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 Hottest Pathfinder / Starfinder, September Setting Sale Week 3
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Animated VTT Sky & Clouds Battle Map One

Animated VTT Sky & Clouds Battle Map One

Animated clouds for flying combat battle map ( Webm | VP8, compatible with Fantasy Grounds and Arkenforge! ) includes 8 maps that loop with various weather effects or times of day. Raining Grey, Sunset, Cool Blue and Normal Day. Raining, Snow, Snow 2 and Magic Sky with orbs. ...   [click here for more]
Wild Magic Surge  $5.55

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Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Advance Your Game This comprehensive guide to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game provides everything you need to set out into a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design, destined to become a legend! The new Pathfinder...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $19.99

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Starfinder Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT

Starfinder Core Rulebook | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Shoot for the Stars Blast off into a galaxy of adventure with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game by Paizo! Step into your powered armor and grab your magic-infused laser rifle as you investigate the mysteries of a weird universe with your bold starship crew. This massive rulebook is the essential centerpiece of the Starfinder Roleplaying...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $19.99

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Animated VTT Assortment of Tokens One

Animated VTT Assortment of Tokens One

Animated VTT Token Assortment of Tokens - Token Pack 1 My Youtube channel has most of my token samples check them out. ...   [click here for more]
Wild Magic Surge  $5.99

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Kingmaker Adventure Path | Roll20 VTT

Kingmaker Adventure Path | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. WHO RULES THE STOLEN LANDS? The Stolen Lands have long been the domain of bandits and monsters, but no longer! Your party has been granted a charter to explore these wilds, defeat its dangers, and build a brand new nation. Yet not everyone will welcome you as new neighbors, and powerful supernatural forces have their own plans for the region. Can you...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $79.99

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Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Expand your horizons! Choose from 10 brand-new ancestries and four new classes: the shrewd investigator, the mysterious oracle, the daring swashbuckler, and the hex-slinging witch! Plus, over 40 new archetypes, more options for every ancestry and class in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, and new backgrounds, feats, spells, and items provide more...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $34.99

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Pathfinder Bestiary | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Bestiary | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Pathfinder Bestiary The must-have companion to the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook! The Pathfinder Bestiary contains over 400 of fantasy's fiercest foes in this enormous compendium of the most popular and commonly encountered creatures in the world of Pathfinder! It covers everything from familiar enemies like orcs,...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $34.99

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Howl of the Wild | Roll20

Howl of the Wild | Roll20

Play Pathfinder Online A sound echoes across the world’s farthest wildernesses: the howl of countless animals and beasts! This all-new Pathfinder Second Edition Rulebook dives deep into the wilderness like never before! The Roll20 edition of Howl of the Wild by Paizo provides everything you need to play online and in person. It includes a Digital Rulebook, Pathfinder Second Edition Character...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $29.99

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Legendary Druids (PF1) Roll20

Legendary Druids (PF1) Roll20

Where the Wild Things Are! Legendary Druids is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements for Roll20, this time focused on the keeper of the secrets of the natural world, who uses their influence over nature to help serve the people. The Legendary Druid redesigns the class, expanding the number of options available through their...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $9.99

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Legendary Hunters: Second Edition (PF2) Roll20

Legendary Hunters: Second Edition (PF2) Roll20

The Hunt is On!  Legendary Hunters: Second Edition is the latest volume in our new series of class-focused player supplements for Pathfinder Second Edition, this time focused on the wild-wandering beastmaster hunter class. These savvy wilderness warriors approach encounters with tactics and teamwork in mind for them and their bestial (and humanoid) allies. You’ll...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $6.99

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Legendary Shamans: Second Edition (PF2) Roll20

Legendary Shamans: Second Edition (PF2) Roll20

Spirits of Power Legendary Shamans is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements for Pathfinder Second Edition, this time focusing on the master channelers of the spirit world known as shamans. This new class is a versatile spellcaster that blends veneration of nature and the wild things that dwell therein with the myth and fantasy of animist shamanism....   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $6.99

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Mechanical Monsters (PF2) Roll20 VTT

Mechanical Monsters (PF2) Roll20 VTT

Shiny Chrome and Grisly Gears Mechanical Monsters is a Pathfinder Second Edition monster supplement for your campaign using Roll20 VTT, featuring over 130 incredible creatures born from mad scientists and magitech, clockworks and cybernetics. Sci-fi influences have been a part of the RPG landscape from its earliest days, infusing fantasy wiht eleemnts...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Second Edition Classes: Wanderer (PF2) Roll20

Second Edition Classes: Wanderer (PF2) Roll20

Born Under a Wandrin' Star!  The Wanderer is a brand-new class for Pathfinder Second Edition, a versatile traveler trusting to luck, grit, and tenacity to see their way through any challenge they meet before taking once more to the endless road. Wanderers may be fierce sharpshooters, free blades with no master, gruff outlaws, or simply on the lookout to keep the peace...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $5.99

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Isometric Dungeon Encounter - Hideout, Catacombs, Ruins - Roll20 VTT

Isometric Dungeon Encounter - Hideout, Catacombs, Ruins - Roll20 VTT

This ready-to-use dungeon comes with 3 unique and charming variations, and a variety of monsters and enemies to populate any of them. It includes 3 distinctive maps, each with 6 rooms, and 14 creatures plus recolours to create a hideout or fortress location, a temple with a mysterious catacomb beneath it, and a dungeon ruin with collapsed and overgrown sections. Also included is the simple base dungeon...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $6.99

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Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Second Edition Beginner Box | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Become a hero! Leave the ordinary behind and take your first step into a world of amazing fantasy adventure with the Pathfinder Beginner Box! This box contains everything you need to learn how to play the Pathfinder roleplaying game, including rules to create your own fantasy hero and tools to tell your own incredible stories. Will you be...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $29.99

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Isometric Denizens of the Feywild | Roll20VTT

Isometric Denizens of the Feywild | Roll20VTT

These 33 charming and creative isometric character tokens represent the diverse and whimsical population of the feywilds, or any setting like it! NPCs, monsters, mounts, heroes and villains, this diverse and unique token set has you covered. This pack contains powerful archfey, humanoids like seasonal elandrin, dryads, nymphs and satyrs, monstrous and beautiful creatures like a unicorn, a kelpie,...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $5.99

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Gamemastery Guide | Roll20 VTT

Gamemastery Guide | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. New information, tools, and rules systems! The Pathfinder Second Edition Gamemastery Guide has a wealth of new information, tools and rule systems to add to your games. Whether you are a new Game Master or an experienced storyteller, you’ll find great advice on how to build your own adventures, design towns and a wealth...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $34.99

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Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition | Roll20 VTT

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Paizo’s Pathfinder classic has been converted in its entirety to Roll20! Enjoy the complete adventure with all the immersion of dynamic lighting, one click actions and bonus compendium integration! In the sleepy coastal town of Sandpoint, evil is brewing. An attack by crazed goblins reveals the shadows of a forgotten past returning to threaten the...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $59.99

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Isometric Denizens of the Feywild | Roll20VTT

Isometric Denizens of the Feywild | Roll20VTT

These 33 charming and creative isometric character tokens represent the diverse and whimsical population of the feywilds, or any setting like it! NPCs, monsters, mounts, heroes and villains, this diverse and unique token set has you covered. This pack contains powerful archfey, humanoids like seasonal elandrin, dryads, nymphs and satyrs, monstrous and beautiful creatures like a unicorn, a kelpie,...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $5.99

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Magento's Marvellous Waxworks (Roll20)

Magento's Marvellous Waxworks (Roll20)

Welcome to Magento's Marvellous Waxworks, a premium adventure module for a party of 3-5 players of 1st-level that will see the PCs reach 3rd- or even 4th-level by its conclusion. A single purchase provides the complete adventure for 5th Edition, Pathfinder First Edition, and Pathfinder Second...   [click here for more]
DeepDark Designs  $14.99

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROLL20 CONVERSION. YOU CAN ALSO PURCHASE THIS TITLE AND THE PDF VERSION TOGETHER AT A DISCOUNT Here there be monsters! Paizo’s Pathfinder RPG Bestiary is the must-have companion for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. The complete Roll20 conversion contains over 400 creatures (including unique entries for all variants), as...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $39.99

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Oozes, Blobs and Puddings for Roll20 VTT

Oozes, Blobs and Puddings for Roll20 VTT

Time to add some slimey sticky miscreants to your adventure! Trap your players with treacherous gray ooze or lure them into an ambush with oblex and it's sulfurous impersonation. Try to catch them in gelatinous cube or black pudding. Want to creep them out? Animated hair is up to the task! Usable on Roll20 VTT out of the box! 20 unique tokens + 26 additional detailed variations with different...   [click here for more]
Eugene's Workshop  $4.99

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Alien Lizard Soldiers Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Alien Lizard Soldiers Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Lizard alien soldiers, their reptilian forms clad in advanced armor, wield energetic spears, swords and guns with deadly precision on the battlefield. The crackling energy emanating from their weaponry adds an ominous glow to their disciplined ranks as they stand ready to defend their honor and conquer new territories in the vast reaches of space. ...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Animated Weapons Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Animated Weapons Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

In the world of mysticism, magical animated weapons transcend mere objects, pulsating with an otherworldly vitality. Animated spears stand guard over the enchanted temples and tombs of great magicians, ready to pierce anyone who encroaches on their treasures. Magic animated swords, infused with otherworldly power and sometimes sentient, become both loyal companions to their...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Asian Monsters (PF1) Roll20

Asian Monsters (PF1) Roll20

Beasts from the East   Asian Monsters is a 128-page Pathfinder Roleplaying Game monster book on Roll20 featuring over 90 incredible creatures drawn from the myths and legends of Asia. Researched and developed with a diverse team of authors, artists, and cultural consultants, you'll find an awesome array...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Horns of the Hunted (PF1) Roll20

Horns of the Hunted (PF1) Roll20

A fabulous fey adventure for 6th-level characters!   Evil stirs in the depths of the Gnarled Forest. The heroes of the land, taming the wilderness and forging their kingdom, hear disturbing tales from woodsmen and trappers of a strange and ferocious hunting party ranging far and wide beneath the forest eaves. It is not only from human tongues that they hear warnings of these dread...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $6.99

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Isometric Creature/Monster Tokens - Low CR V1 | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Creature/Monster Tokens - Low CR V1 | Roll20 VTT

These 20 charming and creative isometric creature tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! This pack contains 20 unique creatures that are cr.25-2 (D&D 5e), as well as colour variations. These characters are designed for any fantasy/medieval setting, or any setting you choose. They match well with my other isometric sets, and will work in any isometric map. To best use isometric...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $4.99

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Isometric Creature/Monster Tokens - Low CR V2 | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Creature/Monster Tokens - Low CR V2 | Roll20 VTT

These 20 charming and creative isometric creature tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! This pack contains 20 unique creatures that are cr.25-2 (D&D 5e), as well as colour variations. These characters are designed for any fantasy/medieval setting, or any setting you choose. They match well with my other isometric sets, and will work in any isometric map. To best use isometric...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $4.99

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Isometric Dragons - Chromatic | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Dragons - Chromatic | Roll20 VTT

These 40 charming and creative isometric dragon tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! This pack contains a wyrmling, young, adult and ancient version of each of the 5 colours of chromatic dragon - black, blue, green red and white, as well as humanoid forms for each of them, with variations. The demo images used here include a tower from my Tower Rooms map set and a few heroes...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $4.99

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Isometric Heroes Volume 1: Martial Classes, Fighters and Monks | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Heroes Volume 1: Martial Classes, Fighters and Monks | Roll20 VTT

These 160 charming and creative isometric character tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! NPC's, PC's, bandits, heroes and villians, this diverse and unique token set has you covered. This pack contains 8 humanoid races (human, half-elf, elf, teifling, half-orc, halfling, dwarf, gnome), and covers all your fighters, brawlers, knights, monks, and barbarians. There are 2 designs...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $6.99

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Isometric Heroes Volume 2: Spellcasters | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Heroes Volume 2: Spellcasters | Roll20 VTT

These 160 charming and creative isometric character tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! NPC's, PC's, bandits, heroes and villians, this diverse and unique token set has you covered. This pack contains 8 humanoid races (human, half-elf, elf, teifling, half-orc, halfling, dwarf, gnome), and covers all your magic users and spellcasters, like wizards, sorcerers and warlocks. There...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $6.99

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Isometric Heroes Volume 3: Rogues and Bards | Roll20 VTT

Isometric Heroes Volume 3: Rogues and Bards | Roll20 VTT

These 160 charming and creative isometric character tokens can be used for whatever you might need in your game! NPC's, PC's, bandits, heroes and villians, this diverse and unique token set has you covered. This pack contains 8 humanoid races (human, half-elf, elf, teifling, half-orc, halfling, dwarf, gnome), and includes a wide range of bard types, as well as rogues, that could also be used for bandits,...   [click here for more]
November Rush  $6.99

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Kingdom Event Cards Roll20

Kingdom Event Cards Roll20

Royal Events for Every Occasion!  See what's happening in your kingdom with this deck featuring dozens of beneficial and dangerous special events from Carnivals and Smugglers to an Inquisition or Assassination Attempt, drawing from the deck or using the included event tables to see what happens! This 56-card set of beautifully...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $5.99

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Latin American Monsters (Pathfinder 2E) Roll20

Latin American Monsters (Pathfinder 2E) Roll20

Awesome Adversaries of the Americas!  Latin American Monsters brings you 120 pages of incredible Pathfinder Second Edition creatures from Central and South America and the Caribbean, from ahuizotl to zuvembie! You'll find divine messengers and protectors like...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Latin American Monsters (Pathfinder RPG) Roll20

Latin American Monsters (Pathfinder RPG) Roll20

Awesome Adversaries of the Americas!  Latin American Monsters brings you 132 pages of incredible Pathfinder Roleplaying Game creatures from Central and South America and the Caribbean, from ahuizotl to zuvembie! You'll find divine messengers and protectors like the magui and xiuh couatl alongside sinister fiends like the soucouyant and xipe...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Legendary Kineticist: Second Edition Roll20

Legendary Kineticist: Second Edition Roll20

Unleash the Elements! The power of to shape the fundamental forces of the universe is yours with the Legendary Kineticist: Second Edition! Feel the power of the planes flowing through you as we bring the fantastic kineticist class to Pathfinder Second Edition! As a kineticists, you infuse your body with elemental energies, directing...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $9.99

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Legendary Planet: The Assimilation Strain (Pathfinder) Roll20

Legendary Planet: The Assimilation Strain (Pathfinder) Roll20

A strange sickness afflicts the frontier settlement of Holver's Ferry, threatening to overwhelm its citizens with an alien madness. Already the town has nearly torn itself apart, and the local sheriff is missing. When the PCs brave the surrounding wilderness as the village's latest newcomers, the beleaguered townsfolk desperately turn to them for assistance. But can these erstwhile heroes trace the...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $9.99

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Legendary Slayers (PF1) Roll20

Legendary Slayers (PF1) Roll20

All Killer, No Filler Legendary Slayers is the latest volume in our series of class-focused player supplements for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game on Roll20, this time giving you an adaptable and competent campaigner. This adventurer uses their tactics in combat to thwart foes and their skills to get the job done outside of combat. Legendary...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $9.99

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Lesser Demons Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Lesser Demons Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Dretches, one of the weakest demons, are repulsive, self-hating creatures doomed to eternal disappointment. Low intelligence allows Dretches to execute only the simplest orders. However, they compensate for the lack of potential with malice. The Dretches crowd around, expressing their displeasure with anxious chatter and grumbling. The souls of evil beings who enter the...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Mechanical Monsters (PF1) Roll20 Module

Mechanical Monsters (PF1) Roll20 Module

Shiny Chrome and Grisly Gears Mechanical Monsters is a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game monster supplement for your campaign, running the gamut from old-school fantasy to high-tech sci-fi and space-themed games. While fantasy campaigns are the heart and soul of Pathfinder, the game system is abundantly well-suited to games in nearly all genres,...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Mythos Monsters (Pathfinder 2E) Roll20

Mythos Monsters (Pathfinder 2E) Roll20

Terror from Beyond the Stars! Mythos Monsters brings 90 eldritch abominations from the dark places beyond the stars to your Pathfinder Second Edition campaign on Roll20, with beautiful artwork for every one! Unleash the mind-bending majesty of the Lovecraft mythos on an unsuspecting world, with mythos minions like the faceless stalkers, star...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $19.99

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Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2 | Roll20 VTT

Pathfinder Second Edition Bestiary 2 | Roll20 VTT

NOTE: THIS IS THE  CONVERSION. Test your heroes with classic creatures, returning favorites, and new menaces! With more than 350 classic and brand new monsters, this rulebook greatly expands on the foes found in the Pathfinder Bestiary. From classic creatures like serpentfolk and jabberwock, returning favorites like the primal dragons or the Sandpoint...   [click here for more]
Paizo  $34.99

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Ratfolk Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Ratfolk Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

An evil force unlike anything else is lurking and watching. They are impatient, but always waiting for a favorable opportunity. They weave intrigues that cover the whole world with insidious plans. They are everywhere, but always invisible. Ratfolk fighters may seem clumsy and unprepared, but with the help of speed and quantitative advantage, they can turn out to be serious enemies....   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Second Edition Classes: Cartomancer Roll20 VTT

Second Edition Classes: Cartomancer Roll20 VTT

Cards of Power!  The Cartomancer is a brand-new class for Pathfinder Second Edition, a spellcaster dabbling in every magical tradition as they draw power from a card deck that is equal parts weapon and magical focus. Mystical gamblers and masters of chance, cartomancers use their cards as tools for weaving spells with decks that may focus on divination, illusion,...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $9.99

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Second Edition Classes: Emissary (PF2) Roll20

Second Edition Classes: Emissary (PF2) Roll20

Master of Diplomacy The emissary is an all-new class for Pathfinder Second Edition, melding the magic of arcane empires with the supportive skill of a trained ambassador. With five imperial origins from the knightly abjurant crusade with their bulky tornswords and defensive acumen to the fiery sands of flame with their regal war scepters and burning light,...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $5.99

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Skeletons Animated Tokens Pack (45 tokens) | Roll20

Skeletons Animated Tokens Pack (45 tokens) | Roll20

These skeletons, raised from the ground by the will of an evil necromancer, are ready to fight for their master until the very end. Some fighters do not part with their weapons and armor even after death. Skeletons of archers do not lose their accuracy even after death. They shoot without a miss at the enemies of their lord. Death...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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The Lost Library of Thoth (Pathfinder Second Edition) Roll20

The Lost Library of Thoth (Pathfinder Second Edition) Roll20

Knowledge is the Greatest Treasure! While some raiders of the ruins of ancient lands lust for gold and glory, the wise seek knowledge and the lore of the fallen empires. Somewhere below the desert sands lies a treasure trove of forgotten secrets and magical mysteries under the wings of the Scribe of the Heavens, Thoth. The cult of this archaic patron of knowledge is long dead, but...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $4.99

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The Murmuring Fountain (PF2) Roll20

The Murmuring Fountain (PF2) Roll20

The Raven Returns!   Sometimes a raven not just a raven, and those who have lost everything may do more than come a-gently tapping upon your chamber door. A missing pet, a ghostly girl, a madman in the woods; what is the strand that binds them all together at The Murmuring Fountain?  Can your heroes quell the ghostly emanations of a tragic haunting that threaten to...   [click here for more]
Legendary Games  $5.99

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Waterside Camps #1 (Roll20)

Waterside Camps #1 (Roll20)

This is for the Roll20 unlock. You can find the image files for download here. Every adventure requires some downtime. Whether the party is just resting for the night or desperately trying to recover their strength, setting up camp is inevitable. Almost as inevitable as the GM asking for perception rolls in the dead of night. This set includes a variety of camps set up near sources of water and includes...   [click here for more]
Wandering Alchemist Games  $2.95

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  The Complete S*H*L Experience [BUNDLE]