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 Hottest Non-Core Books, Historical, English
 Hottest Community Non-Core Books, Historical, English
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Lex Arcana RPG - Working and Character Sheet

Lex Arcana RPG - Working and Character Sheet

"Then Romulus shall receive the sceptre of his race, and found the walls of Mars, and call the people Romans. I have given no limits or duration to their possessions: I've given them empire without end." Virgil, Aeneid Historical-Fantasy Roleplaying in a Roman Empire That Never Fell Lex Arcana Working and Character Sheet Both files are downloadable in plain...   [click here for more]
Acheron Games  Pay What You Want

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366 semillas de rol para Revolución

366 semillas de rol para Revolución

366 semillas de aventura para el juego de rol Revolución. Ni más ni menos. En este libro encontrarás una semilla de aventura para cada uno de los días del año. Hechos históricos que pueden servir de trasfondo para cualquier director de juego. Simplemente, abrid el libro por cualquier fecha que os parezca adecuada, y lanzad a los aventureros a seguir el hilo que se presenta en la semilla. ¡Seguro...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Charts booklet

Charts booklet

The Special Agency Charts Booklet includes 16 pages with all the charts contained in the manual. A must-have addition for any Overseer. ...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Full House

Full House

Want to try Special Agency? Here's a short case, ready to play RIGHT NOW. Sunday, July 4, 1982. Three men and two women play poker on the 85th floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago. They are a pair of watchmen, two policemen and an analyst who are unaware of the disaster that is coming their way - or below them. They think they'll be able to go home this afternoon and enjoy the family, but fate has...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Special Agency Sheet

Special Agency Sheet

Fillable PDF sheet for Special Agency. ...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Special Agency Short rules

Special Agency Short rules

This is a selection of rules that include some of the mechanics and action of the second edition of the Special Agency game. You also have a sample card, that of our ineffable McFry, and the self-editable card for your review. With this document you can start playing Special Agency right away. No special rules, advanced rules, character creation, action or investigation aids are included. The complete...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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The Heat, a Case for Special Agency

The Heat, a Case for Special Agency

The Heat is number zero of the True Investigation case series. It is a medium to long adventure for Special Agency. It is closely related to the movie Heat, in which professional bank robbers do what they do best while being chased by the police. The adventure is designed to be played in two ways and in several sessions: the same group can play as cops, and later play the same game as robbers, with...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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The Gathering

The Gathering

Dawn of a New Age "Dawn of a New Age is a powerful and captivating tale of bravery, love, and the enduring human spirit. Set in the Norse world of Frostland, the story follows the journey of a young woman named Dawn of Snow as she battles to overcome incredible odds and reclaim her place in the world. With its richly woven tapestry of folklore, mythology, and historical fact, Dawn's...   [click here for more]
Anderian Designs Ltd  Pay What You Want

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Monasteries and Relics

Monasteries and Relics

This short and sweet collection of resources will give you random tables for creating a monstery or relic, 20 character hooks, a sample monastery and a friendly charlatan. The material has been cherry-picked from four years of blogging about medieval fantasy gaming. ...   [click here for more]
Andreas Barbatus  Pay What You Want

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British Insult Generator

British Insult Generator

Inspired by a Reddit post and comment thread. I just thought it would be funny to try to make a generator that combined the humor of the original post with many of the comments that were added, and I think what resulted is pretty great.  Use it for your bard to devastate their opponents in battle! Use it to verbally cuff your fellow players! Use it in real life to throw everyone for a mildly significant...   [click here for more]
Andrew Nagy  Pay What You Want

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Knight - Livret du joueur

Knight - Livret du joueur

Knight est un jeu de rôle futuriste se déroulant en 2037. Les ténèbres, appelées Anathème, ont profondément modifié la Terre telle que nous la connaissons. L’obscurité est remplie de créatures étranges et terrifiantes qui n'hésitent pas à s’opposer aux humains et à les pousser au désespoir. Grâce à la technologie et aux 24 immortels, les nouveaux dirigeants du monde, une...   [click here for more]
Antre Monde Éditions  Pay What You Want

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Wintertime is a fan-made add-on for Shawn Tomkin's RPG Ironsworn. You'll need at least its core book (even though, if you want to adapt these rules to other systems, feel free to do it).  Wintertime is coming... On the Ironlands, the weather is harsh, and the...   [click here for more]
anyabranco  Pay What You Want

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Hellion City Printables

Hellion City Printables

This PDF includes a character sheet, crew sheet, and skill cheat sheet for the game Hellion City Heists. These sheets are on letter size pages with minimum colors and are ready for easy printing. The character and crew sheets are not necessary to play the game, but will provide your players with a quick and easy method to create their characters, form their crew, and keep track of everything while...   [click here for more]
Arcana Prime  Pay What You Want

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Arcane Tradition: Morphing

Arcane Tradition: Morphing

Morphers spend much of their time in the study of aberrations, monstrosities and other vile monsters. Morphers have mastered new ways to alter their own body to mimic some of the most devastating abilities that those creatures possess. Wizards that follow this tradition are able to temporarily shift into an Aberrant Form to surprise and overwhelm those that oppose them with bizarre and unsettling abilities....   [click here for more]
Arcanissar  Pay What You Want

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Baroch Character Sheet

Baroch Character Sheet

A fresh character sheet for old school D&D made using old book illustrations. Evocative of a collapsing, enchanted or decadent society, character sheets. ...   [click here for more]
Armchair Bugbear  Pay What You Want

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Wedding Rites -Shards (Cultures - Collection)

Wedding Rites -Shards (Cultures - Collection)

A collection of cultural traditions that might surround marriage in different fantasy regions - whether they be rules about birth, property or even "love". In honour of Valentine's Day and our ongoing Shards: Worldbuilding Zine Kickstarter this is Pay What You Want until the end of February. ...   [click here for more]
Artemis Games  Pay What You Want

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Golden Age Adventures - Map Pack

Golden Age Adventures - Map Pack

The maps in this pack are for use with DayTrippers GOLDEN AGE ADVENTURES; an anthology of 16 roleplaying adventures based on "Golden Age" stories by famous science fiction writers of the 1930s-50s.  Permission is granted to print and photocopy. ...   [click here for more]
As If Books  Pay What You Want

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Halls of Ringing Steel

Halls of Ringing Steel

This is a mod that adjusts the way weapons and armor work in tabletop RPGs, and it’s largely compatible with most d20-based systems. In this mod you’ll find: Alternative rules for combat, weapons, and armor. A new list of weapons and armor to better reflect medieval armaments. Weapon-based abilities for highly tactical combat encounters. This mod is designed primarily for those who want a little...   [click here for more]
Astral Wanderer Studios  Pay What You Want

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Simpli-6 Companion Volume 1

Simpli-6 Companion Volume 1

The Simpli-6 Companion contains supplementary materials for Atlantic Pen & Paper Games, notably its hallmark Simpli-6 settings. Contained within this Volume is the following new content: Optional Bad Luck Die Rules 36 Things table for shifty “magic“ potions and elixirs 3 New Monsters Gate locations connecting Mystic West and Arkalanon Stats and Background information for the entire Command...   [click here for more]
Atlantic Pen & Paper Games  Pay What You Want

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100 Inane Comments and Useless Answers from Speaking to Animals

100 Inane Comments and Useless Answers from Speaking to Animals

So you can talk to the animals, and they can talk back to you. Does this mean they have anything useful to say? Many systems and settings have means by which characters can speak to animals, but this does not necessarily make the replies they get back from the creatures in question useful, intelligent or even relevant. This provides 100 different responses from our furry and feathered friends that...   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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100 Things for a GM to Say to Disconcert their Players

100 Things for a GM to Say to Disconcert their Players

This is a collection of 100 different phrases that a GameMaster can use in a game if they simply want to disconcert the players. They can cause players to overthink things, worry about what they have or haven’t done and question their actions and the motives of others. These should probably not be overused, as if they are, they could damage the enjoyment of a game. This PDF supports Adobe layers...   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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Ominous Place Name Generator

Ominous Place Name Generator

This is a generator that consists of three tables, two d100 and one d30, that can be used to come up with ominous and threatening names for places. The three tables can be used in a number of ways. The first and third tables can be used either way round as the basic generator, and the second table can be added in to make names more interesting. Possessives, filler words and plurals should be added...   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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Pirate Ship Name Generator

Pirate Ship Name Generator

This consists of two d100 tables that can be used to randomly generate names for pirate ships, or even warships, for countries that like more aggressive-sounding names for their ships. These names can be used for a pirate-themed fantasy campaign or adventure path, or for a more historical game. The names are strongly British in origin, but during the Golden Age of Piracy, and the eras preceding it,...   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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Room Name Generator

Room Name Generator

This is a generator consisting of three d100 tables that can be used to generate unusual names for rooms, whether these be found in dungeons, castles or other locations. These names can be used to add a degree of pretension for a certain type of NPC, make a location more evocative or perhaps create ideas for an otherwise empty room. The three tables can be used in a number of different ways. Results...   [click here for more]
Azukail Games  Pay What You Want

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Battle Force - Opposing Force - Solo Play Rules

Battle Force - Opposing Force - Solo Play Rules

This Rules Supplement enables single-player mode (Solo-Play) for the Skirmish Wargame - BATTLE FORCE.  Contained within the pages are the various changes to the multi-player version of the game to allow solo-play, along with a set of UI-Action cards, one for Offense the other for Defense, to provide instructions to the enemy models during your solo-play session.     If you're...   [click here for more]
Bald Guy Games  Pay What You Want

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Alicarnassus Mausoleum

Alicarnassus Mausoleum

A System Agnostic One Page Dungeon for the One Page Dungeon Contest With the theme "Wonder", what is better to an adventure that take place inside one of the lost 7 World Wonders? Little and nothing is known of this mausoleum, nor of the elusive Alicarnassus. Some scholars argue that the name was of an ancient emperor buried here, others that it was the name of the city where once it stood, now...   [click here for more]
Barakiel The Archangel  Pay What You Want

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Cat out the bag

Cat out the bag

This is a small System Agnostic Dungeon for the Carnevale Bloggereccio, an Italian themed writing bonanza. The adventure is set in Bastrenna, a magical city filled with Dreams, Cats and many other things (if you want to know more, you can find in PWYW on Itch on Fallimento Assicurato's page) Questo è un piccolo dungeon System Agnostic per il Carnevale Bloggereccio, un attività di scrittura tematica...   [click here for more]
Barakiel The Archangel  Pay What You Want

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Little Town Press

Little Town Press

One day, my girlfriend and I went to Trilye for a walk, and I was amazed by its history. In addition to that beautiful history, the presence of many ruined historical buildings in this place gave me a mystical feeling. My desire to explore the area led me to want to create something related to it. As a result, I ended up developing a game system for the adventures of young people with dreams of journalism....   [click here for more]
BatuhanA.  Pay What You Want

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Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Yarr! DIY Referee Screen

Avast! A Handy and Handsome Referee sceen fer yer favorite rules light Pirate RPG! Ye can take it to a fancy printshoppe or do it yerself with t' kiddies. Landscape format for easy visibility over the screen.   This product consists of three files:A booklet with instructions and some optional rules, the Screen itself in pdf format, the screen in pdf X/1a format. Both pdfs are identical....   [click here for more]
BD Games  Pay What You Want

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Yarr! Encounters

Yarr! Encounters

Avast! Encounter Tables t' help yer Referee fill out or create an adventure on t' high seas, or the islands ye dig up treasure on, or anywhere else yer band o' pirates may go. Degined for the YARR! Pirate RPG, and compatible with all or most OGL / OSR / d20 games. ...   [click here for more]
BD Games  Pay What You Want

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Five Dragons: Oneiros (Early Access)

Five Dragons: Oneiros (Early Access)

"Last night, I dreamt I flew upon great wings and held a fire deep within my belly. I dreamt of a great beast who was my father; the beast spoke, “my son go forth and conquer”.  Today I awoke to find the dream is real." This early access version of Five Dragons: The Oneiros introduces a magic system for dragon themed characters. This Fate supplement was created for usage with the Renaissance...   [click here for more]
Bennett-Burks Design  Pay What You Want

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Risus: The Tower of the Dragon's Tears

Risus: The Tower of the Dragon's Tears

The Tower of the Dragon’s Tears is a fantasy adventure for Risus: The Anything RPG. Inspired by the stories of Lord Dunsany, Andrew Lang’s multihued fairy books, Ruth Ann Musick’s Green Hills of Magic, and the works of Jorge Luis Borges, the scenario leads a group of two to four adventures on a quest to explore an...   [click here for more]
Big Dice Games  Pay What You Want

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Alternative Trap Detection and Disabling Rules

Alternative Trap Detection and Disabling Rules

This homebrew is something that helps make traps a more interactive and interesting part of an adventure or dungeon. As it is, with 5E and most d20 systems, detecting and disabling traps is basically just a die roll. That's pretty boring. This alternative set of rules adds a little more flavor and allows the creativity of the GM and players to shine through. These rules can be applied every time a...   [click here for more]
Big20 Games  Pay What You Want

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The brigandine was the most popular armor of the late medieval period. It was less expensive than plate but illustrations show people who could easily afford plate wearing brigandine. I haven't used it much in my campaigns because whatever history is in with the fantasy is from an earlier period but it is much too important to leave out completely.  ...   [click here for more]
Bill Reich  Pay What You Want

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O Povo do Buraco #1

O Povo do Buraco #1

O Povo do Buraco is the first brazilian Lamentations of the Flame Princess non official fanzine.This zine content will work not only with LotFP, but with all retro clone based games with minimal adaptation. Contents: 1- Toolkit for the creation of a small village 2- Magic Objects 3- Poisons 4- An Adventure 5- An Article on Sandboxing ...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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O Povo do Buraco #2

O Povo do Buraco #2

O Povo do Buraco is the first brazilian Lamentations of the Flame Princess non official fanzine.This zine content will work not only with LotFP, but with all retro clone based games with minimal adaptation. Contents: 1- An Adventure 2- A set of different traps 3- A set of different cursed weapons 4- A toolkit  ...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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Three Temples for the Ancient Ones - Lore Booklet

Three Temples for the Ancient Ones - Lore Booklet

Three temples for the Ancient Ones is a three part campaign for OSR and fantasy games in general, in which players are guided to three different locations in search for ancient and forgotten tools. The Lore Booklet sets the background for the adventures, explaining how things connect to each other and giving a brief explanation about the reasons why players would...   [click here for more]
Black Dog  Pay What You Want

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Simple Simon's How to Talk Like a Pirate

Simple Simon's How to Talk Like a Pirate

Whether You Are Celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day or Plan to Shuck it All and Go On Account Let Simple Simon Teach You the Pirate Patois And You'll be Ready to Rob Galleons in No Time Here's Some of What Ye'll Learn Pirate Basics An Advanced Nautical Vocabulary Lingo From the Gun...   [click here for more]
Black Shark Enterprises  Pay What You Want

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Heroes of Terra One Sheet: Down the Tubes

Heroes of Terra One Sheet: Down the Tubes

A mysterious Warp Tunnel has opened up into an ancient Forebear ruin. What lies beyond the gate? Danger and treasure! "Down the Tubes" is a one-sheet adventure for Heroes of Terra, suitable for a Novice party, either as a one-shot or as a continuation of "The Plumber's Dilemma." Also included is the one-page mini-supplement "Magic of the Terminus," which includes a preview of the magic items...   [click here for more]
Blackwing Productions  Pay What You Want

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Heroes of Terra One Sheet: The Plumber's Dilemma

Heroes of Terra One Sheet: The Plumber's Dilemma

While wandering in the Mandragoran Kingdom, the heroes come across a village with a major bug problem! The truth behind this infestation is a secret that could make the village's life very difficult if discovered by the dreaded Dragon Empire. "The Plumber's Dilemma" is a one-sheet adventure for Heroes of Terra, suitable for a Novice party, either as a one-shot or as the introduction to a...   [click here for more]
Blackwing Productions  Pay What You Want

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Amazons vs Valkyries: Campaign Primer

Amazons vs Valkyries: Campaign Primer

  The Daughters of Ares and the Daughters of Odin…  A Mythic World of Chaos and War…   Amazons Vs Valkyries: Campaign Primer   Pages: 52 Game System: D20 5e Genre: Classical Age (Greek/Norse Mythology) WARNING: This document contains content that is not suitable for all audiences. Consumer discretion is advised. Amazons vs Valkyries is a fantasy...   [click here for more]
Bloodstone Press  Pay What You Want

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Grand Debut: A Modern Horror One Sheet for Savage Worlds

Grand Debut: A Modern Horror One Sheet for Savage Worlds

For My Next Trick, I'll Make My Assistant Disappear Grand Debut is a new One Sheet by BPB Games, the creators of Savage Tokusatsu and StarStreamers, that places players into the roles of average people looking to enjoy a night of stage magic. Suspend your disbelief, please. After watching a surprisingly impressive performance by the legendary Arturius the...   [click here for more]
BPB Games  Pay What You Want

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StarStreamers: Anarchy on Cibus

StarStreamers: Anarchy on Cibus

Dismantle the Machine In a far flung galaxy filled with magic and incredible technology, influencers and clout reigns supreme. Holo-Net streamers do whatever it takes to bring in viewers while broadcasting their adventures for all to see. The mundane is surreal and the fantastic is bland as the tastes of the people flicker from streamer to streamer, subject to subject. StarStreamers:...   [click here for more]
BPB Games  Pay What You Want

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MASHED: Event 01 - They Came From Hollywood

MASHED: Event 01 - They Came From Hollywood

A touring USO troop visits the 8099th MASH - but do the Hollywood stars make the war even worse? This event includes three threats (There's No Business Like Show Business, The Searchers, and From Here to Eternity), each with its own suggested summary, stakes, and countdown.  Remember, as in most Apocalypse World type games, COs should not treat this as an 'adventure' on which the players...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press  Pay What You Want

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MASHED: Event 02 - The Holly and the Oak

MASHED: Event 02 - The Holly and the Oak

On a cold and snowy Christmas Eve, three new arrivals create drama for the camp. Can the players find a way to resolve the differences between a pregant refugee and her family, the AWOL major who is in love with her, and the pursuing lieutenant from the Central Intelligence Division? This event includes three threats (I'll Be Seeing You, A Christmas Carol, and Holiday Affair), each with its own suggested...   [click here for more]
Brabblemark Press  Pay What You Want

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Prisoners of the Village

Prisoners of the Village

This game is set in the Village, inspired by the 1970s TV show starring Patrick McGoohan. The players are all prisoners on a surreal resort full of psychedelic mind games, which is actually a retirement home meant to contain spies, undesirables, or other people who know too much.  This game functions best as a sandbox – there is no concrete plot, but several intriguing situations players can use...   [click here for more]
Brain Twist Press  Pay What You Want

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An Introduction To Heraldry for Larps and Rpgs

An Introduction To Heraldry for Larps and Rpgs

Everyone loves to have that cool shield or banner. The one that looks awesome on the field and shows off their colors or those of their kingdom, household or fighting company. You know, the one that makes the folks on the other side go “Oh crap, ‘So and So’ is here!” But how do you do that? Well, you could just make something up. But what does it mean? Going this route most people end up...   [click here for more]
Branden Webb  Pay What You Want

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Rocket Jocks, Blast Into the Future - Guns

Rocket Jocks, Blast Into the Future - Guns

ROCKET JOCKS - BLAST INTO THE FUTURE - GUNS Designing Guns for the Essence System Rules for creating guns for the Essence System primarily for Rocket Jocks - Blast Into The Future but also fully compatible with Chivalry & Sorcery Eassence ...   [click here for more]
Brittannia Game Designs Ltd  Pay What You Want

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Rocket Jocks, Blast Into the Future - Robots

Rocket Jocks, Blast Into the Future - Robots

ROCKET JOCKS - BLAST INTO THE FUTURE ROBOTS  Building Robots for the Essence System Rules for creating Robots for Rocket Jocks - Blast Into The Guture ...   [click here for more]
Brittannia Game Designs Ltd  Pay What You Want

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Prosaiko's DCC RPG Sheet 1: 0-Level

Prosaiko's DCC RPG Sheet 1: 0-Level

A chaotic character sheet for DCC RPG 0-Level characters. ...   [click here for more]
Bruno Prosaiko  Pay What You Want

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  Mazes Fantasy Roleplaying