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The essential old-school game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic — expanded with advanced character options and spells!
Complete Player's Tome
This book contains the complete game rules, 13 fantastic classes (acrobat, assassin, barbarian, bard, cleric, druid, fighter, illusionist, knight, magic-user, paladin, ranger, thief), 10 classic races (drow, duergar, dwarf, elf,... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
The essential old-school game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic — expanded with advanced monsters and treasures!
Referee's Tome of Monsters and Treasures
This book contains full guidelines for creating and running adventures, over 300 fearsome monsters, and over 300 wondrous magic items.
Simple rules let imagination and fast-paced action take the spotlight.
Clear, modern... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
The essential old-school game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic!
A Complete Game All in One Book
This book contains everything a referee needs: the complete game rules, full guidelines for creating and running adventures, 7 fantastic character classes, full equipment lists, over 100 classic spells, over 200 fearsome monsters, and over 150 wondrous magic items.
Simple rules... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
The essential old-school game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic — expanded with advanced character options and spells!
Characters: 22 classic character classes (acrobat, assassin, barbarian, bard, cleric, drow, druid, duergar, dwarf, elf, fighter, gnome, halfling, half-elf, half-orc, illusionist, knight, magic-user, paladin, ranger, svirfneblin, thief),... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
Old-School Essentials version
This solo roleplaying supplement is written specifically to feel like natural OSR RPG rules. If you are comfortable with rolling to see if you encounter a wandering monster and then rolling to see what it is, then you can work these rules! Most of the rules in this add-on rulebook condense down into just four tables, the rest of the content is all supporting... [click here for more] |
Parts Per Million |
Let your journey define you!
Old School Stylish is a supplement for Old-School Essentials that helps you build a campaign where players "unlock" new abilities through play, and optionally switch abilities in and out like Final Fantasy jobs. Inspired in equal parts by Wuxia stories, Hong Kong action cinema and Japanese RPGs, this supplement will help you put a very... [click here for more] |
Heavy Pepper Games |
“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!”
Bloat Games proudly presents Dark Places & Demogorgons. Dark Places & Demogorgons is an OSR Horror TTRPG set in the 1980s, where you play as teenagers from a small town where strange occurrences began popping up all around. The adults are too busy to care, and the police don't believe you. It’s up to you and your friends to... [click here for more] |
Bloat Games |
Weird Stone & Sorcery Adventures for Old-School Essentials
The elders have spoken… The world is changing. Are you ready?
Fire & Fangs is a supplement for Old-School Essentials that introduces new rules, character options, setting information, and an introductory adventure taking you and your friends on epic adventures in a mythical stone age that never... [click here for more] |
Old Skull Publishing |
Please note that this is the 411-page Human Artistry Edition of Oldskull Swords & Sorcery, featuring over 100 pieces of human-created art. There is no AI manifested in this edition, so if you want to send the message that you support human artists, this is the edition that you should purchase.
Arnesonian. Gygaxian.
Modern rules clarity, 1974 Sword &... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
Though the gods dwell beyond the mortal realm, it is often their desire to force their will upon it. Channeling the divine will lies upon the shoulders of the cleric and paladin, the skald and druid. They turn to the gods through prayer, ritual, sacrifice and devotion, all in hopes of bringing that power into and through themselves, to unleash it upon the world at large.
Within Gods and Legends there... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
An amazing and beautiful new fantastical bestiary is now available for your favorite fantasy role-playing game.
Veteran game designer Kent David Kelly and Wonderland Imprints are proud to present the very first volume of the Labyrinthine Bestiary, providing a treasure trove of exciting monster ideas and inspirational materials for players and Game Masters who enjoy the Original (OSR), First... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
This free supplement for old-school RPGs and their retro clones introduces domain-level play, offering a richer, more immersive campaign. Take your seasoned adventurers beyond dungeon crawls and delve into the challenges and rewards of managing your own fiefdom.
Build Your Stronghold: From a simple manor to a towering castle, construct the central hub of your domain.... [click here for more] |
Utku Tönel |
Pay What You Want
The B/X Companion is a re-imagining of what could have been, had the 1981 editions of the Original Fantasy Role-Playing Game (the Basic and Expert sets edited by Tom Moldvay, Dave Cook, and Steven Marsh) been followed up by a third Companion volume promised in their pages. Using the same format... [click here for more] |
Running Beagle Games |
$24.99 $12.99

Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials and Dark Places & Demogorgons The Cryptid Manual, utilizes the B/X rules revised to perfection in Old-School Essentials by Gavin Norman of Necrotic Gnome. Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials and The Cryptid Manual will give the ultimate 1980s Retro Roleplaying experience.
Does this require Old-School... [click here for more] |
Bloat Games |
“In the 1980s strange things happened everywhere!”
Bloat Games proudly presents Dark Places & Demogorgons. Dark Places & Demogorgons is an OSR Horror TTRPG set in the 1980s, where you play as teenagers from a small town where strange occurrences began popping up all around. The adults are too busy to care, and the police don't believe you. It’s up to you and your friends to figure... [click here for more] |
Bloat Games |
Delver is a rules-light, minimalistic game of failed knights, fallen priests, sellswords, mad scholars, dirty rotten scoundrels, tomb robbers, double-crossers, backstabbers, cut purses and cut-throats, testing their wits and their luck in dungeons even darker than their souls.
Delver is also an acronym for Dungeon Exploration, Loot, Violent... [click here for more] |
Hexplore Publishing |
$7.99 $5.24
TLG 77011
Victorious: Victorian Role Playing Adventure in the age of Supermankind
$20.99 (PDF)
Gaslight street lamps pour fitful illumination through the fog-shrouded streets of Victorian cities. Menacing figures lurk in darkened alleyways. Desperate men with nothing to lose and the determination to take what they can from others plot.
This is an RPG where masked vigilantes... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Modus Operandi is a roleplaying game of super spies and secret agents set against the backdrop of the Cold War of the 1980s.
Go back to basics and become an expert.
Modus Operandi is an espionage role-playing game in which you play an agent employed by a secret organisation working to stop those who would destroy or dominate the world. The default setting for Modus Operandi is the... [click here for more] |
Fortiter Games |

From out of the archaic Temple at last ...
Forever misunderstood but always intriguing, the bold, intrepid Frogfolk are perhaps the most unusual of the iconic adventurer races to be found in the World of Oldskull.
Not all of the Frogfolk are evil, or even chaotic. These ever-resourceful dungeon delvers faithfully serve their allies as lethal berserkers, vanguards, skirmishers,... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
The NPC is an essential part of any role playing game and Castles & Crusades is no exception. NPCs play a variety of roles from the barkeep at the tavern that passes on juicy rumors for a few coins, to the well-paid henchmen who drags the wounded character to safety and healing.
The Register consists of a series of tables for scores of NPCs, both class based and hirelings, or adherents. These... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Trypilia, Land of seven Islands, Domain of Meru Issue One
This Travel Brochure style PDF is the first of a series to explore in detail the Domain of Meru. Inspired by Ukrainian folklore and mythology it was written, play tested and researched locally in Lviv. These lands include many unique and never before translated takes on many Slavic favorites.
Each Issue has a variety of... [click here for more] |
This Is The Weird |
The BX Dungeon Guide, 2nd Edition, contains all the information needed to create fantastic adventures and run your dungeon exploration game. It includes rules for game play, creatures, magic items, combat charts, sample adventure, and more.
To play the complete game, the BX Player’s Guide is required.
... [click here for more] |
Pacesetter Games & Simulations |
$15.00 $10.00
 Have you ever wanted to create a character on a moment’s notice?
Have you ever needed instant inspiration for a new adventurer?
Whether you want to play someone entirely new, or instantly replace a vanquished character to keep the action going, the Oldskull Basic Character Gallery is here to serve. You can use this extensive tome to welcome a new player to your table... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
BEYOND CORNY GROŃ – ADVENTURER’S GUIDE is a system-neutral toolkit and sandbox generator, set in the world heavily inspired by legends from the Polish mountains, folk songs of bold highwaymen, and romantic tales about Hidden Things.
Welcome to Karpakian Mountains – a land of bold... [click here for more] |
Nerd Sirens |
$21.64 $13.84
The Adventurer RPG Player's Guide is a comprehensive rule book for players. This system is an expansion of the classic Dr. J. Eric Holmes D&D basic set. We were given original notes from Dr. Holmes related to his home campaign and rules he used to generate the original TSR release and used that information to design this expansion. This set is the beta release which still undergoing playtesting,... [click here for more] |
Pacesetter Games & Simulations |
TLG 77061
Victorious: Manifest Destiny
A supplement for the Victorious RPG. From sea to shining sea, the American republic stands paramount despite unhealed wounds of the Civil War, the battles with the remaining Indian tribes, and Segregation that still mars the nation. This book details the United States of the 1880s and 1890s, giving details both historical and... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
The Adventurer RPG Dungeon Guide is a comprehensive rule book for game masters. This system is an expansion of the classic Dr. J. Eric Holmes D&D basic set. We were given original notes from Dr. Holmes related to his home campaign and rules he used to generate the original TSR release and used that information to design this expansion. This set is the beta release which still undergoing playtesting,... [click here for more] |
Pacesetter Games & Simulations |
The Westgate Adventures! Module Monster Compilation is a collection of monsters published from all of the Westgate Adventures! product line in both OSRIC and OSE formats with additional support for 1.5e, 2e, and BECMI play. This book is the product of all of our backers from a very successful Kickstarter that we're happy to share with everyone.
Current Phase/Version: Phase... [click here for more] |
Johnny Rook Games, LLC |
 Castles & Crusades Players Handbook, 7th Printing for the Phone
Note: This is the phone version of the Players Handbook. For the larger sized, computer version of the PDF, please go HERE.
We’ve moved to the 7th printing of the Castles & Crusades Players Handbook. A pillar of the table top RPG industry, Castles & Crusades embodies the spirit of the old-school... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Escape from Camp Tum Tum, the first title from October Nights Games, is a survival horror comedy adventure based on the novel "Cannibal Fat Camp" by Mark C. Scioneaux & David C. Hayes, and was inspired by many cult-classic fixtures such as Heavyweights, The Lord of the Flies, And Then There Were None, The Goonies, The Garbage Pail Kids,... [click here for more] |
October Nights Games |
$14.99 $9.99
Rod, the All Father created Prav, the heavens that hold our sun and three moons. He planted the World Tree whose leaves are home to numerous other realms. He birthed his sons and daughters, our bogs (gods), and bid them to “create something.”
So under the shade of the World Tree his first son Svarog brought forth Yav, or as we named it: Meru. He began... [click here for more] |
This Is The Weird |
Pay What You Want
Enter the brooding world of Terrigan where prophecy bares the weight of power, where men, dwarves and elves fight and struggle in the shadow of gods and titans. This is the world of the Abyss Walker, as promised by the prophecies of the Hallowed Oracle. This is Terrigan.
The Players Guide to The Hallowed Oracle comes complete with everything needed to get started playing Castles & Crusades. A... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
 Récemment est sortie la version 5 du plus mythique des jeux de rôles, Donjons & Dragons. Pourtant, la version "originale" est toujours bien vivante. De toutes les versions successives des règles, celle qui marque en effet probablement le plus l'histoire du jeu est la version Basic/Expert, parue au début des années 80, la fameuse "boite rouge" écrite par Tom Moldavy.
Publiée du début des... [click here for more] |
500 Nuances de Geek La Caravelle |
The Cataclysm has come, those who followed the voices from the ether brought the evil into the world. God has endowed a select few with power to push it back. Will they use their free will for good and ascend to Sainthood, or will they fall to the dark powers?
The Ultimate Old School Renaissance system
Loyal to 80s OSR rule systems, but with all the advantages of modern... [click here for more] |
Ryan Redfern |
The Arena of Dimensions issue 1 The Orangi, is an ongoing setting for your 5e or OSR game.
What is The Arena of Dimensions The Arena of Dimensions is a nexus to other planes of existence. It is a pocket dimension that constantly moves, slipping through the space between realities. Built by the Anunnaki, a collection of ancient Gods, it is one of the lost wonders... [click here for more] |
Gravity Realms |
$4.99 $1.99
Nerovia is a land existing in a world of nightmares. This ancient place struggles against spirits, disease, and the unknown. The people are busy surviving between lunar cycles and harvest season. The winters are long. The mountains are steep. Sorrow so clouds this land that the shadows lead the living.
In this pamphlet a gamemaster is supplied with all they need to run a campaign in the Nerovia setting.... [click here for more] |
Lead Filled Games |
$9.99 $5.00
ASVONDOR es un juego de rol de fantasía medieval. Todo lo necesario para empezar a jugar.
Reglas sencillas. Céntrate en la aventura, no en el manual. Una simplificación del sistema d20 del juego más importante del mundo. Ideal tanto para iniciarse en los juegos de rol como para jugar largas campañas.
Alta compatibilidad... [click here for more] |
Final Grey |
 Gioco di ruolo OSR ideato per un Game Master ed un solo giocatore che interpreta il ruolo di un ladro. Sistema di gioco basato sul lancio di dadi d10 e d20. Ambientazione fantasy classico ma facilmente adattabile a qualsiasi scenario. Regole semplici, condensate in 8 pagine.
... [click here for more] |
Massimiliano Degli Esposti |
Pay What You Want
For the completist, here it is at last. A colossal selection of over 50 titles from the Castle Oldskull, Hawk & Moor, and Old-School Essentials series!
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
CASTLE OLDSKULL - The Classic Dungeon Design Guide Regular price: $4.99 Castle Oldskull
Old School Dungeon Design Modules
For Advanced / Basic / Expert Fantasy... [click here for more] |
Kent David Kelly |
$215.48 $107.74
A special 4-panel screen for The Hermit. These screens will sport the player maps on the front, as well as other relevant art and the GM’s maps on the interior, along with encounter charts. This single screen is light, durable, and printed here in the United States of America.
... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
![Hexplore Rules + Adventures Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/21623/470195-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Delver - Dungeon Exploration • Loot • Violent Encounters • Roleplaying Regular price: $6.99 Bundle price: $4.77 Format: Watermarked PDF Delver is a rules-light, minimalistic game of failed knights, fallen priests, sellswords, mad scholars, dirty rotten scoundrels, tomb robbers, double-crossers,... [click here for more] |
Hexplore Publishing |
$21.96 $14.99
![Modus Operandi Core [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/589/422247-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Modus Operandi Regular price: $9.99 Bundle price: $7.99 Format: PDF Modus Operandi is a roleplaying game of super spies and secret agents set against the backdrop of the Cold War of the 1980s.
Go back to basics and become an expert.
Modus Operandi is an espionage role-playing game in which you play an agent... [click here for more] |
Fortiter Games |
$22.74 $11.19
Old-School Essentials is an award-winning role-playing game of fantastic adventure, monsters, and magic. Players delve into forbidden crypts and forsaken ruins, explore haunted forests and perilous mountain ranges, sail the high seas in search of lost lands, recover fabulous treasures and uncover secrets of ancient magic.
Light, easily modified rules put the focus... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
Old-School Essentials ist ein preisgekröntes Rollenspiel über fantastische Abenteuer, Monster und Magie. Die Spieler wagen sich in entweihte Krypten und verlassene Ruinen vor, erkunden unheimliche Wälder und halsbrecherische Gebirgsketten, stechen auf der Suche nach vergessenen Welten in See, bergen legendäre Schätze und entdecken die Geheimnisse uralter... [click here for more] |
Obscurati Publishing |
Wizards who deal with the macabre mysteries of death and undeath are a staple of sword and sorcery fiction and fantasy gaming. While the Old-School Essentials magic-user class has access to some spells within the necromantic domain (for example, horrid classics such as animate dead and death spell), such magic is not the class’ primary focus. Enter the necromancer...
A supplement... [click here for more] |
Necrotic Gnome |
 Tired of hand-waving all of the tennis matches in your OSR games?
Hark, seekers of the strange, and behold this mini-game, Where shadowy chance and subtle skill in eerie union burn Upon the tessellated court of the Sport of Kings, Where Fortune's rackets smite with Doughty strokes, eldritch glamour, and cunning guile. The ball swiftly is hurled between players, with each cast... [click here for more] |
The Skull as a Complete Gentleman Co |
Pay What You Want
Get the FULL game at StartSiege Event Horizon.
Beyond the next horizon lies the uncharted future where science and fiction merge, a line beyond which lies a stellar wilderness defined by our own imagination. StarSIEGE Event Horizon is a science fiction role playing game whose unique design allows you to set the tone and mood of the game. With this rules set you can play gritty, realistic sci fi or... [click here for more] |
Troll Lord Games |
Teaser of Terror is a first taste of Vintage Gothic: A 3rd-party genre expansion of the Old-School Essentials game. In this sample you will find a short collection of classes and tools to start you on your journey into madness and horror.
Aberrator - Capture the souls of dark creatures to make them fight for you - or forge... [click here for more] |
Tallpenny Productions |