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This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.
*1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*
Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage!
Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,... [click here for more] |
Rachel Sands |
Pay What You Want
 This is a character background sheet I created for my own party's campaign prep. It is designed to be a quick and helpful resource for a player or storyteller to explore a character's values and how much regard they keep for each in their personal lives and journeys.
The system is very simple and open to any use. This is how it works:
Keep track of your character’s interests by assigning each... [click here for more] |
The Creator with a Thousand Faces |
Pay What You Want
Polyhedral will be a quarterly magazine which takes a modern approach to RPG content, paying homage to the formats of roleplaying magazines of yesteryear.
Each issue will showcase the games we play and the people who play them.
Issue 0 serves to introduce you to the content we both plan on having and want submitted to the magazine.
Fields of Fire - A 5e and OSE One Shot
Chaos... [click here for more] |
Polyhedral Press |
Pay What You Want
 Taking TTRPGs from "educational" to "classroom ready"
With a wider community acceptance of the idea that games provide players with benefits to skill development, many publishers are releasing "educational" TTRPGs.
However, for these games to be widely accepted in a classroom setting and to actually be accessible to educators who are stretched on time and resources, it’s important to make sure... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
"In ages past, a mad wizard kept all sorts of strange beasts as pets and playthings..."
Puzzles are a mainstay of classic fantasy adventures, and when you can include one in your own adventure, your players face another challenge to enjoy and overcome. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability/time to create their own puzzles and many commercial adventures simply don't include them.
On the... [click here for more] |
Above Average Creations |
Pay What You Want
Worlds and Adventures ist das, monatlich erscheinende Ulisses Magazin, in dem wir euch über unsere anstehenden Neuerscheinungen informieren, aber auch einen Blick hinter die Kulissen von Ulisses werfen wollen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
 Have you ever wanted to form inseparable bonds with your fellow players, yet searched long and futilely for the magic that causes such bonds to spring into existence? Ah, good reader, the answer is Deep Affection. A simple, 1-page document that can be printed out and used as a GM screen (or even used in other products due to CC-BY!), this game allows you to get to the heart of what all... [click here for more] |
Noah Kastin |
Pay What You Want
Deceptive Demise: A Hollywood Murder Mystery Game
A gripping printable murder mystery perfect for true crime enthusiasts and amateur sleuths
Game Synopsis
Step onto a Hollywood movie set where talent, tension, and treachery collide in this immersive murder mystery experience. When acclaimed actress Olivia Bennett is found dead in her dressing room, you'll need to sift through evidence, analyze... [click here for more] |
Print Mysteries |
Pay What You Want
So you're blithely going about your day, and suddenly, villains appear! Oh no! Time to stop them with stuff that makes sense in-world, but in reality, is utter nonsense!
Neon Scissor Run is a game about trying to figure out what's going on the game, in which you win at about the same time as when you figure out how the game world works (if you do ever figure... [click here for more] |
Noah Kastin |
Pay What You Want
 "I mean really, Ed. They're savages."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 "Thank you, sir. Just doing my job."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
"You mean contraband."
An extraterrestrial presence is real, and the agents of an interplanetary Consortium monitor us from sites hidden throughout the world. All the while they watch humanity strip mine its planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies.
If there is a plan to avert environmental and social disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
An extraterrestrial presence is real. They watch us strip-mine the planet to fuel the growth of populations and economies. Will they intervene to help us avert disaster? And what's with all the anal probes?
If there is a plan to avert disaster, the aliens operating out of a subterranean base in Antarctica didn't get the memo. As much as they'd like to help, that's not their job. Instead, they go... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Get yourself some Lizard Men
11.5"x14" 300 dpi (3495x4200px)
Great for a spot or corner filler, can be cropped for different compositions and to fit your needs.
Check out the preview!
Image in ZiP file, acompanying PDF so you know what youre getting.
By purchasing this stock art pack, you are granted a royalty-free license to use these images in unlimited personal and up to 1 commercial... [click here for more] |
kirilot |
Pay What You Want
25 years ago, James 'Grim' Desborough and Steve Mortimer wrote The Munchkin's Guide to Powergaming. Little did they know this would start an incredibly profitable chain of events for Steve Jackson Games.
Being young, stupid, and needing the money, the contract wasn't exactly the best. In the intervening years, SJG has made millions of dollars from spin-off products while Grim and Steve have made a... [click here for more] |
Postmortem Studios |
Pay What You Want
 First and foremost this is a charity map.All proceeds will go right back into my map making to buy more assests and textures. So i can bring your maps to life.
Enjoy a spooky themed graveyard. perfect for horror based encounters
Purchasing the Graveyard battlemap will allow you to download a .ZIP folder containt the following.
4k gridded and ungridded Versions of the Graveyard Battlemap.set to... [click here for more] |
Richard's Vault of Battlemaps |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Rollspelsnostalgi blickar tillbaka på ett 80- och 90-tal. Några höjdpunkter
De första inläggen Rollspelsnostalgi
Ur Ärkemagikerns kuriosakabinett med Anders Blixt
Drakar... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Rollspelsnostalgi blickar tillbaka på ett 80- och 90-tal.
Några höjdpunkter
Ur Ärkemagikerns kuriosakabinett med Anders Blixt
MUTANT 2 “Träng djupare in i... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Rollspelsnostalgi blickar tillbaka på ett 80- och 90-tal.
I detta nummer kikar vi lite extra på Lancelot Games spel som Khelataar och Wastelands.
Några höjdpunkter... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Rollspelsnostalgi blickar tillbaka på ett 80- och 90-tal.
Detta nummer lyfter de ”farliga rollspelen”. Några höjdpunkter
Nostalgiska betraktelser från sagoskogen... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Fanzinet kommer ut oregelbundet och uppdateras när andan faller på. Fokus är på gamla rollspel från Äventyrsspels utgivning under 80- och 90-talet men lyfter även nyare... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Do you want to write better role playing game story plots? Don't have much time but would like to have engaging storylines for your players to explore?
Key highlights:
Harness your full personal capability using keyword association
Write fast - as quickly as in 10-15 minutes from scratch to gaming table
Be more varied than ever - avoid cliched anti-climatic story arcs
How to run... [click here for more] |
ThinkDifferent |
Pay What You Want
An image from my original colour pencil artwork depicting cats visiting a wooden shrine built by a local village to honour Yinkin. ... [click here for more] |
Chaosium |
Pay What You Want
 It's that time of year again for another issue of Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine, and this time we've got an extra-special bumper selection of stuff for you to enjoy, including the results of our first ever major Reader's Survey, a look at several RPG Starter Sets, talk about boardgames based on heavy metal bands and their music, how to get your boardgame design onto Board Game Arena, an interview with Nick... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
In this small 20 page adventure module, centered around an archaeological dig, revisit Bull Creek and find out the secret behind what really lies in the hero Vertrixx Mazilaxx's sarcophagus. To do so, you'll have to meet up with master archaeologist Geranimus to delve deep into the ground. On the surface, politics boil and tensions between species... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 20 page adventure module, centered around an archaeological dig, revisit Bull Creek and find out the secret behind what really lies in the hero Vertrixx Mazilaxx's sarcophagus. To do so, you'll have to meet up with master archaeologist Geranimus to delve deep into the ground. On the surface, politics boil and tensions between species... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 14 page adventure module, help the small village of Bull's Creek and a druidic grove when a powerful nature spirit gets sick and lashes out. Can your players stand up to the sickness that seeks to kill not only the organism that is the forest but, everyone else around too?
Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess- a 5e SRD adventure for... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want
In this small 30 page adventure module, face the forces of nature when they go awry and save a small village and druidic grove allied by circumstance. Are your players strong enough to stand up to a sickness that seeks not only to kill the forest but, everyone around it too?
Secret Grove of the Forest Goddess- a Defy the Legends adventure for... [click here for more] |
James Grammaticus |
Pay What You Want

Hello again, and yes, we're still celebrating 5 years of Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine, although this issue comes at you straight from SPIEL Essen (or thereabouts), so we're hoping you'll love it.
What's going on in this issue, then?
Well, we have a couple of reports / photo blogs from Spiel Essen, as well as a dedicated (and extended) Snapshots section looking at all the goodies you can look forward... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
 Yup it's time for another issue of Tabletop SPIRIT Magazine, and we seem to have something of a racing and speed-based theme running through this issue (sorry!)
We also have a real jet pilot flying high with Sky Team, an aircraft piloting game, which is something we know you won't want to miss!
Throw in our usual selection of great articles, regular features, and interviews, and... [click here for more] |
Stormcat Publications |
Pay What You Want
 Purchasing the Necromancers den battlemap will allow you to download a .ZIP folder containing the following.
a 4k JPG of the Necromancers den
2k gridded JPG of the Necromancers den Battlemap
This map is formatted to fit the size of 13x10 at 70 Pixels
... [click here for more] |
Richard's Vault of Battlemaps |
Pay What You Want

These storytelling prompts are created to help in developing worlds through history, lore, and legend. The people, places, and events included in these prompts are full of entertainment, danger, and intrigue for any adventuring party of heroes to explore and enjoy!
... [click here for more] |
The Creator with a Thousand Faces |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Rollspelsnostalgi blickar tillbaka på ett 80- och 90-tal.
103 sidor stort specialnummer med fokus på Drakar och Demoner, både den nya utgåvan från Fria Ligan men också... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Fanzinet kommer ut oregelbundet och uppdateras när andan faller på. Fokus är på gamla rollspel från Äventyrsspels utgivning under 80- och 90-talet men lyfter även nyare... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
 Rollspelsnostalgi Fanzine samlar inlägg, kommentarer och annat från communityt Rollspelsnostalgi på Facebook. Här hittar du bilder på gamla rollspel som Drakar och Demoner, Mutant och Chock blandat med sköna kommentarer. Fanzinet kommer ut oregelbundet och uppdateras när andan faller på. Fokus är på gamla rollspel från Äventyrsspels utgivning under 80- och 90-talet men lyfter även nyare... [click here for more] |
Rollspelsnostalgi |
Pay What You Want
Stakes For Tabletop Roleplaying gives a listing for a variety of actions that characters might undertake in a game, a complex of possible interesting outcomes for those actions, and sample 'perks' for the specialist. It is intended mainly for the following:
For Tenocha, Shamblington, and other games from Levi Kornelsen, these are ready-made expansions to the action available.... [click here for more] |
Amagi Games |
Pay What You Want
The Cursed Grove is an adventure filled with mystery and danger, perfect for players levels 1-4. Once a peaceful forest grove, it has fallen under a dark curse, twisting the guardian into something unrecognizable. Strange whispers drift through the branches, and those who enter often find themselves stricken with a mysterious sickness. The heroes will have to make their way through thorn-covered paths,... [click here for more] |
The Guild Masters Guides |
Pay What You Want
Your pest posse just got the drop on the location of a one-of-a-kind, grade-A trash trove. Obtaining it won’t be easy. You’ll need to combine your skills, smarts, and attitudes if you wanna be known around the streets as the baddest posse in town.
Travel through the ages trash talkin' and earnin' your reputation amongst the other pests of the streets. A silly and fun game of talkin trash with... [click here for more] |
Jane Spencer |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO Review Insider 01
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 01 Mai/Jun 2023 Escape- und Ermittlungsspiele
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
 MEPHISTO Review Insider 02
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 02 Mrz/Apr 2024 Horror und Urban Fantasy
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
The Encyclopedia Chessica: Maxxia's Grand Game
In "The Encyclopedia Chessica," readers are taken on an unparalleled journey through the game of Chess as it has evolved on Maxxia. Not only does this tome bring to light the traditional variants of chess we know and love but also showcases unique games that have been influenced by the vast array of cultures, magic, and... [click here for more] |
Rutibex |
Pay What You Want
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2023 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
The One Page Dungeon Compendium
A collection of dungeons with all of the 2024 One Page Dungeon Contest entries. This contains all the dangerous dungeons, exciting encounters, amazing adventures, and wonderful worlds. Each one is contained on a single page of the compendium.
There are 112 entries to this year's contest. You get the compiled compendium and a zip file containing... [click here for more] |
Spiel Knights |
Pay What You Want
 FORMAÇÃO DE RPGISTAS Este projeto surgiu em um conjunto entre Sesc, Lampião Game Studio e RPGWord com o objetivo de apresentar para as pessoas o RPG, a partir das explicações do que é jogo até as formas de criar e publicar seus próprios jogos. As dez oficinas de formação de jogadores, mestres e criadores de RPG foram ministradas através de aulas estruturadas, jogos de RPG e criação guiada... [click here for more] |
RPGWorld |
Pay What You Want
Fire forged it. Time forgot it. Magic haunts it. Welcome to Ashrum—an ancient volcano's crater where five realms clash in the shadow of destiny.
From the barbarian stronghold of Bruma, Rolaf the Unyielding watches over a land where danger lurks in every crevice. In the west, dwarven Crag-Dwellers brave the Devil's Canyons, where raging rivers carve paths through stone and mist conceals both fortune... [click here for more] |
Coyote custom |
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