Title |
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A gumshoe in the 1940s is hired by a client to investigate a disappearance; as they gather clues and interview witnesses, their leads suggest a disturbing and impossible truth.
A classic whodunit, on a remote island where ten strangers discover there’s a murderer in their midst.
In the land of Eldoria, the Orb of Dreams is stolen. Who, or what, has taken it and why?
This Mystery Generator... [click here for more] |
A Simple Tale |
Pay What You Want
Danger Cards is a quick two-page accessory for roleplaying games, a set of cards and some simple text on their use. They are especially suited to use for fantasy games that are Powered By The Apocalypse, but use for other systems and genres is relatively trivial (quick notes... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Pay What You Want
League And Fathom casts the players as the captain and crew of a ship, already sailing across perilous, monster-infested seas to a destination chosen by her captain.
The game has no set numbers, dice, or other such mechanisms, though players may end up creating and using such devices as they play. It has no sole GM. Instead, League and Fathom codifies and parcels out the responsibility for resolving... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Pay What You Want
When the reality of a fantasy world is shaken, literally anything can happen. Since “everything” is difficult to condense into a manageable format, we limit ourselves in this game aid to a good 400,000,000 random effects that can be generated on a handy 14 pages. If we count cosmetic color effects, there are even over 1,400,000,000 possible results.
In addition, there are clear rules for determining... [click here for more] |
Arunya-Verlag |
Pay What You Want
 Wenn die Realität einer Fantasy-Welt ins Wanken gerät, kann buchstäblich alles passieren. Da „alles“ aber nur schwer in ein handliches Format kondensiert werden kann, beschränken wir uns in dieser Spielhilfe auf gut 400.000.000 zufällige Effekte, die auf handlichen 14 Seiten generiert werden können. Wenn wir kosmetische Farbeffekte mitzählen, sind es sogar über 1.400.000.000 mögliche Ergebnisse.... [click here for more] |
Arunya-Verlag |
Pay What You Want
 “Alla gloriosa vita di un glorioso Picaro!”
Un onore, pensate, quello di un Funerale così illustre,
che pochi a Picaria hanno la fortuna di meritare.
Circondati da alcune delle figure più importanti di Lodossola,
vi trovate casualmente a celebrare la morte del Conte locale,
Eustacchio dei Papagli.
Un Morto a Lodossola è una breve Avventura... [click here for more] |
Black Dice Lobby |
Pay What You Want
Gain and Loss of a Different Sort…
Investigators are always seeking strange places, dark matters, and forgotten tomes and artifacts, but how are they supposed to afford all that travel and commerce? How could this affect their future purchases? Is there some method to judge that?
The answer is yes, and it lies in this small supplement for Call of Cthulhu intended to help... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 Operation Midnight Sun is a Weird War II scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7ed (It is recommended although not necessary to use Pulp Cthulhu optional rules).
Hours after the nazi Operation Weserübung, intelligence points out that the Norwegian ports and Swedish iron may not be the last prizes the Führer wants in the north Atlantic. A very special group is secretly sent to find out everything... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
UPDATE: A new and improved revised edition of The Metamorphica is now available, although this version will remain freely available.
Random Mutation Tables
If your game has a need for random mutation tables and procedures for creating all sorts of mutant abominations or unnatural things, whether they are corrupt demons and unique monsters or strange aliens and... [click here for more] |
Chthonstone Games |
Pay What You Want
Rather than just create a static setting book, I wanted to make something that would evolve and grow over the course of each release and with the ideas and involvement of others. The first issue describes some of the background history of the planet and descriptions on some of it's locations and inhabitants.
YNGARR is a Weird Sci-Fantasy setting usuable with your favorite role playing games. ... [click here for more] |
Codex Apocrypha |
Pay What You Want
A fowl most foul for your sessions! ... [click here for more] |
D'Arcangel Productions |
Pay What You Want
 They Are The Squamous
They were once humanoid like anyone else... healthy, living tissue with their own futures and destiny, but something went wrong. A glitch in the genetics, an outside influence, a combination of factors, no one is sure. Now, they're the opposite of healthy.
They hide in communities and societies, destroying those that come in contact with them and rendering the healthy into... [click here for more] |
Dakkar Unlimited |
Pay What You Want
Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest
Agyll Prime is mostly water, with an abundance of aquatic life at the surface. Some of this life nestles within the expansive coral reefs, as it attempts to find somewhere to shelter from the planets considerable storms. What secrets lie within its watery depths, and the subterranean caverns in the deeper bedrock?
-------------------------... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
Strange New Worlds – Island Map – Agyll Southwest - Roll20 VTT Unlock
The image assets from this product are only available on the Roll20 platform, where they unlock after purchase of this DTRPG product. If you prefer the non-Roll20 version (which includes 300dpi assets), please click here [LINK]: Island Map - Agyll Southwest.
NOTE: PDFs and other... [click here for more] |
Danger Vault |
Pay What You Want
This module can be used with any TTRPG, but was made for TTRPG "Apocalypse Keys".
This module seamlessly integrates with the renowned TTRPG "Apocalypse Keys", promising an immersive experience in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Whether you're facing the aftermath of a Harbinger or navigating a primitive world, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.
Lucky 7 Enticements: Explore seven captivating... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
A basic GM advice column for running prehistoric animals. One of my three entries to Wayfinder #22. The other two entries will be published in it. ... [click here for more] |
Druid GM Designs |
Pay What You Want
 This character sheet helps track the progress of your lancer in Anarchy in Dragon City for the Genesys RPG system.
Check out the form-fillable version of this sheet. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
Simple custom rules that fit on a single 2-sided sheet paper, that i have created for a variety of reasons, which can be plugged into any campaign... for FREE! Yes, free. I only included the "Pay What You Want" so you can give a nod of thanks if you wish. ENJOY!
Featured in One-Sheet 01 are:
Custom Careers: A set of rules to allow players to create their own careers... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
Simple custom rules that fit on a single 2-sided sheet paper, that i have created for a variety of reasons, which can be plugged into any campaign... for FREE! Yes, free. I only included the "Pay What You Want" so you can give a nod of thanks if you wish. ENJOY!
Featured in One-Sheet 02 is:
Modern Horror Magic: A new framework that completely reorganizes Types of... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
The Genesys Character sheet for the Twilight Imperium setting, Embers of the Imperium, form fillable with dice pool calculations. Includes Naaz-Rokha sheet.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
This guide is designed to help aspiring Foundry authors create and publish their own projects by centralizing the available assets in one location in an easy to follow guide.
Many helpful links to Foundry assets and information, programs for layouts, free sources of art, ways to use other free programs, and more!
Even veteran authors will find helpful links to tasks not often done, such as splitting... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
This character sheet is for use with Mechasys A Mecha Construction and Campaign Supplement.
Check out our Form Fillable version of this sheet. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
The Genesys Character sheet for the Keyforge setting, Secrets of the Crucible, form fillable with dice pool calculations.
Notes on use: Due to which events are available in PDF javascript, the dice pools will not update when a characteristic is changed, but rather after clicking off of that number. Also, when printing, be sure not to print page 5 unless you really just like legal text. Please only... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
 This character sheet helps you make the jump to adventure in the Almacar Galaxy of the Starcana setting. These three pages have space for all the skills, talents, gear, and other details that help bring your character to life. ... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
 Sunder is a city cut off from the rest of the world by towering mountains and the strange and powerful beings called Rumikuna. Play as a select group of investigators tasked with uncovering corruption within the church and finding out what is causing devastating earthquakes. This pdf features 13 pages of content and 12 pieces of original art. The setting is inspired by the language, location, clothing,... [click here for more] |
EDGE Studio |
Pay What You Want
Contained within is the grand city of Alopolis, situated on the west coast of the land mass. Ruled by a king, a trade hub to the sea, and at the center of warring powers, Alopolis is the fulcrum upon which the future rests.
This version of the map is formatted as a hi-res PDF. Great for digital/virtual tabletops, or printing if you have tabloid sized paper (11”x17”)
A "print ready" version,... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Contained within is the grand city of Alopolis, situated on the west coast of the land mass. Ruled by a king, a trade hub to the sea, and at the center of warring powers, Alopolis is the fulcrum upon which the future rests.
The map is split across two pages will make printing a breeze. There is a 10% overlap where the image crosses over to the second page, this allows you to cut off the margin... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Squatting on a hilltop, nestled against a great black pit, the Dirty Bat orcs raid nobles and peasents alike. All their spoils they throw into the pit, a sacrifice to the great god of the bat, Lyk-Gaz.
System neutral, fantasy themed, 20ft square grid
Formated to standard 8.5x11 ... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Tucked between a narrow river and low rolling hills, Fo Aiqua village is solidly under Yuk Chaaggh imperial control. Home to the Presleth noble house, this small village is growing quickly and bustlling with commerce.
System neutral, fantasy themed, 100ft square grid
Formated to standard 8.5x11 ... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 Under a forgotton tower festers the Necromancer's Basement. A place of blood and gold... if you can find it under all the blood.
System neutral, fantasy themed, 5ft square grid
Formated to standard 8.5x11 ... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 A long standing wood tower, and a new cobblestone addition. The moss was just settling in when the wall was smashed.
System neutral, fantasy themed, 5ft square grid
Formated to standard 8.5x11 ... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 An ironwood tower built by the Yuk Chaaggh empire during the elf wars. When the elves abandoned the feild, the ironwood tower was no longer pruned. Over the course of 5000 years this these trees grew to be a 300 foot ironwood tree. Few have seen its hights, a glorious forest in the sky.
System neutral, fantasy themed, 10ft square grid
Formated to standard 8.5x11 ... [click here for more] |
EN Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 "You want to kill your idols? Well step right up and goddamn try."
Ronald Singh is the most popular Player the Game has ever known. As the voice and mind behind Kade Merek, Needlekin assassin, his Adventures have sold billions of copies and garnered millions of subscribers and fans the world over. This in-depth bio profiles the rise of Kade Merek, from Singh's conscription into the... [click here for more] |
End Transmission Games |
Pay What You Want
El sistema solar Crótalo es una pequeña muestra de lo que tenemos entre manos, el Proyecto CODEX: una ambientación en el año 2220 de exploración espacial.
... [click here for more] |
Estudio D6 |
Pay What You Want
Got something that uses the Fate Accelerated defaults for Fate Core, and you wish it used Fate Core's defaults? Or vice-versa? This handy guide from one of the Fate system's originators gives you perspectives and methods to make the conversion process a snap.
Inside you'll find:
An overview of the differences between the Core and Accelerated defaults for Fate Core.
A method for converting skills... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
Pay What You Want
In the year 2121, nestled amidst the lush and varied natural landscapes of the world is the most progressive DJ competition on the planet: Til Dawn. These idyllic landscapes where glass and fiberplastics glint white and weave throughout waterfalls, where hovering platforms drift through the hollows of vast canyons and beyond, prove the perfect locales for creating phenomenal musical experiences.... [click here for more] |
Evil Hat Productions |
Pay What You Want
In Evocraft RPG, you create a world.
You fill this world with animals and plants. Using dice based generation, you create civilizations, playable races, spirit beings and many other things. Once you’ve given life to this fantasy world, you play through its history. Act as characters inside this world and shape the course of history with your actions. Evocraft is one part group creative exercise... [click here for more] |
Evocraft RPG |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Far in mankind's future, ones soul can be bought and sold. Whether to a giant corporation, a corrupt government, or a rotting church, the people of the Galactic Federation know no other lifestyle. One's being is simply for sale.
At the edge of space, Knights and Crusaders fight petty amongst each other as they hold off the hordes of Demons threatening the Galactic Federation. With their... [click here for more] |
Friendly Neighborhood Gamer |
Pay What You Want
In this bastard child of Parsely Games, Microscope, Baron Munchausen, and Nordic Larp, a group of facilitators help an audience build a world in 1-2 hours.
There are three facilitators in the game:
The Emperor, who asks questions about the world covering various Topics
The Explorer, who asks the audience for suggestions to answer the Emperor
The... [click here for more] |
Gamer Assembly |
Pay What You Want
Beyond The Edge (BTE) is a useful Numenera compatible digital resource for your roleplaying campaign. Every installment brings you in-depth characters, mortal perils and breathtaking locations. Each issue offers new game options, creatures and thrilling adventures – everything you need to take your campaign beyond... [click here for more] |
Hydra Team |
Pay What You Want
Form-Fill Character Sheet PDF for the Cosmic Cutthroats RPG!
Note: There's a space for character portrait, but sadly, this field is not form-fill. We hope to resolve this in the future, but don't have a timeline.
Cosmic Cutthroats is a roleplaying game of adventure and exploration through endless worlds. Your scavengers, exiles, and freeloaders can come from any... [click here for more] |
Imperfekt Gammes |
Pay What You Want
 High up in the wintery mountains of the realm sits a magical workshop that world renowned for the joy it brings to the land - Santa's Workshop. A place of wonder and awe has recently fallen silent. An evil force has a strong icy grip on the land's hope and joy as Santa himself has been kidnapped and the production line of toys frozen over. There has been many brave souls who attempted to break the... [click here for more] |
Jason D'Alberti |
Pay What You Want
Breachworld Adventure Folio #1
This free adventure uses rules and source material that can be found in the Quick Start version of the Breachworld RPG, and easily expanded using the complete game.
Included in this supplement:
Five pregen starting player characters. each with full stats, skills, and character descriptions, as well as descriptions of how they relate to each other
A quick skill demo... [click here for more] |
Jason Richards Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Breachworld Breach Creature Folio #1 Dinosaurs
Ripped from some other dimension, or perhaps even from Earth's own prehistoric past, dinosaurs once again roam the Earth. Encounter Drakes, Raptors, Spinebacks, and Trikes across the Civilized Lands and beyond, by air, land, and sea.
The first in a new series of monstrous mini-expansions for the Breachworld RPG, these dinosaurs offer... [click here for more] |
Jason Richards Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Breachworld Breach Creature Folio #2 Fly Catcher
The Fly Catcher is another dinosaur that finds itself on Breachworld, and a unique one at that. Representing a failed evolutionary branch on prehistoric Earth, this winged creature now flourishes across the Civilized Lands both in the wild, and as a valued addition to many communities.
This mini-expansion for the Breachworld RPG, includes... [click here for more] |
Jason Richards Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Breachworld Player Race Folio #1 Minotaur
This race of bovine humanoids looks as if it were plucked from the pages of a classical Greek text or from any of the countless pieces of popular fiction that the ancient works inspired. With the head, legs, and tail of a bull or cow, and a humanoid body, they are the legendary creature incarnate. Minotaur are fixtures of the Civilized Lands and beyond, known... [click here for more] |
Jason Richards Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Breachworld Player Race Folio #2 Hollow Mage
The frail, almost skeletal frame of a Hollow Mage belies the miracle of life that lies beneath the skin. Relying as they do on primal energies to nourish them, Hollow Mages reinforce the fact that the vastness of space-time is filled with beings of infinite variety, not just of appearance, but of nature.
These amazing and powerful beings are the definition... [click here for more] |
Jason Richards Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Bridebrook Manor Mental Health Sanatorium and Rest Refuge Is something afoot at the Bridebrook? Simple pamphlet for in game prop use, build stories off of the page. Weird body modifications, genetic testing, drug experiments, or worse? 2 pages, full colour. “a third-party supplement for the WHPA RPG by Kablooey Fine Nerdery" ... [click here for more] |
Kablooey Fine Nerdery |
Pay What You Want