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Encounter Map Pack 2 - Roll20

Encounter Map Pack 2 - Roll20

Haigo Dungeoncrafts Second Map Pack is an astounding collection of 4K resolution maps, from buried pyramids, to frozen cliffs, to poisonous swamps & more! Each map comes in three forms; Without Grid, Hex Grid, & Square Grid. All of them are ready to use with Roll20's Dynamic lighting system! See Below for more details! Map Names/FeaturesBuried Pyramid...   [click here for more]
Haigo Dungeoncrafts  $4.99

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Discovery Era Intersection Map

Discovery Era Intersection Map

Discovery Era Intersection Map Suburban sprawl is the rule, not the except, in many discovery era settings. Suburban settings have houses, roads, parks, and other things to help blend the beauty of rural environments and the convenince of city life. This map can be used as a random encounter, the homes of some of PCs, meeting location for an informant, etc. Whatever this map is used for, it is...   [click here for more]
CandleLight Games, LLC  $2.29

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Thosch - A Village Map (incl. Realm Works file)

Thosch - A Village Map (incl. Realm Works file)

A village at the bank of the river and at the crossroad of two major trade roads. With a lively inn, this map can be the starting point for many an adventure. The Pack includes 18 map files: Day, Night and dark Night lighting conditions Three different resolutions for each lighting condition Each of those in gridded and gridless versions Bonus: Realm Works import file ...   [click here for more]
Dungeonmaster Resources  $1.99

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Menhir Meadow - A Battle Map

Menhir Meadow - A Battle Map

A large meadow at the edge of the woods or on a large clearing., dominated by a large Menhir (Standing Stone). Sitting on a small mound and decorated by some weathered runes, it is a place of solemn prayer and rituals since ancient times. Smaller menhirs are standing on the meadow beyond the ruined remnants of an old wall and several half-sunken rocks lie between the bushes and trees. The map is perfect...   [click here for more]
Dungeonmaster Resources  $1.99

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Alien Lizard Soldiers Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Alien Lizard Soldiers Animated Tokens Pack (36 tokens) | Roll20

Lizard alien soldiers, their reptilian forms clad in advanced armor, wield energetic spears, swords and guns with deadly precision on the battlefield. The crackling energy emanating from their weaponry adds an ominous glow to their disciplined ranks as they stand ready to defend their honor and conquer new territories in the vast reaches of space. ...   [click here for more]
HoloGrounds  $7.99

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Creature Pack 27

Creature Pack 27

A whole bunch of Zombie creatures! Some are inspired by popular IP's, others are generic fantasy. I made them fit with my standard design, so I might go back and add weapons and rags/clothes to "flesh" out the pack. ~Caeora The ZIP file contains creature 13 PNG tokens, each with a shadow, without a shadow, and in circle form for a total of 39 assets. All tokens are made...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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Creature Pack 31

Creature Pack 31

Some aquatic monsters with very sharp teeth, sharks! :D  Someone on my Discord was asking about aquatic creatures and I realized the problem is most tokens "float" above the water. I decided to do some cool blurring effects and have the fins sticking out! This makes the rest of the token detail fade away unfortunately, but if you like me and love that immersive feel on the battlemap.. hopefully...   [click here for more]
Caeora   FREE 

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  Paths to Adventure Master Map Bundle [BUNDLE]