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Dockside Ghost Ship - RPG Encounter Map
36" x 48" image of a dockside with large ghostly pirate ship out in the harbour (optional square 1" grid).
A ship that was lost with all hands has just sailed back to its home port, now crewed by a motley crew of undead.
Files included:
For Large Format Printing
300 DPI JPEG with 1" square grid
300... [click here for more] |
Loke BattleMats |
Pay What You Want
The purpose of How to RPG is to explain in simple language what a tabletop role playing game is and how to start playing. This advice is written for people new to role playing games - for those who have heard of TTRPGs and might want to play them, but don’t really know what it’s all about. How to RPG applies to any role playing game: Dungeons & Dragons, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder or any of... [click here for more] |
Shadomain |
Pay What You Want
Who’s coming to dinner tonight?
We don’t know what flavours or memories the dinner will bring back. Nor do we know what you’ll have or how you got there. But what we do know is that you have a lot to tell us, a lot to talk about, and that your ties with the other diners are stronger than you would have us believe.
Tell your story with only 40 cards and your imagination. For... [click here for more] |
RA Games |
Pay What You Want
This is the Beyond The Broken Gates Gaming System designed by Rachel Sands.
*1/26/25 Full re-write with starter rules*
Beyond The Broken Gates - The Revolutionary TTRPG System Where YOUR Vision Takes Center Stage!
Tired of being confined by rigid character classes, predetermined races, or restrictive rule sets? Beyond The Broken Gates (BTBG) breaks free from traditional TTRPG constraints,... [click here for more] |
Rachel Sands |
Pay What You Want
OVER 1000 downloads! Thank you!
Dreams. A world of endless possibilities ranging from our most cherished hopes and wishes to our most dreadful nightmares. A realm on which reality has no grip, to which the everyday rules don’t apply, where symbolism... [click here for more] |
Dreamcatchers Coast |
Pay What You Want
Eleven tables of [approximately] d100 names for a total of about 1100 fantasy names. Great for one-off games when players can't think of names, or for those sudden NPCs who pop up out of nowhere.
Most names are neutral to race and gender, so you may feel the need to adapt as needed.
This download contains both a PDF and EPUB. ... [click here for more] |
Mixed Signals |
Pay What You Want
Hey, gamers, brick builders, and everything in-between.
My name is Robert. I am a sci-fi writer and game designer who has previously brought you CONTACT, a role-playing game published by Clockwork Publishing.
For the past two years I’ve been working on a fun project that will merge a couple of my favourite subjects - games, science fiction and most importantly, brick building toys such as the ones... [click here for more] |
Max Byron |
Pay What You Want
Mini Dungeon Sets are based around 15mm chibi themed miniatures and come with everything you need for a basic crawl contained on 2 print and play A4 sheets.
Mini Dungeon Sets do not include any rules but are designed to be used with most existing dungeon crawling rules sets.
1 x Sigmirs Fall Map 3 x Hero's 9 x Skeletons 5 x Dungeon props 4 x Doors ... [click here for more] |
8radgames |
Pay What You Want
The Legacy League™ Expansion is your chance to take a team, turn it into a franchise, and attempt to build a dynasty over several seasons. As owner, manager, and coach, you’ll be making all the decisions.
The expansion includes rules for:
Player Development
Trades, Selling Contracts, and Free Agency
Seasonal MFL Draft
Offensive Packages
Defensive Packages
Special... [click here for more] |
Brent Spivey Creations |
Pay What You Want
Tackle Mature Content with this One Page Freeform and DMless System Agnostic RPG!
From fending off an attack by bloodthirsty electrical appliance to ordering pizza in a parallel universe, roleplaying games allow you to explore and experience things you probably shouldn't in real life. RPG Consent Form: The Freeform RPG gives you the tools to construct awkward situtation with the need of a GameMaster!... [click here for more] |
MAZA Publishing |
Pay What You Want
This starter adventure is set in Yorkshire in the North of England. It is designed for a party of players from levels 1-5. It is not a stand alone product but rather should be used alongside the Explorer's Guide to Fey Earth which is our early release core rulebook and which is available as a free download. In Trouble in the North you will get to face various fey creatures and get a real feel for the... [click here for more] |
Bramble Heart Games |
Pay What You Want
 Four Panels is a simple creative drawing game for three or more players. It's fun for a whole range of players, from kids to adults. By design it can allow people with different levels of artistic ability to play together: you draw in a way that interacts with what other players have drawn but you never directly modify anyone else's image, no contribution ever gets lost, obscured,... [click here for more] |
Game Maru |
Pay What You Want
"A good traveler has no fixed plans, and has no intent on arriving." - Lau Tzu
Overland travel is one of the most important, and often disregarded, elements of any role-playing game. Many GMs have struggled to satisfyingly simulate travel for their players - but no longer! All you have to do is follow these three simple rules for traversal and your party will be on the road again in no time.... [click here for more] |
Coroner's Cauldron Publishing |
Pay What You Want
Quantum Flux is a miniatures agnostic, highly tactical and ultra-customizable skirmish game, in which you build a small team of one to ten unique models, and out-smart and out-manuever your opponent.
The game is designed to avoid any "Gotch-Ya!" moments, and is instead about using a deep but not overly complicated ruleset to allow you to play tactically and be rewarded for doing so. It also allows... [click here for more] |
Quantum Flux |
Pay What You Want
The 16 page "Introduction to Space: 1889" booklet from the Sky Galleons of Mars game box released in 1988 provides a brief overview of the Space: 1889 setting. ... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Pay What You Want
As an annual turkey slaughter nears, a gang of wild turkeys, fresh off a mead bender, decide to fight back against the murder of their brethren.
You’re turkeys. Your life has consisted of spending time out in the wild on a mead bender and garnering a specific skill set that has helped you, and your entire life has been leading up to this one moment. You don’t know much, but... [click here for more] |
Dreadvector |
Pay What You Want
Yes you are a Zombie! You will never be at rest. You “live” to make sure nothing else does. Everything must die, if it moves it must die. How did you get in this arena? It does not matter…Look! There is something moving over there…it is time to KILL once again.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
Playing a game, but don't have dice handy? Pocket Dice Roller is an analogue, wallet-size (pocketmod) booklet that emulates d6, d10, d12, and d20 rolls.
This is not a random number generator, but an "unexpected" number generator; statistically, this does not match the randomness of an actual die roll, but it's a good replacement when you have no dice or when dice would be inconvenient.... [click here for more] |
Mixed Signals |
Pay What You Want
Ninjas! Their very name conjures images of black clad, highly trained assassins. Or pictures on the internet of a bunch of empty chairs with captions like “Ninja convention LOL”. Now, the mystique, the power, the meme can be yours to use as you see fit.
How to Ninja
Ninja – Silent but Deadly is more than just a game. It’s a prank delivery system. A tiny little piece of tabletop gaming art.... [click here for more] |
Troll in the Corner |
Pay What You Want
If you've ever wondered how a Matrix Game works now you can find out. This two page document covers the basics. You will need to make up your own characters and scenario as well as a plot track (the steps you recommend the players take to tell a story - which they will ignore!) After that it is just arguing and dice rolling. ... [click here for more] |
Hamster Press |
Pay What You Want
 “The Ancestors Club” è un gioco di ruolo investigativo, di avventura e azione, ma anche di quotidianità e relazioni sociali, il tutto condito con un pizzico di Storia, in cui giocherai nei panni di un Ancestor, un personaggio che i più pensavano rilegato ai libri di storia, ma che è misteriosamente riapparso nel XXI secolo.
Da qualche parte là fuori Lucrezia Borgia siede in un cinema accanto... [click here for more] |
Samhanna Games |
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Su un foglio un mini board game sui duelli aerei della seconda guerra mondiale in africa tra la Regia Aereonautica e Royal Air Force.
CR 42 Falco contro Gloster Gladiator
Il gioco con regolamento completo di miniature è un print and play, basta 1 dado a sei facce, degli amici fogli e matite. ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
A table of 100 items one might find in a treasure chest: coins, gems, jewelry, ornamental trinkets, and more, with suggested value in SP and GP. ... [click here for more] |
Mixed Signals |
Pay What You Want
You and your fellow players are private investigators (PIs) all called to the same crime scene. Work together to crack the case or go it alone to deliver your own brand of justice.
Dicks & Dames is an accessible, open-ended RPG for experienced players and newcomers alike! Live out your film noir fantasies and save the city! This latest edition is the first to make its way to DriveThruRPG... [click here for more] |
Ryan Hill |
Pay What You Want
 The Musha Shugyo RPG Playmat set is a collection of A3 format (mini-poster size) playmats for your Musha Shugyo RPG fights! As you may already know, MS can be played as a simple action-packed tabletop game too, avoiding the roleplaying part of the game!
These playmats are your perfect gaming companion in any situation as they’ll help you set up everything you need to beat your opponents to a pulp!... [click here for more] |
Acchiappasogni |
Pay What You Want
As a thank you for helping us achieve over 600 Twitter followers for @Skinner_Games, we're offering this 8 page roads pack for free! Thank you all for supporting us! We appreciate all of the excellent feedback we get. Also, we're pretty active on Twitter, follow us for previews, gaming ideas, or general shenanigans!
Check out our web page, too, and feel free to leave us comments on our message boards:... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
This is a micro-RPG for two players. When you’re trying to take over the world, it’s important to take the time to eat... [click here for more] |
Sad Press |
Pay What You Want
 Welcome The S*H*L’s “Look-See” Edition. This will give you a little taste of how the "The S*H*L Basic Edition 1.0" is played. Included in this edition will be an FAQ, a brief card description, a sample of the card formula itself, and recorded stats from playing the game. ... [click here for more] |
mjhGames |
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This is just a one page inspirational post featuring a vending machine for vampires,
How you might use one in your urban fantasy or sci-fi story, and what weirdness you might find inside one
Also included is a free STL file of the machine, with and without supports.
... [click here for more] |
Paul Cat |
Pay What You Want
Introductory OFFER ! AS THIS IS FREE I WOULD LIKE TO ASK OF YOU TO GIVE A QUICK FEEDBACK :) As I am new to getting my stock Art Out, This is your chance to TRY my Line out. I would be producing more, and it would be good to hear first hand about your comments.Please do either email me or send me a PM. This product includes a color and Black And White Render.(2983X... [click here for more] |
Long Robot Designs |
Pay What You Want
 Happy St. Patrick's Day! Celebrate the Festival of Patrick with this free monstrous tile from Skinner Games.
Not all four leaf clovers are lucky. This 8x10 inch tile contains a betentacled eldritch horror unleashed by an unwitting young Druid. Can you survive the belly of the Sar'luck?
Please help support our efforts to make fantastic games and supplements by offering a donation. Thank you! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
As a show of appreciation for our devoted followers, here's a free helipad!
We have some exciting new products in the works, including deluxe helipad and launch deck tiles!
Please help support our efforts to make fantastic games and supplements by offering a donation. Thank you! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
Skinner Games' new offering in our Iconic Locations series is a for a rock ledge.
Need to declare yourself king of the pride or look out dramatically over a fallen landscape? Check out this free tile in celebration of Free RPG Day.
... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
 Happy Star Wars Day!
Are you having an encounter with a despotic space emperor and missing a chasm to throw him in? You're in luck! Skinner Games' Deluxe Bottomless Pit tile pack offers several options for your dramatic confrontation. You can have an epic duel high upon a railless walkway (seriously, what is it with Science Fiction and the exclusion of safety measures?), or simply throw him into the... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
 Happy April Fool's Day! Skinner Games is kicking off what will be a very busy month for us with our first release, an April Fool's inspired tile: for those pesky drug traps or trippy dreams sequencesuse our psychedelic tile!
In honor of Tabletop Day, we'll be releasing one product every week in April, as well as launch a new range on Aprill 11th. Keep your eye out, we've got some great stuff coming.... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
Recreate your favorite sci-fi scenes of daring escape where players rush to the ship trapped in the launch bay! This free 8x10 map gives two options for Launch Decks usable with most miniatures. Maps include 1" grid.
Please help support our efforts to make fantastic games and supplements by offering a donation. Thank you! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
This game is a PWYW Experimental RPG for GMs.
Masters of Creation is a reference to the game Lords of Creation where when a player was sufficently high enough level they would be able to become a GM themselves. Masters of Creation is a game where Game Masters can compete against each other and themselves to achieve goals and prove themselves the greatest game master.
(This is a silly game please... [click here for more] |
ZCV_Studios |
Pay What You Want
This 8" circular dome is our gift to you in celebration of all the recent solar activity that's been going on lately. Add it to our Lunar or Red Planet tiles as an obstical or objective!
Please help support our efforts to make fantastic games and supplements by offering a donation. Thank you! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
 Un Gdr minimale per famiglie, ambientazione fantasy classica, tutto in appena 8 pagine, con tabelle e miniature dei cattivi. Come sempre gratis.
Altri giochi su http://giochidiqwein.altervista.org
Crescere non signirfica smettere di sognare !! ... [click here for more] |
Qwein |
Pay What You Want
 Battle on the vastness of the World Wide Web with Skinner Games' premiere release in a new line of game tiles: The Net, fight malicious viruses or other harmful code today! Stay on the lookout for new exciting releases!
Please help support our efforts to make fantastic games and supplements by offering a donation. Thank you! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
 Cartas básicas para visualizar la jugabilidad de todas las piezas de la primera edición de Mortem: Jugger. ... [click here for more] |
Steamnach |
Pay What You Want
 Need a quick portal for your miniatures, whether war games or roleplaying? Try Skinner Games free standing portal today! A printable 3D structure for your heaven sent warriors to exit or your player characters to enter the underworld through. The cover image is representative of the double-sided portal.
Our gift to you on one of our partner's Birthdays! ... [click here for more] |
Skinner Games |
Pay What You Want
Custom Card Backs is not a game, but a game supplement for use with Sen So Combat Board Games. It provides custom backs for each of the currently released Sen So variant card sets.
We hope you enjoy these custom backs.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to play.
Sen So uses a unique set of octagon cards and card... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
The Octagon Combat Arena is not a game, but a game supplement for use with any and all of the Sen So Combat Board Games. The 13”x13” octagon game board is made up of 129 (1 inch) octagons. The octagons are colored to provide the ideal combat space for 2 to 8 players.
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages 10 and up. Most games take about 15-30 minutes to... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
Yes you are a Robot! Does that compute? Designed as the ultimate fighting machine combat is all you know. Any opponent that faces you in the arena will be put to the test. You cannot and will not be stopped! All other contestants will fall before your next rest cycle. It is time for you to do what you were made for…FIGHT!
Sen So is a 2 or more player strategy board game for ages... [click here for more] |
TwinBlade Games |
Pay What You Want
 It's your first day on the job manning the crisis orb that people from great distances use to ask for help in times of need. Your boss, D'Angelo the Great, left you after half a day of training and you haven't seen him in a week.
It's your job to use the crystal ball to answer any emergency requests to the caller's satisfaction.
Can you accurately determine what the caller's problem actually is... [click here for more] |
Brady Koch |
Pay What You Want
 Industrial Fishing Simulator (FishSim) 1e is a surrealist nautical horror science-fantasy adventure game for one Gamemaster (GM) and at least one other player (Survivor). Players act as a rag-tag band of wanderers or crewmates aboard sea ships or starships searching for meaning on a far-future Earth which has been consumed by an ocean full of strange creatures and technology.... [click here for more] |
the canyon club |
Pay What You Want
 Alineación de Black Dragons para jugar a la primera edición de Mortem: Jugger. ... [click here for more] |
Steamnach |
Pay What You Want
 Alineación de Botillo Fighters para jugar a la primera edición de Mortem: Jugger. ... [click here for more] |
Steamnach |
Pay What You Want
 Contadores y cuadrículas para jugar a la primera edición de Mortem: Jugger. ... [click here for more] |
Steamnach |
Pay What You Want