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 This is a Artbook for use in any RPG setting, it contains 16 full sized pictures for use in your campagin as PC or NPC inspiration! The artbook is available as one PDF and each picture is individually downloadable.
Additionally this artbook contains four character bios and full sized images for the RPG Soot: Tales of Tenebrous.
Find the full rules for Soot: Tales of Tenebrous here: ... [click here for more] |
Tenebrous Publishing |
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Welcome to the land of the Amazons! This supplement contains a writeup for a nation inspired by the myths, legends, and histories of ancient Greece and Rome that includes pertinent information about the country and a complete set of random encounter tables. It is system-free and can be used in conjunction with any system.
This material is a sample of the content developed by Skirmisher Publishing... [click here for more] |
Skirmisher Publishing |
Pay What You Want
 This is a character background sheet I created for my own party's campaign prep. It is designed to be a quick and helpful resource for a player or storyteller to explore a character's values and how much regard they keep for each in their personal lives and journeys.
The system is very simple and open to any use. This is how it works:
Keep track of your character’s interests by assigning each... [click here for more] |
The Creator with a Thousand Faces |
Pay What You Want
Ironbound: Circle of the Druid
Discover the mystical world of Ironsworn with 'Ironbound: Circle of the Druid,' a must-have expansion for fans of lore-rich low-fantasy adventures. Dive into the enchanting lore of the Four Druidic Circles, each bringing a unique set of paths and rituals, seamlessly integrated into the Ironsworn universe. These rules offer a fresh way to interact with... [click here for more] |
Mighty Mugs Studios |
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MEPHISTO Review Insider 01
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 01 Mai/Jun 2023 Escape- und Ermittlungsspiele
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
 MEPHISTO Review Insider 02
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 02 Mrz/Apr 2024 Horror und Urban Fantasy
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
 MEPHISTO Review Insider 03
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 03 Jul/Aug 2024Cthulhu-Mythos & die Großen Alten
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO Review Insider 04
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 04 Nov/Dez 2024 Science Fiction und Dark Future
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
 Stadtwachen in Dungeons & Dragons sind weit mehr als nur Statisten, die Mauern oder Straßen bewachen. In diesem 10-seitigen Guide findest du:
Eine Anleitung Stadtwachen, Leibgarden oder die Bürgerwacht passend in dein Spiel einzubauen.
Eine Encounterlisten mit 20 verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten der Stadtwache.
5 Questideen mit Bezug auf Stadt- & Dorfwachen
4 einzigartige,... [click here for more] |
Quest |
Pay What You Want

These storytelling prompts are created to help in developing worlds through history, lore, and legend. The people, places, and events included in these prompts are full of entertainment, danger, and intrigue for any adventuring party of heroes to explore and enjoy!
... [click here for more] |
The Creator with a Thousand Faces |
Pay What You Want
 Are you building a roman army and looking for awsome designs to add to their shields? Well this pack includes pretty much all you could want with 48 Shield Designs that you can print to your heart's content on your own decal paper.
These are tailor made to fit Production Diratia's Roman Legion - Complete Set, available on My Mini Factory.
They will fit with most other Roman Miniatures,... [click here for more] |
Productions Diratia |
Pay What You Want
Das Mephisto Magazin für Tabletop-Spiele und Miniaturen Ausgabe 00 Jan/Feb 2009
Hordes: Legion of Everblight Taktikführer & Szenario. Nach dem Circle of Orboros und den Skorne, erfahren Sie im dritten Teil unserer Taktik- und Turnier-Reihe alles über die Legion of Everblight für Privateer Press' Hordes.
Hordes: Drachenherz Szenario.... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
Pay What You Want
 This is a free downloadable poster for the dark solo-adventure, dungeon card game The Castle of Sanguine Blight.
A3 size, two versions of the "title screen": One with the title and one without.
Download, print, share, roll it up and use it to stake a vampire. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Sorchi Games |
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The Knight Errant is an optional class for MÖRK BORG featuring all of the pitfalls of knighthood with next to none of the glory. From giant shields to next-to-useless squires, everything an armored clad lad could need is rusting away right here, ripe for the taking. This fairly survivable and murder-thirsty class comes with a warped but still knight worthy D6 selection of class abilites as well as... [click here for more] |
Edward H.L. Rankin |
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First published in 1820, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a haunting tale set in a small, eerie village nestled along the banks of the Hudson River. The story follows Ichabod Crane, a superstitious schoolteacher with dreams of wealth, who arrives in the quiet, mist-shrouded town of Sleepy Hollow. There, he competes for the hand of Katrina Van Tassel, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy farmer,... [click here for more] |
Kids in the Attic |
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