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Autumn is nigh,
Chill winds start to bite,
Sit warm by the fire,
And guard against the night.
While you're sitting by the aforementioned fire, what better accompaniment could there be than this, the fourteenth issue of Casket of Fays and now available in print here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/489583/casket-of-fays-14-a-dragon-warriors-rpg-fanzine-print... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want

The Enchanter by Wayne Imlach : from Bloodsword, a rare Sorcerer that draws their spell energies from elsewhere
Psychic Talent by Lee Barklam : pause before putting your lowest roll into Psychic Talent and here is why
... [click here for more] |
Red Ruin Publishing |
Pay What You Want
![Micro-Death Dungeons [Volume 1]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/507612-thumb140.jpg) One-Page Dungeons designed for your tabletop roleplaying games. ... [click here for more] |
Rook's Dungeon |
Pay What You Want
![Dungeon Crawl Classics - Character Sheets 2-Pack [Thief & Wizard]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/29596/508446-thumb140.jpg) |
Rook's Dungeon |
 Dusty shelves lined with books conceal a single parchment scroll. Upon it are written indecipherable words of power. Anyone who takes that scroll could use it to terrible effect, but only once. Glowing swords look cool, but at what cost does one wield them?
Arcana and Enchanting is a collection of 32 carefully crafted spells and enchantments designed to power interesting gameplay merely by their inclusion.... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
 99 Ways to Enhance Your RPG Encounters
Are you ready to transform your battlefields?
Tired of the same old encounters? Need a quick way to spice up your game? Want to add meaningful zone cards to your battles?
Look no further! Arenas and Battlefields is your go-to solution for instantly enhancing your RPG combat.
What's Inside:
- 99 unique battlefield elements - 20 categories of... [click here for more] |
Gamer's Rites LLC |
FiveE Magazine is here.
FiveE Magazine is a new semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! 56 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new sub-classes, hints for new DMs, a full adventure and loads more! And it's FREE! ... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
The second issue of Ordo Draconis, the journal of the Dragon Warriors Roleplaying Game, expands its horizons to feature nearly three times the content and artwork of the first issue and adds statistics for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! This new volume focuses on Cornumbria, a Saxon and Celt-inspired coastal region in the west of Ellesland. Players and GMs will find plenty of... [click here for more] |
Ordo Draconis |
FiveE Magazine Issue 2 is here. And it's FREE.
FiveE Magazine is a semi-regular periodical dedicated to content for the World’s Most Popular Fantasy Role Playing Game! Issue 2 contains 78 pages of amazing content, gorgeous art, free maps, new monsters, new magic items, new class, new adventure and village setting,... [click here for more] |
Laidback DM |
Pay What You Want
This 2022 extensive 102 page checklist and price guide provides the reader with valuable information regarding all known Fighting Fantasy books, collectables and related merchandise. Now includes foreign books and lots of other new bonus material. Red text denotes additions and amendments.
Although the odd gem can still be found, it covers everything from 1982 through to 2022 for the 40th Anniversary.... [click here for more] |
Fighting Fantasy Collector |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Six (6) New Magic Spells
-Three (3) New Monsters
-One (1) Unstocked Dungeon Map
-One (1)... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Champion, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. impress your foes with fantastic maneuvers before ending them!
“The same honour waits for the coward and the brave" Ligyron- human champion
Champion calss is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
Introducing New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #1
Inside this inaugural issue:
• The Monster Roster: the leech-man and the beguine, with Oe/BX/1e stats • d30 feature: Where Does the Weapon Hit? • Familiars Found: Guidelines for Spellcaster Familiars in New Big Dragon's Universal RPG The System
• A Map of Yal... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
Struggler, now available for the Shadowdark RPG. high risk high reward is the name of the game, throw caution to the wind, prove your Guts and hit hard!
"In the end the winner is still the last man standing"
Struggler is an independent product published under the Shadowdark RPG Third-Party License and is not affiliated with The Arcane Library, LLC. Shadowdark RPG © 2023 The Arcane... [click here for more] |
Vorpal edge |
Pay What You Want
“The Wild Goat Chase” is a variation of the widley known “Wild Sheep Chase,” a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure designed for an introduction to the hobby at level 1. This three-act adventure begins in a familiar tavern setting but quickly spirals into a whimsical and perilous journey involving a polymorphed sheep, puzzling challenges, and an epic confrontation that ties... [click here for more] |
Digital Mythmaker |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Eight (8) New Dwarven Magic Items
-One (1) Tavern Map
-Goblinoid Character Class... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
New Big Dragon's Old School Zine The Dragon Horde - Issue #2
Inside this 32-page Nordic-themed issue:
• The Monster Roster: Linnorms (Oe/BX/1e information for 6 types)
• The Long and Short of the Viking Longhouse (with several sample maps) • Here's the Thing... (folkmotes and fitting them into your adventures)
• The Völva: A New NPC... [click here for more] |
New Big Dragon Games Unlimited |
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 2 is focused on the theme of ‘Ancient Magic’, and within this bumper issue you will find articles to help you introduce these concepts into your games, TTRPG shout outs, world building ideas and more. You... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Five (5) New Magic Spells
-Six (6) New Monsters
-Two (2) Unstocked Village Maps
-One... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Two (2) new Dwarven races (Clockwork and Stone)
-Chaos magic to beef up your humanoid... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
Pay What You Want
gothHoblin's Grimoire is a TTRPG zine that presents interesting and useful content over a variety of themes, with contributions from members of the indie TTRPG community.
What's inside?
Issue 1 is focused on the theme of ‘Gothic’, and is a massive 78 pages! Within this issue you will find articles, interviews, reviews and coverage of crowdfunding projects, as well as a range of system agnostic... [click here for more] |
gothHoblin |
 Beyond The Physical Plane is a short tome of various new options for the 5th Edition Ranger class. Included in this tome is the Soulbound Conclave subclass as well as 5 new, unique spells for the Ranger. Look beyond the fabric of reality and tell your story with Beyond the Physical Plane.
To any and all who make the purchase, I am forever grateful and in your debt. Thank... [click here for more] |
ThePhotoLife |
Pay What You Want
Are you doomed to die but refuse to heed the call of fate?
Is your world crumbling around you and you have nowhere to go but down?
Do you yearn for the tunnels and all that which is ununderstandable?
Then “The Sky is Falling” is here to heed your call.... [click here for more] |
The Flagellant & The Fool |
Pay What You Want
The Collected Daily Dwarf is a series of articles reviewing the halcyon days of Britain's greatest RPG magazine.
@dailydwarf contributions to the GROGNARD files form the back-bone of the podcast, we're pleased to present them together for the first time.
In this first collection, there are articles about RuneQuest, Call of Cthulhu, Traveller, Stormbringer, and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.... [click here for more] |
The Armchair Adventurers |
Pay What You Want
The revised edition contains a cleaner layout; the content has not changed.
Savage Insider Issue #9: Tales of the Weird is all about fantasy horror during the Victorian Era through World War II. The flagship article, The Asylum, presents a lengthy Victorian adventure in an abandoned asylum where the dead are quite restless. This adventure can be utilized in a number... [click here for more] |
Mystical Throne Entertainment |
TrollsZine! #8 is waiting for you! The eighth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 108 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features a science fiction solo adventure, “The Penultimate Place” by David Moskowitz, an underwater GM adventure,... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine is a new magazine created by and for fans of Tunnels and Trolls. Issue 1 has all new material and includes a short solo adventure, new magic items, The Troll Chefs Cookbook, original fiction, articles on T&T stunts, the dice issue, running T&T solos with other systems and a number of locations for the busy Games Master to use in their campaign. Ken St Andre has contributed a piece... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
Using prompts from the Inktober 2023 challenge, this zine holds 15 system agnostic encounters, ideas, random generators, mini-games and more! Each of the first 15 prompts of inktober gets their own page.
... [click here for more] |
RitualCuts |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine 2 is the second edition of a fan created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls, edited by Dan Prentice and Kevin Bracey. This issue has 91 pages of great reading for the T&T aficionado and the general fantasy roleplayer including; Magic items, Monsters, Kindred, NPC's, Rejected Spells, Warrior weapon techniques, Fiction, a Solo Dungeon, an Adventure, Delverton, How to become a God, How to... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
Brave the Labyrinth is a quarterly fanzine published by Small Niche Games for the Labyrinth Lord™ roleplaying game community. It consists of fan-created material designed to cover all types of Labyrinth Lord™ and Advanced Edition Companion™ gaming.
In this Issue you get:
-Two (2) new Dwarven races (Clockwork and Stone)
-Chaos magic to beef up your... [click here for more] |
Small Niche Games |
TrollsZine! #5 is here!
The fifth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 91 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features a solo adventure, “Beneath the Arena”, a GM adventure, “The Horned Hold”, and a short story, “Tall Tales from Trollstone Caverns.” TrollsZine! #5 also... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine! #6 has landed!
The sixth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™, edited by Dan Hembree, contains 58 pages of quality content brought to you by the fans of the game for absolutely free. This issue features two solo adventures, “Night Walk in the Wild Woods” by James Fallows and “Soul Survivor” by Sid Orpin; a GM adventure, “Ice Exile” by Mark Thornton;... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
Alea Publishing Group is proud to present the October Issue of the Poor Gamer's Almanac - An e-zine designed for the gamer looking for an alternative to expensive gaming periodicals. In the October (2006) issue we have the following: COUPONS! - We have over 6 dollars worth of coupons brought to you by various companies at RPGNow.com! Feral Knight Prestige Class - Feral knights are... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
TrollsZine 3 is the adventure issue. It contains two ready to run adventures for the busy games master, as well as two new solo adventures. Four Jars of Mead is a previously unpublished solo by Ken St. Andre, beautifully illustrated by Jeff Freels. The Temple of Issoth is a new solo adventure by the prolific Dan Hembree. Also included are adventure locations, magic items, new spells, several new monsters,... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
TrollsZine 4 has arrived! The fourth issue of the fan-created magazine for Tunnels and Trolls™
edited by W. Scott Grant and Dan Hembree, has 60 pages of quality content brought to you for absolutely free. This issue includes a solo adventure “Down Time”, a GM adventure “The Wild Woods”, a short story “Turmierre Returns to the Sky”, a new NPC from the world of Lingusia, rules for horses... [click here for more] |
Flying Buffalo |
Pay What You Want
Alea Publishing Group is proud to present the January Issue of the Poor Gamer's Almanac - A inexpensive e-magazine designed for the gamer who has only a few cents in their pocket, lint, and maybe one or two dice ready for action. In the January Issue we have the following: Books for the Gamer - This section contains a book that might improve the game either through simple facts or ideas. ... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
By Alea Publishing Staff 35 pages Alea Publishing Group is proud to present the March Issue of the Poor Gamer's Almanac - An e-magazine designed for the gamer who has only a few cents in their pocket, lint, and maybe one or two dice ready for action. In the March Issue (our biggest yet) we have the following: Art Gallery - Three images from the upcoming Mindcraft game... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
Ready to Get SUDSY?
There have been a slew of robberies happening at random intervals around town. Sometimes it's an entire row of homes on a street, sometimes the incidents are scattered all throughout town. One thing is for certain; someone or something is scrubbing homes clean of every speck of dirt, grime, and valuables. Little do they know the true evil that is orchestrating... [click here for more] |
Meridian Games |
Pay What You Want
By Alea Publishing Staff 33 pages Alea Publishing Group is proud to present the May Issue of the Poor Gamer's Almanac - An inexpensive e-magazine designed for the gamer who has only a few cents in their pocket, lint, and maybe one or two dice ready for action. In the May Issue (our biggest yet) we have the following: Villians: The Evil Within - Two villians for the M&M... [click here for more] |
Alea Publishing Group |
In the first issue of Tsunami Quarterly Review, you will find the following great features:
RPG Crucible: Told by the Victor: Advice on building backstory that leaves room for suprises!
Are Gamemasters Playing Too?: A philosophical look at the GM's role in the game.
Tsunami City Project: Fourteen fantastic city locations discussed on Metagamers... [click here for more] |
PT Publishing |
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Yellow Dawn - Modiphius prepare to bring David J Rodger's awesome mythos-inspired post-apocalypse nightmare for CoC7e into the light of day.
Fighting Fantasy Special! - celebrating the master brand of FRP gamebooks, with a look... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title. Downloading for free? No problem. But we would really appreciate a like on the Forever Folio FB page in return. Thanks!
FOREVER FOLIO 4 August 2015
Special extended summer edition (95 pages of free RPG!)
Forever Folio is an Ezine produced by the indy RPG publisher Forever People and a showcase for RPG Kickstarter projects from other publishing teams.... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
The revised edition contains a cleaner layout; the content has not changed.
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Savage Insider - a new electronic magazine dedicated to Savage Worlds. This first issue is filled with new Savage Worlds content, fiction, licensee information, and an introduction to several Savage Worlds licensees.
Inside you will find:
One-sheet Adventure
Fully... [click here for more] |
Mystical Throne Entertainment |
Perhaps the World's finest fantasy art magazine.
DunJon Fantasy Femme Fatale eZine as it names suggests is fantasy art magazine that primarily focuses upon femme fatales. (Beautiful, yet dangerous women.) It is also a print collection. (All buyers of this pdf may print images for personal use.) It is also a Stock Art Catalog, all images in this and other DunJon eZines are up for sale. (Those who want... [click here for more] |
Stainless Steel Dragon |
Pay What You Want
Pay What You Want on this title.
Ezine for the indy RPG publisher Forever People and friends. This issue:
Fragged Empire - Showcasing Wade Dyer's awesome Kickstarter project.
Outbreak: Undead 2nd Edition Starter Kit - a look at the sequel to the award winning Outbreak: Undead with commentary from developer Christopher De La Rosa.
The... [click here for more] |
Forever People |
Pay What You Want
Der Aventurische Bote ist eine zweimonatig erscheinende Zeitung, die entweder über das Abo zusammen mit dem Heldenwerk nach Hause bezogen werden kann oder kostenlos bei Händlern ausliegt. Ebenso kann der Bote kostenlos als PDF bezogen werden.
Ebenfalls enthalten ist ein separates PDF mit Meisterinformationen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
The revised edition contains a cleaner layout; the content has not changed.
Savage Insider Issue 2: How the Dice Roll is all about what the community does with their gaming. The pillar article, Savage Worlds as an Educational Tool, takes a look how to turn role-playing games into a tool for homeschooling.
How the Dice Roll is a cross-genre issue with content covering... [click here for more] |
Mystical Throne Entertainment |
Der Aventurische Bote ist eine zweimonatig erscheinende Zeitung, die entweder über das Abo zusammen mit dem Heldenwerk nach Hause bezogen werden kann oder kostenlos bei Händlern ausliegt. Ebenso kann der Bote kostenlos als PDF bezogen werden.
Ebenfalls enthalten ist ein separates PDF mit Meisterinformationen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Der Aventurische Bote ist eine zweimonatig erscheinende Zeitung, die entweder über das Abo zusammen mit dem Heldenwerk nach Hause bezogen werden kann oder kostenlos bei Händlern ausliegt. Ebenso kann der Bote kostenlos als PDF bezogen werden.
Ebenfalls enthalten ist ein separates PDF mit Meisterinformationen. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
Addiktion is a monthly e-zine devoted to GameAddikts product lines and news.
Issue No. 2 of Addiktion contains:
Psypher 2430 News:
A sneak preview of the upcoming Planetary Guide to Purgatory
Security Report: Grantin Station introduces a massive space station near Solertin III
Tech News 2430 highlights 4 new pieces of equipment from SpartaCorp >
Psypher Shadows News:
Avaranth's Atlas: ... [click here for more] |
GameAddikts |