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The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin is a clone of the original rules for medieval miniatures, which looks forward to the 3LBB for rules clarifications and overall compatibility, and can be utilized in "medieval fantasy" TTRPG campaigns of any edition. The Old Lords of Wonder and Ruin pairs notably well with Wight-Box, a 3LBB clone which itself looks back to Chainmail for inspiration.
This work has over... [click here for more] |
Alchemic Raker |
Pay What You Want
This is the English version of the first issue of Karion, a fanzine entirely dedicated to the Dragonbane game. Here you will find, among other things, two new professions, new abilities, a new magical school, new creatures, and an adventure.
The Swedish version was released almost four months ago, but the work to translate it has taken some time. We find it very exciting to offer it in English as... [click here for more] |
Zadrith |
Pay What You Want
In Seedwords, books are fertile ground, and their words are the seeds that grow into vibrant, living narratives. Each page you turn and every word you discover lays the roots of your characters, cultivates the plot, and nurtures the stakes of your adventure. Whether you’re tending the soil of a classic novel, a modern fantasy, or even an instruction manual, the worlds and challenges that... [click here for more] |
what else |
Pay What You Want
This is the second issue of Karkion, a fanzine entirely dedicated to Dragonbane. The first issue has been very well received and has been downloaded over 700 times. In this issue, you will find:
Some new Heroic abilities.
Throwing weapons.
The new magic school of Illusionism.
The adventure location: the inn "Blue Lute."
The Treasure Chest: A large number of items for the various professions.
Two... [click here for more] |
Zadrith |
Pay What You Want
Witajcie w 8 wrześniowym numerze „To się Wytnie!” – Zinie, który wita nadchodzący miesiąc z nową dawką ekscytujących artykułów i inspirujących treści! W tym numerze zanurzymy się w mroczne zakamarki świata duchów, tajemnicze światy i kulturowe zjawiska, które pobudzą Waszą wyobraźnię i poszerzą horyzonty.
Rozpoczynamy od fascynującego artykułu „Bilet na… Księgarze”,... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
The first issue of Crawl!, the ORIGINAL ZINE for DCC RPG, features:
The first ever new 3rd party Patron!
Simple tips & tricks for running Sword & Sorcery campaigns!
Converting Old-School Spells!
New skill systems!
And a few other new rules to mix things up!
The ultimate edition of Crawl! no.1 includes the 2013 layout by Matt Hildebrand,... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want
Det här är det andra numret av Karkion, som är ett fanzine helt ägnat åt Drakar och Demoner. Det första numret har blivit mycket väl mottaget och har laddats ner över 700 gånger. I det här numret hittar du:
Några nya Hjälteförmågor.
Den nya magiskolan Illusionism.
Äventyrsplatsen värdshuset Blå lutan.
Skattkistan: Ett stort antal föremål till de olika yrkena.
Två... [click here for more] |
Zadrith |
Pay What You Want
Issue 1 - The Crypt of the Barbarian King
This classic five-room dungeons holds all the trappings of a good crawl. There are monsters. There are ghosts. And of course, there's a ton of treasure at the end.
About Downsized Dungeons
Fully statted for Old-School Essentails, these mini dungeons are the perfect thing to grab and go when you're low on preptime. They... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
Det här är det första numret av Karkion som är ett fanzine helt ägnat åt Drakar och Demoner. Den svenska versionen har laddats ner över 300 gånger och i det här numret hittar du:
De två nya yrkena Munk och Helare
Ett stort antal nya Hjälteförmågor
Den nya magiskolan Symbolism
De två nya varelserna Hydra och Göling
Äventyret Det hövliga monstret som utspelar sig i dimmornas dal... [click here for more] |
Zadrith |
Pay What You Want
Issue 3 - The Ziggurat of the Lizard People
Centuries have passed, but the temple still stands. Shadows move through its corridors remembering the blood that was once spilled there in the name of the dragon god. Set deep in the desert, this crumbling stepped ziggurat still has secrets.
About Downsized Dungeons
Fully statted for Old-School Essentails, these mini... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
Out of the howling wilderness, Amidst sunken cities, And long-buried secrets, Man has forged a sword and cast off his chains. Swords and Sorcery and Metal Gods. Danger, treasure, blood and glory, all mixed up in a blender And served up in Golden Ur-Hadad, First City of Ore. Enter, if you dare, the bitchin' mural On the side... [click here for more] |
Kickassistan Ministry of Tourism |
Pay What You Want
Knaves of the Realms Companion is the consort referee’s document to Knaves of the Realms, a micro-hack to run the Forgotten Realms campaign setting using Knave 2nd edition.
Inside you will find guidelines and tools to highlight five elements of the classic source material: wild and dead magic regions, portals, ruins... [click here for more] |
Dados Tostados |
Pay What You Want
TTRPGs are storytelling, acting, and logic games where the players take on roles in the fiction as part of engaging with the game.
There are a lot of them.
This is a guide to making your own.
It is not a step by step assembly manual. It covers personal theory and experiences, and some elements of it are apt to get outdated pretty quickly (publication date 2024!)
However, if you want to do some... [click here for more] |
Richard Kelly |
Pay What You Want
Issue 4 - The Scarlet Tower
To Barsoom!
In this issue of Downsized Dungeons we breifly explore the Scarlet Tower of Greater Helium. With inspiration taken from the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs, we see the tower as it may have existed during the reign of Zat Arras (The Gods of Mars - 1913)
About Downsized Dungeons
Fully statted for Old-School Essentails, these... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
Issue 6 - Hunting Gemini
Travel deep into the earth where secrets are kept. Do battle with spectral twins who once reigned in terror. Escape their dungeon, and there may be treasure on the other side.
About Downsized Dungeons
Fully statted for Old-School Essentails, these mini dungeons are the perfect thing to grab and go when you're low on preptime. They are intended... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
The stars are right! Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad #2 is now in the wilds!
You've waited long enough. The second issue of the Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad is here!
In this issue, you'll explore:
The Secrets of the Serpent Moon
Bounty Hunting in the First City
Heirloom Weapons for your DCC low-level characters
Magic Items from Ur-Hadad
The secret History of the Elder Races
A Wayne Snyder... [click here for more] |
Kickassistan Ministry of Tourism |
Pay What You Want
MEPHISTO Review Insider 03
Das Mephisto Review Magazin für Rollenspiele und Phantastik Ausgabe 03 Jul/Aug 2024Cthulhu-Mythos & die Großen Alten
Nachdem sich das Erscheinen der Mephisto immer wieder verzögert hat, wuchs der Stapel neuer Spiele zusehends. Mit dem Mephisto Review Insider bieten wir ein neues Format an, das sich ausschließlich der Rezension phantastischer... [click here for more] |
Verlag Martin Ellermeier |
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KNAVES OF THE REALMS is a set of guidelines compatible with Knave: Second Edition to play the game in a style and dynamics reminiscent of the old-school traditional campaign settings.
Guiding Principles
Knaves of the Realms was built to respect two principles: keep the game classless and don’t bloat it with unnecessary... [click here for more] |
Dados Tostados |
Pay What You Want
Issue 2 - The Undying Mines
The pain trapped inside of the mines calls out. Wails echo down forgotten tunnels. Monsters lurk in the corners and in the shadows. What will you find in the darkness? Will you find glory, or an eternal sentence condemed underground?
About Downsized Dungeons
Fully statted for Old-School Essentails, these mini dungeons are the perfect... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
After far too long of a wait, the much-anticipated Metal Gods of Ur-Hadad Issue #3 is here!
In this issue, you'll explore:
A new patron, Atraz A'Zul, the Mother of Spiders!
The various currencies of Ur-Hadad and world beyond!
The Heist! An adventure toolkit designed to let any Judge run a complex robbery on the fly.
"What's that... thing on a stick?" Find out in Street Foods of Ur-Hadad!
A... [click here for more] |
Kickassistan Ministry of Tourism |
Pay What You Want
The seventh issue of Dyson's Dodecahedron brings you not one, not three, but 130 alternate character classes for Labyrinth Lord games. Best of all they fit in this nice little digest-sized 12-page zine.
How did we achieve such a masterpiece of miniaturization you ask? Not through quantum transistors, but through the magic of random tables!
This issue compiles the 13 "d12 subclass" tables for each... [click here for more] |
ZERObarrier |
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Codex is the monthly RPG magazine published by the Gauntlet gaming community! Each issue features a variety of articles organized around a theme, loads of original artwork, and a custom layout.
Inside Codex - Glamour 2:
The Pines A game of GAY HORROR!!! It’s the annual Fire Island Pines party and lovable twunk Chad has gone missing. Can you locate him before you are assimilated?... [click here for more] |
The Gauntlet |
Pay What You Want
Z radością witamy Was po raz szósty w wakacyjnym, lipcowym numerze "To Się Wytnie". Ten numer poświęciliśmy wyjątkowemu podręcznikowi do gry fabularnej "Kult: Boskość Utracona". Przedstawiliśmy też ogólne zasady systemu PBtA. W tym wydaniu znajdziecie mnóstwo nowości, zapowiedzi oraz informacji o zbliżających się wydarzeniach i konwentach. Specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy również... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Witajcie drodzy Czytelnicy! Z radością witamy Was w siódmym numerze naszego zina "To się wytnie!". Tym razem przygotowaliśmy dla Was wyjątkowy numer, poświęcony magicznym i tajemniczym istotom, które od wieków zamieszkują wyobraźnię ludzi. W tym wydaniu szczególną uwagę poświęciliśmy wróżkom oraz fascynującym stworzeniom z kultury słowiańskiej. Znajdziecie tu nie tylko nowinki... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko... Mówi się, że najtrudniej zacząć, a my właśnie postawiliśmy nasz pierwszy krok, aby dzielić się z Wami naszą pasją do gier RPG. Jesteśmy grupą znajomych z całej Polski, którzy spotykają się na Discordzie, by tworzyć mroczne historie i przygody w Świecie Mroku i nie tylko. Prowadzimy kanały na YT, Instagrama i TikToka,... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Issue 8 of Dyson's Dodecahedron is dedicated to the Trouble at Imp Brücke - a sandbox-style adventure location for OSR characters of levels 6-7 (or so). It isn't so much an adventure as an adventure location infested with goblins well beyond their "appropriate" level, the dark heart of the stirges, and many, many cheeses!
All crammed into a 12-page digest-sized zine, and topped off with a random... [click here for more] |
ZERObarrier |
Pay What You Want
Vacant Ritual Assembly is an OSR zine. Directly compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but easily adaptable to other OSR games. 22-pages of content, most of which comes straight from my weekly LotFP campaign. Issue #4 Includes:
Fresh New Artwork from Matthew Adams, Anxious P, Sean Poppe, and Xolis.... [click here for more] |
Red Moon Medicine Show |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #4
APRIL 2021
FEAR the Dark is a fanzine dedicated to HeroQuest - the popular fantasy board game of the 90s which introduced so many of us to dungeon crawling and miniatures.
Issue 4 marks a change in the scope of this fanzine. With this issue, I will try to present a way to generate random dungeons with a few simple dice rolls, so that you... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
Ekron Universe In the heart of a world where ancient traditions meet futuristic visions, Samurai Babel unfolds as an epic saga of honour, adventure, and transformation. This open-source RPG MMO transports players into a universe where the echoes of samurai battle resonate with the whispers of untold secrets. The World of Samurai Babel The story is set in the sprawling realm of Babel, a land where majestic... [click here for more] |
Ekron Open RPG |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #6
FEAR the Dark is a fanzine dedicated to HeroQuest - the popular fantasy board game of the 90s which introduced so many of us to dungeon crawling and miniatures.
With issue 6, and with all the monsters and rules contained in it, the new system can be defined as sort of complete. Issue 4 contains all the rules needed to create... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #1
The Empire is powerful and the Emperor rules the land with supreme wisdom and an iron fist. Everyone, within the borders of the Empire, may sleep well at night, for the terrors of the dark forces of Chaos are just a memory of the past. In the Empire, everyone prospers: you just have to obey, in exchange for safety. You... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
This 2022 extensive 102 page checklist and price guide provides the reader with valuable information regarding all known Fighting Fantasy books, collectables and related merchandise. Now includes foreign books and lots of other new bonus material. Red text denotes additions and amendments.
Although the odd gem can still be found, it covers everything from 1982 through to 2022 for the 40th Anniversary.... [click here for more] |
Fighting Fantasy Collector |
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“The Wild Goat Chase” is a variation of the widley known “Wild Sheep Chase,” a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for an introduction to the hobby at level 1. This three-act adventure begins in a familiar tavern setting but quickly spirals into a whimsical and perilous journey involving a polymorphed sheep, puzzling challenges, and an epic confrontation that ties... [click here for more] |
Digital Mythmaker |
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Witamy Was serdecznie po raz piąty na łamach naszego magazynu, tym razem poświęconego jednemu z najbardziej kultowych i fascynujących uniwersów w świecie gier – Fallouta. To miejsce, gdzie przeszłość spotyka się z przyszłością, a zgliszcza dawnego świata kryją nie tylko zagrożenia, ale i nieskończone możliwości. Zapewne każdy z Was, tak jak my, poczuł dreszcz emocji, gdy po... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #3
The Chaos emissaries are surely working to assemble an undead army, and the Free Cities Council fears that their land will be Chaos’ first target, unprotected as it is if compared to the mighty Empire. And from there, as they’ve always done, the Chaos forces will then move against the Empire, the Land of the Law, killing... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
Vol 1, Issue 5!
The Harvest Festival
In this issue, we explore festivals, barbarians fighting demons, and why you should invest time with the next generation!
Roll tables, magical items, stat blocks, and more - all set in rich flavor text around a different central theme each issue.
New issue every two weeks!
The Pauper's Page is intended... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #5
JUNE 2021
FEAR the Dark is a fanzine dedicated to HeroQuest - the popular fantasy board game of the 90s which introduced so many of us to dungeon crawling and miniatures.
With issue 5, this fanzine continues to present a set of additional rules which aim to make the game last longer, funnirer and slightly crunchier (without drifting too... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
an HeroQuest fanzine and a tribute issue #2
You ventured into the nest of goblins and orcs, you braved the lair of the infamous Uruk and received the gratitude of the Merchants’ Guild and their gold coins. Your company grew stronger, and you learned to explore and to fight together, overcoming the war bands of green-skinned monsters.
Then you faced horrors... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
crynoptica is a haunting journey into the depths of darkness where lost souls brave the ruins of Eigengrau, a forsaken city buried beneath the wastelands of Umwelt. Fueled by desperation and hope, players navigate treacherous terrain, confront ancient horrors, and unravel the mysteries of a world ravaged by time and conflict.
Dive into the abyss with each issue of crynoptica and discover the... [click here for more] |
Steven M Long |
Pay What You Want
"To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że po raz trzeci jesteście z nami. Kwietniowy numer poświęciliśmy zbliżającej się premierze polskiego wydania podręcznika do Wilkołaka Apokalipsy 5 edycji, którą zapewne w kwietniu ogłosi AlisGames. Postaraliśmy się przybliżyć Wam świat Garou, kim są, jakimi plemionami można grać, a przede wszystkim dokonaliśmy... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Miesiąc maj poświęciliśmy Cthulhu, odsłaniając przed Wami kilka podręczników z tego uniwersum. Czytając ten numer, dowiecie się, czym jest Cthulhu, jak powstał i kto jest odpowiedzialny za jego powstanie. Przedstawimy sylwetkę Howarda Philipsa Lovecrafta, dokonamy porównania trzech systemów: Zew Cthulhu, Pulp Cthulhu i Achtung!... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
Once a household name in taverns far and wide, now fallen to ruin its grounds have become a graveyard. Explore the vineyard, uncover its secretes, drink what's left if it hasn't spoiled to vinegar.
The vineyard sits on a rocky slope that leads down from the main house and winery. The left vineyard is almost completely barren, the few remaining vines sit like bleached bone scarecrows... [click here for more] |
The Ninth Vault |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-a new demon lord -new elf variations -an amazing map of Andrel Castle -sainted icons... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Visit a mysterious city that appears in the desert according to unknown rules and might be hiding untold treasures. Guard your honor and watch what you say to your foes. The Jinn have a way of taking more than you knew you could give. ... [click here for more] |
Sword Breaker |
Pay What You Want
„To się wytnie” – czasopismo o grach RPG i nie tylko… Cieszymy się, że jesteście z nami drugi raz. Po pierwszym numerze dostaliśmy dużo pozytywnych reakcji, co bardzo nas ucieszyło i zmotywowało do pracy. Ciągle się rozwijamy, poznajemy świat pisania czasopism i będziemy wdzięczni za wszelkie wskazówki, sugestie. Drugi numer poświęciliśmy świeżemu tematowi, czyli premierze... [click here for more] |
lore of darkness |
Pay What You Want
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Pay What You Want
Vol 1, Issue 4!
Bad Omens
In this issue, we explore prophets and prophecies, tarot cards, and detail rich dungeon dressing!
Roll tables, magical items, stat blocks, and more - all set in rich flavor text around a different central theme each issue.
New issue every two weeks!
The Pauper's Page is intended for use with Old-School Essentials... [click here for more] |
Downsized Press |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Six (6) New Magic Spells
-Three (3) New Monsters
-One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map
-One (1)... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Black Dogs
a LotFP unofficial 'zine issue #2
Black Dogs is a dark fantasy collection of house-rules, materials, adventures and monsters, a toolbox to generate new content for OSR systems, particularly focused on Lamentations of the Flame Princess.
Issue II contains: how to portray the world rules for encumbrance... [click here for more] |
DaimonGames |
Pay What You Want
This is the pilot issue of the successful zine, d12 Monthly.
A zine for fans of the longest-running roleplaying game, or any fantasy TTRPG, in the same vein as the roleplaying magazines of old.
You will find articles intended to spur on ideas for your own campaign.
These zine are available free from my webste, but this is a way you can have all your TTRPG stuff in one place... [click here for more] |
Pay What You Want