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 A little tale about everyone's favorite Kobold. Okay, maybe second favorite, Yeet! 24 uncolored pages taken straight from Kobolds Ate My Baby: The Orange Book! Featuring the incredable art of John Kovalic, this book is just begging to be colored outside the lines. We suggest orange.
--- Check out Kobolds Ate My Baby: The Orange Book! For Kobolds in the service of King Torg (ALL HAIL KING TORG!)... [click here for more] |
9th Level Games |
 Celebrating the role that board games hold in our lives, celebrities, industry professionals and lifelong gamers share the remarkable and personal stories of their profound love for gaming.
People want to feel good about their passions, their hobbies included. People want to talk about them, and to listen to others who share their enthusiasm. This book celebrates that sense of affinity... [click here for more] |
Aconyte Books |
 Charts Of The Fey Forest is a map pack containing 12 new maps for your next campaign or visit to fey lands.
All maps are available in 2k resolution with full color. Files include both gridded and non gridded versions of every map
Maps Found Inside Include
Forest with creek
A Fey Cave
A Temple Inside & Out
A... [click here for more] |
AGMs Perspective |
$8.00 $4.00
Amazing Tales, The Complete Coloring Book contains all the artwork featured in Amazing Tales, the full color illustrations have been reworked by original artist Iris Maertens to be suitable for coloring.
Included are
7 pages from the Deep dark wood
9 pages from Magical kingdoms long ago
7 pages from Adventures on the pirate seas
9 pages from Adventures beyond the stars
5 pages... [click here for more] |
Amazing Tales |
 A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of Between Clouds! This versatile document contains invaluable information for artists, game designers, storytellers, aspiring crowdfunders, and players alike. Features never-before-seen sketches and illustrations from the game's production, countless design notes, and visions of what Between Clouds could have been. This digital download includes:
A 59 page... [click here for more] |
Andi Licht |
Xénoarchéologues est un jeu de rôle solo ou coopératif où le héros explore un environnement extra-terrestre. L'environnement est basé sur la pièce où se trouve le joueur. Elle représente alors une immense caverne d'une planète étrange ou les cuves d'un vaisseau cyclopéen.
Il s'agit d'un petit jeu adapté au confinement, pensé pour être jouable à 1 ou 2 joueurs et accessible aux enfants. ... [click here for more] |
Antoine Kirdinn Nobilet |
 A single digital B&W image of Red Riding Hood
Inside the download you'll find a 300 dpi png file and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-exclusive license to use the art an unlimited number of times for use by one Licensee or Client, for the Permitted... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
 Three digital hand drawn images of a Teen Superhero: the ESPer
Inside the download you'll find the art (three 300 dpi png files: grayscale, color and black and white quarter page images) and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
This illustration was first released through Patreon.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable,... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
 Three digital hand drawn images of a Teen Superhero: the Phantom
Inside the download you'll find the art (three 300 dpi png files: grayscale, color and black and white quarter page images) and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
This illustration was first released through Patreon.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable,... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
 Three digital hand drawn images of a Teen Superhero: the Speedster
Inside the download you'll find the art (three 300 dpi png files: grayscale, color and black and white quarter page images) and the Royalty Free Licence as txt file.
This illustration was first released through Patreon.
The Stock art is released under Royalty Free Licence. The author grants the Licensee a perpetual, worldwide, non-transferable,... [click here for more] |
Artikid Arts |
Once Upon a Time, in the Zantabulous Land of Zo. . . Tailors face giants, enchanted queens dance with human peasants, talking creatures perform domestic duties, witches cast curses and fairies grant blessings. And all are seeking their Happily Ever After. Fairy tales and folktales have served as fertile ground for many stories, novels, cartoons, movies, and games. They speak to common - possibly... [click here for more] |
Atomic Sock Monkey Press |
 This piece of colour filler art depicts gold coins partially buried in sand. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains a 300 dpi image on a transparent background. The image is 1500x884... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
 This piece of colour filler art depicts platinum, gold, electrum, silver and copper coins partially buried in sand. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains a 300 dpi image on a transparent... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
 This piece of colour filler art depicts assorted gems partially buried in sand. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains a 300 dpi image on a transparent background. The image is 1500x884... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
 This piece of colour filler art depicts assorted pieces of treasure partially buried in sand. The art may be used in personal and commercial products, and can be modified in any way. It cannot be resold, even if modified, as stock art or part of another stock art pack. Attribution is required in commercial products for this piece. The zip contains a 300 dpi image on a transparent background. The image... [click here for more] |
Azukail Games |
Note: This free purchase is for a preview PDF and press release only and not the final product. The full version will be available for purchase upon release.
Cats ! The Conspurracy is a contemporary and fantastic tabletop role-playing game where players take on the roles of highly intelligent cats with psychic powers,... [click here for more] |
Black Book Editions |
 Transform and Play, Heroes!
Playing Savage Tokusatsu on a VTT has never been easier thanks to these high quality tokens! This
What's In the Files?
Within this file you'll get a nicely .zipped folder containing 48 extremely high quality and well organized tokens for use in your virtual Savage Tokusatsu games!
Not only that, but we've also given... [click here for more] |
BPB Games |
Part of the "Adventure Pack 1" - Battlebook 1 is a solo introductory adventure that immerses players into the Light Strikers universe, and its Clash system. You'll take on the role of a tradeloader citizen in the world of Adamah, and experience a day you'll not soon forget.
This book is also great for people learning how to play RPGs for the very first time. Make sure to get the Sage Commander... [click here for more] |
Code of Light Games |
Pay What You Want
Fire forged it. Time forgot it. Magic haunts it. Welcome to Ashrum—an ancient volcano's crater where five realms clash in the shadow of destiny.
From the barbarian stronghold of Bruma, Rolaf the Unyielding watches over a land where danger lurks in every crevice. In the west, dwarven Crag-Dwellers brave the Devil's Canyons, where raging rivers carve paths through stone and mist conceals both fortune... [click here for more] |
Coyote custom |
Pay What You Want
 Ina är en prinsessa på en ö i Västanhavet. Som alla prinsessor får hon lära sig att fäktas, rida och får läsa långa böcker om viktiga saker som fjärran riken och svunna dagar. På slottet har hon allt hon behöver, men när mamma drottningen och pappa kungen spårlöst försvinner, lämnar hon allt för att leta reda på dem. Det blir startskottet för ett spännande äventyr.
Drakprinsessan... [click here for more] |
Daniel Lehto AB |
 Melina är sex år och bor ensam med sin mamma på en enslig gård i Tornedalen. I skogen bakom huset leker hon med vättarna och på ängarna dansar hon med älvorna. Men en dag är inget som förr, och hennes vänner tycks försvunna. Melina ska snart inse att inget är som hon trott.
Melina och älvorna är en kärleksfullt berättad historia om ensamhet, rädsla och döden, med en hoppfullhet... [click here for more] |
Daniel Lehto AB |
$9.99 $4.99
Printable coloring pages featuring the art from Color My Quest, The Color & Cut Roleplaying Game ... [click here for more] |
Dice Up Games |
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Color My Quest RPG Regular price: $9.00 Bundle price: $7.70 Format: PDF Color My Quest is a color & cut storytelling game for 2 to 5 people ages 4 and up. This PDF has everything you’ll need to play through a pre-written adventure and in the end you’ll find pages that teach you how to create your... [click here for more] |
Dice Up Games |
$25.95 $20.00
How to Run a Game
In this little book I present a way to develop the skills to run a game. Or ones I think are useful to running a game. I don't find much of this in most GMing books. Most of it is on preparing, and that is essential. You can't cook if you don't have a recipe, ingredients, pots, pans and a stove. But cooking is another skill alltogether.
No this isn't a cook book. I was hungry when... [click here for more] |
DM Studios |
Available in Paperback, EPUB, and PDF (30 reading pages)
Warning: Reading this book will make you want to play D&D!
“Stephen’s delightful memoir makes you want to travel upstream to your own formative D&D headwaters, dig out your old graph-paper maps and worn dice, and rediscover the gateway to what the author calls ‘the fantastic path.’” —Ethan Gilsdorf,... [click here for more] |
Courage is a collaborative production game about using the Net to explore ideas and options. The game invites you to step outside the boundaries of social networks to find out what else is on offer. ... [click here for more] |
Dragonfly |
Pay What You Want
 12" x 18" Small Poster, Deluxe Paper, Single-sided, Square-corner, No UV Coating
The North Pole is a land of floating skybergs, territories of ice and fantasy that are shrouded in cold and darkness. Only once a year can Santa Claus touch the earth due to ancient restrictions on his type of magic. Players become his agents, summoned and sent forth to carry out the tasks that he himself cannot perform... [click here for more] |
Eumitto |
Kolekcja uroczych, pełnych detali rycin, które można wydrukować i dać pociechom do kolorowania. Ilustracje przedstawiają wesołe skrzaty i krasnale zajmujące się przeróżnymi aktywnościami (pracą, nauką, sportem) i są dość szczegółowe, więc powinny dać dzieciakom zajęcie na dłuższy czas. Ponadto pod każdym obrazkiem znajdują się linijki, w których najmłodsi mogą ćwiczyć... [click here for more] |
Fajerbol |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! GTM also includes monthly exclusive tutorials like Dave Taylor's Painting Happy Li'l Minis, funny comics, and reviews from our team of experienced... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! GTM also includes monthly exclusive tutorials like Dave Taylor's Painting Happy Li'l Minis, funny comics, and reviews from our team of experienced... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! GTM also includes monthly exclusive tutorials like Dave Taylor's Painting Happy Li'l Minis, funny comics, and reviews from our team of experienced... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical on the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our March 2005 issue, GTM explores the world of Decipher's The Lord of the Rings CCG, an exclusive Settlers of Catan scenario: Catakatoa,... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our May 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at WizKids' Marvel HeroClix: Fantastic Forces expansion, Shadows Over Camelot, and more! ... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our June 2005 issue, GTM explores the latest edition of Richard Garfield's Robo Rally from Avalon Hill, the Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Master... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our July 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at the super heroic fun of Super Munchkin from Steve Jackson Games, DC HeroClix, the comic... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our August 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at Descent: Journeys in the Dark from Fantasy Flight Games, the Pirates of the Barbary Coast... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our September 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at the High Stakes Drifter CCG from WizKids, the Dungeons & Dragons: Magic of Incarnum... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our October 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at the World of Darkness: Chicago sourcebook from White Wolf Publishing, the Dungeons &... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our November 2005 issue, GTM takes a closer look at the super heroic action in AEG's City of Heroes CCG, MechWarrior: Domination, Munchkin... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our final issue of the 2005 publication year, GTM takes a look at the True20 RPG system from Green Ronin, Seafarers of Catan, DC HeroClix: Collateral... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
 The serious games magazine for serious gamers, Game Trade Magazine (GTM) is the most reliable, accessible monthly periodical for the latest, most comprehensive information of product in the world of games and hobby supplies! In our January 2006 issue, GTM takes a closer look at the high-impact CCG action of Universal Fighting System from Sabretooth Games, Tsuro -... [click here for more] |
Game Trade Magazine |
In Family Games: The 100 Best, top game designers and publishers write about the most enjoyable, most cleverly designed titles of the last one hundred years. Their essays cover the spectrum from board games to card games, wargames to miniatures games to role-playing games, including old favorites and little known gems. These are the games that the designers themselves play, the ones that have... [click here for more] |
Green Ronin Publishing |
$9.95 $7.46
 Archipelago Map Pack
Prepare for an epic showdown with the Archipelago Map Pack! Whether your party is navigating treacherous waters aboard two formidable ships or engaging in a thrilling naval battle surrounded by mystical islands, this map sets the stage for high-stakes sea adventures. With versatile terrain and captivating details, Archipelago is perfect for encounters on the... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Carnival of Broken Dreams Map Pack
Step right up to the Carnival of Broken Dreams, a haunting, abandoned fairground where nothing is as it seems. The rusting Ferris wheel looms ominously over lily-pad-strewn waters, and dilapidated tents whisper of a time long past. What horrors linger in the shadows? Will a djinn be unleashed from a forgotten lamp, or will your party encounter something... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Crossroads Map Pack
Every journey has its choices, and the Crossroads map brings your players to a place where paths converge. At the center of this tranquil crossroads stands a beautiful fountain, inviting travelers to pause, reflect, and decide which direction to take. With a charming fence lining the road and vibrant gardens flourishing in each corner, this map is ideal for encounters,... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Ebon Rest Cemetery Map Pack
Uncover the mysteries of life and death with the Ebon Rest Cemetery map pack! Whether your adventurers are searching for hidden graves, thwarting dark rituals, or enjoying a rare moment of peace among the tombstones, this map provides the perfect setting for countless eerie or poignant encounters. With its versatile variants, you can tailor the cemetery to... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Eroded Temple Map Pack
Embark on a journey to the Eroded Temple, an ancient, partially destroyed underground sanctuary eroded by the passage of time and a relentless river that now flows through its center. What was once a place of reverence now holds secrets and danger. Who built this temple? What was worshipped here? And is it truly abandoned, or do sleepless guardians still roam its... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Farmhouse Map Pack
What could possibly go wrong in an innocent little Farmhouse? This versatile map includes 3 levels—the first floor, basement, and exterior farmyard—offering endless possibilities for adventure. Whether it’s a magical mishap with glowing mushrooms, a deserted farm overrun with zombies, or the classic "rats in the basement" scenario, this map is designed... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Grannie’s House Map Pack
Step into the Feywild with Grannie’s House, a mysterious and enchanting grove that will add intrigue and danger to your next session. Featuring an enormous tree nestled deep within the Feywild, this map hides a dark secret beneath its charming surface. On the ground level, it appears to be a cozy, quaint home. But below lies a sinister lair filled... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |
 Graveyard Map Pack
Graveyards can add a rich layer of mystery and danger to your world. Whether serving as the resting place of honoured ancestors, the unnerving realm of necromantic power, or the secret grounds for clandestine rituals, the Graveyard Map Pack offers a chilling setting filled with countless possibilities. What dark secrets lie buried here? Who has claimed it for their... [click here for more] |
Grim Maven |