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 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.
*1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*
Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage!
Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,... [click here for more] |
Rachel Sands |
Pay What You Want
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
Soundtrack great for encounters, pressure filled scenes, or battles! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
Fear the Eldritch is a dark album containing 17 tracks of dread-inducing and suspenseful soundscapes, dark jazz, old records, and absolute insanity. Need I say more?
Get commericial use by joining the Patreon for as little as $3 per month!
Listen for FREE on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@coltrincompositions
Also accessible anywhere else music can be found. For Spotify, check out this link: https://open.spotify.com/album/0XVsTgNxvFWB3CTfMCiEzY?si=dlc06bnuRWaKGyTRR-jHMA... [click here for more] |
Coltrin Compositions |
Pay What You Want
Fear the Eldritch II is the sequel to my best seller! Like the first album, FtE II is a dark album containing 14 tracks of dread-inducing and suspenseful soundscapes, dark jazz, and absolute insanity. Need I say more?
Get commerical use by joining the Patreon for as little as $3 per month!
Listen for FREE on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@coltrincompositions
Also accessible anywhere else music can... [click here for more] |
Coltrin Compositions |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Escape From Clay - Act 0.
Join Dan, David, Jake, and special guest Matt as they begin a new arc of BASE: a CaRdPG! In this new arc they showcase how BASE can be used to explore an already existing setting, and this setting also happens to be an in-development RPG from Fire Lizard Games! Listen in to hear more about the new setting, Savage Urth, as well as the setup for... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Invasion of the Steampunk Zombies - Act 0.
The inaugural episode of Fire Lizard Media by Fire Lizard Games! In this episode, Dan, Jake, and David begin a playthrough of their 1st published game, BASE: a CardPG. Listen as they generate a unique setting and characters from scratch using BASE's rules for random creation. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Formerly: Fire Lizard Media: Invasion of the Steampunk Zombies Act I Part I.
With Act 0 finished the setting has been determined and their characters are ready for adventure! Dan (Harry), Jake (Orville), and David (Delores) playthrough their 1st published game, BASE: a CaRdPG. ... [click here for more] |
Fire Lizard Games, LLC |
Pay What You Want
Highly realistic exterior battle maps based on aerial photograps. Designed for use with virtual table-tops and for printed battle mats useable with 3d printed scenery. This sample set contains a plain image and 6 variants including Squares, Hexes, Witchlight, Winter and Cartoon variant. ... [click here for more] |
Djinneye Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Legacy Product This product was created in the early publishig days and may no be of the quality many have expected us to produce.
Avaliable Download Formats .PDF .MOBI .EPUB
A good tale can be worth more than a thousand shins. At least, that is what the Mechanical Bard says. For a tale can lead to great discovery or even great ruin... This Anthology presents to the Numenera... [click here for more] |
Metal Weave Games |
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 Il nuovo capitolo "Generare Mostri", vi permetterà di creare nuove e insidiose creature da sguinzagliare contro gli Avventurieri. Per utilizzare e comprendere questo capitolo è necassario conoscere il regolamento di Puppet Heresy GDR.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri Ibridi che domineranno la terra nel prossimo... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
 Il capitolo "Incantesimi", non è un capitolo aggiuntivo. Per chi ha il manuale non ci sono differenze dallo schema ad albero per la creazione degli incantesimi. E' una diversa schematizzazione (che spero essere più chiara) del come creare gli incantesimi del proprio Puppet.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri Ibridi... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
 Il nuovo capitolo "Interpretare i Puppets", vi permetterà di capire cosa si cela dietro a queste bizzarre creature e quali sono le ragioni che le spingono verso l'avventura. Per utilizzare e comprendere questo capitolo è necassario conoscere il regolamento di Puppet Heresy GDR.
Claudio Casini - All right reserved
"In Puppet Heresy interpreterai uno dei molti esseri... [click here for more] |
Claudio Casini Art |
Pay What You Want
Roll Initiative is a combat-only TTRPG music album containing tracks for fantasy, scifi, horror, and even 8bit! There's something in here for your battles in every setting!
Get commerical use by joining the Patreon for as little as $3 per month!
Listen for FREE on YouTube! https://youtube.com/@coltrincompositions
Also accessible anywhere else music can be found. For Spotify, check out this link:... [click here for more] |
Coltrin Compositions |
Pay What You Want
A system for character creation that utilizes flaws, exp buying, and narrative weight! Godspeed! ... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
 Un mini gioco da tavolo con miniature di carta 3D molto coreografico e semplice.
Adatto a ludoteche per attirare pubblico con due fotocopie, se ti è piaciuto accetto volentieri un caffè ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
![The Cold Storage Club: for CY_BORG [CY OPS 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21347/446719-thumb140.jpg) All of that Great Punk Rock Flavor You Love, None of the Added Cyber Implants!
Bar, Lore, Abmiance, Events Menu & More.
Created for 404 Jam Not Found for CyBorg.
This zine is also featured in CY OPS 1 by Lettuce
The Cold Storage Club is an independent production by Azathoth Nell Tull and is not affiliated with... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
 A 14+6 page Murder Mystery with: d6 Rumors, 3+ Cases, Puzzles, 4 Big Maps, 3+ NPCs, & 1 Killer Bunnyman; Inspired by the BUNNYMAN urban legend for CY Borg's Urban Legend Jam.
*NEW* • BARE PONES - Printer Friendly is a plain text pdf with printing and assembly instructions to make your own DIY A5 booklet!... [click here for more] |
Azathoth Nell Tull |
Pay What You Want
The Floor is Monsters is a customizable post-apocalyptic setting in a Skyscraper city with monsters overwhelming the ground below. How long these settlements have existed or who first built them is a distant and irrelevant mystery, as they now offer a single purpose: the only refuge above the monstrous forest floor. An ever-growing, corrupting forest with bizarre magical effects, dubbed... [click here for more] |
Ben Serra |
Pay What You Want
First published in 1820, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a haunting tale set in a small, eerie village nestled along the banks of the Hudson River. The story follows Ichabod Crane, a superstitious schoolteacher with dreams of wealth, who arrives in the quiet, mist-shrouded town of Sleepy Hollow. There, he competes for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy farmer,... [click here for more] |
Kids in the Attic |
Pay What You Want
Unspeakable! is the podcast of The Unspeakable Oath.
Arc Dream Publishing recently announced the upcoming Kickstarter for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. At Gen Con 2015 we held a Q&A panel about the game with Adam Scott Glancy, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze. Audio produced by Ross Payton.
In the panel we talk about a “cheat sheet” of rules from Delta... [click here for more] |
Arc Dream Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 A jazzy modern track that is good ambience for clubs, bars, and such. ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
Deceptive Demise: A Hollywood Murder Mystery Game
A gripping printable murder mystery perfect for true crime enthusiasts and amateur sleuths
Game Synopsis
Step onto a Hollywood movie set where talent, tension, and treachery collide in this immersive murder mystery experience. When acclaimed actress Olivia Bennett is found dead in her dressing room, you'll need to sift through evidence, analyze... [click here for more] |
Print Mysteries |
Pay What You Want
L’œuf du dragon est un fanzine dédié à l’imaginaire et aux jeux de simulation
Au sommaire de ce numéro:
- Un long article sur les dragons
- Un présentation d'un excellent jeux vidéo se déroulant dans un univers d'héroic-fantasy
- Une critique du manga Bastard
_ Une nouvelle parlant d'épée et d'obsession ... [click here for more] |
grinlen |
Pay What You Want
 Produce Bins For Mapping A collection of 18 transparent PNG files of colorful rugs. Intended especially for Other World Mapper but also naturally compatible with most mapping software applications.
FILE FORMAT AND SOFTWARE USAGE: This product features a collection of cartography asset images that are saved as transparent PNG files. The dimensions of these PNG files vary. These files have been created... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
Pay What You Want
This is the World's First-ever published issue of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Fuuun, ain't it? Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by devoted Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer & publisher.
Because this is not a full fanzine issue... [click here for more] |
Coming Through RPGs |
Pay What You Want
![Techno-Criminal Subcultures [Kaos Mix]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/636/149637-thumb140.jpg) Techno-Criminal Subcultures [Kaos Mix] Copyright 2011 Dan Rardan Music. All Rights Reserved! Song Length = 3:21 Audio = Stereo MP3 Sample Rate = 44,100 Samples/Second Bit Rate = 192 Bits/Second
Genre: Cinematic / Soundtrack Theme: Remixed cyber crime
Techno-Criminal Subcultures is a remix by Dan Raridan. This song is track #7 on Kaiju Kaos: The Soundtrack, Volume 2 (Bailey... [click here for more] |
Bailey Records |
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Rev wasn't always the leader of the raider Clans. As a boy he scrounged for food in the wasteland until he was eventually adopted by a group of raiders. He rose in their ranks unlike any other and ruled his pack of savage lunatics with ruthless authority, trying his best to steer them away from the most deviant acts of cruelty. Now, he stands as their leader, ready to spring another raid on their... [click here for more] |
Sebastian Baar |
Pay What You Want
 This is a simple rope bridge crossing a chasm near a small cave. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
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 This is a simple roadside map with a field on one side, and thick forest on the other. ... [click here for more] |
Morgajel |
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Ironmongery is an equipment database for Traveller and other 2D6 Sci-fi RPGs. Currently, it handles vehicles and associated weapon/ammunition types and stores these in an interchangeable file format. Equipment files can be shared, imported, updated and printed.
Note: this is alpha software for macOS only atm. Please try it out!
Original vehicle and weapon stats and... [click here for more] |
Mike Henry Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Get yourself some Lizard Men
11.5"x14" 300 dpi (3495x4200px)
Great for a spot or corner filler, can be cropped for different compositions and to fit your needs.
Check out the preview!
Image in ZiP file, acompanying PDF so you know what youre getting.
By purchasing this stock art pack, you are granted a royalty-free license to use these images in unlimited personal and up to 1 commercial... [click here for more] |
kirilot |
Pay What You Want
You're a jewel thief - and you and your crew just nabbed a bag of black diamonds for a mysterious employer. You hand the jewels over to your fence for appraisal and kick back for a well-deserved party. Then comes the unexpected double whammy...
Gangsters robbed your fence and swiped the diamonds - and your only child has been kidnapped by the billionaire that you stole the diamonds from! Can you retrieve... [click here for more] |
Brabblemark Press |
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Delhia was a child birthed by the Gods, or was she? Found on the Spire during the greatest storm of the millenium, it was clear she was always destined for great and terrible things. But there are those who would use her for their own agendas, plunging her into a grand conspiracy armed with nothing but her wits and her teachings in order to prove her innocence and that of her father. Will she succeed,... [click here for more] |
Sebastian Baar |
Pay What You Want
 Having escaped capture, endured heartbreak, survived what might have been the end of the world; the Dark Hedgehog has vowed to do what must be done to aid the downtrodden in the fight against evil.
This single page character is a Vetran variant of the Rodent from It's Toon Time, a suppliment to the Savage Worlds roleplaying game by Pinnacle Entertainment. ... [click here for more] |
Pinnacle Entertainment |
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The story is a series of memoirs told by the most famous Queen of the Empire and some of her most memorable moments during her ascension and her rule. From a child reluctant to take the throne, to a woman reclaiming it in order to restore her true family name after it was tarnished by the corrupted Royal Houses. How did she manage to clear her family name and keep the Empire from falling into ruin... [click here for more] |
Sebastian Baar |
Pay What You Want
 I'd like to finish this months Dungeon a day with a simple house on a hill. It's not overly large or extravagant, maybe the home of an upper ranking military official. Its a fairly deffensible position, say if the nearby peasant populace decides to revolt. Its also good to run a haunted investigative game in. Maybe the lady of the house threw herself off the balcony? Or maybe the head of the house... [click here for more] |
Infinite Roleplay |
Pay What You Want
Need something to handout to your players next time they find a magical scroll, mystical text or a page from a long forgotten spellbook?
Here you go, the first page of the Gork Stuff Handouts.
I have more pages like this, but i want to know if this is something you would want or need? So consider this a free test, tease and sample.
I used stock art from... [click here for more] |
Tiny Gork |
Pay What You Want
Do you roleplay in a military setting? Are you looking to add some authenticity to your table? Do you just like things that go 'BOOM' in the night? Then this little book here might interest you, at least a little bit.
PMCs are a very real variable of the modern battlefield, as well as an option for private security and policing. This book acts as a set of simple examples for GMs to add to... [click here for more] |
Dark Tentacle |
Pay What You Want
A Worker Placed is a (ahem) love letter to one of my favorite hobbies - board and card games. Here you'll find 4 songs dedicated to 4 games I find intriguing.
What if the 80's we experienced were more like the 80's of our imagination? Musivational combines synth sounds with Terminator sensibilities, Stranger Things ideas and a general SciFi vibe.
A perfect soundtrack for your Scifi, cyberpunk... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
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 From the Art Archive: The Mystic
NUELOW Stock Art Collection: The Mystic contains two high resolution and two low resolution bonus black-and-white pieces of line-art for use in your personal or commercial projects with few restructions. When you download this collection, you receive a PDF index of the art, as well as a zip archive that contains a jpg file for each image.... [click here for more] |
NUELOW Games |
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Pay what you want!
As a thank you for the warm reception I've recieved on my first week on Drive Thru RPG, I'd like to offer up this Ninja for your next RPG adventure.
Thanks to everyone for the views, and here's to many fun adventures ahead!
Thanks for taking the time to check out my RPG Stock Art! If you can't find what you're looking for, please don't hessitate to contact me... [click here for more] |
Rian Trost RPG Stock Art |
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Sweatshop Robot Weird mechanical influences with an instrumental industrial EBM feel. Runs around 4 minutes long. Good for delivering a cold, sinister mechanical wicked to your gaming background feel. ... [click here for more] |
Fishwife Games |
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 Taster Grassland tile set.
3 grid options or no grid with optional straight path. ... [click here for more] |
Jackmatt RPG Accessories. |
Pay What You Want
31 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist. The are Photographs that have been put through Photoshop to look like paintings. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
24 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist.
Created with AI from Midjourney. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
24 pictures for landscapes or paintings. Could be used as framed items in 3d applications like Dungeon Alchemist.
Created with AI from Midjourney. ... [click here for more] |
The Cave of Creation |
Pay What You Want
They came from other cosms, raiders joined together to steal the Earth's possibilities. They he brought with them their different realities, turning portons of our world into someplace else.
The Torg roleplaying game combines the heroic action of the pulps, the magical adventure of fantasy, and the grim situations of future-tech into one all-encompassing game.
This pack... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
 Il sapere del mondo è minacciato, un gruppo di topolini in questo gdr adatto a giocare con i bambini, dovranno impedire alla stupidità e al buio di avanzare.
Con coraggio dovranno passare sette porte e trovare i libri del sapere, inseguiti dai cattivi ratti, in questa favola avventura.
Se ti va offrimi un caffè ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want