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In all of Mÿd'Realm, there is no more peaceful place than the kingdom of Severfal...that is, if you do not account for the wild animals, the bandits, and the dead that wander the hills with no more purpose than to consume your very soul. With this handy map, come and explore the great lands where the Syrak Catacombs and Home Sweet Gnome can be found.
(Includes full colour and print-friendly... [click here for more] |
5Realms Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Deep within the hills, beyond the borders of the once great kingdom of Severfal, lie haunted corridors beneath a forgotten monastery. Its depths are a secret known only to the dead entombed within; the evil housed there, the subject of rumor and superstition that oft times comes with a bitter warning.
With the first level of the Syrak Catacombs, begins an epic journey into the vast depths... [click here for more] |
5Realms Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Core set of 15mm wargaming paper miniatures.
40mm front bases.
Ideal for affordable armies for a number of mass combat rule systems.
3 Formats include
Black Border
White Border
Line Art ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
Core set of 15mm wargaming paper miniatures.
40mm front bases.
Ideal for affordable armies for a number of mass combat rule systems.
3 Formats include
Black Border
White Border
Line Art ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
Core set of 15mm wargaming paper miniatures.
40mm front bases.
Ideal for affordable armies for a number of mass combat rule systems.
3 Formats include
Black Border
White Border
Line Art ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
Mini Dungeon Sets are based around 15mm chibi themed miniatures and come with everything you need for a basic crawl contained on 2 print and play A4 sheets.
Mini Dungeon Sets do not include any rules but are designed to be used with most existing dungeon crawling rules sets.
1 x Sigmirs Fall Map 3 x Hero's 9 x Skeletons 5 x Dungeon props 4 x Doors ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
Core set of 15mm wargaming paper miniatures.
40mm front bases.
Ideal for affordable armies for a number of mass combat rule systems.
3 Formats include
Black Border
White Border
Line Art ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..."
Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them.
On the... [click here for more] |
Above Average Creations |
Pay What You Want
 Fantasy Forest Map - 20x15 RPG Battlemaps can be used in campaigns or session in various tabletop role playing games.
With this Fantasy Forest map files include:
4 JPEG files
20x15 grid
4K resolution (4096 x 3072 px)
Day with grid & without grid
Night with gird & without grid
If you enjoyed this maps, please rate the product, leave a review... [click here for more] |
Adammapster |
Pay What You Want
 Cut-Throat is a Hidden Choose-Your-Own-Role Card Game, which can be played for free in Tabletop Sim. Included here are the rulebook and a scenario book.
In Cut-Throat, players take part in rounds of interrogation. Each round, one player takes the role of a pirate captain looking for his missing treasure, and each other player takes the role of a sailor who must decide if they're a loyal crewmate,... [click here for more] |
Aeon Roleplay |
Pay What You Want
Este es un mapa en varias versiones realizado a partir de las copias de mapas del SXVIII creados por Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d´Anville, corregidos y traídos a la nueva vida por Juan Morán Sáez. El paquete se compone de cinco mapas para jugar a rol con el juego Revolución (de próxima aparición en las publicaciones de Agencia Especial) y unas reglas ligeras de viajes. Los mapas pueden usarse... [click here for more] |
Agencia Especial |
Pay What You Want
 Play among demons, humans and aliens, in a strange and dangerous modern fantasy game, to enjoy with a group or solo!
Daemonar is a d20 traits based role-playing system and game setting.
Play on Diasos, a planet with a dark past, full of secrets scattered between two continents divided by a mysterious catastrophe, or set up a homemade game with this complete and accessible free to play system!
The... [click here for more] |
Alessia Lonardi |
Pay What You Want
Here’s 21 hexmap templates of various sizes and configurations for your use.
(Currently all in a single PDF, but in the future I'll do individual PDFs and PNGs for each.)
Feel free to use them as the basis for a derivative work (if you draw a hexmap on one of these templates, you can use it commercially without restriction), but don't redistribute the unedited hexmap templates themselves.
If you... [click here for more] |
Alienist Press |
Pay What You Want
A selection of 49 PNG mapping symbols that can be used to help create and enhance maps, floorplans, and virtual tabletops for RPGs set in the 1920s. ... [click here for more] |
Ambula In Fabulam |
Pay What You Want
A one-page RPG created on the Oct 24, 2024 episode of the Splatbook podcast, "Game Design 101: Let's make a One Page RPG".
You are a ghost, existing in the house you died in. To your horror, an enterprising Private Equity group bought the property and turned it into an AirBnB! You need to work with the other ghosts to haunt the house and spook the guests. The PE Group has, of course, paid to start... [click here for more] |
Antherwyck House Games |
Pay What You Want
A planetary display map form to use with any role playing game. The map sheet displays a truncated icosahedron (buckyball or soccer ball form) with geometricized latitude and longitude gridding to enable mapping locations anywhere on the face of the world.
Layout is for a science-fiction system, but this is equally usable with any game system wanting to have an abstracted global map. ... [click here for more] |
Antherwyck House Games |
Pay What You Want
With a beautiful painting by Samuel Araya (Wild Talents, Unknown Armies), the GODLIKE GM Screen is the perfect centerpiece to any game table. The three-panel interior has every rule and chart a GM needs to run a fast, thrilling GODLIKE adventure.
Custom Miracles
"Cafeteria" Miracles
Using Powers Defensively
The Dice-Pool "Bell... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This PDF includes a character sheet, crew sheet, and skill cheat sheet for the game Hellion City Heists. These sheets are on letter size pages with minimum colors and are ready for easy printing. The character and crew sheets are not necessary to play the game, but will provide your players with a quick and easy method to create their characters, form their crew, and keep track of everything while... [click here for more] |
Arcana Prime |
Pay What You Want
Many gamers started with one of the original fantasy games, with a party of characters delving into dungeons, slaying monsters and looting treasure. This set, rendered in cartoon style, brings back the memories of those days.
A whole party of characters and a whole bunch of common monsters under the command of an Evil Wizard make this a great starter set or as an add on to any of our other fantasy... [click here for more] |
Arion Games |
Pay What You Want
 give characters their powers as cards, easy to scan through what they can do. Track hit points with printable tokens. ... [click here for more] |
ArtOfMagic |
Pay What You Want
The maps in this pack are for use with DayTrippers GOLDEN AGE ADVENTURES; an anthology of 16 roleplaying adventures based on "Golden Age" stories by famous science fiction writers of the 1930s-50s. Permission is granted to print and photocopy. ... [click here for more] |
As If Books |
Pay What You Want
This free product contains a map of the Etrenpis Valley (pointcrawl style) and a short description of settlements, rivers and points of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Atelier Clandestin |
Pay What You Want
This free product contains a map of the Gozo Coast (pointcrawl style) and a short description of settlements, rivers and points of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Atelier Clandestin |
Pay What You Want
This free product contains a map of the Meddih Island (pointcrawl style) and a short description of settlements and points of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Atelier Clandestin |
Pay What You Want
This free product contains a map of the Til-Han Valley (pointcrawl style) and a short description of settlements, rivers and points of interest. ... [click here for more] |
Atelier Clandestin |
Pay What You Want
Roll a handful of dice, assemble following simple rules, and create a dungeon to explore in minutes!
PDFs availble in French (thanks gollum), Spanish (thanks deivijouns), Portuguese (thanks FriggingFrogs), Italian (thanks JustPlayWith), and German (thanks Dirk Remmecke).
The text of Wallet Dungeons is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can use any and... [click here for more] |
AwkwardTurtle |
Pay What You Want
Roll a handful of dice, assemble following simple rules, and create a space station to visit in minutes!
A Sci Fi Sequal to Wallet Dungeons.
The text of Wallet Stations is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You can use any and all of it as long as you credit me! The mechanics of Wallet Stations are uncopyrightable, so feel free to steal and adapt them as... [click here for more] |
AwkwardTurtle |
Pay What You Want
 This is a small, 10 square by 10 square battlemap, with 1" squares representing 5 feet, of a muddy trail along which a horse and wagon of some type have recently passed. The right hand side of the trail is higher ground, with some protective rocks from which an ambush could be struck. The upper left has some sparse trees infringing the area at the edge of a forest. The battlemap comes in four pieces... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Pay What You Want
This dungeon tile set is made to quickly create dungeons using Roll20. Items like chests, tables, skeletons and more are all included in this set.
If you feel like there is something lacking leave your suggestions and we'll look into adding it in. ... [click here for more] |
Beaten Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This tile set is made especially for map building in Roll20. It provides tiles for various climates and icons to represent cities, mountains and more! ... [click here for more] |
Beaten Path Publishing |
Pay What You Want
‘No Land To Conquer’ is a tabletop real-time strategy wargame placed in the year 7028. Take the role of a ruler and conquer the land destroying all your opponents!
Build new towns, create a massive army and charge your enemies with all your power. Choose to study or to worship. Choose the heroes you wish the help from. Be the ruler you were born to be and crush your enemies!
This is an open... [click here for more] |
Bernardo Piedade |
Pay What You Want
 Character backstories aren't just for the players. The game master should also be a big part of their design. Beyond the general "this is the campaign world" information, the GM should also be involved in helping build connections, relationships, and past adventures as well. What makes the characters in the game is as important as the world building and bad guy crafting.
Most character backgrounds... [click here for more] |
Big20 Games |
Pay What You Want
The brigandine was the most popular armor of the late medieval period. It was less expensive than plate but illustrations show people who could easily afford plate wearing brigandine.
I haven't used it much in my campaigns because whatever history is in with the fantasy is from an earlier period but it is much too important to leave out completely. ... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want

The first time I was asked to do this was around 1977, when Gay, a close friend and local player who had been playing Gorj the dwarf in another campaign, a D&D campaign, found out that the Dungeon Master in that campaign was moving out of state. She was already playing Glory Road Roleplay with us and she really wanted to continue to play Gorj and wanted it to be in my campaign. So, I devised the... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
This PDF was available on my website until just now. People were having problems accessing it so I am offering it here for free. ... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
This is not a module. It is the narration of an adventure already played, during playtesting, It was a very exciting short adventure and included melee combat, something that was not featured in my previo8us sample and which I was told should be included. I am publishing it to illustrate the mechanics and flow of the second edition, which is coming out in late January 2025. While the new edition is... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
 This is just a “translation” of the previous version. In itself, it is not changed enough to call it a new edition. If you have the old version and understand GRR IIE pretty well, you don’t really need this.
In our campaigns, this magic has been known only to elves, pixies, forest trolls, ents, and some others who were taught it by one the former peoples. Rule Zero, which applies to Glory Road,... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
 This is a suggested character sheet for the Glory Road Roleplay roleplaying game. Many of the people in my home games use it but some do not. ... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
This is an introduction to and expansion of the lifepath PDFs I am in the process of offering for sale. One is already available, the one for humans. Lifepaths for dwarfs, elves and hobbits will be available shortly after this. I am going to have to write some others (Kentaurs, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Trolls, suggestions?) from scratch and I don’t know how many, if any, I will do.
The setting for... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
Much of what is in this PDF was available on my website until just now. That’s why it is “pay what you want,” even though I have expanded it. This is an assortment of NPCs in the Black Mountain District and some information about the peoples at various locations. I am providing stat blocks rather than full character sheets because they are handier for GMs to use. I am not providing OSR stat blocks.... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
For Glory Road Roleplay. This is a short, free PDF that clears up problems encountered by people running and playing the game. I will add to it if and when I find more ways to help the GMs and players. If anyone has a problem and/or a suggested solution, email me at willinnewhaven969@gmail.com I uploaded a copy with a typo corrected today. In the section on the Attribute Bonus, I corrected where... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
This is one of the reference PDFs that I put on my website for people running games in the Glon’ setting. People are having trouble using them and I am having trouble editing them. ... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
 Here are a few utilities to use with the new edietion, which will be out in a few days. They can help avoid having to consult the book, which slows down play. ... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
 i made this title "Pay what you want"
If one of the people who has purchased and used one or more of my other modules would use it, I would love to hear some feedback.
The society portrayed is far from a utopia. It isn’t even a utopia with monsters. Many of the perils and problems faced by the characters stem from things we would see as flaws in human society. I don’t claim that the... [click here for more] |
Bill Reich |
Pay What You Want
The Convent of The Weeping Moon
VTT MapPack
Hi-Res maps of the Convent, For your Favourite Virtual Tabletop
Contains all 6, top-down Battle Maps used for the Scenario: The Convent of the Weeping Moon, but can be used for any other scenario or homebrew. Maps are numbered and titled for easy use, with a scale-bar, and a plain white background: Village,... [click here for more] |
Black Arts |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the ModuMaps series, a line of sensational modular gaming tiles for tabletop and miniature gaming!
Delve into an exciting subterranean world of adventure in beautiful full color using these six-inch square tiles. This mapping product gives you 40 tiles using the Blue Mosaic Dungeon pattern. The hallway, or corridor, tiles are two squares in width. Additional tiles allow the assembly... [click here for more] |
Black Falcon Games LLC |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the ModuMaps series, a line of sensational modular gaming tiles for tabletop and miniature gaming!
Delve into an exciting subterranean world of adventure in beautiful full color using these six-inch square tiles. This mapping product gives you 40 tiles using the Blue Mosaic Dungeon pattern. The hallway, or corridor, tiles are four squares in width. Additional tiles allow the assembly... [click here for more] |
Black Falcon Games LLC |
Pay What You Want
 The scientists with EONS are sometimes brilliant and often careless. Their recent experimentation with teleportation has proven somewhat successful, but raised alarms as it has been aging human test subjects at a rapid pace.
With the watchful eyes of the Periphery halting their human Testing, the wreckless scientists Have set their eyes on a new subject…
Indulge your fascinations in this... [click here for more] |
Black Lilith Moon |
Pay What You Want
Template to make stone archways for castles, crypts, or caverns, as shown in the Black Magic Craft Episode 06 tutorial. ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want
Template for creating a longboat or ship for your tabletop game. Instructions on the build can be viewed on Black Magic Craft Episode 08.
Watch the tutorial: ... [click here for more] |
Black Magic Craft |
Pay What You Want