPG

At World's Edge RPG

Welcome to the edge of the world. At the final days of the final age, the fires of life have nearly been extinguished. The Sun is bleeding. The Kings are dead. Only a handful of beings are left alive - Immortals. Gods.  Whatever's left, make your way to the Temple of Fire, defeat the guardians within, complete their trials, and feed the Fire to restart life... or stop the cycle forever. At World's...   [click here for more]
Snek Makes Games  Pay What You Want

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4AM - A Monsterhearts 2 Supplement

4AM - A Monsterhearts 2 Supplement

A free monsterhearts 2 supplement made for the 2k21 record jam and inspired by the Girl In Red song! Includes some new optional rules for when your characters spend their night lying in bed thinking too much again.  Credits Cover image is 'Polychrome floral group c,' taken from the Smithsonian and used under a CC0 license.  'Portrait Study' by Thomas LaFarge, taken from the Smithsonian...   [click here for more]
SmallRedRobin13  Pay What You Want

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The Curse - A Monsterhearts 2 Supplement

The Curse - A Monsterhearts 2 Supplement

A small Monsterhearts 2 supplement. This supplement allows you to keep the story feral by adding a 'curse' to the game. This curse can escalate and has the potential to cause the characters a lot of problems should you so choose. ...   [click here for more]
SmallRedRobin13  Pay What You Want

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A Slight Mistake - the RPG (GM's guide)

A Slight Mistake - the RPG (GM's guide)

For a few years now, I've been writing a series of novels set on a Dyson Sphere. Then the opportunity arose for me to run a game based upon them. I created a beespoke set of rules, based upon my own preferences and so I decided to put it out there and see if anyone else would like to play it. I've broken the rules into two books, the GM's guide and the Player's guide. Hopefully someone out there...   [click here for more]
Slight Mistake  Pay What You Want

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The 3dX System

The 3dX System

**This is the Playtest Copy.** This book covers the various features and mechanics of the 3dX system by Silverhive Games. It is a setting neutral system, meaning that you could use this to play a TTRPG with a setting full of aliens or zombie cowboys or both. Using three (3) polyhedral dice the players determine the outcome of an action, called a Feat. Two (2) dice represent a character's...   [click here for more]
Silverhive Games  Pay What You Want

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Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

Shattered Worlds Introduction Guide

This is a free introduction to the Shattered Worlds - Join us on our Reddit Page: Based on the world’s most popular tabletop role-playing game, Shattered Worlds transports the players to a gritty post-apocalyptic setting where technology and magic exist side-by-side. Events, now commonly referred to as...   [click here for more]
siegebreaker games  Pay What You Want

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Min-Max Monsters

Min-Max Monsters

Want to spice up your encounters? Min-Max Monsters is a treatise on finding and unlocking the potential of your favorite creatures. Chock full of suggestions for both novice and experienced DMs, this book will provide you with new ideas for use in your games. While there are a handful of suggested new rules, they are not the focus of the book, nor are any new rules required to use the vast majority...   [click here for more]
Sherman Sanders  Pay What You Want

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Kémi - Règles

Kémi - Règles

Kémi est un jeu d’initiation au jeu de rôle et à la civilisation pharaonique dont les règles sont volontairement très simples. Les joueurs et joueuses expérimentés trouveront dans ce document une présentation plus traditionnelle du système employé dans le livre, doté de quelques précisions : création de personnage, expérience, exemples d’utilisation des Attributs… Bonne lecture,...   [click here for more]
sethmes  Pay What You Want

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Savage Suzerain Continuum Guide

Savage Suzerain Continuum Guide

So, you want to be a Demigod? Choose a place, a cave, a town, a far-flung planet. Now choose a time, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, when aliens invaded our star sector… once again, anything goes. Now choose a genre, from horror to swashbuckling, steampunk to sci-fi, fantasy to fairytales.... Where your place, time and genre intersect, that’s Suzerain. Try it again tomorrow...   [click here for more]
Savage Mojo  Pay What You Want

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The Electric State RPG Cheat Sheet

The Electric State RPG Cheat Sheet

A cheat sheet of rules and charts for The Electric State RPG by Free League ...   [click here for more]
Rocket Punch Press  Pay What You Want

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Jonas Engine

Jonas Engine

Le Jonas Engine est un système de jeu de rôles gratuit, dédié au médiéval fantastique mais qui peut aisément être adapté à tout type d'univers. Le Jonas Engine, c'est : Un système court (20 pages de règles !) Un système simple et efficace ! Un système souple qui s'adapte à tous types de situations ! Un système qui...   [click here for more]
Retzel Corp.  Pay What You Want

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Weird Wild Wuxia West

Weird Wild Wuxia West

You are ragged group of drifters in a world of six-guns, sorcery, kung fu and dinosaurs. Inspirations include Westerns, Wuxia, Kung Fu (the tv series) and Shaun Keenan’s Dinosaurs of the Wild West. W4 was written by RL Vieira ( and is based on Ray Otus’ Sorcerers and Sellswords. Please also have a look at: Weird Wild Wuxia West Adventures Western Slang Rules ...   [click here for more]
Red Ram Studios  Pay What You Want

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Lies by Omission

Lies by Omission

Lies by Omission is a table-top role-playing game system inspired by the gothic horror films that came out of Italy in the ’60s and ’70s. Often referred to as Giallo films (because of their yellow, or Giallo, posters), these films regularly depicted everyday characters that slowly begin to uncover occult mysteries hiding just beneath the surface. Best suited for smaller player...   [click here for more]
Ready Play Games  Pay What You Want

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In appena 6 pagine un gioco di Pirati insolito, con regolamento scontri navali. Dove i giocatori saranno non morti in seguito a una maledizione e dovranno trovare la via tra usanze indio Azteche per tornare umani, non perdendo la propria umanità o scegliendo di farlo per percorrere per sempre la via della meledizione del mare. Un gioco insolito alla Qwein ...   [click here for more]
Qwein  Pay What You Want

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We Will Yet Triumph: An Imagination Game

We Will Yet Triumph: An Imagination Game

We Will Yet Triumph: An Imagination Game Is this a role-playing game or a story-telling game? Yes. Do you play it seriously or just see where it takes you? Yes. It it a game for adults or a game for children? Yes. Does it have giant, jewel-encrusted, man-eating turtles? Yes. We Will Yet Triumph is simple, it's self-contained, it's setting-neutral, it's co-operative or...   [click here for more]
Periapt Games  Pay What You Want

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Evr - procedury MG

Evr - procedury MG

Evr jest współczesną grą inspirowaną duchem OSR (NSR) w klimatach dark fantasy. Opowiada o dzielnych żeglarzach, wojownikach i eksploratorach ruin na smaganej wiatrem, skalistej wyspie, którzy staną ramię w ramię wobec straszliwych przeciwności. Ten podręcznik zapewni Ci: Narzędzia do tworzenia żywych przygód i kampanii. Pomoc...   [click here for more]
PdzLorak  Pay What You Want

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Tale Coordinator Guide

Tale Coordinator Guide

Hello.  I don't think this is my best work.  I originally started to write a tale coordinator guide.  Well I did.  However I couldn't shake the feeling of who am I to write this.  Who the hell am I?  Honestly this feels really presumptuous of me.  I did try to write something good.  However I started to play dnd and other TTRPGs about 4 years ago.  I don't have decades of experience under...   [click here for more]
Paul Springsteen  Pay What You Want

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Tales of Crisis part 1

Tales of Crisis part 1

Here it is.  My TTRPG that I made.  Don't be scared by the file size.  It is just most of the different versions of the 1st document. I switched it around a bit.  Apparently a license in general can be revoked or whatever.  I think it was a non exclusive licnese.  It is cool if people play with it.  I'm not going to be a dick about it.  I just am making rules for my current set of novels. ...   [click here for more]
Paul Springsteen  Pay What You Want

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Creatures, Corruption, and Kreesh

Creatures, Corruption, and Kreesh

Expand the world of Dreamscape: Laruna with over 50 deadly monsters, each illustrated in full color! Challenge your players with unique and unusual combat threats and strategic battles! Creatures, Corruption, and Kreesh contains: New creatures to populate the landscape of Laruna Expanded information on Corruption and Nexi Devastating Kreesh that can alter the world...   [click here for more]
ODAM Publishing LLC  Pay What You Want

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  Cohors Cthulhu: Tactics Prologue Quickstart - PDF