Вітання, мандрівнику!
19 століття, початок індустріальної епохи. Українське портове місто Темнопіль знаходиться в центрі аномалії — межі між нашим світом та загадковим Позамежжям, яке населяють незбагненні та небезпечні... [click here for more]
This very special revised, updated, and expanded bundle is one of our most fun and varied and contains some of our most popular Silver bestsellers! They include two terrific sets of maps, our Ukraine war landmine coloring book, a fun and lively novella about the misadventures of some animal people, some great RPG supplements, a issue of the GEBB sci-fi mini-comic, and more. Most... [click here for more]
This very special 75% off promotional bundle contains 20 of our newest titles, including a number of great map sets, our just-released "The Call of CthulWho," some exciting self-standing adventures that include all of the rules needed to play them, a beautiful set of humanoid Rabbit miniatures, a couple of fun accesories, and much more! 'TSRPG (Travel-Sized RPG)' Character Sheets... [click here for more]
This very special 80% off bundle contains several popular titles, including Skirmisher Publishing's Platinum-bestselling USSMC 7-22: Space Boarding Operations universal sourcebook, our versatile CQB: Futuristic Skirmish Miniatures Rules, our “Interplanetary Feats” and "Things That Go Bump in the Spaceship," and several high-tech weapons RPG supplements!... [click here for more]