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Возможно, вторая по важности система Третьего Горизонта.
Возможно, вторая по количеству пиратов система Третьего Горизонта.
Возможно, вторая система, в которую попадут ваши игроки, когда покинут станцию Кориолис.
Она... [click here for more] |
Free League Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This publication contains detailed biographies and illustrations for eight characters associated with the system-free Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting! They are appear in many of the stories associated with it but can also be readily adapted by storytellers who need background for non-player characters in their own settings and scenarios.
The Swords of Kos... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
An extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes?
If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"You mean contraband."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"Thank you, sir. Just doing my job."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"I mean really, Ed. They're savages."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The second issue of Zine-O-Morph serves as a primer for playing military-themed games, particularly in a Science Fiction setting. The focus is on infantry-level play, but with some ideas that are universal to any military RPG. Inside you will find details on command structure, rank, jargon and lingo, and the Phonetic Alphabet. Also included is a section on running mercenaries and a mercenary game,... [click here for more] |
Tom Doolan |
Pay What You Want
This first issue of an ongoing publication focuses on underdark adventures for low-level and Basic Era games. Inside you will find information on adventures in the underdark, a new race, some new magic items, a brief adventure, and a short tale of fiction. ... [click here for more] |
Tom Doolan |
Pay What You Want
Essa edição tem três alicerces. O primeiro é o caso da Wizards contra a TSR que pouca gente está acompanhando no Brasil. O segundo é um antigo caso do dia em que o Serviço Secreto dos Estados Unidos, invadiu uma editora de RPG. É uma história bem conhecida, mas vale sempre lembrá-la e trazer novos elementos. O terceiro é o mais complicado, pois o assunto já foi muito comentado. Diz respeito... [click here for more] |
Marcus Ferreira |
Pay What You Want
O início de mais um ano é sempre um momento de renovação, e assim é com o cenário de RPG. Grandes esperanças para 2023, com a volta dos eventos presenciais e de novos lançamentos. Nesta edição damos ênfase a alguns desses lançamentos lá fora. Também vamos começar a abordar um cenário esquecido da TSR original: Tékumel. Em nosso primeiro artigo sobre esse universo fantástico, trazemos... [click here for more] |
Marcus Ferreira |
Pay What You Want
Nossa pesquisa sobre a história do RPG vai revelando personagens pouco conhecidos. É o caso de Lisa Stevens e dos responsáveis pelas revistas nacionais de RPG. Estas histórias estão resgatadas a cada edição de O Observador. Na parte colecionismo trazemos as revistas Dragão Dourado, RPG Magazine e The Universe of RPG. Inauguramos a sessão de aventuras, para você adaptar às suas campanhas... [click here for more] |
Marcus Ferreira |
Pay What You Want
Nesta edição vamos começar a resgatar a memória de eventos de RPG. Também falamos sobre Arcos e Flechas, Bárbaros e Vampiros, com dicas que podem lhe ajudar a interpretar e a narrar. Na parte colecionismo trazemos as revistas D20Saga, RPG Master e Dragon Slayer. Finalmente, mais dicas de leituras de romances e para buscar em livrarias de novos ou usados. ... [click here for more] |
Marcus Ferreira |
Pay What You Want
Seja muito bem vindo! Este é um fanzine bimestral com um simples objetivo: registrar os acontecimentos do mundo do Roleplaying Game (RPG). Entendemos por RPG, uma modalidade de jogo não competitivo, interpretativo, cujo objetivo é o entretenimento. Para fins de padronizar a comunicação, na maioria das vezes optamos por utilizar o termo narrador para denominar o mestre dos jogos. ... [click here for more] |
Marcus Ferreira |
Pay What You Want
Pack of Zephyr wallpapers in various resolutions. Will update every now and then with new ones ... [click here for more] |
Araukana Media |
Pay What You Want
This tool is a batch program that means it uses cmd window not a user interface with windows. This is truly old school. It is a simple program and is 100% safe that being said I am a unknown publisher to your computer and it will pop up a window saying that it might be dangerous to run it is not and if you down load it and open it in note pad you can read the code to see it is safe or even change... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
Pay What You Want
Rather than just create a static setting book, I wanted to make something that would evolve and grow over the course of each release and with the ideas and involvement of others. The first issue describes some of the background history of the planet and descriptions on some of it's locations and inhabitants.
YNGARR is a Weird Sci-Fantasy setting usuable with your favorite role playing games. ... [click here for more] |
Codex Apocrypha |
Pay What You Want
The story is a series of memoirs told by the most famous Queen of the Empire and some of her most memorable moments during her ascension and her rule. From a child reluctant to take the throne, to a woman reclaiming it in order to restore her true family name after it was tarnished by the corrupted Royal Houses. How did she manage to clear her family name and keep the Empire from falling into ruin... [click here for more] |
Sebastian Baar |
Pay What You Want
The Wystmoor Stimulus Pack is the free tileset for getting started with distance play!
155 tiles
Lovingly rendered pixel art
Perfect fit for 70px square maps, tiles range from 70x70 to 210x210
ungrided, these tiles come standalone to build your own maps with
Extensive catalogue of examples from our livestreamed campaign making use of all these pieces (and more in future packs)
Find us at... [click here for more] |
DieselShot |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen.
In der Augustausgabe 2022, stellen wir euch die DSA5 Abenteuer-Anthologie „Verhandlungskunst und Friedenschwur“ etwas näher vor. Warum haben wir uns dafür entschieden und was sind die... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen.
In der Juliausgabe 2022, werfen wir einen Blick auf die kommenden Karibik-Produkte unserer HeXXen 1733 Linie. Also freut euch auf karibisches Flair, Piraten, Hexen, allerlei seltsames maritimes... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das neue, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen.
In der Juniausgabe 2022, geht es dabei unter anderem um den Klippenwacht-Abenteuerpfad zu Pathfinder, in dem ihr euch als Ordnungshüter in der größten Stadt Golarions mit Dieben, Mördern... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das neue, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen.
In der Maiausgabe 2022, geht es dabei unter anderem um unser neues Rollenspiel Fading Suns, in welchem ihr zu fernen Sternen aufbrechen könnt. Sei es als edle Ritter, mystische... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Two years after civilization fell, four women find themselves as servants, housekeepers, and harem slaves of the Protectors, the armed group of men who protect four walled settlements of Cromwell's Nation. They cook, they clean, and every night they are given to another Protector to satisfy his needs. Compared to the women in the settlements, the Women of the Protectors are better fed, do far less... [click here for more] |
Amarillo Design Bureau |
Pay What You Want
Printable DIY Wolsung tokens and Challenge markers. Just print, cut out along the lines and use during your sessions. Use the cogwheel-side to mark your tokens, and the "W"-side to mark Challenge of your heroes and their foes. ... [click here for more] |
GRAmel |
Pay What You Want
A compilation of opinions and data as to individual games and trends in the indie ttrpg space in 2023. Based on the decade long Dragonmeet seminar of the same name, but adding additional data from crowdfunding and new releases. It incorporates contributions from a variety of hobbyists as to their thoughts on the games and trends that have stood out for them this year.
Note that this is an html... [click here for more] |
Epistolary Richard |
Pay What You Want
A compilation of opinions and data as to individual games and trends in the indie ttrpg space in 2022. Based on the decade long Dragonmeet seminar of the same name, but adding additional data from crowdfunding and new releases. It incorporates contributions from a variety of ttrpg designers and podcasters as to their thoughts on the games and trends that have stood out for them this year.
Note... [click here for more] |
Epistolary Richard |
Pay What You Want
This compilation of opinions and data as to individual games and trends in the indie ttrpg space in 2021. Based on the (nearly decade long running) Dragonmeet seminar of the same name, but adding additional data from crowdfunding and sales and further commentary after the seminar. It incorporates contributions from a variety of ttrpg designers and podcasters as to their thoughts on the games and trends... [click here for more] |
Epistolary Richard |
Pay What You Want
Westbound is the encore offering from the makers of the Pure Steam Campaign Setting. This volume boasts new races to build your perfect Wild West character.
In future 5e Westbound releases, you can load out your characters with new steampunk equipment, feats, and vehicles. DMs can challenge players with new monsters, NPCs, and adventure hooks. Immerse yourself in the Ulleran West with new regions,... [click here for more] |
ICOSA Entertainment |
Pay What You Want
WELCOME TO VOLATIS! Not only a world map but a WORLD! This is the world of Volatis, included will be several maps of this world done in 3 different styles. The purpose of this map is to be setting agnostic & allow you as a game master to run it using any rules set you wish with settings of your own imagination. This will be the first in what I hope to be a very long... [click here for more] |
Infinite Roleplay |
Pay What You Want
With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is another modern pinup.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a ZIP file. The image is 2550 x 1650 pixels in size... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
This Weather tool is a batch program that means it uses cmd window not a user interface with windows. This is truly old school. It is a simple program and is 100% safe that being said I am a unknown publisher to your computer and it will pop up a window saying that it might be dangerous to run it is not and if you down load it and open it in note pad you can read the code to see it is safe or even... [click here for more] |
Manabu Games |
Pay What You Want
25 years ago, James 'Grim' Desborough and Steve Mortimer wrote The Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming. Little did they know this would start an incredibly profitable chain of events for Steve Jackson Games.
Being young, stupid, and needing the money, the contract wasn't exactly the best. In the intervening years, SJG has made millions of dollars from spin-off products while Grim and Steve have made a... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
Pay What You Want
It has been almost eight years since Sylas last saw his wife Rue, the herbalist of the quaint village of Parnast. Languishing in silence all these years, Sylas, on his deathbed, now asks adventurers to venture through the mysterious world of the fey in the hopes of learning her true fate, in the hopes of seeing her one last time. Get 3 maps for any price! These maps are in hi-resolution png format.... [click here for more] |
Taverns and Tressyms |
Pay What You Want
80 pieces of Fantasy Line-art illustrated by Gabriel Hernandez. Examples of some of the illustrations placed here. They are all black and white line art, transparent background. PNG format and sized for an index card. There are varying levels of fidelity and detail throughout the set. They are available with CCBY Attribution License (Gabriel Hernandez <gabriel@watcherdm.com>) for Personal or... [click here for more] |
WatcherDM |
Pay What You Want
Art for your fantasy projects. This is licensed for private and commerical projects but credit must be given to Christopher Smith. You have the right to crop, resize, and re-colour as needed.
You do not have the right to claim the artwork as your own, re-package, re-sell, or use without given credit.
Demensions are 1200x1560 pixels at 72 dpi. File is given in .jpg format. ... [click here for more] |
Wooden Vampire Games |
Pay What You Want
30 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
31 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
22 Portraits for characters from a Victorian or Steampunk setting. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to my collection of royalty-free stock illustrations, my name is Evangelia Kaliva and I work as a freelancer illustrator. Every single image you may find in this tiny art-selling corner is entirely produced by my own hands.
License & Copyrights
Ideal for book publications. Please visit the address below to view licence. https://www.dropbox.com/s/efeo8a8aoneqhl1/vagelio%20stock%20art%20licence.pdf?dl=0... [click here for more] |
Vagelio |
Pay What You Want
Vacant Ritual Assembly is an OSR zine. Directly compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but easily adaptable to other OSR games. 22-pages of content, most of which comes straight from my weekly LotFP campaign. Issue #4 Includes:
Fresh New Artwork from Matthew Adams, Anxious P, Sean Poppe, and Xolis.... [click here for more] |
Red Moon Medicine Show |
Pay What You Want
Hello Explorers!
The Frontier Explorer presents
UPF Assault Scout Technical Manual
The UPF Assault Scout. Probably the most iconic ship in the Frontier, the assault scout can be seen in almost any SpaceFleet patrol and as part of every planetary militia. Small, fast, and versatile, the assault scout is a ship unmatched by anything in the Sathar fleets.
Despite its advantages,... [click here for more] |
Frontier Explorer |
Pay What You Want
Unspeakable! is the podcast of The Unspeakable Oath.
Arc Dream Publishing recently announced the upcoming Kickstarter for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. At Gen Con 2015 we held a Q&A panel about the game with Adam Scott Glancy, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze. Audio produced by Ross Payton.
In the panel we talk about a “cheat sheet” of rules from Delta... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This brush lets you paint a unique city layout in minutes. This brush is a collection of 81 individual roof lines that can be added to any map to whip up a quick city. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
Pay What You Want
An underwater observation base intended for "Poseidonis" adventure module, but can be used as a map for any other Sci-Fi game (i.e. Traveller, Starfinder, etc.)
The base is designed for an aquatic crew, completely flooded and equipped with submersible versions of the standard technology (replicators, etc.).
The living quarters contain furniture made from a formable mass, every crewman can form to... [click here for more] |
MasterZelgadis |
Pay What You Want
With this installment in this product line I continue to work on a palette of original and affordable stockart for personal and commercial projects of publishers and gamers alike.
The image presented here is a simple background, featuring an underground water reservoir.
The Pack contains:
1 PDF with a preview image (75% size) and the license agreement.
1 PNG image packed into a ZIP file.... [click here for more] |
Christian Hollnbuchner |
Pay What You Want
The product of our first episode of "Background Ballads," "Under the Red River" is the perfect audio accompaniment to your party's adventure as they delve into dangerous territory.
All our tracks are completely free for download, but if you like what you hear, consider following us on social media! Happy adventuring!
-TGS Games ... [click here for more] |
TGS Games |
Pay What You Want
Geir is an experienced mercenary, a man who's traveled across the land taking on jobs both big and small. But when he's asked to investigate wildlife behaving strangely in the untamed forests of the Westmere Valley, he finds himself biting off much more than he can chew. Can he break the chains binding him to the forest, or will he become a permanent guest of the Westmere's fickle residents? Unchained... [click here for more] |
Umbra Tabletop RPG |
Pay What You Want
Every creature in the multiverse has a story to tell -- even the monsters.
The ENnie-award winning Uncaged series has started a revolution in 5e gaming. Several of the artists have come together to create a tarot deck celebrating the project that brought us together for the first time.
This free companion for Uncaged Tarot provides card descriptions to provide guidance in readings... [click here for more] |
Jessica Marcrum |
Pay What You Want
Two short tales of Odd Jill, a traveller on the world of Tellene. In the first, she meets a burrowful of gnomes and must save them from slavery in a pit of snakes. In the second, she faces a fierce monster with an unlikely ally. ... [click here for more] |
Library Ogre Publishing |
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