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AXIANQUEST Dungeon Events

AXIANQUEST Dungeon Events

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Boost your game with new, exciting, unpredictable, fully compatible dungeon events! How does it work? Every time there are no monsters on the board, roll a die: if the result is 5 or 6, you draw a card from the deck and play it immediately. Some events are truly dangerous Some are an opportunity for unforeseen...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $15.65

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AXIANQUEST Furniture Deck

AXIANQUEST Furniture Deck

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Expand your game of heroes and quests with the fully compatible AXIANQUEST Furniture Deck! How does it work? With these cards at hand, heroes have the option to search every single furniture piece in the dungeon for special treasure and unique outcomes and events. Each piece of furniture...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $11.95

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AXIANQUEST Heroic Skills

AXIANQUEST Heroic Skills

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Make every hero unique with the new, epic, fully compatible Heroic Skills! The AXIANQUEST Heroic Skills deck features 36 skill cards that can be learnt by any hero: the four original heroes, heroes from expansions and special releases, and even your custom heroes! How...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $13.95

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AXIANQUEST Armor Artifacts Deck

AXIANQUEST Armor Artifacts Deck

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Boost your game of heroes and quests with the fully compatible AXIANQUEST Armor Artifacts deck! What kind of artifacts are in the deck? Here’s the full list! Boots of Gentle Fall Helmet of Luck Bracers of the Exalted Helmet of the Exalted Bracers...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $11.95

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AXIANQUEST Weapon Artifacts Deck

AXIANQUEST Weapon Artifacts Deck

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Boost your game of heroes and quests with the fully compatible AXIANQUEST Weapon Artifacts deck! What kind of artifacts are in the deck? Here’s the full list! Axe of the Executioner Axe of Frenzy Great Axe of Frenzy Bow of the Wild Hunt Demon Crossbow Sword...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $11.95

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AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon

AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon

Can’t have enough HeroQuest? Now you can play in fully cooperative mode, with no GM, and play always new quests! How? With AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon! Fully compatible with the standard game 2 minutes to read the rules (it's just 2 pages!) 2 minutes to set up the quest & start playing Always new quests Play solo or with your friends Play with 1 to 5 heroes! No...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $25.70

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Additional Treasures Two, A Supplement for Dragonbane

Additional Treasures Two, A Supplement for Dragonbane

Find more reward options with Additional Treasures Two!  This deck of 54 illustrated treasure cards may be used alongside, or in place of, those cards found in Additional Treasures and the treasure cards included in the core game. This game is not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by Fria Ligan AB. This Supplement was created under Fria Ligan AB’s Dragonbane Third Party Supplement License....   [click here for more]
Philip Reed Games  $4.00

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ShadowDark Rules Reference Cards

ShadowDark Rules Reference Cards

The Shadowdark RPG is an exciting and fast-paced game, where quick decisions and strategic planning can mean the difference between life and death. To help you keep track of the rules and mechanics of the game, we've created the Shadowdark Rules Reference Cards. These reference cards are an essential tool for any Shadowdark player, whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a brand new crawler. With...   [click here for more]
Arcanum RPG Studio  $3.00 $2.50

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Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 3 - Ice & Snow

Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 3 - Ice & Snow

DUNGEON CARDS: Fantasy, Volume 3 - Ice & Snow Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 3 48 Poker-sized cards with modular/dynamic frozen lakes, dangerous paths and other ice and snow locations, for any DungeonMaster/GameMaster who needs to create a quick exterior, lay-out a larger outdoor location or randomly wants to create a mysterious path through conflict filled scenes!...   [click here for more]
PenguinComics  $5.95

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Vai matto per HeroQuest? Adesso puoi giocare in modalità cooperativa, senza DM, e giocare imprese sempre nuove! Come? Con AXIANQUEST Dungeon Infiniti! 100% compatibile con il gioco base 2 minuti per leggere le regole: sono solo 2 pagine! 2 minuti per preparare l'impresa e il tabelllone e iniziare subito a giocare Imprese sempre nuove Gioca da solo...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $25.70

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AXIANQUEST Eventi nel Dungeon [ITALIANO]

AXIANQUEST Eventi nel Dungeon [ITALIANO]

Vai matto per HeroQuest? Espandi le tue avventure con questo mazzo 100% compatibile di eventi! Come funziona? Ogni volta che non ci sono mostri sul tabellone, lancia un dado: se il risultato è 5 o 6, pesca una carta dal mazzo e giocala immediatamente! Alcuni eventi sono molto pericolosi Alcuni offrono opportunità di bottino o aiuto inaspettato Tutti gli eventi...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $15.65

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Vai matto per HeroQuest? Espandi il tuo gioco preferito con il mazzo AXIANQUEST Mobilio! Come funziona? Grazie a queste carte, gli eroi possono ispezionare ogni singolo pezzo di mobilio del dungeon, e ottenere tesori speciali ed eventi imprevisti. A ciascun pezzo di mobilio è dedicata una carta, contenente...   [click here for more]
Axian Spice  $11.95

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Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 2 - Forests & Lakes

Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 2 - Forests & Lakes

DUNGEON CARDS: Fantasy, Volume 2 - Forests & Lakes Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 2 48 Poker-sized cards with modular/dynamic forest, lake, river and mountain locations, for any DungeonMaster/GameMaster who needs to create a quick exterior, lay-out a larger outdoor location or randomly wants to create a mysterious path through conflict filled scenes! Can also...   [click here for more]
PenguinComics  $5.95

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Pugmire Card Set One (Trick, Condition, and Initiative Cards)

Pugmire Card Set One (Trick, Condition, and Initiative Cards)

Enhance your Pugmire game with this set of player aid cards! These helpful visual aids make your Pugmire gaming easier! Lay them out next to your sheet for ease of reference during play, and to keep track of what you can do, what affects your character, and when they get to act. Set one contains one card each of every trick in the game, as well as every condition. It also has a set of initiative cards...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $4.99

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Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 1 - Dungeon interiors

Dungeon Cards: Fantasy, Volume 1 - Dungeon interiors

DUNGEON CARDS: Fantasy, Volume 1 Dungeon Cards: Fantasy 46 Poker-sized cards with modular/dynamic dungeon rooms, for any DungeonMaster/GameMaster who needs to create a quick crypt, lay-out a larger cellar or randomly wants to create a mysterious underground! Can also be used solo, as an exploration deck. What's included: 46 Full Color Poker Sized Cards Each card...   [click here for more]
PenguinComics  $5.95

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Pugmire Card Set Three (Shepherd Spell Cards)

Pugmire Card Set Three (Shepherd Spell Cards)

Enhance your Pugmire game with this set of player aid cards! These helpful visual aids make your Pugmire gaming easier! Lay them out next to your sheet for ease of reference during play, and to keep track of what spells you have available. About Pugmire:Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true. These are the words of the Code of Man.”  ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Pugmire Card Set Two (Artisan Spell Cards)

Pugmire Card Set Two (Artisan Spell Cards)

Enhance your Pugmire game with this set of player aid cards! These helpful visual aids make your Pugmire gaming easier! Lay them out next to your sheet for ease of reference during play, and to keep track of what spells you have available. About Pugmire:Be a good dog. Protect your home. Be loyal to those who are true. These are the words of the Code of Man.”  ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Mapas 101

Mapas 101

Este libro contiene doscientas cincuenta semillas de aventuras con sus mapas para jugar a rol.  Estas semillas se complementan con sus mapas para conseguir una inmersión definitiva en vuestras mesas, y pueden usarse con cualquier sistema de juego. 250 mapas incluidos en la descarga. ...   [click here for more]
Agencia Especial  Pay What You Want

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Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

Space Aces Supplemental: Cosmic Connections

This is a sheet of 20 system-neutral merit badge achievements tuned to promote character bonding, player role playing, and deeper connections between teams. Each achievement is designed to get players looking at, and talking to, each other. Simply print this sheet out, cut it up, and randomly hand one goal to each player at the start of a session. If they a complete it, they will earn a reward such...   [click here for more]
T-Rex Games  Pay What You Want

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Sleuth Squad: Adventure Deck

Sleuth Squad: Adventure Deck

These cards are here to help you add that Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe to your Adventure Deck! Print them out, combine them with existing Decks and enjoy! ...   [click here for more]
Pinnacle Entertainment  Pay What You Want

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Deck of Kith (NPC Cards for Wanderhome)

Deck of Kith (NPC Cards for Wanderhome)

For fans of the indie sensation Wanderhome, here's a a deck of 40 kith (pregenerated NPCs) on cards. Each card is lovingly illustrated by Peti Selvaraz, featuring animalfolk based on animals from around the world. From Galileo, the venerable and inquisitive lemur, to Forrest, the sturdy and heroic anteater, there's loads of interesting and potential people for your characters to meet. Just as your...   [click here for more]
Thomas Manuel  $12.00

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Kitty Cards (Magical Kitties 2E)

Kitty Cards (Magical Kitties 2E)

Kitty Cards at a Glance A deck of 108 full-color Talent, Flaw, and Magical Power cards Designed to speed up character creation and serve as a quick reference during play for your kitty's special abilities! Included in the Deluxe Edition About Kitty Cards Improve the efficiency of character creation and gameplay with the Kitty Cards, a comprehensive deck comprising 108 full-color...   [click here for more]
Atlas Games  $5.99

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Age of Exploration Complete Bundle

Age of Exploration Complete Bundle

The printed version of this game is 72 cards in a tuck box All other materials are digital.  Choose one of Six elemental spell schools, and explore the bright and optimistic world of Alterra. The Print and Play Edition includes all spells, weapons, and treasure on illustrated cards, helping players visualize and plan their turns. This is the latest version of Age of Exploration. The downloadable...   [click here for more]
Age of Exploration  Pay What You Want

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Fetch Quest - Heroes of Pugmire Booster

Fetch Quest - Heroes of Pugmire Booster

Fetch Quest is a cooperative deck-building game for 3-6 players of ages 12 and up. Playing time is approximately 60-90 minutes.  Heroes of Pugmire gives you ten new pioneers to use in your Fetch Quest games. Voltaire Vizsla and Oliver Quentin Beagle IV are both ready to take on the quest. Or, use one of the seven provided cat characters to give you games a feline twist! ...   [click here for more]
Onyx Path Publishing  $2.99

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Guard Cards

Guard Cards

Guard Cards is a pay-what-you-want game aid compatible with Pinching Tarts, a Wonderland-themed PocketQuest 2024 game designed by Monica Valentinelli. The cards can either be printed out and used as half-sheets or folded in half to create cards. Guard Cards is a digital download. The game accessory is not playable on its...   [click here for more]
Books of M  Pay What You Want

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Characters: cards & portraits pack #2

Characters: cards & portraits pack #2

Are you tired of boring NPCs in your RPG games? Do you want to add some spice to your campaigns? Look no further! This 11-page PDF is packed with excellent portraits (and tokens) and descriptions of NPCs. The descriptions are engaging, and the portraits are colorful and vibrant. You can use these NPCs in a variety of RPG games, including Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, and Call of Cthulhu. PS...   [click here for more]
ndvmaps  Pay What You Want

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Space Opera: Skirmish Forces 4 - 35 More Minis, 5 More Factions - 28mm & 15mm

Space Opera: Skirmish Forces 4 - 35 More Minis, 5 More Factions - 28mm & 15mm

Welcome to Space Opera: Skirmish Forces 4, a great set of retro sci-fi themed miniatures that are meant to get you into gaming quick and easy! This set includes print-and-play miniatures for 5 different factions, with your choice of 28mm or 15mm! As in SET 1, SET 2, or SET 3 you get 2 Character/Individual models per...   [click here for more]
Sundered Vault  $3.49

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Boon Cards - A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement

Boon Cards - A Hero Kids Compatible Supplement

Boons are mentioned in the Hero Kids rules, but not much more is offered regarding them or their use in the game. The cards in this collection fill that gap. This is a layered PDF which allows you to choose between a space or fantasy theme, or select no background at all for a less ink-thirsty printout. Unlike Items, which are special objects discovered by the characters in their adventures, Boons...   [click here for more]
Awkward Angel  $2.99

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Lost in the Fantasy World: Creativity Book

Lost in the Fantasy World: Creativity Book

Infinite Worlds Await Your Touch! PLEASE NOTE: This book is in black and white. The "premium color paper" was selected due to increase the books suitability as a coloring book (thicker, sturdier pages for coloring on), but there is NO interior color art. The Lost in the Fantasy World: Creativity Book is a wonderful, creative accessory for...   [click here for more]
Old Skull Publishing  $4.99

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Characters: cards & portraits pack #1

Characters: cards & portraits pack #1

Are you tired of boring NPCs in your RPG games? Do you want to add some spice to your campaigns? Look no further! This 17-page PDF is packed with excellent portraits (and tokens) and descriptions of NPCs. From lengendary warriors to mystical shamans, this PDF has it all. The descriptions are engaging, and the portraits are colorful and vibrant. You can use these NPCs in a variety of RPG games, including...   [click here for more]
ndvmaps  Pay What You Want

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Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 1 Origins

Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 1 Origins

Modern Day Gladiators - the Wrestling Game, released in June of 2012, continues the story within the first of 4 promised expansions to the world containing: 2 Full color, fully illustrated wrestlers to use in your fed - The massive Vin Everest enters the Circuit with championships on his mind.  And with him, a newcomer to wrestling that will impact the world in ways neither he, nor those who signed...   [click here for more]
G2 Media  $3.50

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MADCAP Gimmick Cards

MADCAP Gimmick Cards

These cards are for use with MADCAP: SCREWBALL CARTOON ROLE-PLAY Each card includes: A Gimmick, an upside and a downside for your character. Some of them are General gimmicks (for use in any game), while others are specific to a genre (Medieval, Wild West, Sci-Fi, Teen Mystery, Horror, Cyberpunk). Pass these out to the players to let them...   [click here for more]
Sanguine Productions  Pay What You Want

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Aquatic Adventures 1

Aquatic Adventures 1

Aquatic Adventures 1 PERMES Scenery and Accessories Series This set contains front and back artwork sea creatures figurines plus 2.5D giant Sea Turtle MOD-KIT and additional versions of tabs, grounds, waves and water texture bases, so you can assemble and enhance different versions of figurines. For your convenience separate page with special versions (basic figurines...   [click here for more]
PERMES  $1.99 $1.49

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Dustbunnies: Archetype Cards

Dustbunnies: Archetype Cards

ARCHETYPE CARDS for Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch This pack contains sixteen (16) Tarot-sized (2.75" x 4.75") character cards for use with Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch. It includes all 7 of the Ready-to-Roll Dustbunny characters from the core book, two more Dustbunnies used in either the Quick Start Adventure or the Novice...   [click here for more]
Dog House Rules  $1.95

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Dustbunnies: Play Mat

Dustbunnies: Play Mat

PLAY MAT for Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch Designed for use with Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch, this Play Mat has: Raise calculation chart Bennies usage list Place for your dice Place for your Action Card (with notes about the Tricksy Joker). Creative Trickses table Status row — place a token to keep track of your character's status. The...   [click here for more]
Dog House Rules  $0.50

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Dustbunnies: Power Cards

Dustbunnies: Power Cards

POWER CARDS for Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch This pack contains sixteen (16) Poker-sized power cards for use with Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch! It includes cards for all 16 special Dustbunny powers from the core book. The printing-friendly PDF has four pages total, containing all 16 cards. Two pages have the card backs and two pages...   [click here for more]
Dog House Rules  $1.95

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Dustbunnies: Quick Reference Cards

Dustbunnies: Quick Reference Cards

QUICK REFERENCE CARDS for Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch This card pack contains twelve (12) 8x10 inch cards for use with Dustbunnies: Life Under the Couch! The set includes useful information for quick reference around the gaming table. The PDF comes with 12 pages (and the cover art page). Each page has specific content, such as the Creative...   [click here for more]
Dog House Rules  $1.95

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Hero Cartoon Knights and Dragons

Hero Cartoon Knights and Dragons

Hero Cartoon Knights and Dragons PERMES Fantasy Series This set contains total 18 front and back artwork 30mm scale papercraft Cartoon-style Fantasy Knights - mounted and foot plus different Dragons and Dragons Lair. Additional optional accessories (flags, pennants and shields) added for enhancing or modifying your minis. The final page to print out includes a selection...   [click here for more]
PERMES  $2.99 $1.99

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Wild Horses

Wild Horses

EASY SCENERY Wild Horses This set contains 6 sheets with 24 front and back detailed artwork wild horses figurines and elements of scenery (terrain) + bases. Figurines: horses, mustangs and colts in different poses and skin hue. All minis and elements of scenery are 300dpi 30mm front and back full color artwork. Suitable for RPG and dioramas.     ...   [click here for more]
PERMES  $1.99 $1.49

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Wildlands Trinkets Deck Primera

Wildlands Trinkets Deck Primera

Your characters walk into a room. The description gives them a feel for the space. Then one of them asks, what stands out to me?  Perhaps those candles on the table hold no secrets or there may be something more to it. The Wildlands Trinkets deck holds the answer to that question and many others that the characters might ask. You can treat the cards as prompts or hooks to a larger story. Launch...   [click here for more]
George Sanders  $7.95

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Locations Pack #1

Locations Pack #1

Are you: a GM that needs images to represent the locations in your campaign? a Player that would like to have a sketch of your home? a game designer that needs inexpensive, royalty-free artwork to complement your written work? The resolution of the picture is: 1024 x 1024 Flip through a few of these locations - all in webP format.   Of course you're also free to change a places's background to...   [click here for more]
ndvmaps  Pay What You Want

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Fantasy Stock Art Pack: Dwarven Stonework Borders

Fantasy Stock Art Pack: Dwarven Stonework Borders

FANTASY STOCK ART PACK DWARVEN STONEWORK BORDERS   This Stock Art Pack contains a set of three Dwarven Stonework designs which can be used individually or combined to create a range of border artwork for rulebook pages, weapon or item cards, player handouts and other RPG-related materials. Each design is hand drawn by artist James Rose in black and white using the...   [click here for more]
The Black Fortress  $3.71

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[BESM 4] Lifewish: Ravenheart - Complete Module Bundle

[BESM 4] Lifewish: Ravenheart - Complete Module Bundle

This is a BESM4 module suitable for introducing tabletop role-playing games to beginners. It is a family-friendly adventure that can be played standalone as a one-shot (single session). The players play as a clan of animal shifters who have to protect their home from a rampaging titan! This bundle includes the main module runner / game master book, the player book, an art book for...   [click here for more]
Dyskami Publishing Company  $17.99

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Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 3 Domination

Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 3 Domination

Modern Day Gladiators - the Wrestling Game, released in June of 2012, continues the story within the THIRD of 4 promised expansions to the world containing: 2 Full color, fully illustrated wrestlers to use in your fed - A new Tag Team known as the Janus Twins! A full storyline, taking place within the backdrop of a major wrestling show (call it a pay-per-view) where the powers behind the Circuit...   [click here for more]
G2 Media  $3.50

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Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 2 BST

Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 2 BST

Modern Day Gladiators - the Wrestling Game, released in June of 2012, continues the story within the SECOND of 4 promised expansions to the world containing: 2 Full color, fully illustrated wrestlers to use in your fed - The first submitted character makes his debut. And a character initially illustrated in the basic set finally gets his chance. A full storyline, taking place within the backdrop...   [click here for more]
G2 Media  $3.50

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Jagodowy Las - podręcznik podstawowy

Jagodowy Las - podręcznik podstawowy

Opis: Jagodowy Las to miejsce, w którym krasnoludki i oswojone zwierzęta żyją w zgodzie, daleko od ludzkich siedzib. Krasnoludki mieszkają w swoich wioskach, ukrytych przed oczami ludzi głęboko w lesie, w pniach drzew lub w norkach, po sąsiedzku ze zwierzętami. Strażnicy to młode krasnoludki, w których role wcielają się gracze. W lesie pełnią funkcję pomocników...   [click here for more]
Fajerbol Junior   FREE 

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Happy Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #2

Happy Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #2

Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #2 PERMES Kids Ed. Series PMD-K02 This set contains total 25 front and back artwork 30-60mm scale papercraft ready to cut vegetable figurines (incl. beetroots, parsley, pumpkins, green, yellow and red peppers and hot chilli peppers, cucumber, golden onion, radish, bean and green peas) in various poses plus Mini-Poster, Mod-Kit parts and Colouring...   [click here for more]
PERMES  $2.75 $0.99

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Happy Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #1

Happy Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #1

Healthy Funny VEGETABLES #1 PERMES Kids Ed. Series PMD-K01 This set contains total 23 front and back artwork 30-60mm scale papercraft   ready to cut vegetable figurines (incl. tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, garlic, onions, potatoes, cauliflower, green and red lattuce, leek) in various poses plus Mini-Poster, Mod-Kit parts and Colouring Page.. The final page to print...   [click here for more]
PERMES  $2.75 $0.99

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Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 4 Wrestlegacy

Modern Day Gladiators Expansion 4 Wrestlegacy

Modern Day Gladiators - the Wrestling Game, released in June of 2012, continues the story within the FINAL of the 4 promised expansions to the world containing: 2 Full color, fully illustrated wrestlers to use in your fed, both with a history tied to the Circuit A full storyline, taking place within the backdrop of a major wrestling show (call it a pay-per-view) where the Head Booker's power play...   [click here for more]
G2 Media  $3.50

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Savage Tokusatsu: Savage Worlds Playing Cards

Savage Tokusatsu: Savage Worlds Playing Cards

Transform and Fight, Heroes! Savage Tokusatsu is a game built from the ground up specifically for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition roleplaying game. This beautiful deck of cards allows you to admire the art of Savage Tokusatsu while utilizing them during gameplay! You can be the transforming team of heroes working together to control a giant mech simultaniously. You can play the...   [click here for more]
BPB Games  $12.00

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