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 Crank up the fright factor on your desktop with this slasher-themed 1920x1080 wallpaper art from They're Coming to Get You! (TCGY), Battleaxes & Brimstone's rules-light horror RPG!
TCGY is part of DTRPG's 2022 Pocket Quest jam!
Check out the full game here:
Theyre-Coming-to-Get-You on Drive Thru RPG
... [click here for more] |
Battleaxes and Brimstone |
Pay What You Want
This is the 2nd published (and the First-ever Full issue) of the Take the Edge magazine. Take the Edge is an officially licensed fanzine containing material for the Over the Edge RPG, the 3rd edition. Supah Dupah Awesome, ain't it?
Published by Coming Through RPGs. Made by the devoted and (in)famous Over the Edge RPG fan Krisse Tuominen who is also, eg. indie RPG designer,... [click here for more] |
Coming Through RPGs |
Pay What You Want
Your pest posse just got the drop on the location of a one-of-a-kind, grade-A trash trove. Obtaining it won’t be easy. You’ll need to combine your skills, smarts, and attitudes if you wanna be known around the streets as the baddest posse in town.
Travel through the ages trash talkin' and earnin' your reputation amongst the other pests of the streets. A silly and fun game of talkin trash with... [click here for more] |
Jane Spencer |
Pay What You Want
 Have you ever wanted to form inseparable bonds with your fellow players, yet searched long and futilely for the magic that causes such bonds to spring into existence? Ah, good reader, the answer is Deep Affection. A simple, 1-page document that can be printed out and used as a GM screen (or even used in other products due to CC-BY!), this game allows you to get to the heart of what all... [click here for more] |
Noah Kastin |
Pay What You Want
So you're blithely going about your day, and suddenly, villains appear! Oh no! Time to stop them with stuff that makes sense in-world, but in reality, is utter nonsense!
Neon Scissor Run is a game about trying to figure out what's going on the game, in which you win at about the same time as when you figure out how the game world works (if you do ever figure... [click here for more] |
Noah Kastin |
Pay What You Want
25 years ago, James 'Grim' Desborough and Steve Mortimer wrote The Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming. Little did they know this would start an incredibly profitable chain of events for Steve Jackson Games.
Being young, stupid, and needing the money, the contract wasn't exactly the best. In the intervening years, SJG has made millions of dollars from spin-off products while Grim and Steve have made a... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
Pay What You Want
The human world was blowed to bits in the Great Big Blammo way back in the Longago Days. Now is the Squam. There are monsters. There are wizards. There are lizards.
You are a lizard.
Good luck.
This is a little rpg about playing talking lizards in a post-apocalyptic world. The world is not defined or described in any way. It can be after nukes,... [click here for more] |
Random Order Creations |
Pay What You Want
 "I mean really, Ed. They're savages."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 "Thank you, sir. Just doing my job."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"You mean contraband."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
An extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes?
If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
The Horror at the Harvest Time Hoedown is an original and over-the-top comedic horror adventure for a level 5 group of adventurers. The adventure features corn monsters, Cornfederate civil war re-enactors, and bitter satire from a jaded ethicist...
Also, did I mention... [click here for more] |
Wolfenrat Games |
Pay What You Want